The Exeter Times, 1918-7-25, Page 3IS DANGEROUS. flm d and the Young, the..tp`tronz and thc ak, ere eat atieeten the same. There -is not a slimmer passes without thousands of people being attacked by 111411,ner Coznplaint, The prostration often verging on col- lapse --which sem:times accoinimoiesini3 disease, makes it one of the most SCIdatIn nini dangerous we bave to contend with during the bot tnonths, Very few people escape an attack of Address all questions to Professor Henry G. Bell, in imimer eomplaint. It may be slight, care of The VVIlson Publishing Coinpanyelelmited, Toronto, or it mayl,,e ,severe, but nearly everyone 'uld answers win appear in this collaign,r,0" the order In 1e liable to it, which they are received. When writing kindly mention this Vria eaenot tell, when it seizes, yen, Paper„.„ As space is limited it is advisable where immediate hew it may end, reply is necessary that a stamped and addressed envelope Let it go for a day or two and ce encic -ed with the question, wro:m the ansvier will be see bow weak and prcisf,ruti i wi aeo mailed direct y -on. There is only one safe yvity to nu - and that is by Dr. Fewler'4 Ex.1.1"0-41ti young oat,s taraia 1,1,11t Strayilieru. Ithos Icen on the t: to epasledt7.'2.vears, ars bus vovti l l+PiM iy it, ,.osse ylestroy - s turd in fields of grain - be positive:y dun- Mg the eneistoyp1 bowgis Conducted by Professor Henry G. Bell `rho object of this department is to place at the se eke cf our farm readers the advice 01 an acknowiedgeci authority on all subjects pertaining to eons 4rid crepe.. whi A the IP INC WITH A Vegetables Must be made o Count This Yea ity Canning Centres Help, Can, Dry, Store, Pickle and Make Jam. No woman need la while there are fruit still on hand. No woman needs sit do'3 she has done her duty if sh know that her pa111.ry shelves filled this year. in the °filen days w each other in the qua of fruit they "put !Matter housewifely bri Again 1.-7.1114;n0„,"' the we are coming bark to the same stana.-1 expense ereitieeetiheediln,pii`,0b.,,lvevi'leIRd,ebdea ovsessin: dards when thrift and dorrieStie ac.-1/5rhereveZ' 1 croPs. The second type croP is complishraente account for much, 1 wer, k'ing e c'n'i.anet,jea, Ivi'd1 the s'olsOwrpaett gt cd tsl green. eut 'hi e!,:roti:t11 afel{ti hthaes of women. ALliinet.t ,i,u,e'ar s,varn,ffl? It 1 t,0,'Itlireareia°nCry,ieuvgern . ne/X1:ets': ,I3,iarro; eueo wi;i1 s J. Is (Too s,es, and Inflii,est.s.rincluTdierkes „i141 (14e,stlun:11 tue ra°12tas u4 , and labels anfl shiOPingrases ',vim the preserves are going LO be - d to Caitaili‘in military hospi, war work olh,pi6e1.1cconuasiotospi„e811:0edcroc,,hairctistetno:rom00 ato uurts nd soup, 18,50 quarts peach jam, 250 quarts think Pickles, In round figures PM-11thill s not. canning centre donated ,altogether well i $4,500 worth of canned goods. T'ne Women's InStitutes of OntariO nen vied tt, th, have taken the Platter up this year; ty and quality: a.cal aPPIYing to them, inforrna, ff it was a itron can be secur-ed regarding equip - of crop is sao,,,ar beets, ..,...ie Food Imarti ansyvers the q vithout jar- t u - s , . ---4-1;1,-4-1"s----1-- 1 -Lc l'n.01, 03? .,,.. OC'S at)t—tt"va - the y-ourig oats turnee°' wrota mange's, turnips and potatoes, These tion, Sugar is not goiree to -ops have Cieep rooting Sy'SteITIS, nh3i Sear(in for cnaning, ba..zattaiii tminiintir , frisi,-,t on llavirl:2; A , .„, 4 4 , - , , „. , , a, , cause - with corn, retraire conaida.rable 004-servatiort -s Fats. are ot, rollinnic'n°aTestrhailti. 