The Exeter Times, 1918-4-18, Page 1ew ya', 's • 'i' : '+'.*x 6;"}O°�'°�.'i"^r. :`.i':, :w9• l « : «r"t 'i �d`4 ONES . & MAY PllQNe 32 pang Suits and Coats Another New lot of Spring Suits & eats just in. They are real beauties. Right up to the minute. Goods are getting ccarce and bard to get so core early and get a choice: 6 only. Fine Al N V a€ies; Swell Dresses. Vool Serge Dresses beautifully trimmed $20 OUSE w ;'C* " S' Q rw'r needs' $' loor Care; oLAIs ,cLornsTOWS 3.'Ii, C31Td3 CiOLEEUM 1 N for:; Speciah suitsor the e . hi all t Tweeds 3t* Boys.' Snits sbow log elf boy » I1Sertttlle trta �aod callle. : i1 cola en < Ra••r Coats = lot. of 'rtvccd+itixl Coals eft iso:Table IarteY1 'rite Ne ,v 'J i''9g, llutaeh of regtll,tr $1,;1 Coates C lkwar at $10, each, e1 S T1t,. new ;MAI are t li !r ret, Tb New Shapes. The New 3;lracter t :i ,lla. t,cb sstut all, vv"ilt fiond. t;s, $aeadcluar€ers now Drapery :sl u xi r NETS !,LETT NETS C33"I1< *7fR+ [. Q U I.1*`x.ES .O CURTA71,'v'a Iii CURTAINS. T r his week For the Ladies e Waists .S dainty Ne 135 aor $1, le Hose ri,tgultar aOa Or J 00 `Niel., -$ a:spwcittl':!i Louse Dresses rite re S4 Draisse0 Silk $1.25 it>si <t, } tyle.'' NEW WALL PAPER 5000 Rolls forpz �to ou 1pick � from coli and see otyr ast.ortrner.t Ever kin l vt r color and v° 4 S" "+ �" every WALL PAPER Jones AND feria ' 1 Bible 4, Enjoya 1,b \-si s;Il reh ,last 'i1i r of the church h41. pe'oL'1' • The metxzbs ,class` is r,+vyt;r 4-I concluded a neat 4.J. W. Baird -is-: '1'oat i 1Sc tx' Jan s £8s teach ttrtax,da1 -i• t' have been+ l.-;sil ti number 4, .;, • House: Cleaning Requirements � We list `below a few' of the necessary articles lessen the labor of house cleaning. to O r Cela Mops s ar n d Poh hes S d; O cedar Mops $1.50 Spruce Mops $1.00 O'cedarr Polish 25c to $1.25 Carpet Beaters 1,5c to 2 0 tr Dust Bane in tins a e t ns .3 0 Step Ladders :$1.20 to $1.75 Garden:T 1 Tools Wehave acom rete line of Spading forks,S ades Shovels, Rakes,- Hoes, Bucco' Cultivators etc ' at right ;. prices. To those who , require Paints, Varnish. Stains. etc. purchase our Highi- Standard paint, Campbells and Chi namelarnish V Stains at 27a Phones 27b r ♦ d. 6. W30ODHA31 Old Time Concert.—The Woodham League Patriotic c a 1 e d me of t'co , 1 concert, r, , Pair" tto tz'c League's ofd t >m eco are t held reccntly,vw<as a most 8uccesful e- vent. There was rt splendid attend- ance. Mr. :Mae` l Irvine was ciiairmam The program consisted o3 music "'by the Woodham orchestra,' instrumental duets by Miss. Florence trills, and Roy Goulding,, and songs by Woodham,. quartette ; also music,: by `the Indians; , while a masquerade., chorus and a num- ber sof dialogues created .considerable; amusement., A, beautiful autograph quilt, containing 1.212 names,': donated by Mrs. David Golding, was .goldby aucti.an. BeTore the sale Mr.::Perry D,oupe gave the people an n+pportun, sty toe make donations, and little Pearl 'Morley, daughter of Oscar Morley, who is serving,„ overseas, rain ed the > flag which in. al few .rrnutes she dropped, Over $7(h was raised. 