The Exeter Times, 1917-2-15, Page 1' •••1';1'•1';',1 , . , wvalretski:1017,Ervvtff--,--110-4;4',°$,P"r4-4C*,*31trl., FORTY-SgOOND Y 1sT 0 2243 JONES & MAY PHONE 32 .44 4.44'.44•4.0mt."4.....,- n Immense Stock of Spring House Furnishings Our stqck of house furnishings for spring is now nearly complete- Many of our orders , for these lines} were placed over• a year ago so our prices are considerably less than if we had ,uought later. Illake your selections early before the best lines are sold out,as we cannot repeat these prices, New Rugs In Ta.pestries, 'Velvets, Wiltons, nrIASSCIS et; in fast colors and neVi designs. New Lino eunis, Oilcloths, Borderings in a great variety ofpatterns. See our new congoleurn art Rugs. New Curtain nets arid Lace Curtains lo all the newest designs and materials. See the new effects in bordered marquisettes and Scrims. New Shadow INIarguisettes a.- Draperies for Over Curtains etcin the very newest colorings, Special Sale of Shirting t000 yds of heavy black and white roclifast drilling, guaranteed fast dye. This line we purchased a year auo and offer at less than today's wholesale price. 041 sale at only 2.0C yd Ladies' "louse Dresses at 98c each EXTRA SPECIAL, 6 dozen ladies' house dresses. Good strong material. All sizes, worth nearly double the price, Our special sale price only 98c. All Furs reatIy Reduced Ladies' Muskvat Coats at $49,00 each 4 only ladies;Muskrat Coats, selected skins; were marked $62.50 our clearing price oval, Ladies Spring Suits and Coats Our ladies' and Misses" Coats and Suits for Spring aro now in stock. Au elega,nt tange to elect from at tnoderate prices. Come 14arly.- 'k '• Ladies' Blouses—New Shipment Just Arrived Wall Papers See our.magnificent showing of wall papers for spring; many new effects are sla Our moderate prices will surprise you. Khaki & grey Scotch fingering yarn for soldiers socks etc is in stock again. JonesAND traomeirmans, ••••••••me. y „ • ; D A.TE 0J�ED Eieter er, .11.00..thtY, 12tbx 191/1Letters of I 4rtw -sy from. the Front Exet'Read Earrattes Cloth! '1174-.417'14`111 "'"\'; ' ' Ler mer in the solAncit.hanaber, was rwritt...n, figratAt.;,. E. johns, 'No, '4'thhutta'0-- .1.44AVOilerf-"'t 19t11 were-4adians, 2, lnee, to his -"!•6 °IthIta' The -council of the, vihage of 1,;1%,-,,t...; f. to . 4.4t st- .n.""%t tristt-id of 31 id...? , th ieetn erubars 1)re.40.144,4I;;49°IItt**t*-i' Pr. thit' 05174'1,' Co„' 5gt Ratt,i).:04; read. au4 amixoto,„ iLr „youtt-- of Utsbozv.e4 -tu T omas, k "!! f 4h ,9-t7 The 4.aidierit,* And are Iioldi4g as ;red roux e rattace, an. 11 % - ; ; rrzaar An Rue town ,S,keses:oreeitatttri_von,..afauthtep b0ntu.110 31"tirtleipal Dr ; , nave on a-0 - - ;; t As have litOtt. Star...;;! IA 44 4 , :jet' tissq et in 'Dan/it( t asking that a4ti,04 be . tdItoot ,-- Ain. tue_t ..3a, ..4.