Exeter Times, 1916-7-13, Page 8•THE4. exEreR.. \TIMES
PhOnei6 J. A. STEWART Phone 16
These are the days for the Boys.
They will be needing Straw
Hats, Caps, Outing Shirts,
Khaki Trousers, Cotton jers-
eys and Running Shoes. We
have them all.
Girls' Outing
In White and Plain Beach with
under brim of Paddy Green.
A very pretty style and com-
fortable bat for outing, all
sizes 75e,
For Girls 6 to 12 years $1.00,
Misses 14 to 16 years $1 and
$1,50, Womens 81 to 38 $1
and $1.50.
Your Choice of 30 trimmed Hats, Regular $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00 values.
These Hats are to be sold, and to clear them quickly, we hope
marked them at the low price of $1.50.
Grass Rugs
Urex Rugs for Verandahs have
no equal. Make your veran-
ahs cozy these days when
you use them so much, $t95
$3,50, $5.50,
The kind that is guaranteed fast,
color to Sun and water. It
has a different pattern on
each side. Splendid for ver-
andahs, halls and bedrooms,
at per yard 60c.
Four new patterns of fine quality English semi porcelain, with full coin
gold handles. Four handsome new decorations, anyone of them
you would be proud to own. Full Dinner Set 97 pieces $1S.50.
Straw Hats
We have a hat to suit every
face, at a price you are wi'-
ling to pay, in the very new-
est shapes.
You will need one during the
next few weeks. Good look-
ing Suit Case 51,25, Imitat-
ion Leather $3.00 and 83.50,
Real Leather at $5.00, $5.50.
J.A. STEWART Phone 16
The Big Store with the little prices
Market Report -The following is
the 'report of the Exeter market'
corrected ap to July 12t1r.
'Wheat 80 to 90
Oats 45a to 50e, ;
Earley 50 to 55o
Puckwheat 60 to 80 ••••
Peat( $1.00 • ;
Family Flour $3.10 ' I
Low Grade Flour $1.75. • t7
Bran $26.00 per ton. i.1 •
Shorts $28.00 'per ton. ` • `"'‘
Eggs 25o . ; •; •
Batter 25o, '
Creamery Butter 30 to 32o. '
Potatoes 2.25
Young chicks 250 a lb.
Old bens 130.
Old roosters 90
Young duck 15e
Old ducks 90
turkeys 15.
lloes 10.55,
New Spring
for Ladies
Spring faahions are arriving and
combine in. Fabric and Style a unique
and interesting collection, meeting
the requirements for street wear and
It is unusual to present so early ix
the season so great a variety, but
styles were determined early and the
most favored shown.,
e g •
The present time is most advantag-
eous for buying as all indication.%
poitn to higher prices in the future,
N. Sheere
Stand Upstairs, Opposite the Central
Misel Rita Yourig of Seaforth, is
visiting with Mr, and Mrs. V, W.
Mrs. Langford, ana two P)Aldren" of
Toronto. are the guesta of Dr, and
Mrs, Roulston.
Misses Bolen and Margaret 'Connor
of W'oodaterek, are visiting with rela-
tit es in town.
Itr Greensbield, the 'new organist
ol Jarnea St. 'church, presided at the
organ last Sabbath.
Mrs, Smith, E Beanie) and Mr.
'Russell Vanetone, of Brantford, are
the guests of letre. Amos.
Mr. S. G. Bitween. of 'Edmonton, has
enlisted with an Engineering (Corps
and expects shortly to go oversees.
htr. and Mrs. Jas. Wanleas and
children have returned to Duluth af-
ter visiting withMr. and 'Mrs. L.
Mrs, E. Dignan and son Howard
are visiting in Hamilton and Oshawa
Mr. Enos 'Windsor left hest week
for Toronto.
Youn.g womett desiring employment
in town, can find it by applying at
once to the Jackson Mfg. Co, who
lave 'several good positions vacant.
The work is light and clean, the hours
are very short, and wages are paid
while learning, steady position and
good wages are assured to anyone
giving it a trial.
Apply at once.
:Jackson 3ffg. Co.
PE.R.BY F. DOUPE, Licenseo. Ana.
tioneer. Sales conducted in any lo-
cality. Terms moderate Ordera left
•at Times office will be promptly at-
tended to. '?bone 116, Kirktore, Ad-
dress Kirkton P.O.
The frame house and half acre of
land situated on Gidley street, Exeter
and owned by Mrs. Deavitt will be
offered for quick sale. Apply to Chas.
Harvey, an Huron. St.
lifter a hard day's work
in the hot sun, nothing
is quite so refreshing as a
dish of Wilson's Ice Cream.
Run in often and don't take
long vacations.
