The Exeter Times, 1918-5-9, Page 4Nearer to the Boys An Interview with Ralph Connor ETER Scrrfilt V incirg W� publish the. formula of *0 pi -0v, convincingly that it th It*TristaccreerateIte%eing't1;; V i.tvvti'a n"*. I5w2 ammo:man citrate. tilmo ancl aotta *dMan$111‘13e404'0e344.0tlioodt ilaycetophoepheitegi4 ris. Any okuy:a bottle 0 Vino' for a vt Perv.9.a96 ma- %condition and' at: fair trig it di 'have her noon You $ athout einace to -down, overworked, ragvius me M warner', and for feeble Old PeoPle nd delicate. children. Ttne, meet 04d be convinced. DRUGGIS"'" EXETER. druggist ir- all Oat- RiNflTRUi. At AY JItt A Th ALGONQI N PARKNDS of ONTAR „. oata indi aa told that if I went to eata certaira hour, I would ie a meeting the Rev. Xdon (Ralph Connor), I 49T. I wanted to mt....et Sens, I wat4 ,to meet ie our mostguished Caa yelit, and. also in liggka cn, h es. listening to t rs Clot he "sat iStenedt0Ahensinhoth sh, and Wandered if he -feeligtiOtifillge 'who. had gooethoigh tbe $ tWish ehe Pr-tient:es, AstuY eagedhrougbt toriy to the place ef appointmeet, - minutes to &iz and fell to 'that he woold be like. Un - 1 associated him with those ree Kirk mirtisters and word - would be like the Rev. John eiield, or the Rev. Lachlan of fist WillinatS, So c0;4.1gPielAMI% loom stePP t look, nete# meke any he ith terror a eiooleeho -take come man in Kit, resin, Be those old come into faecal him, telt Command had son* ..44,ig of the athettate- you suggest, ..,,,wheneveg t b� help the boys the Y,NI,C,A, w it and do it well. By its sp assumieg helpfulness g wog the hearts of men, no matter whatb,eir Uon- neetions may be or, may „ It gives and it does not ask anything in return. Its sole reward ia, that it helps freely an Who Peed help. The thing to emphasize about its work is that it etsesamt is an organized spirit a giving, and it gives -watt/out a strang to the 8iring," 9'(19 TOPICS OF WEE illaportarlt Eiferris Which Have Occurred During the We, :no tansy World's Happenings Cars- Itt011 Compiled and Put Into and Attractive Shape for dera of Our Paper — A Snit eln'''s Ea -dot -went. eraSteli''bniaT2191'9043nt°31oo'''nS1131)n:tiaYDYL.084'rollol.le, i Rev. John C, Carlile preached the ilnanefttpdisiet:tro4:Tonlaill'eate sern10/1- Canadian Jews are peamitted to en^ list in the Jewish Legioa for service of 2,905 have se.fely reached Eng Troops from Canada to the nuanber a 11,1: e4';4141:03 ,,,Sost A. n, , v 4Gt otl:enri na .1 nent a t Petro- grad. tretrAiflt@kkIllACe With CernianY TIIIMIL4nit, Hilary decoration$ are to be presoPted by the Governor -Gen - 1 idaretanderdo Macedonia, penetrate griSo. atealllnulgaria ise Lie4t, T. Beverley Robinson's: (To- ronto) escape from Germany is au- nt:Attired. in A despatch from England. 130Dra ie, y ,,t. w.ro- r00.0dH.Bats)attrodosoffiaeoladIsc,,diJs,.. ehrscetrli, jel"ulaelteLtel'Iligav,la,,,atsiortsetsizint-dTowilietillito. a morrisage yestegda.y morning, and is condition, owing to ,Itts advanceel age, Es someW;4,,3104-5- The Wer'ielV'E'dliqationsi Issscia- is inaugurated in Termito„ Tbe of governors of the University 91,090 to the eause, • British Coverurnent has Con - the purchase of virtlin4 sdllet Of Australlau gine ntates for and a decade of the rPeearfitoe„dr, litin trictions mn the use of and Short ng and curtail - t' nse of W4 or dour in eandY dOtin orodutits Itra an - by the Food Itoard, SitPterintendentS of Regis - ave been nettled for the gen- at en. 1 aain.1-dpomWaenry and le of tlii;:rnrtaell114t.graw'errs ave reeett selected and approved, /3;-,rint Shlmpeli Rote has bsen in stalled as Foreigsa ),Iirtistor or 3apan in .5neee<ision to Baton A19tOrK4 WttO esigned recently. Motono's pOltelt, it declared. rill be erlatilrlled. Hon, :dr< <Rowell. apealting at Dova. oville, said be hoped, and thought hope well !emoted, that Men et e 1 between 20 wad 22 yeara woul1 not be called from t a WI seeding is done, but Said 9 5 .r40Wer tion the We $11- v inOte Urgent than d P A RING TE M D. off erStl i gs a ler apt t.: n ‘v .. ,, i vd ice ttiar4 b ane pne offered. sLu of $ISO0 per a.