The Exeter Times, 1918-4-4, Page 2HAP
wee iravir.g a 'wry Dleasarrt
time of it, The thing that surprised
a rzx was, the way lgarjory quickened
his zest in old things tbgt had hecunx�
stales Hire, for an*ce, she toad
hit back to the ci s Q1d i 4 had PO!
Sl cor+iecll with n p cp n "'Te th0t
X' the int1
O SAkk'ki6k ` ?
e d witho
U , ;
Prsn caper
in the ski
c1ea . deceit
f circ <4
joss r
"You dicix:'t hurt yoxur sl o leer, u a
you?" she asked anxiously.
die did not hro .—it did not %ki wh
n?�t}er. Had Hamilton actually
fleeced in aeh n her- lips, heuid ,vo, hie iio:aand d arm
„ es ? c3 Strtte: ti� to
/AY taus,
ehargea„ and x Mit daily.
a +
Petry e. Creamery Co.
nn $t. West, Toronto
RECRUITING 1'018810N,,
e 20,000 r1,en From U. S
in Three `+antbs.
e woe
xT d ariadian
spate 1 to Can
for tkze �3,itasi
a'iPral W
t: e
'tCiruitit g rIt5- i
id 1,059 3 •oluaa-
n. Canadian k
sen?ee o£ Braga-
ofthe Cnn than
.�, ]� ree is an cats n and o
=g gram, iia L1, e i n teca
riga,q �'-�. 1t iti, i:a,'a at x*i
:gather -General White has ni
desire*# aid the Allies he can
, i',1Se' the '140'tfititary of the BritiSh
▪ him in"vailded horse in
411111:ttes'rriu' :trii'tlucegladlistlefLYses. t:alern,14
the secofe
next t.
Is to Seoure
fr 'Clad
ed a like
Even li
e, sone -
she would
hal c
n and bee
y'e war
he. singer
un tine
actually env
lIarnilton. made
I does not produce euffiei
eborts to feed hogs ir
ae Europe,
The tliffiet
upon r
ely late Canat a as the wear,
'clops Imd transportation diffiaut
,, lessen. Every, farmer Omni
.ealiee that are at \Varl 1-1131,
Allied Europe herd presaed.
3 determine to do best he can, untie
all Boy to.
The surface of all water 1, covered
by a film of the water itself, which in
actien is not unlike that of a thin
sheet of ;India. rubber. To comprehend
his one must imagine the rubber to
be transparent. l'he surface of the
rater itself is so elastic and tinder ten -
ion, so that a needle, though heavier
ban the water, may be floated on the
Several interesting exio)eniments may
be -made with the elasticity of this
fdm, One of the best Is to place two
leader sPlinters of wood side loy side
on the -water. Now drop a little alco-
oi, Will Immediately break the surface
Yeeri the splinters, and the
pie of the remaining film.
'be splinters instant
ar as
Watches: stools Table "Zrre,
• liad 3° C°119'3* Str°°t` 'W"C'nt LONG BELIEAVERDENTD:AD BY HIS
ted rt o -e e -d somewhat
boat, Place a tlay, bit of gum cam-
phor on the rear of this' splinter and
t-b,,e. gum will destroy the surrace. film
that there will be no pull in the
et ' N.s there is a pull in the front,
alauced by 'one in the rear, tirr
y boat will run forward as' rapidly
the ,eampher can. dissolve the flim
t , pacmg the floor, It headed ° however to lid is own'
t inspired', Drow, aigla,, 'With these two tee -1 exPort embargo was Placed on rain
eaious orav annelee before him, surely be should.' offal and the price of bran and shorts
within hieA have learned hie lessor,. Against; was fixed in fair proportion to the
ono else.,ithem he could place his own normal', priee of wheat and several doliara a"
he W I t to eit to ife—ten yeara of it without a shIglo ton lower tban in the United States..
he end. he danger 'r such as' 'aloe hours through, This, of eaurse, was hatisfactory as ti
bere, His only ,ernative, haw- 'deb he was now living. ., t far as it went' but the trouble was
ever, was to rise and press through s That was because he had kept,
that it could not possibly go far en-',,
the enraptured erowd, which certain- i steadY- Ambition, love. droPl1elltiess-0. '
v. would hare resented the interrup-; gluttony—these were all excesses.f °ugh. Not onongh 'bran and shorts ,
ion. It seemed better to wait, and I His own father had desired mightily are Produced in Canada te go around. i
out during the noisy *applause that to he governor of a ttite, and it had Canadian mills from September 1st,'
was sure to, fonuw. killed him; his grandfather bad died , 1915 to February 1st, 1018, ground at ,
At the second verse Hamilton etill 1 amassing the Covington fortune; bet the rate of 18,000,000 buebels of
smgmg, came nearer, A path 'ep;en.., had friends who had died of love, and, wheat a month, which wa; a 'very '
ed before himi as before an inspiredl others who had overdrunk and °''''.1.'" high proportion as compared to °
prophet. It wee ,orily Monte who move, eaten. The secret of happiness w,as /lomat From this amount of wheat,'
ed \zis their slightly and made ready.' not to want anyt'hing you did not have ' standard flour
till there was nothing he could do If 7.,:'011 went beyond that, you paid the! however, under the new
cost in new sacrifices, leading againt regulationa, about two per cent. mare
ntil the man committed sozne overt
et. When Hamilton concluded hi'e...f. to secrifices growing out of those. I: of the wheat berry is retained
gt he was less than tw-e feet away,' Monte lighted a cigarette and in -a in the flour. Only 120,- -
en Monte was on his feet. As haled a deeP Puff- The thing for; 000,000 bushels of feed Can be pro -
to, Paeli-1 &aced in a month, or 21,000,000 pounds'!"