We can fill your order
for Parnell'i Bread or your
Groceries at the same time.
Phone Orders prompt-
ly delivered.
peiONE 5(5
Chiropractors have; remarkable suc-
cess its removing the cause of Appen-
dicitis. Deafness, Asthma, Rheum-
atism, Lumbago, Lame Back, Constip-
ation, Piles, Female Diseases, Stomach
and Kidney Troubles, Nervous Pros-
tration and Goiter. •
See Dr. S. M. Jones, Monday, Wed-
nesday and Friday. Office Mrs. 5, A
Harness, Main, St. Exeter, hours 10
to 4, Examination free,
oRNITuRE II decided to close their stores each
week on Tuesday and Thursday nights
The I.1 nderaigned merchants have
at 7 &clock during the summer 'motet-
the be,girming the hest week in jaly,
P. Hanlon & San, •Centrana, *John Me
Naughton, Moorsvilie; Mrs. G. Loge
is, ;Clandeboye; E. A. McKeniie, Clan-
deboye, 6-224-4,
• ••••••• ••••••• •
Mr. Wanless of Duluth is visiting
in town.,
Miss E, 'M. ,Bowey :Spent Wednesday
in London.
'Mr. I. Armstrong has purchased a
Saxon car:
Miss Grape Hodge was in London
over Sunday.
Miss Gladys Bissett was in Tondon
during the past week.
Mr. 'Jack Hurdon. of London vis-
ited in. town this week.
Mr Wm, Andrew of town has pur-
chased an •Overland car.
Miss K. .Collas of Toronto, is the
guest of Miss K. Stewart.
Mr. Jas. Sweet. of Rodnely, is holi-
daying at his home in town.
Mrs. C. Birney and Mrs. E. Willie
were in London on Saturday.
Mrs, C. Aldworth has returned
home after visiting in Hamilton.
Mrs, C. Hockey has returned atter
spending a few days in London.
The English church 'picnic wilt la:
held at, Grand B )nd on July 1.8th.
Mr. ;Cecil Pickhard lett last week
for 'Frobyshire. Sask., for the 'summer
Mr. Harre Rowe of Flint Migteenn,
is visiting his aunt Mrs. John Braend.
Miss Muriel A nder-on of Winnineg.
's Ib' gees' o' Mr. and Mrs. S. Fi ton
We can assist you in
selecting your furniture if
you are going to furnish
your home, or if you only
want some odd pieces.
Our Undertaking De-
partment is up to -date in
every respect and we guar-
antee the best of satisfact-
IFI, N, Rowe
The Funeral' Director and
II Frillturfte Deafer
Resell Orderlies are a pleasant
safe and sure laxative. Sold and gua-
ranteed by all Rexall Drug Stores.
15c. and 25e. W. S. Ooie, Exeter.
cement tile plant complete in
every part, 'Unlimited supply of grav-
el. Close to river. Apply on promisee
Lot 30. Concession 5 Usborne.
Mrs. S. Cudmore, 'Remelt
400 Tone of Fine, Land and Cattle
Salt for sale. AII grades 85.50 per
ton; 50e, per bagr-Exeter Salt ,Works
Ltd., 3. Sutton, Manager.,
l\t'ss IL M. 'Rte seti o.f Winn'p'g,
.visi'ene her 'main, ill's 3 11. Sweet.
tree Tinley has returned home eft
er spending a few weeks in (Clinton
The bowlinn green has been wired
for trciro and is new well lit up at
night. K.irrcl
3.1r. Silad Johns of Usiborne had the
misfortune to get his hand tut, last
week- .reconring 'several stitches to
close •the wonncl. • with small Insurance. Mr. 'W. M.
On Ittonday (evening the Traatee
Board of Main Ct. Methodist charch
formulated definite plans to re -erect
a nese cement 'alock steel on the site
of the old one destroyed ley fire. The
new shed will ;practically iee after
the...sante plans as the one already
In a game of bowls on the green
:Monday evening the East proved t.h'ir
superiority les kitty ohasers when
they trimmed the west nineteen hota
up ultlY one rink on the west side
being up and it emerging with one
shot to its ()radii:. There were four
rinks. F. W, Gladman for the East
against I. R. Carling was three ;shots
hp; 'W. W, Taman against 'W. n.
flarke seas seven ;shots up; E. J.
Christie against Gco, Anderson was
ten shots; u,p while 0.1.'N. Creech for
the West was one ;shot up on R. G.
Exrrva rEopui sAvv. Wilms
Fanned . by a high wind flames
swept through and destroyed the
who:0 business section of Ashcroft,
P1. C, an Wednesday of last week,
causing a ion estimated at $225,000
who with
son of Mr. H. E. Ilueston.