- as li e ss plam S1orLbrnd partmeets. Magee. titne, Gradutte 'ons. Comm Telegrapb,y our free cat OTT Preatideat letcLACIILANPrincipal. ai Time prices on Wire Fenc 5 cents pe remi. rand fenee 49 cants per rod rand 'fence 55 cents rier rod. Steel gates, barb wire and brace wire, ostler fence posts at low prices, _ so 9 and 10 foot Anchor. posts. Let rue tquote you nay prices on all kinds ofl lumber and shingdes, Place your order now for what _Fertilizer yoq ewe FERTILIZER $3.00 Phone 12, A. J. CLATWOR,THY GRANTON •IVE "SYRUP or 'IS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD iellaticiotre "'Pruitt Laxative' can't harm tender tittle Stomach, Liver and Bowels, -et Look at the tongue, ifiotherl 11 ?Atted, your little one's stomach, liver d_ bowels need cleansing, at once. then peevish, cross, listless, doesn't ep, :oat or act naturally, or is fever- 1 stomach Baur, breath bad; lias sore ca., diarrli�a, full of cold. give easpoeuful of "California -Syrup of 'op.": and in a few hours ell the foul, tated waste, undigested Food and genbly moves out of its little vrithont griping, and you have a playful ehild again. Ask your ist for a bottle of "California, 7.ruip of linger" Wilien :contains full esreas for babies, children -f all sees. - • clear tha, 4tubd a, lot or work that t church ti Le do." Now yon derstond why ortestion canst1bit.a shade of disco. fort, The romiste un—a tonch o the old Free Kirk spintual guide that. Made hitu reel the responsibilities or bis iting—madeldnt regret to colifeSsthat elY lax Institution is carrying prae- Christianity to•a point that la os ossible for the churclies—uheat- m to it," as the soldier boys ay tested tains arn donat a wonderful work, but the Y.M.C.A., being without a propa- garda or dogmas, is able to adapt itself instantly to nay needs that may arise, either at the battle -front or wherever the boys may be located. It meets them ot all hours and in oil places with a.spirit of good cheer, comfort and help- .'' "Theo you are of the opinion that the man who supports the war work of his church is not doing all he caa to help the boys?" ''Assuredly. Tile Y.I.C.A. is able to go a little farther. Though the work of the church may be nearer to the ideal of what I want to see done, the V,lq.C.A. gets nearer to the boys. That struck me as a very important point. and I decided to questioa lain from an angle that might not be pleasing to a clergyman. "You know," I itsinuated, in a spirit of half confession, that there are a lot cif boye who would be inclined to look at a at borne as a sort of sissified institution, beneath the notice of young men of the world who like to affect a sort of manly wildness. Does the Yht\I.G.A. get near to them?" "Yes. The helpfulness of the 'Sten", C.A. has won out, over every obstacle. In the beginning, the officers of the ha. pro - hes auud their chop - Men oti rite they eau Et on the tte earnps tar hack at otit aeS pro - h lb Kt-- renebc-o teens ortl eontrol of atter of orga;at1ois nde Irinand chupta sanw schodote .I could not suppress a stm ing my ocient, enemy the tu;t or "Gentlemon's Ag rent oppeann in dnikahle .ft,fortn, But I made Ito enannent. Instead, 1 asked a conduct- rheu 1 may tell Dm people that in its war work, especiaily in the matter of creattun comforts, the Y.M.C.A. is nearer to the boys than onyone clse?" Ves. It stands nearer to them than anything, else except the military organi- zation under whose discipline they live —and die. You sea they are specially organized, trained and outfitted for this kind of work—and they are a mighty spiritual force, too," When leaving him, I stopped to talk to several other clergymen who appeared in the olling—it was a place of clergy- men—and be stepped front the room. Shortly afterwards he returned with a copy of hialateet book, on the ily-leaf of which Ith had w-ritten in memory of the men, we had ktiown in our boyhood: "There were giants in those days," It will be cherished as ore of the most prized of alittle collection of autographed, first editions, .And with it I shall( eher- ish the memory of having spent a couple of hours with a well-known man who is doing a noble work himself and is not afraid to give the fullest credit to other men who are doing a noble work—suth as the (Accra and field -workers of the Y.11.I.C,A., "who play such a great for- tvard line to the Church's backing in the great, great game," as Connor said.t ',IMPORTANT POINTS TN HATCHING CHICKENS During the hatching season the ponitry house and particularly the nest !should be kept: clean. Clean wa- ter and a supply of whole grain be: .accessitild to the sitters and a dose bath should be provided also. If more than one 'hatch is being taken off clean ioat and disinfect the nest