1-)ustnocu8ixell .1.i‘p- Ini4V Me'llif ' 3 ., ,t_ - ,,,,) ,„,., Mercan Trus B lgonta14,,V,ils, Ont., . co.or 0, ,,,iie taps was a light tot o'. of , ivation tiarciagnout ..,be earlY Part 2111°71g „„the moat v!tal needs of -1434-4r-11ieal is every woman i ie 4.4,0 , t rocama'4end ,your Dr. frost. Aft- 1-, - , --i, of t growit,h, Now if you plant °Pe- -Patter i114'tne Ineiil: important sunny room wit,h light and ,-iir, the 222 St James Stree ., , .. ,, , - er a -eary rain siorm 4 111 ft of Wan litraw.... ,P.KT.y, drautap,,, 4., poo . a,ai if the )atity- sea- Your c0ps sitiiirt:itteseofrudrv,riloif ggelt-la as s g Po- 101 „.4 1! s° If. b i 1 iat re s* 'he C::1141:r h„baa‘st.ter ,,, 1,.teet,lee: <5.1'°i0InuP:,iiiit'io'',4,17rhti-P;t1-telineu!";;,:rb,eonneoh°0;fme(70:aln)i the:1r°, ttiIidier,,beis 1,1,,kelyet: wit.114 cold ' clover bad 144 - sae is niog yvhero t,lie equiumerit is inade- , -Hog , soil to tarn under in order to add L''''d.us'rw's are e(u'eer:Pect, 1lie doet 4(1S '.2 '. of the lea,„-e.e. of the oats, 2 Seeet humus to the soil. (lo, er tvhich is ,ac't 1111..,aking- the best n'54,11' (4,i therm Site kplate arid—well, that feeling that when tilpi-iirng, hence 1P-rown will also add s°47ne nitrogere °P %Si °.-1/11'; suPp15"ing 31!'"f2 Per c(i'art' Of tiie 4`everyboitt-'s doing ii," help siy lieliten' - , -.. ' ' ', + C 003 "3 seei-poas elant-,- Ara .: rEpeued ',.-,..a its L'Oc:its, When nIOVer and grass f'i Pe ttrtgre jattt ttilitt ittlt1 t 2COnnt of the fortits of life or bacteria -'-',4r4s 04.-I,er 7teclulr.Mitit,,. 1, rny au labor aml make it seeal more By thi, r re w'or is fordc,,,,,,.„2, with hoed crops sa,.!,..h as fruit and 0f;:,,esgeevt72,,e:sestai,:je\et4,,i, '') 1acU to 1 wl'11a'''1:2.flt,t''-e'istth'ea .c'' we'. 4. es 'k .„......,,, OSI potz:toes„ nialigel,s, turnips- or 19 0, .-he 0111 u o'11 11 of the 1) 11: w,ild, be 4e littie n e,ny„, ,e, be ground g Iier iii asoo in ., the -4 a u * eeaued es weeds, by titi::-!: eal.- more butt r there will be 10 exp ta lit b g0,, ,,,,, ati01 The dee P rooting Pante of ; But this s riot to say i..44t IUg r n (4" 4,V0r girderisif -ans that the eptits of the SOP& ,,ir.ifIlr.i:hrgtr z:i tri e p E' : D ' Other b. rf , n "0 '7 - . The i oed erops, able crops f.0;e'eguroon11tosp,vrtefid.i, e , 1 1 ee rPfleartniii l°71Cx in the s 1 Q add remota- fre--ati am.' Injury an of 1 ulphate to use, Is tthout of root 'crops, irie a tbi51 to Increase i • , sarit to , kerosepe or vioewar 'Plaritfood will not have been IAA* by, 0 It tio.,,,, Tvoont 5 tile potatoes er Other root Or oknitette , to thc, acre, eild at the time 'Mall gl'alus following these crops win plication tile heavier the prase benefit materially from 11.14i3 reserve of' emore elTetive ;will be the P114nit-foo4- The foot *0410 ioil has on da.,,r2k damp been so thoroughly Stkireti tir'COltiY4,- Allti gitiekeSt Ye- i911 c'f the root 0r0Pf, an 'b The? e 4ira$01.ling Abroad. har.,esting, is also A greet latewafit In Y Jilt O, tbt5.tar4 datrup Iola preparin the soil for the grain atop Customers Aro being supplied with 'Light ern Canada Power Co., Limlted, In the Province of Quebec, and d l'owcr hy t1i Sout1-c over 45 fun1e1pahlties be number 15 gro ng In also toordeenratboleumpliorl3e' martunrCarcetatthe 7ril:rgsdteen'I-laolled'a1feoin this tboarrd tory, the ComPatia-haS commenoed the develoPinent of one of Its large water powers on the St., Francis River at I)rummondirille. This plant yrill have an ultimate capacity of 17,090 to 20,600 HY. The development of wa.tere-powers is a pa tic duty as well as 2, COMInfarCial adva.nta,ge, as i1 save tton of coat. 'We r,ecovaraend the 6% Bonds, of the Southern Canada Power Company, Limited, wbieli we are offering with but of common 'Mock, thus giving invostor,s an op„por, tuna)/ of participating, in tho future success of the Com- e o ho. 090 fog 14)u. s ping, VI,e a 005 i4rttoet (4. \Vkc,i Strzav, gave iin f1»1r 110505 1741araila I . Jw Ltsson tV. Christi ,L 18-22; John 11. 