The Exeter Times, 1918-2-28, Page 1ORTY-SECORD YEAR No JONES MAY PHONE' 32 ecial SiJk values for Ear March Selling 36 in Silk Poplins at $160 a y ; dor : Snits and Dresses SPECIAL -3f" wide silk -poplins in ail popsalar colors it#ct1*di lack, T•tylpin ixrs'y3 PrOwn, x7,, Qref n Fl.rph etc,, Ter earl) 1Fzrcit sell`xnb la3v $1.60 a .yd lack Panetta Silk at 25 a yd Its SPECt:�: t' d e, our pe 430 sa�els s ar $1.50. ack Pailett,.. ilk ora swat illi cti 5a 1e .€o b nt pca 1G izac nalit3' at 1 ties in ' eta Si s, all laopolar colo dfl to ,.?2,Qt) per vazrd. gcllkdiog 'b a 7 adzes Casbnieret e aZ� asc.faitly 41 pt a dilc ap New Spring Suits, Coats Iz#^er t11�l7 r .l t77t1P and aw W itols.Il 't lt=• Ir +°clot elotilac. Styl£ #All tz"o pl t o r1 &> e� are liere e ijr sin 1 <and, 1,^.Ule v43,ciY# ;•'44.,7, ia'4, v.. to \L',;?. €lkwi r4 i7at1 #1 tr.t? sl„zttg 4444+ Ne Su sh Daily a "rid lig Nes \Vail I',ziaors AND 011 :s£rIeCtiaxx c=arlt+. 4. -E- o4. �,. The a,OtIPRA i3r Met ita 1.niia , rs' bra ' -.tin,'.', h.eld alpr,awal... tessrs S•eidan \z'aite i backing '-a -ideratiort 'V T Goold 'be gore Is;t. rs;ivi-re (1,0.9ha54" a:itd er•ivin,r dya tic Letter C3ntari0 nota. ' . d; or4tion ' oazday. I aby 1. e village of Ext- ka 'essiof, with all -nt. Thr nainute:i of the flail were, read and: r-ruxotzet rac,t and B. G. ,,the coainct' re %voter n it cellar,. Due cntt- Toznis1. when ad from '1'te, 'ldome • illiam CroAvs 1 re tat secret tie id rk:1. oat ,,,f 1 ,.ttcr {.olt1 lv=atiot3 r nRt aL Vii' .vi th xe Application -ta=r from ai a ors, Ca: alra'm do J. \Y `.5,. ittaj dart: '11 t7lek41,?Q0 rs .p. ,,. ft # Aa ta ti .1. 41. 4. 4. ?v v +++++::(.47+++++++++++++++++++++.+'.+4+ 3 SAVERS In these times of coal scare- itg we are forced to seek some substance for heating our homes. A Perfection Smokeless or a New Process oil heater will answer surprisingly in this `regard. Perfection Oil ° Heaters $5.00 to $7.50; New Process Oil Heater -$8.50; .0 omobi Sliates For Ladies e`2.0J to 33.00 For Boys $1.50 to $5.00 pr. :ock :"glen and . Poultry ecd Royal Purple stock and poultry Sj secure satisfactory results All packages'2 ;Also have r rof ]psom13, Glauber:; r Gunr.t:r E. Itivers. oC British' Col- rznbin,. who 'ts atttieht d to = the flLh Canadian Field Artillery, is visiti1),, for a short time with his parents. 11r. and :lfzs. Wm. l;raverr . MAINS INTERRED IN EX"ETER. CEMETERY. The- rAu hank- of the date .Arthur Ifoslcins of Brantford natio.., of whose loath appeared in „ The Times last meek -Hera :brought to •Exeter on Thursday evening and were interred, in the Exeter cemetery on Erich ai" t-rnoon the •liin:ral'being held fr 211 home of .1(r. Thos. Re-il'. The fun+;ral services were conducted b5 Rev. "1T. livawortity assisted by Revs. S. F. )Sharp and J. \.'r .Baird The deceasedvvas:a. member of the. 1.t).O.1. and members of ' rho order attended in., a body, The floral tributes lyre exceptionally numerous aild beautiful and included wreaths from relatives and fricnd.s and :also from th•'terity Plow Comji'ir of 13rant- ford and several of the departments of. the factory also from several _ .soc- ieties of the '1 Nudist church, BranC- ford Alltii t1hiCIA he 777.71 associated. Among those eha'accampanicd the re- mains. to town were his bereaved '' 7:- doj;r t;'h.:i maiden name' was lIelora I1ollret Geo. Hoskin, Woodstock; Rd. of Kirk 61111 ; lint, 1111., 1111!', of .Br aatford; alts. Windsqrr <o1 T1;;rotvu. City. Bach.