The Exeter Times, 1919-4-24, Page 8hone
J. A. TEWART Phone
Black Corded Silk Ooats
We are offering two very neat styles in Black Moire and Corded
Silk Coats. The first we have been able to procure for several.
seasons .....,. .._,... .,..... ..$23.00 and $25.00,
New Voile. Waists
A'hOWittg the very new -
eat Styles for Spring. You
Will like the new designs.
Priced at
$2.25; $2.75; $3.50; $4.00.
Kayser Silk
They give satisfaction.
Look well, fit well and wear
well. In white, black, grey
and tans at per pair......
$1.00; $1,25; $1.50.
New Styles in Crepe Kimonas
Never have 'we had such an assortment of pretty Kimonas.
The Patterns are varied and the styles will please you while the
prices are low ..,..... .. .:.,..$4.50; $5.00; $5.50.
Beautiful Rugs
at $18.50
These Rugs are 6ft. 9ins.
by 9ft. and we can show you
ten different designs. They
are very suitable for Bed-
rooms and small Parlors and
are great value at, .$18.50.
We have them and our
prices are lower than mill
prices today. The patterns
too are very neat. Ask to
see them the next time you
are in the store.
Newest Styles in Oxfords for Spring
Oxfords will be very popular this Season. We are showing a
splendid range of splendid styles in patent leather and vici kid. The
prices range from.... .... ...... $3.00; $4.50; $5.00; to $6.50.
J.A. STEWART Pone 1e
If you want to have your boy and girl wear a neat nifty pair of
shoes look our stock over. We can give yon prices on these lines
which defy competition.
Ladies fine shoes in all the leading shades and styles in-
cluding oxfords, pumps, strap slippers etc.
We have the agency for the Invictus Shoe made by Geo. A.
Slater ;)Limited, Montreal, for either men or women... They are a
little higher in price but mach higher in quality.
A special buy of Boy's and. Men's Caps to sell @ 50c., 75c.,
$11.50, and $2.00 each.
Let us sell you a made -to -measure Suit from our samples
and made by Greene Swirt, Limited... They are guaranteed to fit.
Plan your
plumbing now
Let us quote you prices
Prices on plumbing
material have dropped
and we are prepared
to quote you special
prices on your plumb=
ing work
Arrangements may be
made to hnve the work done
later on complete hotwater
outfits or fixtures seperately.
Chas. West
244 Queens Ave. London
Dr. A. M. Vining, V. S., bugs to 'in-
form the'! ublic that he has opened,
an office in 1VXcDoneil's barn on Jahn
street. Prompt attention paidto day
oi night calls. Bliooe 120.
aux.. Try a bottle of The Week,ag
Flt :tidtttie4-Popish. The large bottle
for die. snnall price. Give it a trial amid
you wV. be convinced, Wm. Andrew
Agent, Phone 43, Exeter,
Lost— On March 21st. a grey and
black shall, about one block south of
Presbyterian church arch or inr
P esbyter-
ian church yard. Finder kindly
leave at W. J. Stathams.
FoT-Infants acid' Children
to Use ForOver3OYears
Always bears ,%! ,
the d % -
Signature -4144
TY UR DAV TUI 24th., 1009.
Market Report The following is
the report of the Exeter Market
corrected to April 24th. 1919,
Barley 90c
Oats 70c
Marquis Wheat $2,06
Winter wheat $2,11
Peas $1.75 ' ; I r
Family Flour $5,70
Eggs 43c
Dairy Butter 55c.
Creamery Butter 67c.
Potatoes $1.40.
Lard 350.
Hogs $20.50,
••••• i444i ♦444®444,.,44,444
44444444 0@44444*
Harvey's flour is good flour.
Miss Love, of London, spent Easter
in town.
W. Bradt; of London, was up over
Good Friday, •'
Miss Jesse Manson of Loudon, was
an Easter visitor.
Mr. Jack Quill, of Stratford, visited
in town for the holidays.
Mrs. S. Poplestone. of Blyth, visit-
ed his mother during Easter.
Miss Ida Armstrong is home from
Toronto for the Easter vacation,
Mr. Thos. Harton, of London, visit-
ed for several days with friends.
