The Exeter Times, 1918-4-4, Page 4Now She ,fla kphfa, ? t. ,;f was t ve, un down, nervous, could taut; .i en- 1 feat lie crying all 01 tied different remedies chit, The doctor said it waq, q der 1 as alive, and when \inda°t given1 began to ii prove, eve taken _igbt iiot;ies and ara strong and perfectly healthy in respect, and have gained: in t. T par not praise N irtol h?—Mrp Sarah -'Jones, St. PhileetelPhia, Pa. ,aranree Vinol to make over - d, weak women strPO,a, or 1.:- oc ; rao e a. Fo 9r1 every lbs is ;gone protg+ tiOre- C DR afu£Si, S-STER Gee' Da iy go' bs1 °'' zand pro. ed, Sttt) ?,9" act fon "c By thOf eE 0 NTO• Tete psi FencY a^t c tR c3ra,Q0 ATW O GRA.L"t . ON. a bee s Inds alt goo,, f join, 'was Mat dooi TE 2ND. Commercial Ilia oflz'rs the 40 gr;at . opportunities, Recent lady graduates of this school ad are earning as Thigh as 51000 ger pugannum. The last application -,Fe • 441 received from an office mar. Tl with some experience offered, ad; initial salary of $1800 per ar 6a Iia ? num. Students may enter our new classes at any time. Graduates treat 'placed in positions: Commercial 0 Shorthand and Telegraphy_ de- partments. Get our irce' cat- , alogue , •-f-m. 'P 4T, 1. ELLIOTT President• to E, A. . reLA.CH:LAN., Princiiaa• m 4 i®aY9+►b�b9��a���4d+a3�ia��+f9 CENT "CASCARETS", OR LIBER AND BOWELS ;`;Eleac3ache,, Constipation esTs, Sour Stomach, Bad -T-Candy Cathartic. nw bad your. liver, Stomach rely 'how mitten your lbws aches,; antserali you'• are from consaipa; Tdiliousneis and slug titays bet relict -With ntitsedt ,rely eleaase' ' om01r,. remove the [roll at `:owl. ;ages;'; sn Ctij f ozn tlse liver a#t1_ 4tipated taste niaat "" rn pc,'"a a' Oc tirr : • cal €ul. 0 tang ents .T, th ire hha a • zz 5 st sxa; iia- lil933t: r F� IMFASAi:n'. ..R?14',x.4. S 0 a`^ 12 <o. s c.A l h l•a ad 0 &O11111i 1,0.u`n4ered s ..sr tori by the. tOf ;brim ft llo 0 of the Jxhibitiou Camp hospital, ,fie Glared at the coroner`s inquest tb,.tt he had received no complaints about ill-treatment from, Pte. Robert Gil-. )les, whose death made au investiga- tion necessary, FRIDAY. 'be cost of living shoved furtlaer ht increase ter February, ire Prince or'1 ales, who has been Z neland forseveral weeks has tgainst left ,for the fro/It, Boys oe 1 r are called to the Ger- man army, according tp the,Zur;ch ccrrrespoudent of „the Paris *Tournat, Dna. xtiuiou Burebei a:s taf Statistics is to be Greaten fn eonneetion' with the Department of `Pride and Cormeree, Chief Ineneeror Robert Burrows' n na bas elzt_.d byt ;e rovinciai hoard of License Commis Stonerot $ News has coz2'te i its R r C aaa dizi �l is in e € Aon an to ba rt e on the Western front. Dr, Alfred Thonatrs4,,S resj alike a his positionas tiiediea1 Superiaatelc- c3erat„>'the HLp ta3r for i1eturneo �So 9r rs and laosp 3�3ci A olther diplomatic er..s1s L w eeia Argentina anti Germane imminetit o er the sinking of an Argentine sic a?rler liy s le-boat. ,1, e t<,blisliment ee„reb Saboa gkot'}u tt1, ' `i A, 1 S o 1' in . ston that Artillery e big i ions s a `sa G e a 0 e; Th 0 ';Qat 1} i;tka. u • e, 1r CRI LaborItaS lleeu up-. sit Europe and stair.' 10 s of labor Blore they post-" en the war hy labor in the s't dt LI to tq tt ettmG o' riaitiaceb the d.r,,s xd t,an at at a> l 3 5 '"!1 eta f ar E,1 fitialtug 1u8g0of con - rat. Ornres. ubh, 4$,Iz. for Chats auguay-- iu 't3St;w:do"z ::cs l ess n &a,£' l Chief 1pllasitifil tip, a ail. e'ri E*.;!.h, P, for S -•awl trno s, his ass l.„ Hon. item Se ignyis resign. tiot inis;ter saf inland Revenue was aau..t ,tit by, Premier Borden, who spiv it would be formally accepted hi , v'ceir The Berlin Vorwaerts says tbltt when Cae S Pi is over If Germany IS victorious i c r 'roe mast be one 1t ea . e. iitess towards her neighbor as Alx i'1echanic G. V. 4 `ehater, of and Second Pllg::t Lieut.. P. Messenger, of England, were ser- iously injured in an airplane accident at' Leaside airdrome. The Dul;e. and Bootees of Devon- shire, with several members of their laid~ and household, attended an I:rnp 'e_sive intercessory service . at Gbe1Si Church Cathedral in Ottawa :tree:: ay night.. Sir Itobert Bordenhas given notice al a reso1utior asking Parliament to authorize the:: expenditure onwar purposes. during the year -'ending March 31, 1919, of a sum not ex- ceeding $'500,000,000. British wounded are being taken to Paris oa special ambulance trains '. and distributed among the hospitals of the French capital, This is the first time during the war lritish