1011, Matt..‘4. (alit 11 W64U WO bar V Vent, e midst or shorts �t fishers-4Mo u pursued atiat Lined *MI po modern Arab ear not having the pa , valestry 1efressat7 torq • rte. ill fterleo—Itis uolootionl du ti the wonder ot ;, the wise for *n1014101 rot rnuurid0 a program of word uuowit to select the mahn. finetind tbe, lintlatora tla gett ftte to in this work. Dot Re "knew what w n mon" mut found, in those !. ingenttoos sns ot the Wm men of Dr honest .rolad rntl loyal purpose, The N'Vete likewise mon 'from ,ameng nutzseo in sympathy with the common matt atid capable of recta -WO; traininkr, will make you Ilsbers of men -4t s i ther hardly jrssible that they would take, , 000 0 the Import at' this. They were 1 "0139:12qta o other brethren Jam and John left the boat am thelrfathet 8nL*followed hint—The umstoneesof f,be eall et AMOS and I ifrer but Httle from that of Peter ew. The latter ere easeny net; e former are mending their 1115, 01 company with their father, '}ie etaten ent Oa they left, their ier tells us a whole story—that tti dku, 'velLtleh , follows it, The elover 0114 . glow teed is 11$ually sown mr! "P,144.,Rittirt OOP. This 'brings, us back. tli Itw.430..14.04. oceatra, to the §-erase and rloYe 11111r0d145_,,,,1411111 VQ1414(iittes tlie, throe years 'cYcl vta of lbe Station whirl-. is 'first grass and lalrwer, tete* 'heed crops, third, grain ii$'11trePt1 Y404141:41to grass. and clover. AUy fat tlitiO three, year perio:16 can be 10d 14 'repeating the 50100ernP longer rytfie ran thus bo made, 0. best method of getting rid of unit bundurk3 13 14 groWing, a crops such potatoes, turnips on t e areas where edo ere d, Con % Taken .and ray theeyn„ Inern. its si led'hini, am.on tudes. and /ache of Itelp. taralghtwny let . Y. 4101;4ga:for a about the' • home. Them Ly cOmplionce disciples oni not to ovrns o .ord, whet to pass that ilt moult° lrunto us, ot unto the world? 23. If o num love me, he will keep y worda —The root Christian ohedt- e is lovth e, it is not e result of uthoritative command imposed m without, but the np-1 spirit of loyalte4 will love him, and wt, will o him, and make our abode n Love responds to love, re - to love. Loving obedi- ee is refore positive source, of 4, . This is true in human "We do not open our heart 10 every passing stranger—"to the! world." Only to those who are in! complete sympathy with us and who love us do we unfold the inner pus - p0505, ' poeee, ambitions, and ideals of our Wei n of Vegetables. rilizin mit an 24. Ile that loveth m1(01e ot keepeth o a not my words—He might 1101)0 snid, 2—Typieal displayete out of the oven. canned fruit and vegeteebles. 'cannot keep my sayings!' for to do so means more than the mere carrying out of an order given us by a seeperioe. to be used carte blanche. Restrictions Why was It at were asked to have been placed on the confectionery slow down on sugar consump- PliPLES AND '1NIIING SORES. HOLD HEAD DOWN FACE WAS SUCH A SIGHT. nem ie burden Of all the work must Phraples are reused by altIbloud, being , fell upon the father, bereft of his Out of order. 'Those :feiternag and run- strong sons. Peter was married and ning aorta appear on the forehead, the with his wife lived in Oapernaum. in nose, the ehin arid other parts of the joining tha little company of the bodr.' Twelve to wander over the land in . 