-.A 'yo re we 1 ' -• ' e0.0-oeil of the tuirtig, ' lit -5-.; : ' ," , th% /est W -e are, In the"- ITV.R04*. rl''''t '''' - hY l'Und t'4et; hY 84.0 " 't"th4,044`.4i.0-4' e-eatt 1Thev are vz-ry m04047 -'4,4044A4 -.-**'111'f°11-. T -P' , sp...ihy .heartz,,,y end. , gloom n oi , have i'011g, hip rubber PaOtt% kVA ". ,c- tielit:ifv1:17.,(7.n, Omit -,','#4• ',Ith:7net.- !Tzu;vatiu'-tli::;q:04t cx-171;4t;e:**,:o4:;:t7r;,:- I" a,I,,,,, ,_•:,,,,f;orti„..kvat z.nrt, ,:01..srseicit:at7tio;',/°„.teirIT..s 71:1,,--g.:1: :., tirkh,, so,7,.-c.i.eto,,,,,It1).4),;'' Iristo:rxo.,f, _ :ot ,s----":"- ,iTalc:''--3,v(l":. Wr°4°4- teP ... czt ':"!''''''..;'....':'''410,: 4.. • .01,,!, COP l'4t !C",•44.4. -.,;al.. " ?.i.,z",-1-4,,:11;,...kt".4.,0:TI:,: ' -;.',- )..,- 11.''.' , . , ,tzit,o,„I.0,..,:uoity,:,.../.;147,:vt rQ. 'igUtAn; ,.151.11140.,,*.e„ „0,,,...;,,,,,!..., ...y. „,",i '' .. ,- .- Ig::..,4,1.170-,1`if,_ Q,9i'flo;'::,,.;:',Vi:tl',,f ,.. ';:fi§.', i',741o:vr::!:::::24,,,,i.:2'.:7!fli,,,13:V:11flet:1„,ttttAtxtm,,,04,w:xt,!tb3,1"c,,,,tii'...., ::,i , ',f'!i!,': A..1.Vt.4$01,:g'ar 91.' tba ',- .Attog ptionle, of, ;', ., ; , ;4. ,,, -- , -.,.. .,, !...1.'!;,',,', ,, • '-, 41.4.1,..,•ki-a ',..ry 47...11),;itt, 'to t 4st:cc', I1-, t4;1441C-''' ''' 124,:itt,0, NYtt4tk ' 'tt ' .. t.,,, 0.4, ' ort for" a-0"Plt 'C'Orit134. 4"teWlet; .A' ''' ,ctUr'°°;;44!:;',1:41913';':'4-;.1;4)1;;(4!:*.• ,4 41't';';'; ; '114)‘411i 1:tilt:14,,,,,,tte.,.i.ioi., t.0 1 PlItAti*'!. _, 00 M. !' -- 11e,t0201.0414),` 14 .,...i,,,,,,,i.1., r9; Prorinqat go': sectiqn '...n ParriR4,1,„ c;.. pealirtg, *110, • .9 4,01: , : ,,.. , .3 ..339,3. ''':,'.•.3 .3 ;...$,O,*- ten or' t"ff J1iji ..,..;1.411,,,,,,,titi),:_.:p‘.7:‘,ait-e.c.t.,,,..a.b.r44i....."4,, ,41::::,,.. .,„;",'-.3H4::.,,,...-;*';';',141',,;"'":%.44t7;ilt!';'";;;;,, ' ...'°,,,,,,"..,-,;,,, t't.,0„,t, -t,.,'..... Q1J % I - %. '10.-pr.A..-., itloti,"fio'z'''.,,,teloPY45'''' P.1 c''4 „ lts174:!!!ii,X-'' 4..,'..54-InI:';ttli.111,41. I t.''i;:i0,-,::,*„14t#*';;,`4; , of,u0;,-re-irrL-.; *tr 4ua .,t,o4.,,r • . ..,..r.:,-. , 10.141;44,.2,5; )6174 ii3Oi, '4 '''' ' '''16\::-.1.:'. '''''''.4.164-'':144' '''''41 '1:14..:44. .. ''. ...I. ''''''''''4::'.4' ''' * ' '44 '4.441 '' ''''' ''''' ' ' .1,1%"114!''''Aq'tellitit. lae/:''' ''... ';',7 '1''...4.1'''''''Itl,!4''.::k4,4.Zi4....,,‘i. ;bU ,„, • f colmtS.' 1. :,0: W* -xratdo'4t'''' * ' .•ligt.C,.14 . e ,,,..,1 ,,,,, , ''.'i!'"' , , ,; 1 1. rio. 'futoo. gg-ht.. (,);Z.,,,Out',;"-O 1, ..-, .. . .. afterP,:,: rt of '1 'c�u „ from 3to i-ik:8S,P+irEllk.8.4,1171'' AND 1'41 ° attt- t„..* , *•4's ." -4°' ; „ , ; , . -rlt • o.ad , • 5**Or Littrar.y eitaeo fl friitghT itloor '31.,41.:8,,re11110'7i*.„.