Mr. Reg Bissett, of Chatham, was
an Easter visitor with his parents.
Mr. Phil Rowcliffe of London spent
a few days with relatives in town.
Miss Margaret Penrice of London,
is visiting relatives over the holidays.
Mrs. Webb, of London Tp., is visit
ng her sister, Mrs. George Crawley.
Miss Lulu Hastings is visiting for
a month with relatives in Port Huron
Miss L. Rice visited for a few days
last week with relatives at Cromarty.
Mrs. Bonnie and daughter of Lon-
don art visiting with Miss Taylor of
Miss Elva Brown of Mitchell, was
the guest of her friend Miss Grace
Miss Fern Shortt, of London, is
spending the vacation with her par-
Mrs. H. W. Thornton, of Sarnia,
visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Handford over
Mr. and Mrs. James Stewart of
Windsor visited with relatives over
The Exeter Hydro Shop have in-
stalled a telephone the number be-
ing 127.
Mrs. George Bedford, of London,
visited her daughters in town for a
few days.
Mr. Joe Follick arrived home from
London Monday having received his
Miss Bessie 'Welsh. of Lcitdon,
visited her irother, Mr. W. Welsh
over Easter.
Mr. Clarence Morley of St. Marys,'
spent Easter holidays under the par-
ental roof.
Miss Daisy Mitchell, of London,
visited her little cousins, Marion and
Dorothy Davis.
Mr. Stephen Martin, of London,
visited his brother Samuel, in town
during the week.
Mr. Bert Preszcator, and cousin,
Fred Harris, of Detroit, visited relat-
ives for a ,feud days.
Mr. Garvey Acheson of St. Thom-
as visited his parents at the Cen-
tral over Easter.
Mrs. Thos. McIntosh, of Toronto,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Quance
over Good Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Hooper, of St.
Marys, spent Good Friday with Mi
and Mrs. C. F. Hooper.
A number of Oddfellows were in
Goderich Good Friday attending
a lodge of instruction.
Mr. Leon Treble has left for Lon-
don, where he has taken a position
with a lithographing firm.
Miss Brno Sweet, of Teeswater, is
spending the vacation with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Sweet.
Mrs. J. E. Jordan and family of
Toronto, are visiting her parents
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Murray.
Mrs. J. T. Wood and Miss Mae
spent Easter Sunday and Monday
with Mr. A. E. Wood in London.
Mrs. Jos. McTavish and children
of Shakespeare are visiting her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor
Mr. Reg. Parsons, of Croton, is
spending the Easter vacation with his
parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Parsons.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Burke and
family of Wingham visited Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. Taylor over Good Friday.
Mrs. H. W. Doerr received word
that her uncle, Mr. Thos. Vivian,
of Mitchell, died on Easter Sunday.
Mrs. Boyle, of London, and Mrs.
Boyce, of Centralia, spent Easter
Monday with Mr, and Mrs. F. M.
Messrs. Jos. Davis, of Morrisburg,
and Oliver of Zurich, spent the holi-
days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
S. Davis.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. McDonald of
Crediton have moved to town, into
the Bedford residence on William
Mrs. J. McTavish and children
of Shakespeare, are visiting the
formers parents Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Taylor.
Miss Eloise Baird, of Brantford,
is visiting herparents, Rev. and
Mrs. J. W. Baird at the James St.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Handford and
family of Penticton, B. C. are visiting
the formers parents Mr. and Mrs. S.
Mrs. 'Wm. Westcott, of Seaforth,
and son Pte. Harold Westcott, visited
Mr. and Mrs. George Easterbrook
during- the week. -
Mr. R. G. Seldon and family me
ored to Ingersoll for Easter. Mr.
Selden is also making a business
trip to Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Howald and
daught& Muriel, visited in Strat-
ford over Easter, the later remain-
ing for a few days.
Funeral Director 8z Embalmer
M. E. Gardiner-
i'hone 74J .Night esti 9l
And Furniture
Wanted=—A maid for general house
work, small family*, good wages.