'There is only one way to get rid of this , leyal obedience to the call of the Mae- obJloairala elan trouble, and that is by ! ter lie must leave his wife behind, in giving the blood ft thorouglx cleiensing by the company of his mother-in-law. the use of that grand old blood purifier1 what must it have meant for the iin- Burdock Blood lettere. i pulsive and affectionate Peter to turn ItIrs. Victor G. Fry, North Bat iletord,away from his little home to follow Sask., writes: "1 used Burdoeh Blood ; the aMaster, i whose- - 5081-5 Coots Extra for Tier Batton But care in the use of sugar is still stitutes for the things that are needed Bitters when I was about 38, 1 was so : mans had captured his heart? We bad with pimples and flowing- sores thet necessary. While 'making all the overseas. Plenty of jam used in thieVO no knowledge of Andrew's When the Storekeeper pulis back the jam they • Canadianh e' • Canadar butter ' or e , ' damestec life save that he was a broth- parchment paper, lifts the brick to should use the minimum of sugar. An. Allies. Plenty' of dried and eenned or of Peter, bound by ties of affection his noseto his -home and to the glorious lake; • , ' and sniffs noisily before do- old-fashioned idea prevails that to fruit and vegetables means more , . mg up a pound of country butter, make good jam a - !Of all of them it is simply said "Theypound of sugar is meat released for export. ' straightway followed him!" They nothing valuable is advertised con- necessary to a pound of fruit. It, It was in the year 1895 that ran- ,, , hesitated not. cerning the quality in general of farm isn't! , 'Usually three-quarters of a ning became a commercial industry-. John 14. 22-24. butter supplies. "Yet this is a coin- pound of sugar is sufficient; with Away back in 1860 the mystery that Verse 22. Judas l'IONV advances a ..mon occurrence, varied occasionally some fruits one-half pound is enough. had surrounded the art disappeared, question, wondering why it is that with extension of the same privilege The early fruits are coming, on the and by 1890 it had a turnover in the Jesus makes this manifestation to his to the waiting customer, who may market now, and it is high thne for U - United States of over 45 000 000 In '1 f , 1 ''...''' even demand a taste. since the mak- the piquant odor of canning operations the year 1916 the turnover has in- •• ers of poor butter hurt the market of to be floating an the breeze from hun- creased to-thirten times that sum, and fi b HON ta 'The Aged. , those farms which produce first-class dreds of homes. Team -work pays in the canning industry is now establish- ut et, proficientbutter-mtkers must this as in most other :finds of WC,133‘. ed as one of the most important in the 73 Years Old and Feels Fine, take steps to protect themseI•ves. te ao got tha best results women should life of the nation. The same is true . The farms which consistently make pool thei: equipment, their ideas, their of Canada. Farmers who shdirect to us get etter prices Milburn's Heart and Helve Pills good butter should use printed 'wrap- , energies. In other1worlds—have corn- Aside from canning and jam -mak - direct their wool than farniers who sell to theA aa to 'which set their hot -ter off in a munity canning centres! This is no ingthere are other peqeesses by general store. Bon to Those Up in Years. class by itself. I saw one such enter-. novelty. It was tried out in different which our :fruit and vegetables may ASK ANY FARNIE.R! pri,ing instnne.e not long ago. elle parts of Canada last year, and it be saved, and chief among these is the who has sold his wool both As the years creep on, the heart be - wrapper read like this: "Made by Mrs. dehydrating or drying process. War way*, and note Nebel he says- comes weak, the circulation poor, and woFrkcne.clint,sytealln.ce, one little Ontario town conditions have brought the old art of or, better still, write us for our misses and ailments seem harder to shake