al-, ter each hatch and nut in new ,,sod fresh litter, Dust the hen with in- sect powder before putting her in ,the nest clad again a day or two be- fore leaving the fnests with the chick- ens. It is a good phut to put into the ;neat 'bath a little dry- salphar or ground. tooacco, Be sure also that the house is ,frere from inites,, These little _pests get into the cracks and corners of the buildr tag, and at, as :the 'hens are resting,. th-o„y come out el their hiding place, get ort 'the hen's body and it does not take very many ot them to make a hen so 'enefisy that she cannot it, In some cases the mites become so troubt-sornel.Lhat they actually worry this hen To death. Ilr)1V TO CET P D CF MIT ES Giese tu± _he house and thorauglily s'sveep, not forgetting the is -inflows. wails anl ceiling, ltlehen this is all svi-tpt out clean, use e garcien hose, or a stir; brush and hot eater. Sef: that everythem in the cracks and crevices is washed out. ai-ltor this is d,ano allow the teensto dry 'for m e-hile end 3E everything then appears to be cleare US'a “ocd disialtetant WristromecntL be sgrci tlite tee releSion is for- 35 -smm ced by the spray or brush right into the cracks and crevices, If the mites are 'bad, use toiling hot water follow ed by coal oil and a liquid lice killer or lice paint. Me sure that this goes into the cracks and crevices and when you have gone over your hou,se thor- oughly according, to the" above treat- ment in all probability the mites will he exterminated, but it is advisable in the course of three or four days again to inspect for the mites and perhaps to repeat 'the :dose once more Care of the Freshening Cow. This is the month when a large number of cows freshen. Both fresh tows and newly -born calves should • . receive special attention Cows sae- - pected to freshen should be placed In 9. box stall for a few days before • anti' after freshening. Manyrvaluable cowland calves are lost by ne-glecting to provide box stall accommodation. This should be found in every dairy stable; or else have a special barn for the purpose. A few hours "sun- shine bath" each week will make far more healthful stock and improve the dairying. Feeding, the E On many farms lambs will begin to arrive about this time. If ewes have been liberally fed for a month before lambing they likely have more milk. FromI/2 to 1 lb. of grain fed per ewe per day for a month before lambing is generally good practice, especially if ewes are somewhat thin, --Ontario _agricultural College Note*. !ale: nbd output lLh ot Aprt ms 240,000 4.1 oneers anu nuan oil tan . dd 1»' Labar or (lento to-dtty awing to AY. shng for in the United 07 returned !iCivillan$ title port, rations will ,.SoelsLie. onto lion. John Oliver, Premier of /tra- sh Columbia, will testify before the 0,N.11, Board of Arbitrators at Os- g°T°d:rollottlll oietter carriers met in Sons of England Hall to send a final de- mand to the Dominion Government for an Increase of wages, W. P. O'Connor, .E.C„, former Cost of Living Commissioner at Ot- tawa, made soma interesting reveta. Cons tn ao address before the To- ronto Press Club. Daring, January last 119,620 bar- rels of flour was hoarded by the peo- ple of the three prairie provinces be- yond what was sold by the mills in January, 1917. Canada's perislous to totally dis- abled soltilers are higher than those in any other country, according to evidence given to the special cotn- mittee of the Commons on pensions. The special Government Commis- sion, in a report, substantiated the charges made by Sir Adam Beck against the Electrical Development Co, at the last session of the Ontario Legislature. A delegation from Toronto and other Ontario municipalities urged the Government to restore the clause In the Consolidated Railway Act which. the Senate amended, and which gives a numicipality control of its streets. The Minister of Militia estimates that the cancelling of exemptions to unmarried men of 20 to 22 years will bring about 35,000 men to the colors fit for the trenches. He stated that a marked change of feeling had been evidenced during the past few days itt the province of Quebec. THURSDAY. Conscription for Ireland bas been postponed. - Retail grocers are given until June 1 to obtain licenses from the Food Board. Emperor Karl of Austria is report- ed to have inaugurated another peace move. Fielti ',Marshal Haig has sent a stir- ring response to Queen