cas- ualties have been cared for in Paris. T i1DBSDAI . C. Arthur Danse.ieau, a noted Montreal journalist, is dead. Windsor manufacturers have form- ed a Co-operatilve Agricultural Asso- ciation, aiming to cultivate 500 acres. Electrification of railways was re- commended in an address at the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers' meet ing. Gordon Donaldson, aged 1.2„. was rescut:d lite -saving ei-e-w as he was being blown out into the lake near Express companies cannot. get satin- ":1e,nt bars to handle tlie- liquor con- signments rain Montreal into Ontario. County judges are to be brought in. to aid the Military Service Ant fribunals I\lontreal to clean tip the nany appeals. impertani, w regulations govern- ing public.„,- eating -houses- ,have ;been ordered ..bv the Canada Food Board,- enectleo at once. The recently formed Imperial Or - of Sons of the Empire is starting • an agitation for a Dominion -wide sys-, el national public schools... Beatrice and, Maurice' 3)essol, ,of T:/routo, were arrostod 011 charges of nal/Veer in connection with finding of an infant's body In Searlett Plains An increase of $1,,719,424. in th Tar+ na aF. hod iT Three People Sf, ' During -the Trouble iri'""tuebe� li phial Law Conies Into Force tan l en. Lessard Will Be In Chargc: of Operations' - Cardinal Begin Counsels Moderation and Aranan Io iwergne Callas ea M0b,; QUEBEC, April I. ---Three people: were,sbotn ad.slightly wounded dur- ing a renewal of the anti-eonscriptton riots hQre Sunday .night. The shoot- ing took hoot-ing'took plate ;luring a mix-up be- tweeu the rebellious element 'and soldiers who were removing firearms f1`341 a hardware store. The wound- ed are Arthur Quart andthe 311isses itaacly They were walking along a et several blocks away frown r the melee was taking place. 2'ada military decided to remove all ttrearans from all; hardware storey following the raid on an est ti isl1 amen,# handling guns and a1AMM*..tloa alt the early hours of yesserclat''' orn- =ng. The firearms were taken to the citadel. The action of the military was re- seated by the mob faction, and sal diers engaged in this last}; were pelt,. ed with missiles, in el ae case the rioters yet a hardware estabitobnient belonging to Martineau Bros. The mob was able to rsreh , eonta ining weapons 'before 4h diers and they broke i ses ratidleci belong to s ;L Qf ttacl ded, '4A bile a sdaldiers with axed bayon boned. at the various; #Itt mobs used for reale Thursday and Friday night, O11 Sunday Cardinal B>; gin's appeal' {esm tiop of the dis+�urbsaee was.,..!. all the Boman Catholic claw. ami Armand Lavergne, the onalnst leader, addressed a yang ng a hardware store and couta- d Lla,e men to stop the disorders. verges told: the crowd than likely ycere very qmpanies sta- ous on Delicidus "Fruit Laxative" can't harm tender littte Stomacho Liver and Bowels. look at the tongue, inoth6ri coated, your little one's stomach, live and howeie need cleansing at mace. When peevish, cross, liggiss, doesn't steep PAt act natgridW'ra• is fever- throakAttirlmea, ",4g cold, gitT tea4p99,141 of “Califdois,. Syrup. of Figsr and in a few hanrkall the Toni, constlated waste), undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you. have a well, playful child again. Ae'k your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs," which contains full directions for babies, children. a all ages and for grown-ups, Auction Sale Oe P. 42 LIS-aa.por°ted recap 'Sst ie1t t oil fields atrolle on.„ e worker, wits found fI home in Toronto, )..• first tnue ilia history, ieotege Bury stated that the iton. Station will probably be or use dus•ing 'the Exhibitiott nno;v44 'of O 1;12 1114 e Ca Class 3 to be vice overs Toronto o.uraut aro seeking interpretatiou of recent restrictions imposed by he Food Board a.t Ottawa, Toronto building permits for alarch will exceed ,Vi00,000, which is an increase of twenty per cent, over the same month of last year. Ontario's Labor unions and work- ing- class organizations met In To - rent° and laid tbe foundations for the Orttrtrio Section_ of the Canadian Labor party. Tbe embargo an high-class auto- mobiles, shutting out the United States trade, goes into effect to -day. Eleven hundred cars were passed through customs at Winnipeg in tne past few days. The Canadian daylight saving bill is to be made the hrst Government business on, reassembling of the Par- liament on Tuesday, and the measure will likely be pat into operation in