The Exeter Times, 1919-5-8, Page 8J. A. STEWART
Brighten Up!
We can help you brighten up the interior of your home
this Spring.. Read what we have to offer you.
New Wall Papers
Why leave on your Walla that old faded and grimy paper
when a few rolls of our beautiful papers, that can be bought at small.
cost could effect such a wonderful change, Special Values at per
roll 12Y2cts., 15cts, & 25cts.
Beautiful Room Rugs
In Tapestries, Brussels, Velvets and Wiltons. It will pay
to buy at our presentsprices; for we are told they will be 15 per.
cent higher another season. 'Beautiful Rugs for Bedrooms at $8.50
to $18.50 and other makes from $35.00 to $75.00.
Scotch Linoleums
They are scarce goods but we are showing some very neat
patterns in tile effects. They are well seasoned and will wear well.
Bring in the size of your room and get our prices.
Blinds and Curtain Poles
We can supply you with any size you may require in Blinds,
in any wanted shade or combination. We also have a complete
stock of Curtain Rods in brass or white reeded at 20c., 30c., 35c.
Curtains and Curtain Nets
If it is an inexpensive Curtain Net for bedrooms we are
showing a good range of materials at 35c., 40c., 50c., a yard and it
will pay you to see our Scrim and Marquisette Curtains at per
pair $3.50, $4.00, $5.50 & $6.00.
Start growing your Potatoes: We can supply you with Gover-
nment inspectedCobblers. They cannot be beaten. Only a limit-
ed quantity to dispose of. Try them.
J.A. STEWART Phone3-6
If you want to have your boy and girl wear a neat nifty pair of
shoes look our stock over. We can give you prices on these lines
which defy competition.
Ladies fine shoes in all the leading shades and styles in-
cluding oxfords, pumps, strap slippers etc.
We have the agency for the Invictus Shoe made by Geo. A.
Slater Limited, Montreal, for either men or women... They are a
little higher in price but much higher in quality.
A special buy of Boy's and Men's Caps to sell @ 50c., 75c.,
0'$1.50, and $2.00 each.
Let us sell you a made -to -measure Suit from our samples
and strode by Greene Swirt, Limited... They are guaranteed to fit.
Plan your
plumbing now
Let us quote you prices
Prices on plumbing
material have dropped
and we are prepared
toquote Gyou special
prices on your plumb=
ing work
Chas. West
244 Queens Ave., London, Ont.
FOR SALE- A (Jones) English
made, hand sewing machine, nearly
nein. Apply Martin's Store.
.Barre your flair! Get a small bottle
of Danderine right now --Also,
stops itching scalp,
Thin, brittle, colorless and iaraggy
hair is mute evidence of a neglected
soap of dandruff -that awful scurf.
]]'here is nothing so destructive to
the hair as dandruff. It robs the hair
of its lustre, ,its strength and its very
lite; eventually producing a feverish.
miss and itching of the scalp, which if
not reriiedied e9.ueea the hair roots to
shrink, loosen and doe -thea the hair
falls but fast. A little Danderine to-
o-m ght-nom-any time -will surely save
your hair;
aOct small , bottle of Knowlton's
Ds `from any drug store. You
IUTh!l7 .on have beautiful hair and lots
et It if jou will just try a little Dan-
derine, Trine, Save your hair! Try it!
Market Report -The following is
the report of the Exeter Market
corrected up to May 7th. 1919.
l3arley 95c.
Oats 70c
Margiils Wheat $2.Q6
Winter wheat $2.11
Peas $1.75 I i
Family Flour $5.70
Eggs 45c,
Dairy Butter 450.
Creamery Butter 58c.
Potatoes $1.75 to $2.00.
Lard 350.
Hogs $21.5Q.:
i••••••• t••••!•e
Harvey's flour is good flow.
Mr. W. W. Handford and little son
are visiting relatives in Sarnia.
Mr. Chas. Miller of Hamilton,
visited in town over the week -end.
The London road both north and
south might well receive some atten-
Mr. and Mrs. Latimer Grieves of
Loudon, are visiting their parents in
Miss Vista Fisher, of Hamilton, at-
tended the funeral of her uncle, the
late Wm. Westcott,
Mrs. Newman returned to King-
ston on Monday after visiting her
parents Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seldon.
J. G. Stanbury attended Bayfield
Division Court last week where he
acted as. Counsel in two cases, one a
jury case.