• and' irr't1irt's.:.L'. V,rit. of, rzrtantferd. rfhe pall -bearers 1+ e e :'l.ssrs. Joh- .T_'obert and 11arzy 11117iae Geong* and_ 1dcha.'!d Slo(sk`n5 and AVM, \ a c7_ca. ughlin., i3Oz; ll 11i'.1CT-In 1lsbortie on .['eby. �6liz; to ll). a.n- 'Is. Gee,' \Vright a 'dao elite r. e, .1N1}ERS--rn la�etci.ou 1~eby. 23rd: -to Mr: .1.1 11lrs. Glias. S. ,and62,-. datpshi ,r, sNE.LGEt0VE-S3rirt,slt;y, I'ebruary 9;` to .l.i.1 and" .airs. Eia.rrs' Snellgrove, a dad ht.er. DYER -r 7l Ut Ri At l:0x17ora azz E?ebi1„1 1 'the as the Rhotn'e or' the ri t4„'2rt ."O1iGv,: t0 Ez� :11 a1�lif>1 #t#a#Tett 7x774 a2A 11721 ath 17, 121;.' 417 Ile 71 Cot apa Gaf wnd onto IIr ace ELT EdF ALT. v }ry iinitxe'- U't g1geu ox a1 per- Tames Ltus 'l Iar52aatl Gael& in ,Main St. Methodist eh1#reh .on Suay eveninf; 1a�,� Ae. tt£'nance v\ asndI3re Gavexz PrestTlby terian church being closed for tete occasion. The -pastor. R. v. S. W. "Inxworthy and Rev. S. P. 'cbarla have i vo excvp,tionallySine addresses. v. J; G. Yeltand and Bev, rtlr. i',,Ydanead also assist ,din the service. rhe "Scout Itdstiers" the Sunday School class to ;which the deceased tae-. Ictged, attended as a c...ss, Tho t{dflor Roll was draped while itae "140,,,s colors of red and green as e=re s ills 'n'ded over the Iaictaire of 'tae tr asck+i large flag decorated the', tZn.'l it, 1v,h#le around the altar WEIS ersaat of plants and flo.WerS, se v !'k" �a 9$a•.ta las :i tAd sprays being sent, 1. Mss. Ee;u€all4c' JEBt t P cap 1 cetly ..Iaty ;I zl1-. s1Qe-!. tIa taoai'=c1 Find 1 Iai ifr 1`#.h 01 Sc 1;41,1, f,-.4 "l`IL+ Dead,` ti% boyltca d d -i .0 7).- itis - 1 114 £':[1 'ctclloa tali f li�ron ,Ax AYt`tl1 '\os('n an :an* tauei h£ t1 : t -ba-ra-~ s '1a�ri,:T 1'hi 31; SO/Ile 7714'. °l l7711 -I t' d a i, . $i has j� toad 7,r a or 1.71 17071[1'-'1 -- 711 #! ."y, 4 ri11,�g9jil 9AR.„FSP �.: o1v`:Y# 10 T„, J. 4 • e". :"0 h -4;5 1# 11 haltA'n all e?1"1.1 to s;ayr7:aa Sze' td a E afe�ly 5I !Iain, « $Ani' pa,110 ;sn(1 p#t 0. (11 7-'rG' CV1,1t.1': i ali4x l#iat'71771 »'1,x' 71 '70. caf 1.Qtsdals t'A;'a7'Le 4t t1 .71 rolat11 Ives 1TL 717Iv 1 '11 • X: tl#it as a 1 etact. ).1iso _1117 x15017 ie art^ laclmd. 1.0 711' St 30/1.115t.1t.ibathtxtce:. torpor. l,asr#do1a, ;aia(1 expects to sa ov.,r ea5 hkr7y •.Iitt7'tly£ PASSED MUSIC; 1J4: 1IS 11a,a Eloise Baird of Brantford 1 lx rt s1 suce .ssfu in F i, cinaig. Wlfh is1 011',s Honors the Normal''1eacl7,,z"s cs- 1117777 talon comprising 'Musical I'or777 'loorh and Technique, `l- '1 lin and 1'raet# 71 piano. She rias archpate:d ar, position in Brantford Cox#scrv.a70r1 > %ray staff for nest year El y nct rIti �t^1 ds 11: Si g;$:', Ixeg SillV. 3172 7277 tI71 you 7080t.bae° satiric' ai�x Cn.° .7021't h 0' Ilio warn tr1's 'Hitt 211727 , t 11i' 1' 11;•n Iti ,'Hili% lo'ln to crY71 Fjr,:L is bravo C:An rest 11II'ROVING \O' 3. 11, Rind, "~oils 1)172- \1^7th such a Maraow Cse a i°x two weeks I;s aro when leis clothin,; e oath% lira,from faz z1 s of gasolene that i naf'td 1'hilt ond'a vor•in{1, to t1) 111 out sante' froze'- pip -As 1s' 711a1C7717 :4t71`fa1Gtory progress. beat 17 still conlitn,(3 to his hone Its right lztr d `h -•i1)7 in a nasty condition. 