The Exeter Times, 1918-6-13, Page 1FORTY-SECOND YEAR NO, 43 A4, JONES AY 'S SUITS -About 9...00 patterns, ;at old` 'prices ,15.00 >'t, from $20.0Q to *25.00, PHONE 32 CIothIng:for June urn ey, brown and dark mixed god:.Navy; Salts. at YS' ;;RLCOMEf SOTS -- We tai 'give you, ereati xhie to thesf Suits and a big assortment to choose. ,froner. No matter $£ yo do ,i.ot. 'need the. stiaa: till Safi, come Tin this imctith as we are no out fast at less money than. we cap, buS there gark` olesale. co3', read these Special , Nar coat al n's 1lcavy" aTs'tA tai Tavecd ?IcY}'>'n T.Sle d&$:L! i la 1:fepau t1 rz' l add 11 ecal a$tt9 a o s' Cticl F3iQorn r. 1 Qf 5 as RC1 tin2r;: 0 ctrlying or -Q ai IO .G0 pr *1,,.50,' k Otey °!pants aft $l t3; 50.5 Arad 5 and�1.`„ Spec 10 allies Raincoats s$zcr�ats $n fawn, g,r,e Mack, sizes clear Oty $4;9 eseb. Shoes Shoes Shoes' ,riff 5t�371is ra,a 4c20'$e ail➢ arsf$ rot) i$zs cl ll9 $. sit ;a s1 ) •- r titfxita` 1t aR 4l1! rt $ti. < tat •<<. dies' Shies a t* 11a+? Ne\1. ?;ifiCp tki ktai4'i:Yt'r°:111C' or arai n` in QPalina$'� .t1 unet $3,ratl. Pumps tlxr= a°,tie They 7xati 1r size; a ,ta riv tar 1f:t1 i hr for z.n4 or. $al�tS, �411e^r ones is 07 ds "Q$1 ens'" Shoe are tth+;+ Ttf't' tutored ;14r,, 2to,?s "x1,00} ChU dreus' Slue :if r,'wal aorf ealsttY,r k' Ei'Itto3.r o' lie a ha-° 1s:i�`e it AND Keep Out the Ply Pegts Insure your family against the flies by ecuiping .your house with new screen doors and screen windows. Ve have screen doors and windows at prices .to suit all, Screen Doors $2.00 to $3.50 Screen Windows 35c to 60c Screen Door Springs 10c Screen wire for'repairing doors and windows, all widths from I8in. to 36in Call and examine Oil Stoves that' give perman. ent,not temporary,satisfaction Either the New Processor the - New Perfection will comply with above New Process stoves $22.00 to $35.00 New Perfection " $5.50 to 32.00 our large display of these oil stoves. Lawn Mowers that cut clean Everymower fully guaranteed at reasonable prices $7.50 to $15 00. rasamis Grass catchers to fit any- m� ower $1.50 The use of rubber hose, sprinklers, etc. will keep your lawn and garden fresh .. Bose 1-2 in, to 1 in. -Prices =-1.2c to 35c a foot Our stock of forksahoes, . scythes, ropes etc. is complete. tk d44z e `'%fir k repro`'' W'. as 11r: and Mr frac;oai mtxr vi home In town, C1a t 1 , srils of 1 Devon; cotut4 fall and teat knee that req to close. PRESENTED \VIT On the oecasao Doke of D--vain-lo of Corrado, to "lonctd$�..` Adolnhos. llooya'r TTr the'Military - lidos t coria. Grant Hooper )' Pa tixend£s;ie, f+: i 1 n ma STAR a tic c 1pok 3% k a: aczl1 cpn }ez€cc , verS st,o'. eN � 't.T ns ednesday +next, week. -iae a ere Tri, others the VISITING €1. 0: k tut t' .c fi-&etnxa n. at Oran, I e• '', ses;ca L.'•- afryzaa,ans r f s' ng off ll«e tkoe • ",:h 11•ao' tttn'1 Itsze las also been racarl`a sir r q to 1, r' local eta rods ii#e` rrti.1 ' their l:1.- with store SO MVJ DOW7 lala, 3gia� Tti°"s4oiT .1 ba 4.11 rh-owo ass r an h ,bruit'. Mr. Chas. Ezra°c3' x iurta,.tl Monday tftt r ,xttendln . the 1 ozldon Coi fer nee at v"allzesrvrile, Miss Cos4, and Miss 'furl, ret Case returned, to Toronto this !resit after vsitin ;-relut1 4s in_'town. 