Mary's letter to the troops. Inland revenue officers are in fu- ture debarred from running for muni- cipal offices. Wholesale flour and feed dealers arc to lae brought under license by Ilia Food Board by June 1. The jewellery trade will protest vigorously against the imposition of the tax proposed in the budget, St. Thomas City Council favors abolishing the street railway service for a time to -conserve Hydro energy. Fire legislation faulty, accordieg to the :decision arriyed at by the Fire Insurance CommiSsion at its conclud- ing sitting. ' George Wegenast, managing direc- t.nn of the Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada, died at his 'home in 'Wat- erlooaged tifty-seven. lithe General Assembly of tho Pres- ,c byeerian Church will meet in June t this year, but the commissioners will be asked to pay their own railway c expenses. Mr. Francis Nelsen, for thirty years sporting editorof tbe Toronto Globe, was given a presentation by fellow-roemhers of the sta., the occaalon of his retimment. ' Pte, C. 0, Snider, -who deserted from A draft of the Central Ontario Regiment depot 'At Brantford which had been warned for overseas wa. sentenced by a court-martial to twc years at hard labor in thepeniten- tiary-. Women eondlIZTOA• rSrWill be in summer. The Termite street carshrois The Ottawa policemen have asite or reinstatement, their uniou exist - ng no longer. The Dutch East India colonies lave orders to resume traffie with the United States. Andet, prominent la mil 444.,,„potw Orates in Montreal, dead, artite age of 77 years, A Swiss citizen was shot at Vint cennes, France, on Wednesday. He was convicted as a German spy. Fire at Sault Ste, Marie destroyed the Great Lakes piaet causing loss estimated at $150,000. Macaroni ete is to be sold only in packages of at least sixteen ounces t weight from theist of August. The Methodist Board of Foreign Missions asked its general seeretntY to i,ilsepa,erlthe foreign fielda every four y Sir Robert Borden wired the Qoe- bee Board of Trade that it is 11Qt in tended to pass the 'Bankruptcy Act thfs session. The body of Alex. Anderson, ex - of Brant Township, who dis- peared on April 21, has been found neay his farm- ConPer, the coml.' Cil4fTedila9n1h-Blrat4taBliaerrt- 9 0 frd0a1:3441:14:11,4:4:4;:t1:01;411.4rioa:19ble''r sr atah oydriileorn,s p13474140470 ° Inelt44gg0000. g ork yesterday OD behalf of ate Oan. The troops had fought, at " aud on the 'Westerii front Miss Bertba Miller. sonerintero Miss Mary E. Stewart, an- sistant supe Interident and head sturse, 01 Atumaa Wood Hospital, $t. Th s, have resigned. rfl hs been so dry i ntarlo that the spring fres d to ttOPle 1.44011111tal permits wUl OW for ail 'shipments export, regardless of qua Rem janae$ U, Turnbull of Ot been, trolueted as pastor of rk Presbyterian chtwot. Toren 0 Two week' furlough will be grant d qualified .farmi laborers, toenabi wrn to assist farmers in their seed - operations, toter Worst denied emphatical. statement that a compromise h Quebec had been made on the bilingual Question. The Duke of Devonshire, otter " a Red Triangle Hut in Mont - nutlet -Pled highly the work of the G,A„ in an address to the Club, V, G. Watson, Of Trout. has been npolutetl honorary treasurer to the MISSIOnary Seale*" of the l'ilethe- dist Church, succeeding Mr, IL 11, Fudger, who has resigned. Lt. -Col. S. Baiderson, 1101111nel- ea as an Incleptenlent candidate for the. Lanark seat in, the Commons on Thursdoy, has resigned so I, A. Stew. art is eleetod by acclamation. The English, Scoteh and Web committees appointed to Investigate the purchase and eontrol by the State of the liquor traffic have reported a fever of the feasibility at the heule, A gas Mak* used in the battle of the Aisne and put up as an auction prize at a Liberty Loan rally on the Stock Exchange at New York yes- terday, was bid in by J. P. Morgan at $500,000. Sydney Porter and Mrs. Oswald Montgomery were burned to death when the House in which they lived near Port Sydney, Muskoka, was burned down, being set on fire, It is said, by another woman, Hanna Kneeshaw, while temporarily insane. V Thr heisit AYtedriah titg110501P cit? -$0, AN-LsOliihilit0 Promotes Digeslion,, re, floss and liestkonialits Rat° _OPitlm,Morphine norklist Nral. :OT NAR Genile„ ' ,aeoza izolea .Bogeoniut Vol •Frod r4=4.14e-- 14,49,0moore Perforl Remedy forVonst lion, Sons SiEllitarb,Di Worms, Fag g.)sa SO