'I;le quilt was then sold to the highest b5cl der, L. Routley, for $41/ Another guilt -n s s+aid to B. Rundle far $15. Thie proceeds at the door were $48, o t dr 11 the blocks of, quilt .S3(11.86. The grand total for Red Cross purposes about $480. to rsb xlf -1) xh irlg i tl rc I?2`• ta�rr hlr la< rrtt The Ll A. Comte Opera .t on bg- the Gocierich Coy,pic Exeter Opera Friday, Apri( 26th Under the auspices of the Fester Patriotic League h Dries Worth,tr ,1ols aril J_rts1d: hI 1ri ratl xlosan : Sc; e lar d•Ii A;,Et A'4lt tcame - i e.. c Enc. - bre -VT. tilde: v heiv e41 d $T tl, sli,t7°Il'Gt:' 1' Pring the it of cnxlc;tarll� lx1 i+at(1S 0t Te 1 It t el xrch ext' tltitaon: pre,,enth _. . t; bott;l4 L 4 or ffo r .uld :a ber•,hil' in the; ($ ,ltd ;ilio Solt;' �ttllItiaztn II' children prtset:13) u vvit}t t, :tutlr'tantt,I1 eltelttic and Ari affeetian• ate uddr, sa expr::;5ing their silo/! t ciY- tioxt for their ' christiar. horxe trnin- ng. Mr. turd. IZt.S. Yelland each plant - 7d a young maple tree on the boule- vard in frons or their ,houw. :1, flew intimate friends partook of their hos- pitality at supper tnae and ; awhile a.i: • 1 }_c cr thereel' the cvonin meal they1 dents of an address and a gold coin to each from, the Quarterly Official Board ai' 4Taii:i ,St. church, Tim even- ing \was pleasantly spent. Both Aft.. r e in.excellent 1 s Z ell tied ar d .. r,. < an I 1i- alth. The Times tlestres along with their many friends to extend congra— tulations and hopes they will he spared: for '.tars to come to t•rtjoy healthand happiness and the fruits of. their labors, Followingt rr is the et d- die �p presented 1 by the Quarterly Of- ficial Board. f :Exeter, April 11)11 1918 I1 11 . and firs. Tolland 0v. r > Dear E — r sends V �t, the members r on hers tie Main. 5,,. l the .I We Methodist Quarterly Official ;Board hereby tender you both our sincere congratulations on < this ixnportanit c .kion of voter attaining your .`Col-. o c1. � den \Veddirg 13ay.,, We: trust that you both may long, be s iazrerl to :dive}l mimingm .us, as amples of modest, Christian e-.- 1 s miming citizen- ship. You both have not only won the esteem; respect', and love of the Quar- terly terly ;Board but our <whole -congrt"a 56"t;llt; of °N )l S k !las ;PER, "m''",C.A, tion. llaY ` God protect arid prosper you, it( yours and !finally bring- you '10 a � y v`• him" forever` -ell vLthI himself to dwell more, � Isincere On behalf of the Eoardant I s yours, T. Huston, 11. S. '17O ABLE IIV ENIN Gi 4 ftJ!i 1 'evening visas held on Tues- R0 St. "'contest on '.: 'ell church. -1 Methodist dist1 'i'I'lt" � St J h o April 7th _le C4'V n P _ socia ev da • by the Epworth League; of Main it y t osep, nares I13 the books of the }3ibli a o eox_ Contin a the Mrs, �< 1 to Ni,`°nd lir . l ' p � was held, Sides were chosen ;captaili'd daughter. bY 'Masses Mildred and Lillian waike DIED T31;DO F TI.D—At his home near London onril 16th ` lir. ;° ,Geo. '.114] rotid, p , iformerly of Exeter. 4 aFALL—ln,lExeter on :4' til 15th _ie S P illrs.