applause sweDt, from every roma,: him to do was fairly clear:
the room, Hamilton seized from al his bag and leave while he still re -t a day. ri,
Laing it, shouted a toasti-- faculties. He had been swePt ofr his!'. Iniicil cows' cattk';'' ;11ceP anci a
ear -by table a glass of. wine, and.; tained the ust„ of his reasoning
The crowd followed his eyea to the him go On Wit.0 schedule for a; into consideration at all.. The bran
In month, and lie would ,recover his; and shorts prodbiced in Canada would;
shrinking girl behind litionte,
swine in Canada, not 'taking poultry :
"To the bride." feet for an instant. that- was all. Let;
good humor they rose, to a mar, and I balance. tIrms give each animal one nmal in two ;
Joined in, draining their glasses. Itl The sug-gestion was considerably: or three weeks. A COW would con-;
fad that it was nOt I, sume five pounds a daY; a hog, accord -4,
Was 14iOnte'S opportunity. Takingt simplified by the
to its age, from one-half pound ,'
MarierY's arm, he started for the , necessary to consider Marjory in any; ing
door. iway. He would be in no sense desert -t to tl
iree naunds—though little shorts,'
But Hamilton was madder than he ing her, because she was in no way e js fed to the inure mature!,
had ever been. He ran forward,idependdent upon him. She had ample; oi course,
laughing hyeterically. i funds of her own, and Marie for corn- hogs- There were, approximately,I.
4,Kiss the bride," he called. 'pally. He had not married her be- 3,619,328 hogs in Canada fast year,
, Thia he actually attempted. Monte i cause of any need she had for him so that out of every five or six hogs, I
had only his left arra, and it was not along those lines, The protection of only one would be able to get a full
twatli tne tun, and with a lurch the sately without -6 aim as AV1th him. cm., 0 all the hogs, less than two -
an fell sprawling over a table Even Hamilton was eliminated. He ----lin-
thirds. of a pound would be the maxi-
uiong the glasses. In the scream- had received his lesson. Anyway, she
it g confusion that followed, l'ilante would probably leave Paris at once i murn all°wanee•
ought his way to the door, usift; Iiis for Etors, and so be out of reat'n of Nor is this all there is to the prob-
this feed to the farmers throughout
his strongest; but back of it he felt a his name she would still have. As three -pound ra4ion of
shorts per day ,
ew Power. Ile took Hamilton be- Mrs. 'Covington she could travel as i
Pe e
War Limits Cerma °eke.
More silk dresses are being worn
by the women of Germany than dim,-
ing the first two years of the war,
This is not because of growing pro-
sperity, but results .from the fact that
no more wool or cotton can be obtain-
ed for women's clotiles,
in • malting airplanes and observation
balloons. Itatitin srnugtTlers who take
the risk of being shot in getting past
the froutiware earning enormous re -
ploughed see
The more porous n
nod lite eell the deeper *
ploughed under.
-v e
ng le nouris
-night fron
leh you eat,
but how
ilate, ti
o hos staVeS food, for -
ed less.
11 I
Had Given Up Hope Until They Saw
Bilieness in Cut ReproduCed Front
I German Newspaper.
1 Here is a little story that is
way typical of thousands of 1 ers
that 'deal with the misadventures
received word from the Inilitarv
tliorities that their only SOTI,„0-11 avia-
tor officer, was "inissine.” 1,'Ilat was
The Germtme m it
concerning, tglz,l'‘e'ef°
; men who are killed or captor
,this they follow exactly the sa%es,
(dial,- that the British do arditg
Crews e- nbnlarines
forwarded to the British
throngh same of the neutral a:en/els
tl at provide means communieation,
` such purposes, l3Iit as a flying
e. se -ate 'vies coneealed.
aederful Discovery.
other day ide father *Ice u
ndon illustrated newspaper
aeeidentally his eye fell oa
di'lpeilto: mf°11E:nfr °grail shP:1,:it-r°:)igairep:utel:1111; esl
yi There could e
ise of
Come t
in the
I your pur-
e, where
for look-
d stay et
The W alker Hous
The ammo of Plenty
P.S.--Special attention given t
Et ladies and children travelling with
= out g,entlemea escorts.
1 1 11 11 11111111111111111111111111111111
yOLI will be astonished at the results we get by our
modern system of dyeing and cleaning. Fabrics
that are shabby, dirty or spotted are made like
new. We can restore the most 'delicate articles.
Send one article or a parcel of goods by post or
express. We will pay carriage one way, and our
charges are most reasonable.