'NE TIT P1t .YER June `30th 'has 'h ztr an cJJas a day of +''pray= r for the .:success of the 4 lite.', cause .and the return or iteace to the earth. This day day of ,` special prayer will 'o observed throughout. Canada, in '4111 'the churches, rTUR AVIAI0llS's,lt:s'r to E 1.1.11)IGS In response to the 'appeal sent out eariy the season by the Organizat- iron of Re -sources Cosrrmittee of On; tario, the „flax ,growers ot Western (Tntario have -acceded to the -request to ''grow more ;flax." With' at lea.st fifty per cent snore flax acreage Un- der oultivation this year ilhere is great need of an organized ,effort orovide ;sufficient labour for this increased crop At.; is now svell Itnowni. Clal; fibre ab Autely necessary ifor the 'con- struction of aeropla.rie wings. "Flax, or war. _At a recent meetong, to dis- cuss the flax-- situation sonic -War, facts At ere disclosed. liaissia and. Be- lgium formerly supplied five -sixths of Great i,Britains demand; and des- pite the greatly increased acreage of not note more tfibre on hand. than sufficien to keep the mills running one and one-half days a week. So the is;ituation is this, that ithe flyers. must have wings and the sup- ply ot fiax fibre. is short. The situat- loco boo ever, is pot ooe without hopa and. \V estern Ootario and certain t-iarts of the United States are the " Therefore the flax fibre , erop es,tdrn Ontario this year mast be bre 'for war needs demands it. it is - in a spirit of national ser- o co-operate '4‘11.1.1 is to save this_ crop. The ifiax- si have 'done their part in so 'bacreasing ,thie acreage under Sney or labor, " apd were 0)0 ed ettor b;11 the inland of tho 9t ur. rind the (hos/rat:ma rows as a e .f.0014 fats liven visit - son. Vtth their little daoghter /toy rt,contly left for Calgary, ..wher:t Col. Gunn was practising at .the out- break of the war. JUNE '22nd illEtirsTRATiox advertisement aop,aris on a of The Tones showing ord (list ri et --Li sit o we 1, 'A FOI ci tt 11 London n orge )14..1:44n1 Exeter t Dr. Medd; lit 0,0 It Ve 00e, Si Alhict lean, G. .PoVr OIL I no Cairngorm ;. trathroy, D, 1). Thompson; Broo 'holey; 0:1 Springs, Arthur le 12 of 11 4,1 of S BEY ES b, en c iren la kd, tba t only parsons errs • -Atwood. Ir. Ble tell ford les. Ota ‘loras tween the ages of 16 and Oft years; are 31.onikton, kr, E. Allan ;" Eintore, F. R. observe the r the; ro,id rettoired that every 'person over .16 thus avvo-t an 'ideints„ required to register wIti,reas it is Sutcliffe. . 11 Friale or female, British sobject ., or alten stroll register 011 June , 22nd Thu ',places appointed ssill be operra. at seven o'clock 'ill the mornin nd remain open unt.il fen o'clock al; night. S3crecY shall be preserved as. ito Goderich district-Seaforth, H. 1) t avitb some handsome specimets gross -n! Ashfield, Lucknow. R. E. Copeland; Salem. Formosa R. 11. No, 11, J We had our f't,r;st taste 01 ft to - a. te .11 Centrali ot her little. 1".J.Pe Wednesday tnIermation disclosed. If any person, lAtoyer; Dungannon, -William in their 'gout en. The ptospec s are withorit excitse fails to register 'Walden; 'F. 13all; laViirtion, good. filar g-ood ci•ort this. season arid, he or ;she is liable iupon conviction -to Mentley Landesborm 17, E. Sasv- tl-icy are coming along- fast. dollars, and to tinprisonmenti nob ex- R. L. 