`Alexander Afel'alls, Sr., ,of Cen- tralia, :aged ;,80 years. n r1 ]� ' i V:ltVCPIv [' In Dashwood. on rt p Ars Daniel. Vincent aged 45 year ' 8 months and17 dos. -R L'T r' 7I ' In a D _hwoo oft '4 �11 to 111r. an31rs. Edmund Kraft; a son,: ;7, TTiLCI —sit l icl$'on 'Sunday, Aptri 7th, William Stelck, aged 116, yeax•si 5 months un„..22 days. tb • . 1 tc rt 7rurioh ' ' Otti3 east, .141 h tot e k � ; s ; Abox oE'choco'rates v,a given side .winning outs, 'Airs. Truer/tan- El-. liott '‘N'inn.ng-'the box. A social time :f light rem - vd rd. 'yen ,enjoyed, 11 was afterWard, J v , t, -.f r es hrnents b_ - i11 -,serve d M iss Thelma Skinner fraV G•d Some splendid mats- . . , rn the 'ream lc dar>n�, _R' . GEO. 73EI?FOIttI) It. O 1 M inE.9 OL PNEUMONIA' 13i Geo. Bedford a farm .r 'resi- dent oil Exeterand who has. been liv- ing' doe + on `.Cue,sday' of ��• tea, In o, this week .followinganillness of,, plieu monis.:ler..Cedi_"ord fol' Several years eon dac4.ed 1a grocery, 1)blitsin.esS in tare. in the old p'i'ling block seilan_ o -a, :. '.41'. '1i. t' Garver' i and"=Son lists tiGm.:<Arrnstrone s dvv,n;"a'!iad lfrs Gordon Tl'e o oo +o ' ,. Shot ;atq da a `°l ion' ben. cr 'Mrs. t h. pq ..:.: .tet�fi...,... ..... ,^. vi i'�h her 1 ai.h�1 + �da5,�ti"�r s bile .11 4.-mtito t Ihy wootT motored ti a ll y ar .1 tying ythvexe I be 'o haw Baas, v v^T' 'tl'-aVaJ•;L',' Jt lint '14111 't;rt«: ilr iT'; 11033-e,., ibS' r 0 O14)lt it pkv ti kRgB r t31a, k vv;t; ALa6Ik "1 `o3 ai. i,lyIng Corps Attlrt i ;ir,d vv l:lo !w their, b,ttily injurecl with t;tt'O ti01'1;1311 bird city- of the G Ger- He rlJitil 0414 He; urged that inciie,41 cannot gt., too :many; airplanes over to the battl from;, Major Howe said that the air oi", I1irtdv til1x d with airelap el and that the most 4:vci1in1; fights %-ero occurring. "Miers itt one time al- most eontlrx8ou,ix 'tsar 12 hours. .{cin, the seconad ;night of the battle the Ge we oplentiful,co t 1. rm3Li� vete not many 0' them had been shot down, so the `British made an air raid, and dropped tons of boznb', on all sorts Of important places and on ,roti:,. of (erinan sola' r . "On,.rhnThird da3_ t were very T. with e vi Gi*rmrlx machines left rill seri f 1 a went Tto PS and t t s v(•ral others, Lnt r p i- , n a f('.', Somehow or other 1 got lost and xrosentls found myself fling in company with tn nGerm s one slightly ahead of tees the other above We ter,abolt. 2000 Tent tp l da e,d the machine ahead, and vv as gain- ing _Oxa hirn when the one above drop- ped a bomb that exploded so close to ane that the concussion knocked me unconscious,. I knew nothing more until_ I found myself in a hospital batmen on the ground said that my, machine had fluttered down lake a hvn 'vour,d d bird." - Se xsm.ith 1,1 PRESENTATION AND ADDRESS l�res'ntation and address -On Tues- day •v e 1 t� evening <� th 6th about fifty of the 3ieighbors and fiends of Mr. and ll'r's- George Geddes withered togeth- er ,at their borne and presented them u'ith;a pair of beautiful leather chair,' and the following address. To tiVlr,° and'iIMrs, Gear, tA. Geddes,— t 'v4�e t 'friends <^ " ears .lu glen. and nod lit of S p Seosniith have gathered t,o-night to k..;te;i2 you our best vvrisl7:es before y;au move, front our neighborhood. , VTe sincerely regret th:at 33,01 purpose. to, ,. 