ays Bears t,he Signature 47 MONDAY'. The United States Liberty Loan has been over -subscribed likely by a billion dollars. Civil war is actively proceeding in Ukrainia, owing to German and Aus- trian exactions. The Vancouver City Council has conceded all the demands of the Civic Ern pl oyes' Union. British. air forces drop 28 tons of bombs on railway stations in German rear in Flanders. Appeals were made in Toronto pul- pits for the furtherance of the Red Triangle campaign. A further list of men to act as registrars for the census of man and woman power is announced. Mrs. Barbara Agin, of 348 West- ern avenue, Toronto, was probably fatally injured in an automobile ac- cident. Mrs. and Miss Day, Toronto, were run down and seriously injured by an automobile on Saturday night in Toronto. Holland has agreed to transport 1,590,000 tons of sand and gravel to Belgium under agreement with Ger- many. Eight persons were taken to To- ronto hospitals over the week -end sufferings front gas poisoning, and all are recovering. The statement is issued by the' Vatican authorities that the occasion has not presented itself for the Pope to make a fresh move for peace. Capt. (Rev.) John MacNeil deliver- ed two sermons yesterday in Toronto, in which he gave vivid descriptions of his experiences at the front. Men of nineteen years of agoare to be calleeupon to register be -fore the lst of June, but will not actually be called to the colors before July. Fanners reporting for military ser- vice ere to be given two weeks' leave, f they desire, to finish putting in the imp, but all leave must expire before he 1st of June. The Food Board warns that the re - exit order restlicting the quantity of flour andsugar which may be held must be strictly- observed, and excess holdings returned at once to the deal- rfrom whom bought. CAPITA NS 13ANK. 1117.1; $8,$0C,060 Canada A General 8anking Business Transacted efacurart LETTERS OP ui» DANE tIONCY ORDERS SAVINGS BANI( DEPARTMENT Interest allOwed at highest current rate, CLARKE, AlANAGER, EXETER BRAN 4:::)1E7 CO EIR EDMUND WALKER.' LLD.. D.CL, Prealdem CAPITAL PAW UPp$15,000,000 IAN 13 ERCE SIR JOHN AIRD. 'General Manner H. V. F. JONES. Aset. Gen% Msrlager- RESERVE FUND, $13,500,00av 'COLLECTION BUSINESS Our numerous branches and widespread con» nections enable this Bank to render Unusually efficient service in-making—Callections. 435 EXETER BRANCH—A, E. SUM% MEAGER Dreditort 13raneh-3, A, Mc Donald Manager. ' 11 PERRY P. DOUPE, Licensed Auc- tioneer. Bales conducted in any lo- cality. Terms raoclerate. Orders left at Times ,Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton, Ad- dress. Kirktom P. 0„ 0„ W. ROBINSON LICENSED AUCTIONEER AND 'VALUATOR kor Counties of Huron Perth and Middlesex, Farm Stock Sales a Specialty. Office at leockshutt Warerooms, next ,dcor to the Centrat Hotel, Main St. Exeter. Charges mod- erate and satisfaction guaranteed, J. W, BROWNING, M. D., M. S. P. S. Graduate Victoria Univexsity., Office and Residence, Dominion Labratory, Exeter. 'Associate Coroner of guron I. 111. CAItLING, A. arrister, Solicitor, Notary Publis, Commissioner, Solicitor fox the Molsons (Bank, eta, Money to Loan at lowest rates ot Interest. 0F13'ICE-1MAIN ST. EXETER, ONT, MONEY TO LOAN We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm end village properties, at lowest rates of erest. GLADIMAN & STANBU'RY a vr isters So1ieitor, Main St, Exe- ter, Ontario. unalo 1:18110RNE & IIIHDERT :11 FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INAHR4,? ANGE ?COMPANY Bead Office, Farquhar, OnO, President, BORT. NORItteo Vice -President, THOS, /RYAN.' DIRECTORS , WM. OIROOX. 3. L. RUSSELL, WM. RO'M fr, ALLMoNt- , A,GENTS f JOHN ESSERY. Exeter, Agent Litt— borne, and Biddirlph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent foe Hibbert, Fullerton and Logna. W. 'A. WURNBTJEL. , Becty-Treas. Farquhar, GLADMAN es STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter, DR. G. 5', ROULSTON. L. D. S., D. D.,12 DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto naives:- aity. Office over Diokson & Carl.- ing's Law Office. Closed Wedncedysi - afternoons. Phone Office 5a anii, Residence 5b, DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L. It. D., D. Honor Graduate of Toronto UniveM- st y. DENTIST 1 Teeth extracted witheut pain. . any bad effects. Office over Glade- , man &- Stanhury's .Office, Exeter, -17 5.