City Grocery Company, James City,44 the vitality on the wane. Little sick- Oscar J. Warner, Salts -bury, for James put its name on the /nap through the drying- into prominence and modern prices; they will ahew you how off than formerly, and here and there The printing occupied an entire side of wonderful work done by its canning equipment has stimulated it and made General Store. much you lose by selling to,the . evidences of a breakdown begin -to appear. the brick. Thi 3 farm woman unichly centre. In addition to '700 jars of it a profitable and safe method of say - We pay the lifslaest prices of any fir=Thrise who wish to maintain, their wop rked ua demand for her butter canned fruit, vegetables and pickles ' o food The storing and pickling he it2 the cauatryaudare ittie largest wool alth, and vigor and retain their energy which warranted the t,, re paying her donated to the 'London Convalescent of vegetables are further measures of milted the ::Pine clay wool is received. unimpaired should use Milburn's Heart the the highest market, e. Home, it sent overseas the following: conservation dealers in Canada. Payment 18 re - El hip us your wool to -day -you win be and Nerve Pills. Give the growing chicks access to _ . more (aria. pleased if you do, end are. + MT. I, Bronson, Swift Creek, B.C., wr— n,5:1: ed a a Esquare.eenurent taa. 2 rit es : "I had a weak heart' shade if possible. The ochard or and was ad- V.4 i i . bring them home. viscid by my noigalibor to by- MI u „ 'lb th's corn field makes an ideal place to rear . In order to keep vermin in check iu ifeart and Nerve Pins. I got two boxes chicks. the poultry -house oests, porches and 0 tory Serf'. zruzz, XiVimOla .0N*21,73 PAYMEN'r PLAN t% COMPANY it'll 'red Ilarnilton 5lontret-ti comes as a welc.ome comfort as well as a summer economy to the farmer, his wife, his son and daughter. FLEET FOOT SHOES will make farm work easier because they are light and spring3r1 and so staunch that they stand up to any farm work. Their sturdy wear and low p3,ice make them the most economical shoes you can put on this summer, for you can have two or three pairs of FLEET FOOT for the price o one pair of leather shoes. None genuine without the name FLEET 'FOOT stamped on the sole. Look for The best Shoe Stores sell FLEET FOOT business in order that there may be tion? more sugar for preserves. Regulations Chiefly that during the winter have been passed limiting the use of months which are ahead of us we may PROTECTING _INLAND VvATERS. faeterere and retailers. While tn sugar for exactly the same reason. have an abundance a home-made sub - Every Care Should be Taken to pre. 1,00,1rea cfertain extent, has been taken 'his yen^ a+ the same tIme tho vent Contamination. 1, transportation facilitice, of the eriun, Food conservation has directed at- try are being taxed to thew raPabitY, , tentioa to the inland lakes and rivers Ititless jobbers and retailers and of Canada, in that from these, much 'householders work together, many will, of the fish being marketed in interior 1 be disappointed' I-1 ouseh olders are towns and cities is secured. The pro-1urged to Purchase whatever canning tectlon of these waters, therefore, be_ 1supplies they will need 6trfliciently in ' advance of the actual canning sea,sou comes a paramount ditty. and one which must be strictly enforced, 1; to assure delivery' The opening of the vacation 5e8100,1 and the exodus to smnmer resorts 1 carries with it a threatened danger, 1 when 1 went, down town T would lad nil` head down when, .1 saw anyone coming; myVace was such a sight. I got two bottles and my face began to clear, so .1 .impt„ on until I had a b-ututiful cora- pleriaon. I recommend it to everyone who is in a rundown condition, as it builds up the blood, and when the blood is ,U the face is cloar,"4 Put up by The T. 'Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. s A N. oi;-,,,!EVIS 13 cieuReelei ST.