'C C'C from our�2121 11 5 i nutJ tanceIna}% separate us, '.v'e, trust that tc s } n _ may no, t... .ii.+,ima�c: rela�.i a hi be p Y severed. Wet eecrtalu.l } shall miss your cheerful and Service= in any 11ne aoI netci, We.:td sire -00 to -ac- cent these chairs,' as a nle,re taken of our appreciation and i eme_*iibranc.e,:and ,is Sour i9Ll2:ani21os15: 44 1,12 ail it Sincere hone v that our Heavenly l ath ear l i.y abundantly bless your and your Sanely in Your IIev,horn n1 that you, may 1.•olh be sparedm a y years, and that n'ay' be yours through life. , 4142 --behalf :roti the rriesnds and +lez,'1lbor2 of ex irith Airs: Jos. North eiost, Mrs, Chester Rowe 3ames Gould Roger Northcott, , Cly^.!ares'ntztion ,pas, madxt b 14TntG os, h N`ortheo.t and the adrixe1,4!a3 r4yxM11It John Campbell "lir. Ged :f ce''av0s,xy su ssuita,b}eo' land reel cgr>1 t1ia e4r { lus�xa*»* f xines ;ifrd. deist—°4. pT17 ]l+r. sacks, 113 .7 rts. x 4 qtr•,"teher Zion -18 sh r lti'r caps 1. ger. old '.141(1 `*995.25. y of oaI's zo}dii :oRd 7i '3 40a9, `.d linen: 4trc;t- TaI.r.1 .Sic, ra t:cse 'THE, TAIT ELSTON Tlrarnas Elston duet's s11)i14. ;'-ted- dlxxJly ory 'i rldav ;zn£ng last; of heserf: ailIYte'. 17c iv2L: Th'. years o€ 1,41 'The~ ;rle!41441,tee4 51 44 one' •'r.. he r of 1;�w<;t.+r a early r thirst.'ind ..t one time r..olydc3ctr�(3 ha- t;rl in a sial}. Intildulg where the teen- tral 1ioto1 novo- stands. He was tl4141 marrited 'tis r 1r,.s Hrs., vv tfe being Miss _-.� - 110d froze that onion two 3. spvv'r a kn3 Si".T7 �' 1a, (s IittON W11 01 'oo., o:' !.t oOtll('tt tt1 ;1lta l4 t rd: Jt site, Somew*Ii04.0 1r :OS Ti ' Is, 11 lariat d vestry 1,,k' 1 .1 o1I ;•. •z ' church t 1,4 1 . ! C .0 }'4.1c'E "f51:(lI:l:.y r-- -1 1115'. 4.-':'-'1.:5 1"0114 ''irterC ,--` rws)t`ii'-ii,•5 le'm then: 1111': airs ,}tYr. condition, i`i t c. 'arch. a.Yd' on '1' a balance, of <310 ba M to bo 311 r anis t d oT t.L1x: .•,. 17 3« iS it' l:toghters and one sort survive, Mrs. in. the treasury, /ailsUf 1 t Unroll. Cartt h of Muskegon sill £r n; a n the South- ern 'States_ Thk. dice .ed sp-irt a nuxn her of years in the States. Several SC1r`sa-was 4I marriedto ra l I I' r eg sat, and sett sznce that, tima has rat - in k - d to town, The funeral v ,lc e f l v vas herd on !Monday afternoon to the Exct,.r clam,,terv. ELI'4JVILT,E SOLDIER, WIN'S MEDALS I ATHLETIC CONTESTS Mr, John Cornish of ElLmvtlieiast week received two medals that vvas sant hone from England' by his son Pte. John. Ti. Corn,slt, which, he had won 'in athletio contests. Pte. Corn- ish; enlisted with the 161st battalion and spent the ?last year in Er,land During hi.8 stay :there he took part in a number of athletic-cohtests and did quite a Iot of runniaig-. In a race of three and a half miles he received :a bronze Ind 1 and for runner