11.011E STOLEN t .:rtatrall:.'r til` cases of tlzt`ft' of articles front buggies and cotters 12ft in the James tit. "sheds have been re- ocrt, d and on S,turday evenin 6sbornc Township farmer lost a val- uable robe. FI\ED .415() -) is COSTS. A s,.ollel't;o the two coswictions for --striation of .;he C:rirzad, Texat.ir'r:ence Act ' L Ilttnsal! laser%"ee:k 1a'as tried in f,haa i.at1*n f;lie Iatter )part of the week when a prominent citizen of X711171 toWli '1ra.s fine $50 and costs for : vio- lations of the act. SCI10011 CLOSET) FOR FEW" I)IS; Th: scholars of the Exeter school z:jo;ic°d at f.,Aw holndays= i,h• latterp part cf.last' s ee.k' oluing to the fact that the base•ane:it;:of (be school 7,'-s food ,di with wa e'7,' during the t3taly a;id plat pe1110 ssstrlrz 7z~.p!5. 3)71 4-, 03 11 of (711n nr Sion. The LC W11. fire engine was used ,frit pumping the; a1 atui out :111. Alex-Dyer:Id Charilk leis 111(1-'0 ga account friends in Imes llgar 4 0 i tXa>'g"' t4 the 1O1"e"" o the 'blows ST1,+n; II# is his coon S o oras hras'e. ro b7#x4 so fa"eioly" tnata7 r The, el ;Coo, lot is lltd0,1 and lit dial of the bat;taaz , Skil- .7` fl'Ftttt thsti eraltOal]s ro:1r, F .,fe art; Ick, a in . that' hinne° with vtor,_ 11T: s. 1 ti ?:. ht` ux hA 1 lJ:," ut aT To IIO 7St' A 70 1i. 517 „An 11)1 Al: fast his own dear faanil, d ono.. the;rar. [721oral. 7 a=+rant nand p'ra Ltt7A. 74-715 be 1 "I'TLE LOCALS 'Airs. 'arant1A.:, visiti or few days in London. Mrs. Stone an Mrs. Kerniek. left , this week to A-1sit 211r. arid Mrs. Wes. this 'A e ELECTED DISTRICT DIRECTO, At ,,f1he annual convention of Fairs Exhibitions 110.1d 211 Toronto Gn To.A.As- anti Iluron. PTE. DAVIS REToBNEff. On richly evenin-, last FLA:. 1.,avis arrived home a er 'hospitals in England. It was ro.- ported ft.hat Pte. Davis Avas to arrive ber e,ere at the station to great him, gave hint a 'Ararat" reciAptio.u. A% -as itirdit.eat,nociia.:3:4iihiceen:alaiiiilf, :di \dr, i1011,11176114,y4:h4;:eher:1 71,ci,sastf Battalion in London and in the spri.. a ; iplzy's!i07 d:a,, e v o Idlers' Aid Conte Opexa ouseExeter MARCHnth, The Rejuvenatidn of AnnM�.ry A o,rle.y in three Acts ese�r � x. � seats .50c Flan +al' ��all Gener TA A 7 11 #' and €ra17.7 of °. ock1 1'! on to Elft 1; 11t I3eri 7 0 0.' 1`4 7'11 ,0, 171 the bf's roiaz# s..z,tt 0'11 h, ,0 a 5e Children gal _711 .17 kL 1 71731 .77'7,77: ale 4 )Ni, ck..57 byfl5,e1 0.n TL Gra.f7 PMI"la#0.'# o 1ti ttsfl ; c, t i'. i 77773 '3X1(# 71%107 1: , ,i:,ttl)ly?,(1,,t11:71g-ti,11111)::, 11,st,ir,,: ho 1,,,117101.71t,, rt 11„trty strziel;.. across tile Yell e r rel to 717071'a. 7, 07.1 11 su upon the: roof „of. the cluireb. 0.21. 31r. Earton was struck camplately buried and rendered urf.- f_YJAgust Some other facts - V03', 603s. TIIA"• man On t ladder disclosed are hardly ly,ss not air's>, ,I?or AA''Ilich comprises all that por- th,„, vrovince east. of and 'to- tfin; this oat of a population ol ',a million people- The 1',Ion- ( ' district but it 1.1 tie in. comparison \A oranLo district, or for as population is cAnc-rnve1 right. i ovonion CE ns of tile Mi ry tlacAlght at the. time That .1‘fr. could not possibly have cseanci ,„ la s hit. he crawl.AA.d from. he, pile of srloAA- an,iided, Ile was, scale - %vita (A tf sits ken avratl.nr dU "L11 AA 1141st (if levels. On Monday this section, 1-;T was visited watar a heavy rain that a 1111. of rO lasted \volt. into tile night but be- 1140fheen. here many years Road oti.1)1(A.0,0e;irtktr WAS 0 e, he i.on Nit