7hen you think
think of PARKER'S
Let us mail you our booklet of household
helps we can render.
791 Yonge Street Toronto
'adders' and a.straight arm to clear Hamilton. lem. --The question; of„. distributing
ifted Marjory into a cab. Canada arises. It has been suggest -
,Leaning forward, she clutched his ed that farmers be allowed car -load
m as the cab jumped ahead, lots. There axe 714,646' farms in
patiza-, In another second he had (TO e ed.)
It -was their honeymoon trip,. and
the first time they had ever been out
a ologized "I shouldn't have
't'him but --I saw red for a second."
She would,never forget that pic-
re of Monte standing by her side,
s head erect his arm drawn back for
se,cond blow which had proved un-
ficessary. All the other faces «ler-
nding her had faded into a smoky
' found.' She had been conscious
lone! and of his great
e felt that, moment
;reng,th' had literally been
ki.olkisi have struCk out,
Canada. Giving each one -its share
would mean that each"' farm woulCI get
of their own county.
As they waited on tile platform at a' car-lc.'d °Iic'e in twenty-four Years -
about eighty-four car -
bundle their boxes out of the van, the and there are
loads of bran and ,shoits pro uce
young bride and bridegirooirn , were
Inanifestly embarrassed.
twenty-five tons
their destination for the guard to ' A car -load c°ntain°-
in Canada per- day. It takes a 100
men a „porter came and , aslced: barrel 'mill abbut fourteen days to
cent. of Canadian mills have no great-
er capacity than 100 barrels a day- or
less, -and could ship a ear -load rio
offerier than' once a fortnight,
'Ne-vartlieless despite 'his difficulty
and all difficulties, Canada will have
ocan 1 look aft,e'r yer baggage TOT Produce a car -load of feed. sixty per
The red blood mounted to the young
)u.-ide'* cheeks, and, turning to 'her
hubby, s
"Well, well, If yfe al
,agoini to thrash him for refairin' to
'rite like 'that, y.e're no man, George!"
The kitchen stove will be clean and
ta,ight. if it is wiped `off ..ea.ela, Morning,
cloth'„rnoiste trees
he demanded; ,
An Investment Free from the
Dominion Income Tax
Dominion of Canada 51/2% Gold Bonds
Maturing: lst December, 1-922, 1927 or 1937. Now
obtainable at 9 8% and- interest. Will be accepted
160 and 'interest in the event 'of future' issues of
like maturi or longer made in eanada by the
Denominations: .$50 $100 $500 $1 000 Bearer or Registered Bonds.
tion ,Furni:theci- upon Requftsc:
9 as ;dubitable,
to the
Pradi 41 from
exami the
form his wif a (laugh
That night the fatt
agrte—it's easier to get,
ban whi.skey —WA.; opened, and tlwre
ale eelebration that would emply
h *ustilled the oiler and
a of c unit -
big and little, sen ntire -
household to jail.
Their Sweet Mebed ard Ala
the Battle Front.
Several times mention has boon
made of the presence of birds along
the battle front in France. The fol.
lowing references to the same subject
from VariOUS sectiens of the line have
lately appeared in Current Items of
Interest, The first is auoted from a
letter written by a member of the Can-
adian Expeditionary Force who Was on
the Firing Line in Belgium: "It is
very strange how the birds stay round
right_up in the front line. After a
terrific bombardment the other morn-
ing, which was the worst we have ex-
perienced for six months, a skylark
Igave us a lovely song. almost as soiin
soared up Ivan No Man's Land and
as the firing ceased. A partril.lge
flew over our parapet one ..evening and
settled '''an No Man's Land, quite un-
concerned at the rifle fire. The black-
birds give a lovely concert every morn-
ing and evening; you can just catch a
snatch of it in temporary lulls of the
Thig collies in a letter from the west-
ern front: "On the river Ancre, about
six hundred yards from the trenches,
there are numbers of coots and moor
hens that are apparently entirely ob-
liv;ous of the tremendous battle all
round them. Before the 'push' they
were about four hundred yards from
our front-line trenches opposite Thiep-
Ival, and in front of our field guns. And
this from the neighborhood of Lens:
"All through the night the battle of
the guns went on, and the sky was fill-
ed with the rush of the shells. and the
moon veiled her face from this 'horror
which made a bell on earth.' But in a
little wood a nightingale sang through
it all, in a little wood in the gurve of a
crescent of guns, which every shell
flash lit up with white light) so that
the delicate tracery of the boughs and
branches was 'ruffled and the tiny
Igreen leaves were tremulous. In the
heart of that thicket a nig,htptgale
1sang with trills and flutters d song,
trying to roach higher notes, to rise
higher in its ecstatic outpouring, then
warbling little snatches of melody.''
Similarly, birds on the `1\le'^Cedonian
front are said to return calmly to their
usual haunts as soon as the Siring
ceases, little disturbed by the tremend-
ous -artillery discharges that deluge
the3r homes witlaehot and shell.
o 'relieve -L „soreness of
ful soft. corn, try binding'
night with 1-ralting 'soda;;;;
a pain.-