(:**t"41;?gtik'llqt:45;0"r,k,;„ „cc vrg.1 1..4.0011.4 ace:0411dr av,req,„ Ot.-or locit attd ke;ps 1,7'; VO' 11111:617.:''t1;V:tra°7 at St" ; ,ts,\ lk;i8 ) it iNgt-t-Itt arta Sou rep, to vign(Oftg -to US hiltilgh f"r"145'... 4 1, tazuultat 4.751 11, llninthr. it7403!..41110,,t'w ;,-ilon Iteest. 0„?..Son t:Itt.- 1 41`,1-1; l''.,144 VI'. 1, ivallentaa 1,1011070 -.'ao ilot '-.101".0"tu Sul,. 1 ,,,t,t. Ylq , i iott` and lobar 10%50; 'ltd. ft-V*46:k. ,t, ilotA, ItS Latter 10r 4-.43; Tiwtnott,s.. Cookson ' r. kraft,t;-'' ;'"*.',,11. -nu love. froM klarl. ..' l'avz.u. ,littzs,.01 fohlr 1.9.lt; ;Iiii A NOI*0 ,:: ' , •••••••.ONIIIIIMORMINIM.INNOPMMM. 11111111111111111111111 Stock and Poultry Foods JiiE1111.14 IT SAVES 5ELLS MR 3 TIMES ITS COST. We have the Complete Line of, Royal Purple Specifics Stock 'Food 50o to $5.00 • Poultry Food, 25e to $5.-00 Lice Killer 25o tand 50c. Roup And Cough cure 25o "Sc, 500 Tildes Cream. °Calf Wal $1,25 to $4.25 per sack, * , The Automobile Skate Fot...„.00ys $1.25 to .$5.00 per •pr. For Girls $1.25 to $3.00 per or. Straps 15c and 20o per pa.ipr. pokey „Sticks 15e to $1.00 each. gxatnine our stock mad ;variety of axes and handles, and eross out saws. t ST,OPic.SI,E.Z.1....,-IPUrp)1.9..1Se one of our Indian ,imade °chaff "basizetS ere they All go. - _ • , A Perfection Oil I.leater will make - -that chilly room comfortable. , , Prices ° $3.00 to 5.00, , ' ' , A ful elock of stable Shovels -a nd brooms, niitts and glove;si, hin- t*" '4 - ;,, . • terns. eto„ , , t , t ; , .II1 EAMAN'S Ildwe -:- , ,1 . . . ., Pborte,q. 27b . a • .. , ' • • nouN • , 11.;brril., ,DEs4.4-11,91....-7„.i.f1/4„,„ --1414.040b., ,...1i.d.ina.,„.,1449, p; SON, in, ',..v.i.COretSV), A..., , „ ..,,....t..., ,,,, ' 'lir,: ne. 'n Feliy.:, • ' ..,,,,,,t, ' 1..--' to -'7alr la'nd, ,tiqrs`44, attse111131-.°,114.,,PrI It a-, "tIoJr., .0, nel4rtla Tisbor 1,....„..„,.„,,,..R. , e j,;31, , t, „•ene,-,, to IfIr',,ancl..:-MX.'60°R., --:'t.".....„..„-,..:,;..„4,,,,,,..,„;.;:„;,...;14..„...,:-. *ELL L-fil :-.:...,„..I.,g(41,...4....'901 -14,11Wi'lrown4li* , is .0 - ... a , 'a, ,oi --i• • *., 011 Greenway :Miss Ilatchison 04 'iv-It4 siads4 Cliff of Medford, has been visiting friends here,. Miss Gilholm '.04..nt the vfeek-entl, at her home in Plight. The stork left a baby girl with*M.r. and Mrs, George "Belt •W"ecently, .11r. ;M. Wilson and. 1fait. have been. ill with a.,severe attack of la grippe. Mrs. English ava1s in London last week „visiting her cia.ugliter who is in St, Joseph' ia hospital: there °Afr. 