Canada by the 15th. et 01 non- batan King George has returned on - don from the West front. Alexander Oliver, aged 10, was drowned in Toronto harbor Saturday. Two more bodies of victims of the Halifax disaster were found by Work - Six hundred Toronto men in Cate- gory -13 will be called to the colors this week. The presence of Bulgarian and Austrian troops has been established on the British fron.t. The cutting of the Hedjaz Railivay by the British severs communication of the Turks with. forces in Arabia. Stephen Pinder, twenty years of age, in, a fit of melancholy, shot him- self fatally at his _,home at Leam- Gen. Begoyevsky, assistant chief of the Don Cossacks, is reported to have surrendered •voluntarily to the Doi - Second Lieut. J. C. Newcombe, iif the Royal Engineers, was killed in action in the first day of the German Two detachments of troops, total- ling twelve -hundred men, -were sent from 'Toronto to Quebec Saturday anCdaSPut.ndtaly"-ie.V.) John MaeN-eill has arrived in Canada •after spending eighteen Months in France engaged "Robert Freeman, of Cobourg, elevator man in the C.P.R. was crushed to death. In the shaft -when the car started accidentally. Canada's exports of munitions, grains, meats, produce, iish; minerais and lumber to the United. I.cingtioni all show enormous' ineXea es '' ' past three years. Rev.- Nathaniel as former chancellor and "prote or'• emeritus, of Victoria College, an,d an outstanding' figure in CanadiaineMethodism, died Prondise vele not said he had 001' C 0114110.1141110.110. 5 (115 ILL ne ies sl he knew nothing of such see - The citY outside troops, with fixed bayo and =Sabine guns are patrollInn ti uptown and downtown sections the eity. In addition all buildings that have been attacked, or are considered likely to be attacked, a surrounded by sol- diers, A special. guard was -placed around the Grand A,Ilec Apartments, 'where Col, Landry, the officer com- manding this military district, re- sides. Throughout the disturbance Saturday night the seldiers acted with great moderation, The rioters hurled insulting epithets at them. Early Sunday morning a raid was made on the hardware store of Erbusseau Freres. This tirmrs store is_on St. Poul street, near the C.P.R. station, and, away from. the points in which the rioters had operated up to that.tirne. It was not being patrolled by the military. The store was brok- en into and revolvers and ammuni- tion were removed. The police were called, but were unable to prevent the rifling of the establishment, NG arrests were made during the attack on the drill hall or on this store. The Riot Act was read by Mayor LaVig- tteur on, Saturday ni_ht, and the sol- diers „have now full poyer to tope with the situation. Adopt Stern MeliSures. OTTAWA, April 1. — Measures have been taken by the Government to ensure the maintenance of order and to prevent recurrence of the dis- orders which took place in the city of Qtiebee on Thursday, Friday, Satur- day and Sunday nights, -and during -which considerable darna,ge was done to property. The events at Quebec were discussed at a meeting of the Cabinet Council on Saturday and afterward it became known that cer- tain military arrangements which tp.e Government believed _would meet any situation, that might develop, had been made. 'The iletailanof these ar- rangements were for obvious rea,sons, not disclosed. In the meantime the director of the Military Service Coun- cil is in Quebec to inveStigate the outbreak of mob violence and the Mr-- cumstances antecedent to it. The Government is keeping itself inform- ed also as to conditions in the city. It is understood that every effort will be made to apprehend and deal with the ringleaders in the diiorders. been Inspector -General of itlilitia Forces m Canada, has been selected by the Government, it is understood, to take charge of the military arrangements for maintaining order in the City of Quebec. He will im.- mediately assume command, with the title of Military Governor and with wide powers to quell disorder, Cer- tain troops will be under hie orders. Gen. Landry, who has been in com- mand of the Quebec military district, will remain in command of the Que-- -bee garrison, but will leave the task of'dealing with possible further out- idlts of mob violence to the new., gary Governor. SHINGTON, April peg _a,,dit_laat President sritriVippear before red AYOPLI 1 s c !Old,. in float tO Col- ows with, calves fOnt,; i etts )3404's 014,2 la raelyt lantity hay, Pandora on *ed io'leit note -S. 4- tOtir If for 0,1511 .011 14 blottlz Aucti Sal t Pr 101: w iron • two carpets; oilcloth to bcdsooms; gi.xxl stair 1100,0011 icatly new; clock, 5 toilet sets; hal ettrtahn; blinds; 4 or 5 dozen quarts halt gallon sealers; 1 good onl.