'Wilson. 1.‘1;INI DISAPE°INTED fuse to answer any question or gives Sarnla idistrlet-P°resI, ;W;; ceeding one month. If any person re- . IN NOT SEEING) ECLIPSE I a false or misleading anssver shall be j".-‘1\]xwc't1137 WrS0111Ing• R. B. Barn- \Vould-be astronomers, who with, guilty of an offence and liable to The, Exeter 'Canning' and. Prosert-L1 and -the staff of t:eachers ..sacceotled in 'inauff,arating the diarmerette r "t ,efforts on oi larger scale , is trout our efficierit school` staff . for severa`,1,,, years in their school., igartleu- l On Sattirday 'last 'twenty teers NVere in the ;field ibetore the b-11 rano otit the ilnato• to start, and; buirig retilanted of !corn that. had, suf- fered, from the exec s.sive rain, aitdi by six o'clock tsventy-nne acres of corn bad, been replante The,remoneratioo; offerecl Was from '1.25 to S1,50 ,according The Exeter Canning Co. haSt,6 ac.,;cs Bridgette; Port Larnbton, 'A. E. 'Top - Windsor district - Windsor, Lon- don St., A. IR Mclorehouse; KingsJ pher C. Xane. Ch./thorn district - Chatham. Vic, toria -Avenue, Hobert llicks; Cedar Frederick- NV. Oral. St. Thonias ;district - St. Thomas First church, George 'A. Kin,-; St4; Tbon-ias Grace cherch, C. P. Watts; Vtil IP, :A.. S. 'Whitehall; Fingal, TItiliry The following transferred out of' the London. Confereocc-Dr. Doug- all to Hamilton; iA.. E. \Lloyd to Ed- monton; W. 11. Harvey to \ Iiespeler, IT,. Godfrey j. Johilsiola . eMploying; the evaiovble men. iwill Vithout stations -J. E. .Tones; IS, obstructed tile vision. The eclipse \vas shortiy after six o'clock but ;during the greater portion , )1 he time the p'oeinomena could on2y- h., seen through 'rifts the clouds. Thil. eclipse was ca.osedi by idle 11100.'4 coming betty -elm the earth and the WILL ENAINIINE PAPERS Ve, have reason• to believe that some have not, taken. s,eriously 4:tiring all 'men from 11) Ito 35 to carry years of age, or men vind0,3' WhO rea,sonahly 'be suspected of beim, within the limits cif imilicary service are also expected to carrY. papers, Tim penalties provided ifor in- fractions of the act are: iFirst,' a fine of $511,00 or one month's; linprision?, courts; or ialpressom into the army i if Thu cases are. tried, ...,by "The. mill- i tory authovitie,s. in the ;case, of, men 1 over the agoe limit or ,married, Choy ' will be turned. oVer to, the civil alo thonties for punishmeat. The en- forcement of the act will be 150- as a- Tooday Loudon 012 INTatilda Elliott. of' St. .ouis, is visiting at Ivo- lirothees, ana _Mrs. _A. Hooper, of Clinton. called WI rr“-1.1dY: in the village .M.r. and Bennett,. front ham' were vi.sito.rs at G. Fissery's on Sunday and ZNIonday. 3.1r. and :qrs. l'atterson spent sev- :Mrs, Brock and children. or sail visited seith 'Mr. and lNIrs. Brock- for a COLI IC d)f days. Sunday school ',next Sanday morn- ing at tell o'clock. Preaching ser- vice at eleven mud. seven -thirty . as W. aleo 111orley spent Sunday the guest of lafr.s. Exeter guests at John 1.'assmicire's at salt mu. SUnday. ree4; he