'Geromette Sr., died at the home of his son Joiseph south' of acere Oast .ThursdaY And the funeral be. held on ;Saturday to. Itti Carmel. The, bereaved family have the sympathy - of the entire comm -unity., We !extend congratulations to Mr, Jos. ICaruthers, Jr.' „who waA naarried to Miss *attic, Finkheirier Shipka recently alscr- Mr. Arthur 113rophey and , Miss ; Vera Oillings, „who were married (at the parsonage, last` Wed- nesday' evening, 1 -11 tfrt.b4r johrt loriI floWrs 27.591 , , 4 to. '4 ',It t'et`tt Sat!lrY 4rt,F-3; sertlOt Atc. -ThOs, 0.1101,,,iormerly 0 , r ...• . ••••••'''.; , i?o,fa gtigt* TIP 4 - • It! 't ttt, , ' 4'44 evennig Cr. clApPtzt thI. t.„o0, rota. 11,44.4): N ,ttit ;llts.. •v we 1'144'; f" V% t ;* 0 er'il, 414:au.4 rla, llranuna% ter Fbarp n*);,00-tto,i1 ,titio - - _, . _.., . t - -t 4,1f ' tlYkr ' '111qt,.. 1• , 3 41.66; pr..1)11(1. ,Nutiouuts gts follot,V,d, 1...„q! ,low of 49)149;4 ,,,V,3 itt rue'et-- - 1 ' ' - ",, '' -y,14-0,,v0;',.,;;A Strek-t, fitthttni; 'il26,11); To‘yrt !tall the, f011OtA ;XIV, lottor rruul Ili*, aqq, 1,°;;X:,,,\ grs,E1) wx' IsililDICAL, l'-•:14-ki'," rNoritkr;,..14;k3t10.; -4.)1i' 01,s1,711,11at.).' littIttilw 1,lit),;, Vtiblio Libr4r-y- 1,39,t t . ..,, ^,or;1., s, 3, V„ Otnnttif tity' liiISL' ' ' ' ' ' i total 230.03. 4 ii‘t,Itlt";17Inl.,' .1.0...„ J, Q. ;11.town,n, , ?Iii,e,,d,b5 xr, -,,,r..,„A,...tp.Atiori ,,,,,,rvice Sziell 01111. 1)4X '12,,it Mr. Ja,s... Sunday, 1),..'.. 41.1t/t.t, 1,01-0 k,ieigAyt„, , 7401,.,4,A0..1.04 , .,..oro.4,4,,..4. 4 upo orae,pra arm or- Wte;kittt txt 0,1lIK,latt.tt a. ntentbertho or lit- r r-itther„--, 4 '4. ' 4th' ' '41* It , ' '/'._ .,)*.t.,'4914, ' ,, ,..„. PAST. 044001401.00.1'vo4 temetery bdard, taking' the place; ''.'*4 1 ; -r int' sae fOrt inettie 441,- file tkrAlt,'‘. 'F4,z04°' ''''.0"tt '„t 14 011.7401dY r-PO*1Mirixpe Pit** cofaralrie' d)ft.tti thvtuber 1.1-„, W.1) Weekes 10, „Ina h.,te„, b„,,a tt .->incei0).*41dittitlaA V*0',"„23 ,,,hitlif il ,.t-*: vetq tato- „Iltr;rit,,,1- , , „,,,„,„ t„,,,,,,,,,,,t s, .,.. ,,,,„. titzt( Inou "r*, - , • /3 kbe., Tho icattinerh and offteMit e The auditor gave ral°1 rePort ';°r.t`le nut Chri5WV0ht IOV4 tu: rollS*, turkey $1,toll ,,,Itoolt. and treitaktfAVer. e. '..t to Iht front rind 11.'0,04400*a by, month of JaRmary whie4 was aece..pt. and tiltm, ottpc4Apk, wore titan the wit ,),,,t,„ ret,,,Ainett his ',W0co-t-terlied. tb,, ,p4-zstor, The list sat otateo—ts 115 rd on niotion o2 111trfott ;Ind Iti-Y; tn c'oult), ituf,„with; el,Oefita.te., littt.^.-,'t igivtitl, ;Alla will''bc,1 4Yttititeat t°' r(144t follow-, -Sititt.,,I.Zil„Stiluth,-)-At; XI ogoaats,,,,, inarkITItur14.)14,:.sntd,„Dattetzli,,,,tirtilloto je,Csleorck.., ,rtlit,i i* * .,,o NA. did not vn,, r, fb,;, cour-.4.- or 41. t tlir Wt..;O:t.2.. A,- ..- 1 1..., .4. e,,,,t, ..-Ai vi;.... lit.t. .tV oturttte ii.K.,,i,,, . . t ,., t ...illt, ,.,. ....kal 04, 'tt'. *---. t...,,,toi o!hurt.i. t",'''.