Several of the Hensall brethren
motored down and paraded to church
with the I. O. O. F. last Sabbath
Miss Stella Gillies returned home
last week after visiting her brother
in Sarnia. She was accompanied by
her niece, little Maxine Gillies.
Exeter will have a half holiday
during June, July and August. The
stores of the town are agreeing to
close each Wednesday afternoon.
Rev. J. G. Stuart, of London, took
the services at Thames Road and
Kirkton on Sunday last and visited
with his nephew J. G. Stanbury in
Mrs. Amos has returned home
after spending several months in
Brantford where she was called ow-
ing to the illness and subsequent
death of her sister, Mrs. Vanstone.
Miss Margaret Muxworthy of For-
est, visited in town one day last week
She was accompanied home by Mrs.
Wm. Howey and Miss Beatrice, who
spent the week -end in Forest
Mrs. Daley and daughter, of Ed-
monton, are visiting the former's
sister, Mrs. John Hawkshaw. They
are at present awaiting the arrival
of the former's son from overseas.
The Loyal Temperance Legion
under three captains will collect old,
rubbers in aid of their funds, on Sat-
urday morning, May' 10th. Kindly
have rubbers ready and help the .boys
On Tuesday, April 17, at Stratford
Miss Lila May Smallacombe, dauglar
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Smalla-
combe,., formerly of Exeter, was mar-
ried to Claude C. Thomas, of Strat-
A Medal Contest in reciting, sing-
ing and instrumental will be held in
Exeter on May 23rd. under the ausp-
ices of the W. C. T. U. Fuller par-
ticulars will be given later. '7` S.
Rev. S. A. Carriere, of Grand Bend
will conduct the services in Caven
Presbyterian church next Sabbath.
The pastor, Rev. Jas. Foote, will con-
duct Anniversary services at Grand
Mr A. E. Kuhn is so far recovering
as to be able to be out a little each
day and he takes a stroll down to the
office of the Bank of Commerce. His
many friends will hope for his sceedy
return to his accustomed health.
All kinds of Tires.
All work guaranteed.
- Cash for old Tires.
Taylor's Tire Shop
all kinds of sprung tonics for bath man
and beast; also toilet articles. Their
spices and flavorings are the tmrest
on the. manta. Only sold by their
agents to the conSturae!d'.
Wm. Andrew, Agent, Exeter, ?Neese 43
itr tn1e 1GiexiUsaa sass
Funeral Director & Embalmer
M. E. Gardiner
Nigh!' ISI] ea
Phone 74J
And Furniture
Rev. Dr. T. Albert Moore of Tor-
onto, General Secretary of Evange-
lism and Social Service of the Metho-
dist church, will preach fn James
Street church next Sunday forenoon
at 11 o'clock and will also preach in
Main Street . chutrch next Sunday
evening at 7 o'clock. He will speak
in the interest of the Evangelism and
Social Service Department, and offer-
ings and contributions in aid of work
will be taken. To these services the
public ' is cordially invited. They
who hear him have theagain.
Becuse of the change made by
the Department of Education in the
time. of the midsummer examine-
to be held this year, Hon, H. J. Cody
issued a statement as to the dates
the results will be made known. He
said that the public probably would
not realize the fact that the change
had been made and would make
their summer plans in accordance
with the dates the results were
made known in former years. The
dates of the examinations were put
off about two weeks hi each case this
year because of the unavoidable in-
terruptions to school work last year
chiefly from the influenza epidemic,
and there will be a corresponding de-
lay in announcing the results as com-
pared_ with previous years. The dat-
ates of the examinations are: Junior
high school entrance, July 2nd.: jun-
ior public school graduation, June
30th,; lower school July 2nd.;. mid-
dle school July 11th.; pass matricu-
lation, July 2nd.; upper school and
honor matriculation June 30th.
Monday is said 'to be the largest
pig day in the history of Exeter.
Certain it is that more money was
paid out than in any .one day pre-,
vious. The price was a record also
$21.50 being paid.- •Jn all 330 hogs
were shipped. It took five decks to
accommodate them. Early in the
morning the teams began to arrive
in town and the procession at
and along station street waiting their
turn to unload reached for several
blocks. The largest load' by one far-
mer was:. brought 'by''Wm. Essery.
It consisted of 12. hogs weighing
2310 pounds for which he received
a cheque for $496.6,5. . Mr. I. Arm-
strog was the shipper and it is estim-
ated he signed off a. small fortune
during the day. .ss,
MORLOCK-In Crediton,", on .April, to Mr. and' Mrs. Albert
Morlock, .a son. ' •
FISHER -At Dashwood,' on May 3rd
to Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Fisher a
wood, on May 1st., Miss I Carrie
Eisenbach to Mr. Elmore Willart.