u in r e a p all, amateur boxing cont,est ILe secur ea a silver medal. Pte. Cornish along with lis brother, Pte, Richa,rd. Cornish has been drafted to France ,and in all 'probability they bat -e taken: part in the recent heavy fighting. Before til S c' h t. tlae medals n � to Franc e sent. + above referred to, to his. f3 her. c?, r' 111 .,I�T:I3'b'E.A\5 .:afO0 3.,.. TESTED One hundred and sixteen samples of seed beaus }lave been tested for mer- 11lIritiax this season by the Seed I� Department nt Agriculture, Branch, 1? U.r °me of pt tests " ut of _„ t. t. ar Ottawa. Tile results he I I. (11 "f) ir-.clatr off, i<xst vv"<< �11e v:, n'leer lief° zlls, :Si ti a '. er h r Y•n, �z21 , 'IEGI�tr of 31 r4, iter alf.1i had conte to i.ovwn '3ronx Cent .41ia and ;irso.It ton mishit<rs '.0' ,. e, "; r ,,��. ,.he ..rrivrtt �h,_ (,..pared front heart �fa£f ire. The deceased was stl years os". age. .for a nt7m31-31 of years she mode her home with her daughter glhier 'Thos. Atkinson, near 741ooresvi.l1,,, ,t n.. to v• I:� a moved t about 'three ce � o a v � � Centralia. She is survived <by .Cour sons end ,five, done:liters. James cid m town; 'miles of Lshorn(i:; 1�n1 of T3ict- dul h acid S.a4nson. of Sisk„; itis: 'Tbs. Ilodgins orStrathroy;. Mrs. 1141. ,atkinson oi::reir Luean;, 3rxs. Chas.- Floe.gins' of I3iddulph; Mrs., Thos. At- kinson, of lleGillivray and 11Lrs. !'ri m Da,ancey of licGillivray. The fife's vias -heli. to St..ianles cemetery, ilis3cie ulph. '1IELTINC4 OF 1”. M. S. 1 The Women, lfissionary Society-, of James St. 'Methodist' church iaelc1 their annual meeting "on Thursday'' last week. The following officers were "sleeted for the ensuing year, Pres- ident. Mrs. Rev.) .1, 71 TCestci , 1st;' i v*c. re.., lies. C. 'T ."knell,; :1, 1 vice. ores., .71:rs., C. .i''. 1d ,1) er: 31-4 vie:=? ores., '3r..e m lli sett,, 1.3ec. Secty. hl:rs._ till, Johns; Cor. -.''etc. llrs. C 1 r '4i "e1 1I^.nt_e ties,_., Mrs. Snell. lilrs!' e L, liokvacli`ie }spas appointed delegate th nit a ' 73 anon con - Jung. -to-attende annual 1 x n s v entio0 to Ire :held in St. .3larys in, June. r I . x, The Woolen's Rlissionary Socr�ty �. ;+ a.. ,t t x 1 h r Yv iazn ut. Z`let adi.st ch lire, i a c albs ed a J474 5 sitcc'ssful 1' ' 4.. tl?e atlnt`C 0e't x: or the _Cor. be.ie :r; heldl id, a., r P:k. della :life member 1 F,k avv n �: t ec,d o j�a t �yry ?llick,,,S Mrs: summarized below .show the advlsa sllium2xL c ,.t. bilic.s this year : of having all 'isto-k 7- i`7 C d before sowing, t t I 33; of the samples ger ;zuratea : , tee cent and over. d 9 .tr c n !Jur • t d from 8 to 30 ca a � .r l citmina tort from z a per ( t .3S'.,.e.zaruated bihor; 1; per cert,, ;This means that while 28 per ceu f: the a�aauples were excellent szFd tit; per cetlt, n101'13. were very fair, 411. par cent of r _-oily half those receiii, ed' were either poor or entirely us5e le s a • i e .special care shoold:1 'no d,'food mater1-I,„ . in 11T7out gond expectation ovidl d the imporn taceor31of hav �da t(d '. 4llrlt a 3)30 e,44 d bat e cs 1lExaa c k aboat, c '_