* 1'tie.5 to furnish Vile council itiontlilv •b (11: fi',1;11 ' ';:r 4 Th.' Ith 1.91, '" ' '* '''' * t r''''')-2- 'rd11.11.'.'`'; t''ile° . ttit'.4 so a 't. It Av.* , . •-1- N ^, t .4,t`i. ,:c , „..„,., , ,„, .,....„ ., a statement us to the moniei received \,,,-,,,ti Nve. got /nOiled tg 'West Sandi- Abe: i ',..1"./Po "1"° TIPPNn'i. nua 3, - • Q their societies. Parried. 1* , and -irk.* hack in teats again- land x's1,- ''llar-liL -'°;\1,i- T. -,........... ... .... - A_ ... ... _ 0, ....,.....L17; 1,.% ,,,,,,„1,vtArti; ,14,r, log the Soldier's Aid const:isfing Of N''t'rted'out rot .t rottia%'ulnr- ,sattlized t'i Pat 1'1°112 (.'„I'Yi-v.....1111'1 'ti''' orehes7ra?2,, Treble; supt, of tnim'sionS. a. The mock parliament is proving very intereging arid ' educative.: The Government ;was'', sustained in the second election. The debate on s4V-Oman suffra,ge °was•erspecially *interesting, 'Next Friday itrebrua,ry the 16th ,the ques taken up,. , 4 '" _ , „.„ , position he tilled •walth entitle ,a is -. ----......----____ __„, _ •• faction. It will be hard to find one;%I.,....,'ho has been attending business col - wins wila fall has posiitien en the Lib- lege in London, had. the misfortune E11,1L-RTAINED Vii. M. S, tarY Boardi as with his knowledge of I' to be severely burned when her. wear- , 1 books he was adapted to select what Inn° apparel caught fire at her'botird- The W.;1.1. S. of theiMain Si. Meth, 'was most suited; for the requirements bag house on Saturday evening last. ()dist church held their regulati moot- °I the Library; 141- conclusion We can Miss Taylor was in the aet,02'retirittg ing at the home; of Mr.tand ;MrtS. '.&,. J. °TAY say that by his (taint and Imes- for the night and had put on her l'ord. ,London 'Road North, one Thal's- suming ways that his life work - has night gown and kimona and being' a day ,afternoon last. . After the ,husi- r,ot oeen ,in yaih, for by his past wOrks, little, Ichilly ;slie came down to the • :eh:: Inl,e,aest;:it:p4i;':1:. illeTbeill iv.ere'n "5-- h. e e' yet- IN,i:17,e,itiLl.44,:'5%!ac jtsri',):0,1,.. , ',. 43,.,.:„., ,1,0 ,,,,,sist`illtim;cievs:ta•gO8tNe:.ita''hr:Illat:le:ii1y0(el,trahs'Ybeinit:crg°n::eaeldiPft:G'1.1.:::;loialstessttelTra;:iya,lgee,.. Nesbitt tot c. 1:10 pp to oNG :plAGN-OSIS ; •; ' - ''''Ll'Pii;c1<teetrittjlageisrteraot42 At.44-, 6.:Varl)f'°1111:€°1:1' her 'assi"iljrice but bf-c'ie tiwY ician 'had. laeen eafteit ally enteni,Vhfd to luncheon hy the _, IP She was taking some -cinders from. t aetfiliki,e4, ,„I most ,0e,Lable. ...,,ANsLAT_Tolvr.cR cAsB -the fire when her a,pnarel burst in M-unii.101-1 World, i.e. I • t and Mrs. John W. .aylor, of town, 22:rlds.:(111:1P.:siNst.illc::rnesect;ramri“rtstaltle.:1,11d..,,l'iehrPoor:un';4311htu'e ,v,11:o.,11.1, it . ",..'