Apply to T. S. Woods at the Molsons
Have unloaded a car of Asphalt
Slab Slate and Prepared Roofing
bought at car lot prices. See us if
you require anything in this line.
Wanted —Au Apprentice to learn
the trade. ROSS TAYLOR CO.
Mr. Fred Tucker of Clinton, spent
Good Friday in town.
Mr. Ern. Harvey was up from Lon-
don over Easter.
Mr. Alex Stewart of London, spent
Good Friday in town.
Mr. Reg. Bissett of Chatham, spent
the Easter holidays at'home.
Mr. Will Manson of London visited
his parents over Good Friday.
Mr. Lloyd Rivers, of Toronto, spent
the Easter holidays at his home here.
Mrs. F. Newman of Kingston, Ls
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R.
G. Seldon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Inwood and
daughter spent Easter holidays with
Misses Anna Dow, Lnlu Martin,
Irene Rivers and Stella Southcott
spent Good Friday in London.
Miss Dorothy Kuntz is home from
Hamilton normal and. Miss Amy
Johns is home from London normal.
Misses Reta Rowe and Lela San-
ders who have been attending normal
at Stratford are home for the holi-
Mr. W. D. Clarke, who . recently
transferred to Richmond, Que., spent
the holidays renewing acquaintances
in town.
Mr. Linden Harvey who is attend-
ing Toronto University, is home for
the holidays visiting his parents Mr.
and Mrs. J. S. Harvey.
Mr. and Mrs. Latimer Grieve, of
London visited with relatides in town
over -Easter. Mr. Grieve : is, conval-
escing from a recent illness.
Messrs. F. T. Carnegie and C. E.
Stock of the Bank of Commerce
staff spent the holidays at their
homes in Ingersoll and Paris.
Messrs. Percy Browning of Toron-
to, and Earl of Kingston, spent Good
Friday and Easter with their par-
ents, Dr. and Mrs. Browning...
The Men's Club of Trivial; Memor-
ial church will hold an "At Home" to
all returned soldiers and their wives
in the school hall on Thursday even-
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Doerr, were
called to Kitchener iast week owing
to the death of the formers father
Mr. George Doerr. The funeral took
place on Thursday.
"The Better 'Ole" in moving pic-
tures was put on in the Exeter Opera
House last Saturday afternoon and
evening. There was a good house
for' each performance.
Mr. Elmer 0. Harness, who for
some time conducted a barber sleep
in town, left this week for London,
where he will take a course in engin-
eering at the technical school.
Pte. Douglas Stewart and Fred
r:rimacombe have arrived at Halifax
trine Overseas and are expected houin
any day. Mr. snd Mrs. J. ,k Stewart
went to Toronto to meet tiie=r son
Mr. Gordon Ramsay, son of Dr.
Ramsay of Toronto, visited relatives
in town over the holiday. Mr. Ram-
say has recently returned from over-
seas. He has quite a war record
serving with the 33rd. Battery.
Good Friday passed off quietly in
town. The weather was fine 'which
was much appreciated following sev-
eral days of cold wet weather.- There
were quite a number of visitors in
town for the day and week -end.
Based upon the experience of 1914
with 302 working days of eight
hours each, The Mutual Life Insur-
ance Company of New York pays to
policyholders or their beneficiaries
an average amount of $7.94. Every
day it pays the sum of $228,585.46.
Every week it pays $1,327,554.03.
Preeminence in benefits to polyicy-
holders is the watchword. See add
on front page.
Wanted—Caretker for the Exeter
School. Apply in writing stating sal-
ary. For information regarding dut-
ies see Miss K. McFalls, Secty. Ap-
plications to be in by Friday 6 p. m.
"Pape's Diapepsin" makes sick, sour,
gassy stomachs surely feel fine
in five minutes.
If what you just ate is souring on
your stomach or lies like a lump of
lead, or you belch gas and eructate
sour, undigested food, or have a. feeling
of dizziness, heartburn, fullness, nausea,
bad taste in mouth and stomach -head-
ache, you can get relief in. five minutes
by neutralizing acidity. Put an end to
eachh, stomach distress now by getting a
large fifty-eent case of Pape's Diapepsin
frons 'any drug store. You realize in.