• vinegar barrel; .1 *oak ten-gallon barrel crib bed,baby cradle and baby buggy. sprinkler; four gal. coal oil ran, two clothes baskets, washboard, lamp, set of irons. Real Estate—Good brick veneer house with two lots and barn; hard and salt water; with screens made to tit the whitlows, nearly now; 1,k1 dos, Columbian. and thimble berry bushes; also 300 strawberry plants all put in last spthig. The house could easily be converted into a 7 -room boarding Terms—Chattels, Cash; Real Es- tate made known on day of sale. MRS. FRED LANE, Prop, 11 Sale by Tender Beat Estate, Plant, Machinery and Equipment or T.IIE EXETER MANU- FACTURING CpAIPANY, LlilITED of Exeter, Ontario The undersigned Solicitors have been authorized by the Iortgagees to sell by private- sale the following valuable property tinder and by vir- tue oil a certain mortgage which may ba inspected along with the other tit- le ;papers affecting the property, a their law offices at Exeter at any The property, consists of all of Lots drew Street in the said Village._ and parts of Lots 34, 35, and 36 on the corner of Wellington and Andrew Streets, together with all the plant machiner3, engines, boilers, patterns moulds, -tools a/1'ft- effects in or a- bout the 'said .premises or belongir,g, to "the Exeter Manufacturing Co. Lim - general foundry repair 'weak as web as in the manufacture of rciad-mak- inery Cast iton CIAVerl pipe, belts. whtelbarrows, plow points. 'pumps. Nvi'tcr-trouglas and other hardware specialties and is web equipped for these lines. The buildings are brick and Ifraing ar.d the machinery in 'good 4vorkin,g order so that .tht.\ purchaser could toperate al once.' Valuable ce.r.- oections have been established for pany's-goods have earned a splendid 'EXeter located. for la- bor ;, trainspOrtation ,acifities ars Sbaled" tenders rvili be.. received. 0.13. be :paid upon `notice oil ac,cepca.rice of tender 'and; ilati!' balance, within 30 days „Ment. Terms !foittbalanite _may Oti oaf Ss so: The Kind You in use for over thirtY ayndeabrsahbaesenbomrhaedethuenSdiegar ahtnistepeori; Bona supervision since its infancy.; Ailow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits imitations and Just -as -good " are but EXperinIeutS that tria:t. with ami endanger the health a What IS Drops and Soothing Syrtips. - is pleasant, It 'contains ; neither Opium) Norphine nor other narootic substance. ItP age is its guarantee. For more than thitty years it has. „. been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flataleneyr Wind Odin and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arlsinx therefrota„ and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and solid sleek The Children's Panacea—The Mother's, Friend. Nut STORIA ve Always Bought, and WhiCh- has hee12" Ove rt 310 owed HOG PRODUCTION It is a matter of the greatest importanc that Canada should increase her produc tion of BACON HOGS and other live as there is at present a world-wide shor age of meat. Good markets for some time to come are assured. THE CANADIAN BANK OF CONIMEACE will gladly make loans to assist farmers int. good standing to acquire live stock. " EXETER ERANCH—A. E. RUEVZI, MANAGER Crediton Branch -3. A, Ma Donald Manager. , DENTIST Honor Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity. Office over Dickson & ,Cari- ing's Law Office. Closed Wedneadya afternoons, Phone Office 5a and Residence 5b. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univenn-- DENTIST Teeth extraoted without pain. og, ahy bad effects. Office -over Glad - FARMER'S MUTUAL EIRE INSUR- S. Graduate Victoria tiniversitr.1..., Office and Residence, DQD:111110 Labratory, Exeter. 'Associate Coroner of 11.11."014 Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, BORT. NORRIS Vice -President, THOS, • DIRECTORS WM ROY 3. T. ALLISON GENTS JOHN ESSERY, Exeter, Agent ts- Ws, A. trinkINEULL, Solicitors, Exeter, a W. ROAMS 4' LICENSED AUCTIO$R,ER AND, ' Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, PubliA„ .Commissioner Solicitor --for th_t.-. Money to Loan at low -est rate, MONEY TO LOAN We have a large 'amount 'of private'', funds to loan ran farm 'and village, properties, at' lowest lrates or inte-` 'ADMAN '& STANBIT