-ry dat,Intiiiind:finInd,tlyti. W1,, Tia‘ 3atillit: of, l,,ar,01.1{14- 10.1„:31437-c` ;00:": oi 1.41,1-°•„„,:k. .3,1 :40,1draws,,,.:aid,-: t):,„ eh when it startle.... 0 1%1 1. att 1N4 itaw bus ) 1-Itga **I In Thos., ilitioev. ;sal t. of /4,101 r. jimstings, 3145. III welsh and, miss ttlIned blek. but nOt. beforC,* 'We gov work. The olfi.C', ''')E the' '''''°c1.°1 -g -r,i`' ,M. Sooti.trott- I.:wet:it 0-r rfarek' -1-4e1.4... Women's Instituto 'consisting ;of Mrs. ptetty 1,,,,,,t ,,Itia a joy nothing ;woe Ilresident., mn,... A,, NiitAlt.1„1, yiee,„„, ,,,,,,,_ ... „,,,,. ,.,,,?„,._..,. _ .s.„:_t ,te.iclaer, cure the necessary isupplies for their Btit we islirruld worry, the, boys 0.el'03 Ca,t,(! Iola mol'41.1..„,13';,,,-:(ide'rye;ta-trile't3%. '4,,:illit *i'll'"%9',,,,..`t3,11,y.'01:-)ttli,g-/".1'ti"a't-ii,cl'i"'„.3ta'Ctals1"3a*v.T„,31tr'''',:' than 4.1.. candle to dry our clothe,s, with. 1frs. Jas. Connor. asking aid in raorte7 to Pro- soci,tie,,,,.. Per snei/ and Day that a .,t)la'art etuhratentiiselco%eintgiotiontlspbuo'cildloolifer,t,fainnid (.11!au?.?e,- Baltshoall'xinqg‘n.to;h4;i:S,04(..`arute-Ti.l eot.ou,ltt„tie.4 f/te,,at\;;;.r.:)...„0:age....1t.,ILlisisetbill,u,IrGen.13y,„1,0snit,ts; sogrenirtettiensf ;$1n104.0cOhlett4ugeitlyebneettiseshu:ditliameyse. , ,noif the dear old. flag. r think 'this ttuiv has a thetobl.....,-,b' ip; or tailbe'u.stf:')f,bleitrT,. —."-- '. - '''' ' ' ' able to the trea5arers. carried. oy„, say little scrap) %%-ilf brIng,, pee- ty. They hare secured a turtouttlt,^ of 111;f:'411.1„AZ7,',Itytd!'itat)it.strileirlIt7I1 '1..1"fald.l.tS.Coirct':. Public Utilities Coronaistsica to meet ;ts . old. f lag ;stands for and Nyirit'it meats tnalting up. The meeting& are, held in, ti",o'iler..-::,i' .14.01.!,,,,,-- ei,,,Ss..t.:i.1.3s1., i.,7,,titlitelc*Al":0; appreciate what the grand yarn, and several bales of materh..., for .. Per Ifirton and Snell that $100.00 uk t° ctuttzt;risnuttuntcocoubnetsplitav,i.nater Ivarks; to.,_,,..t.ialreliote'eintidelni,b1clauntat.1 dhi..011%avtt,tqlriveta'ito:if:sdeaelp. die nuc°ntia le sell°°1 ht)u-se* cil:., 1,17 ,l,„1,t„.7t.illi_t-„,;.:011.N.ko. rio;n1,, ,1\11:i.t...1iMootri Jc4.,orl.st,:itie.,st: —......,—. Mis:-." L., ......rt) , t aelkrs _ ... e b.:: acpusited to the credit of the anIcecoruarttininthtetrnacnianae edriitiahc.cankoatosecaoptsicaritomtnct: iit-nttiffile1Neifitlgasastoanaemm,btiet.ma of vjmaea,ice tAnd 17.13aRNE c or.,...s,,.c.i.be , pi?k-''',;k:;d- ,-' iii7ss'L-enit,:is,"- ,Criss' Jorirtit;11. Carried ,, i Libeuitnye.t.Aorniticialuoars, ztlizi,;r1t,11,e.iiiiansflfertzithial --- Mb- leouncii stae.t February., . ilk:. Zr{]..3.2:2,..ti•scin,TE„-t-ihltaupitttorul:v .1,Ylpoi,„,,,,,,Tismialyi.,;,,,D haNifief5iheStlEnxbettlerYr Naniadnulifallnctna'u Iriti'l-gn l(f)eo-: biliolitl';. hwahr7o\hvianyge 'nlofltuebneCeuns, adifoce:rlteot, athilettile,mtb'!XetP,rnt:fr-na-te'rThre.,'11,cl'irlaul'Ide''nlo:°- ----,-L.