Ave minutes how needless it is to suffer
from indigestion, dyspepsia, or anysten-
o& disorder caused by food fermentattioa
Mite to excessive acid in eiomaeb
Does a Farmer
91HE farmer with a Ford Truck
practically lives next door to
the market.
Ile has a choice of markets.
He becomes more independent.
He can market his , goods when
and where he pleases.
He sells his crop to the very best
And his hauling costs him less—
in labor and money.
It is not only cheaper to haul
with a Ford Truck than with a
team and wagon, it is quicker, it is
easier work.
Consider the time and labor the
farmer can save with a Ford Truck.
With a team the trip to town takes
the better part of a day.
Price (chassis only)
$750 f. o. b. Ford, Ont.
Need a 'ruck?
A Ford Truck makes the same
trip in two or three hours.
When labor is .so scarce, what
farmer can his
to waste day
after day of his valuable time?
Ford Trucks Complete with
Body and Enclosed Cab
Ford One -Ton Trucks are now sup-
plied, if desired, with standard truck
bodies in two types, the Stake Body and
the Express Body.
In both standard bodies the cabs may
be supplied with or without doors, as
See these complete Ford Trucks.
Consider the matter from every angle:
the cost of feeding horses against the
cost of running 'a Ford Truck; the time
you lose on the road; the money you
lose by being so far from the best
markets. There is only one conclusion
you can come to. You will have a Ford
Standard Ford Bodies
extra. Get our prices
Andrew Campbell, Salesman
Tenders will be received for the ex-
cavating of the basement of the new
School at Winchelsea. State price
by the cubic yard removed.
Work to be completed on or before
the 16th. day of June, 1919. Also
tenders for hauling Cement from
Exeter, state price by the barrel to
be. hauled when required which will
be about July the 1st, 1919.
Also tenders for hauling lime from
Exeter state price by the bushel to
be hauled when required during July
and August.
' Tenders to be in the hands of un-
dersigned on or before the 30th. day
of April 1919.
Sec. of School Board.
awl kinds of spring tonics fps boa man
and beast; *a toilet artieIes. Their
spices and flavorings are the purest
an the maiiiedt. Only sold by their
agents to the consumes.
Wm. Andrew, Agent, Exeter, Phos,' 43
Records Wanted.—The Soldier's
Aid Society are Asking for a Blue
Amberola Record Shower for the. G.
W. V. A. . Old or new records accep-
ted and may be left at Martin's store.
— —e•— —
MARY illERN. Teacher of Singing,
Piano, Theory. Pupils prepared for
examinations of + !Conservatory of
Music, London. Ont. A,,pty for ,par-
tioulars. Address R. R. No. 3, Exeter,
Phone 44-5, Kirkton. . 1-30,8wp
,We are in the market for a car or
two of Canadian white pea beans,
bring or mail us sample, and we
in return will quote you prices.
Hensel', Ontario.
Dr. henry A. !Cor`saut Ihas purehas-
ed the Veterinary practise of Drs
Sweet & Reid and have already taker.
'iosession, occupying the same office.
Calls promptly attended, night and
day. Phone 8.
First Tommy—That's a tophole
pipe Bill, Where'd you get it?
Second Tommy—One of the Huns
tried to take me prisoner and I in-
herited it from him.—Answers.
Flax Land
"400 aeres for Growing Flax. Apply
d'ioe Davis, Exeter ht.
:Phone 1.3 It 12
All kinds of Tires.
All work guaranteed.
Cash for old Tires.
Taylor's Tire Shop
for Laster
Easter is drawing near and
the demand this year for new
clothing of all kinds is on the
The well dressed man wants
something new for the Spring
Season and we are well stock-
ed with an up-to-date line in
Spring bats and Caps
In the latest styles and
new shades.
We have one of the finest
lines of Spring Raincoats and
Overcoats we have handled in
many years. See our new .
Shirts and Neckwear that',
will satisfy all well dressed
Mens' Caps in the latest
shade and shapes.
Leave ve your order leer
for a new
Spring Suit and reap the
advantage of our close buying.
1 A ,RVI_ A.