BAKER -At Dashwood, on May 4th.
Kathleen Margaret, infant daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker, aged
two weeks
Mrs. George Connor and' family , DREW In Chicago, on April 21st.,
have this week moved to Win,,dsor to
,join Mr. Connor who, with his broth- Fred Drew, of Calif, Ontario,
er Walter are engaged in business in
formerly of Exeter, aged 41 years.
that city. Their many friends in MUXWORTHY-At the family resi-
town will regret their departure. dente, lot 9, on the llth. conces-
• Rev. A. E. Doan, of Hensall.
preached in James Street Methodist
Church last Sabbath evening, his dis-
course being much appreciated. The
pastor Rev. J. W. Baird, preached at
Reports in regard to our flour are
great, "Bread we made from that last
sack of Model is the . best we ever
had in the house;" "Our bread made
from Manitoba's Best goes to the top
of the oven." . This is a true story,
can give names if you wish. Harvey
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harvey were
in London last week where their son
Ernest Harvey, a war veteran, un-
derwent an operation. . His many
friends will be glad to know that he
is getting along as well as can be ex-
pected and hope for his complete res-
toration to health.
Friday evening last, a number of
the local fans met and organized for
the coming baseball season. It was
decided to form a League in town
and the following teams have enter-
ed, Clerks, Bankers and the High
School. Games wil be played on a
regular schedule and some good
sport will put on. A team to repre-
sent the town will be picked from the
league. Preparations are being
made to •put the diamond in shape. A
canvas is'. being made for help along
financial lines. The following ex-
ecuti was appointed:- Hon. -Pres.,
W. Yr Russel, W. S. Cole, B. W, F.
(leavers, C L. Wilson, R. G. Seldon.
Pres. W. J. Neaman, 1st. Vice -Pres.
T. M. Thompson, 2nd. Vice -Pres.
P. M. Boyle, Sec.-Treas. C. E, Stock.
Committee; High School., C. Ford, L.
Beavers. Clerks, H. C. Rivers, W.
Harness. Bankers, A. A. Ingram,
IL G. Hazelton.
Early Eureka (Cobblers) and
Green Mountainsl true to name and
inspected_ S. J. Ilogarth,
sion, Blanshard, on Tuesday. April
22nd., 1919; Agnes Jean Mux-
ugworthy, aged nine months.
S W EITZER-In Crediton, on April
30th., John Sweitzer, aged 59
29th., Mrs. Sutherby,
Oh April
age 63
THU SDAY MAY 8th., 1919.
for Retail Merchants
'$E next few years will. mark
1- a tremendous change in the
business of retailing.
Motor Transportation, now
reduced to a low-cost basis must
revolutionize local trading just as
Railroad Transportation revolu-
tionized national trading.
As men everywhere grasp this
idea, as they seize the -opportunity
for business growth that now
'presents itself, the retail business
will be operated on a higher, more.
efficient plane. The public will
be better served. Larger and
more varied stocks will be'offered
for sale. Better and bigger stores
will appear.
The Ford One -Ton Truck
makes available this opportunity.
It is Motor Transportation at -low
cost -kw first. cost, low rriainten-
cnce cost, low operating cost.
Price (Chassis only)
;750 f.o.b. Ford, Ont.
A small outlay will motorize
your deliveries and open to you
the 'opportunity for business
exp rsion.
Complete Trucks -
Two Standard Bodies
Ordinary hauling and delivery work
can be best adapted to two standard
types the Stake Body and Express
These two body types are kept 'In
stock ready for immediate delivery.
They insure the maximum efficiency
from the Ford Truck. They givethe
buyer of a Ford Truck the recognized
benefits of Ford production.
Both types have the Enclosed Cab
with the two-way windshield which
gives the driver proper protection from
the weather.
See these complete trucks. Seize the
opportunity to enlarge your field of
business. Let us solve your delivery
Standard Ford Bodies
extra. Get aur prices
We will e paying $1.75 for the
next two weeks for potatoes. Jones
Sr May.
The Times desires to • express their
gratitude to the fireman and others
who so generously.rendered assist-
ssistance during the recent fire.
Morley -In loving memory of the
late Francis Morley, who died one
year ago, May 9th.;
Short and sudden was the call,
Of one so dearly love& by all,
The blow was great the shock severe.1
We ,little thought his;: death so
And only those who loved Can tell,
How much we loved Earn, and how
God loved him too, and thought it
To take him home with him to
Wife and Family.