- 'tt,,i-e---' ‘---1-, rt. t.,-... --1/41) rtr,PO-tz'rrti.). tl-Plheeiate nor wil they -sympathize putting up such a gintid fight back to do the Township; printing was ae.4 With a man like ltev. Potveli, tvho is proved. The 'tender of the l'ileter advocate ill our old County of Huron. if the cepted at the itemized ,seheduk... Pearl"' 'would rallY rahrid a leader °I ,j3314aW 1917 eortfirmingthe his Arrdoition. 1 am quite snti'sfieti we appointment Of municipal. of fic,;....rs anti %-ould 'be all back to divide not the fix•ing salaries was pass -rd. signed and spoils of ;war, but what the war leis seated. scproi,alne dthfine 1180bieidginrotani a..1,61,1,,:raa3fiu.gd:ItrOars,, a Tdeoiplotieta tfloprtiolangeiss. ebeloiteivtcaomtche of') rseosN(1.''.11intg etx.O. orderedkto Preoul3nrtTtemd-erreor .pdait,;;Lre'ldblitainQdn the wind ond reaping. the. whirlwinds orders issued for payment. }low truly Lloyd George spoke. when Council adjourned. f..o meet Marcia he said the liquor traffic is the great- 3rd u.lt enemy Dritain has to contend with p„, moriey, and anyone, who has lived under Into- hibition .or a better terna still, tem- sion of tune in making the :annual 'Vac lad3.- lecturer °%%41to visited Extt-t upon the Council re, an" l'er Day and liarton,-That the mat- ter iunder the name. of Lottie ter to. referred to the Finance Com- sort, was arrested at Sault °Ste, farte; payment due the ,Corporation per ing-Carried. and. N1,as fined -$50 and deported, to roortg,agc on the 26th day of Eeo ioiraitty for 1917 Alms g,iven the Dottie Tillotson, alias '"Ntar,.. Mol„ean„ essary readings and finally passed on alias .11% lba Costello has 'during Jiac mittec and to (report at our next meet - motion oi Snell ,and " ita.st two years lectured. in nearist every town and hamiet in Ontario By:law No, 5 of 1917, con firming the atbe.rtising herself .-a,s a native of wail. She Ivas arrested at t appointment ol assessor for the mun- the United States. liuind Per Ilia and Ilarto Th. t 11- a die by Travelling imini,gratien Inspector ,Beynews of Ottawa, for breach or lowing °resolution be entered aa -the the Canadian Immigration taws. The. forwarded to- the bereaved family. movements of. the Woman were 're -- minute book, copies of witio'ri to st • garcled with ,considerable sismispiciori the Dominion Police atithoririesi EOLllet before. "It • it, -with mingled feelings of sor- peranee, ,111,3. then saw eondt -fauns as U.AY OU''.NICI1-4 , , - 1 rtiolNev daenidnisreegorie.t,yotahratfawtielerleaarnndedbroe1 they ,e -Kist „here at least UP 10 the months past. She ; VP , tiler, the late William D. Welekes. New Year, and