„ •roRoNTO and took them regularly, and felt 1 was get walls should be frequently cleaned ,,nig bet f sent for fiS3'0 TOOre, and now I can f..,3o out and saw wood rind hat ab<mt tile general?" Mr. Cottage cheese made without sea- and thoroughly tliSinected. TIens get water without feeling tired and weak. Lloyd George was asked in the 1 -louse and I am now 73 years old and feel fine, J. or Commons when the li)remier w -as s°111111g1 1's 0110 at the saCest best w.'11 not lay if they are tprrnented at can highly recommend your pills to arlY- of:or ing his ti ute to the suPerh It it -C i hnight by mites and during the day b valor foods Tor poll s, urn s es protein , , in abundance and they thrive on it lice. Cleanliness in the pen is es - mac who has a weak heart, for the,3r are 02 0m, Troops. T 111)1 3. gOod remedy." "- 1.'41°r -ring t° mazinglY. The tur------------------,----------- 1 toess in poultry raising,. iSOq. a bo at all (1001055 '1\1-ore/rova0.ii(PAllitIsirae'ci and ,elat,ers1 and 1 ra 'se 1'0 4i;sti111e2 and range then° s t 1vOling arrioltrt eof watel' during .reeelpt, of l)rice by The T. ,(Illbriro Co., 1101i sadd Mr. LlaYcl Ge0,2ge, amid where desi: oy great numbers of or. Se that the citinking fountains , *ted Toronto, Out. cthheee:::1,1ole,, Artay--generals, officers brie trusted at large 'yiviith liate ha.tch Hens at'd chicks require a laa:ge moOctI A regol,r 4ce3 at night will are filled with fresh 'water every day„ In many places, little attempt is made HALF THE t LL Z OF LiFg to protect the waters; in fact, the ' lakes and rivers are considered a con- venient means of disposing of refuse. It is not possible for inspectors to I14 visit every nook and corner IQ see 'A& that cottagers or campers are obeYing the law. The resPonsibilitY Must rest upon and be accepted by the people Wheu thee bowels. become constipated; the stomach gets out ef order the liver emse t es. ARE CAUSED BY Tli-A1110N. does not work. properly, and 'then foie The inland 4vaters belong to the lows the violent sick headaches, sourness Canadian people; and it, is not too of the stomach, belching of wind, heart-. ineich to ask that every care be taken burn, water brash,obiliollnieasa,et.e, to prevent contamination, either Keep your bowlsregular b3, usin care. can the waters be saved from pol• ise von a ime, easy and nitTn,ai ti directly or by drainage or seepage, :Illbarn's LaxLIer _P111,8' TheYol'irt Only las, the people exercising -Ltd clear away all the effete and poisonous. rnact,ter which has collecteri syst cm, lution and this source of food supply of the bowels every clay, start the slug - be conserved. gish liver working , and give tone and yitalit,v to the whole intestinal tract. - , Mrs. jos. Labrec, Louise Apts., Cal - T ne8reuYisClaiknenli;igto8 be 1:P el sar'f'.gle0A:u 031 us C'iointsatilpIltitteen.s it' 111'11: °1ahset etiav,t- or°y1flehal-le‘sa. of perialiable foodstuffs raised as a I have tried numerous treatments, but result of the warogarden propaganda haveneveubeenreiieveitbrv , anything Athis can be fIlllY utilized only by untiiIosaAluburn,staxa:tivepi, preserving 11 for future use. bY 413-- which arebeipng I1)0wondefa113., ing preserving, or canning, thibringa I _fl,s Laxa_ ierpiisaro 2 c. t) the question of eeded equibneitvial. For sde bv -crngvissand deal- ersor ,1)1010101direct00receiptof0404ni 00Ita'nes_ast Yea'r there 760' by The T, 1\1ilburn Coe Limited, Tor - little advanced pisopara lion. by ,nia. ,auto Oat ' .„