(Intended for last week.)
SHARPS In loving inen>.ory of a
faithful pastor and true friend, Rev.
F. Sharp, B. D., who passed to his
reward April 2 lst. 1918. Caven
Church Friend.
In loving memory of our father
Michael klirtzel, of Crediton, who
passed away two years ago, 4th. day
of May 1917.
Ti,h(hard. so hard to break the' tender'
When love has bound the heart;
Tis hard, so hard, to speak these
Must we forever ,part)`
Dare rest Fatther, we. have laid ftbee
In thy -peaceful grave's embrace;
But thy memory shall us caseaksh, ,,
Till we: ]secg tlhydraiea.vuglhterenlys trace';
,Ills lavin
Mrs. Salome jBuSrt
dire. hva Dewar
Mr. H. E. Wright, musical director
of James Street' church, wishes to
announce that he is prepared to ac-
cept pupils for both piano and pipe
organ. Interested parties will kind-
ly call at Times Office or at Mr. A.
Camm's, Main Street.
hand Ford Car, 1918 Model, in good
condition for sale at a bargain.
Apply to W. -J. Beer.
Corn Growing Contest
The Exeter Canning ,Co. is offer-
ing prises of $25.00 for first; $15.00
for second, and $10.00 for third to
persons delivering to the Canting Fac-
tory the largest yields and. best quat-
,ity of cern produped from 10 lbst.
of seed corn, lar multiples thereof, se-
cured from the Company, on contract
for the season of 1919.
We the undersigned merchants
of this town, agree to close our places
of business on Wednesday at 12.30
o'clock during the months of June,
July and August, with the exception
that when a holiday comes during the
week stores will remain open.
S. M. Martin and Son.
J. A. Stewart
Jones & May.
W. 1. Herman
H. Spackman
H. S. Walters
G. A. Hawkins
W. W. Taman
E. M. Boyle
W. J. Beer.
P. Frayne
Wm. Rivera.
Grigg Stationery Co.
R.14. Bowe.
13. W. F. Beavers.
31+I: `.. Gardiner -
LOST -A jute horse blanket bet-
ween Sexsnlith tend. Harvey Bros.
Mill. Finde' ;ewarded by leaving
same at W. J.,.'Beer's,, Exeter.
again,. Try a bates of .The Watkins
Furniture Polish. The large bottle
for the small price. Give it a trial and
you will be convinced. Wm. Andrew
Agent, Phone 43, Exeter.
Family washings taken at the
house. For information apply to
Mrs. Jas. Haggit, corner of. Main
and Gidley streets.
Dr. Henry A. (Con saut has purchas-
ed the Veterinary practise of Drs.
Sweet & Reid and have already taken
possession, occupying the same office.
Palls (promptly attended, night and
day. Phone 8.
Dr. A. M. Vining, V. S., begs to in-
form this (public that hehas opened
an office in McDonell's barn on John
street. Prompt attention paid to day
ori night tails. Phone 120.
,. FOR SALE -An Indian motorcyclei
single • cylinder; in good runnig con-
dition. Apply to W. J. Beer.
DIARY L HERN. Teacher of , Singin ,.
Piano, Theory. Pupils prepared fog
examinations of jConservattory or
Mush;. London. Ont. rA'oply for par-
'rtioulars. Address R. R. No. 3, Exeter,
Phone 44-5. Kirkton. 1-30,8wo
Flax Land
400 acres for Growing Flax. A4slalpi
to. .
Jos Davis, Exeter X.
Phone 13 lI 1Z
W. W.
Why Fool Yourself?
Some people are making money
by fooling the public but you cannot
save money by fooling yourself.
When quality, fit and wear are con-
sidered we are offering values that
mean both money and satisfaction to
you. We have on hand a good stock
of suitings of old dye and quality.
Come in and let us show you and.
quote you prices.
The well dressed man wants
something new for the Spring
Season and we are well stock-
ed with an up-to-date line in
Spring Hats and Caps
In the latest styles and
new shades.
We have one of the finest
lines of Spring 'Raincoats and
Overcoats we have handled in
many years. See our new
Shirts and `-Neckwear that
will satisfy all well dressed
Mens' Caps in the latest
shade and shapes.
Leave your order for a hew
Spring Suit , and reap, the
advantage of our close buying.
P I1 I` N. F € i a