then upholds, the, tra i- nas• to...licit met for its regular police '''if a gistra te lilb att., vleadEl We wish to, express to you a,t,tr lac,st fie- is a black sheep seeking a black- Monthly tscssion inc, the Town -hall guilty and was fined, fiftY dollars,. flock. but haw insistent they are to Zurich, eat SaturdaV. February 3rdt and )costs or three months in •jail.. Af-; slacett's sYmPathY4 in this Your how mingle ..vith the white. . rnAill.nattheas of the etihnbeelia-sst•umreeretipnrges„,,Ne,eniti,e.....rTheatie ter paying the fine Dottie was deport- ed to the States. On September 4t1t, all ratiodt°iPotned. -as P'aSsat6' -,a-nertol-y 'P. 1.9h1,3'quilladc:t2--sotallisn'O'Intinaeli°1‘Wli‘al:T4Ialni'LLnac'elfi EXETER LADY IS for six, months i or tshopiitfiug., In. ile. SEVERELY ELRINED ; same year al DIamittort she watst given suspended sentence for the sa,me. of- fer.ce under the name_ of 11elba Cos- ot htreavenient. lie has been a int:- ot sterling character, and while associated with us in public eflicies, has shown an untiring, spirit in help-- ing in his quiet way, with 4,vhatever work was allotted to um. Ile will be missed as chainman ;>f tion of' -national SerYme will be 'the, Cemetery . ar,d, wruon '1:11Iss Lola !daughter oP, .11cIsaac. -manager of the DaZ.11\100 01ntral (end the :13jay Telephone Sys- tem Will be, instructed to handle, the long distance sent Over the tad! -Tel. lines via, Dashwoorb c,ona- , me/icing ton ZIarch 1st, - , „ ".. 0 4 ceive 10 per coat per annum for ail, 1-1.AJR,I3E11. STOP FIRGODDD . such long ' dista nee passing t enough; the rentrai. The tigrcternent may -,be The cold •weather has bot,n plaYs terminated by either party giving, 301 ing Inanks with some of the water, da's. s notice*. •Pipes around tov-n, litIonday night. the. , 'The 1916 auditor's report Was, ociort- Pipes, in 'the Darbar shop ot o ie, 15 ed. und. 'fifty 'copies of "the financial and 31cLood; were frozen antl.,,W"-their statement be printed. for distribution efforts to thEttN,r them; out t", 'istl." The reeve land treasurer' were an moved 'a. Plug" fX4111 tImet 0 4 ' Tiot water- waS,Aorced • e tholizet1 to 'borrow $10.00(1 for cur- , rent exuenses th,e, 10.117; taxes are ;collected. The folio -wing accounts" were oassed $31,04; Gan. Ltd. Ira!, supplies,78,70. ' th 4 irrif • onsme o 15 151 't• .4',"tit:tttit',IttX. ,t ,Y n° 1.- ,Fz0i) $;40,1,.'t;i',' - ,..„. , thateI ,. ,,,, ti ril Vat , saIary i-41:", T..'''y., $4,t;`'''''7' civex - b4,...xe'rog..:14; -,', ti6ii$19.br,likS*.141, j.,..,..,,c4(,-;,,,,. tee 011 • axid-th.eir effor tul .z.41 soon th comq,„., AAnli og.), immOiately thte1vIiorhS Ithcc°,4 itpe. Seveyal naisucceststf tt. i.-,r-mitde to get, -krone, coVerFt42 men.; 'Itt'''41Y, tor a off" 1,2; do-