Miss Trent; O'Neil, of Toronna,
Teriro.u...pia3ratiedve•onatliaiged. on mends in town I
is visiti
a telegram stated that his house and of towne own,s a drug store there and
.n.g her unlit) in Liman. tool ort -
store were safe from the nausea, Two
hotels, the Dominion Governmenh
buildings, a dozen stores, bank build-
ings and a mass of old wooden 'bu'idi-
ings were burned. There was no nee-
ualities. Mr. Hueston was very fore
tanete to escape.
Miss Dingle who has been snending
eeveral week,' with Mr. and Mrs.
Pedlar. returned Wednesday to he'r
borne in Toronto-.
Mr. IR. Phillips, who for several
esre has ben the organist Itt the
James Stentethodist church, left hest
week for London.
Mies Margaret .Mue:wortlfee the
new organist at Caven Presbyterian
elforeh, presided at the organ for the
first time Sunday last.
Mr. C: Locke of Boston visited with
Mr. and %Mrs. W. T. Aelteeoti on Mons
day. Ors Tuesday Mr. and 3Irs. I.orke
left to visit in St, Thomas.
Special Notice. ;- Julv Sale of Sum-
mer Goode boginnina Thursday Ju.'y
13th'. takd notice of Mrs. W. D. Yeo's
adv. ii another colimn.-
Messrs W. D. Clsrke. 3. A. Stew rt.
R. G. 'Seldon and W. W. Taman. mot-
ored to Ingersoll Wednesday to take
part in a bewling tournaroent.
Tuesday's casuality list reports Pte.
Robert G. jackaora of Xiamen. as
killed in action. and Pte. Jack OtCone
nor, of Granton d'ed or wounds.
Mr, rnr 'Mrs, 3. G. :Stanbury and
family; Mr. and Mrs. S. Hardy and
Mrs.. Rickbeil and child ar.'
spending a Week at Grand Bend.
it yeas wanr flour made 'from West-
wh enly. 11'0 have it in stock
always. greslity second to none. G.et
a sac:: and try it out. It's reght.
Harvey 'Bros.
Mrs. S. G. Bowden or Edmonton.
arrived in town last Saturday and is
visiting ber parenne. Mr end
S. Martin. else visited in Goderieh
over Sunday.
Corp C. P. Harvey, of Hamilton,
visited his parents over the weeke
end. Mrs. Harvey and daughter Mil-
dred returned with him to spend a
few days in Hamilton.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hooper of Ext
er. Mrs. Was and children. Lloyd.
and Meta of Granton. were holicily
visitors at. Mr. and Mrs. joeephl Hoop-
er's.-St. Marys Journal.
Mr, and Mrs. Robt. 'Fletcher. of
Outlook, Sask.. are y'stting. the for-
mer's. brother. M. fOrchael Fleteh-g.
On TaesdaY they moored to McKie -
lop to visit: 'with friends.
Tb A 12th of July was celebrated in
Clinton to* the L. 0. L. AA large
nember from this vicinity went up
lay. ants while others toak the trnin
The day was very warm
Mr. 11.11f1 E. McGee. and ron. Chst-
Item. 'visited with Mr. and Mrs. A.
Stewart and other friends. On Ties -
day Mrs. Stewart an.d Mrs. Davis
motored witli them to London.
The English church' commended
their service a half hour earlier on
'Sabbath evening last so acs to get
through in daylight as they have not
been •conected up with h'ydro.
M'sses Ida Wanalo'd and Fiera Din-
vey are holidaying in London and
Misses Ethel and Mary Dy visited
in London for a few days during the
past week.
Mr. Harry Triebner who has been
teaching 'school at 'Cornwall, is home
for the holidays.
Mr. Wm. Wileon, of Exeter visited
his sister Mr. 'Henry, O'Neil on Mon
day. -Parkhill Gazette.
'Rev. S. W. 31u:twosthy is attende
in,g Sommer; School at St. Thomas for
a 'fewt clays of this week.
Miss 3farjorie Seldon has returned
home after spendin,g a few. weeks
with relatives in IngersPIL
MISS J) J. ALLAN, eye -sight Speer
lalist will be at the 'Oentral Hotel
Saturday, July 201h, one day.
Mrs. Clarke of Hamilton. who Ire
been .siting her son, Mr. W. D.
.Clarke, has returned to her 'home.
Mrs. J. E. Jordon and little d
ter of Toronto, are visiting the for -
mar's patents. Mr. and Mrs. James
Miss Winona Howard wb'o has 'ben
teaching school sehoo at Edinonton. is vis-
iting with relatives in town over the
Cr von Presbyterian (church and
Trivitt Memorial church hive insta,'-
lea electrio motors for pumping the
organs. .
The animal bawlesg tournament
will be held on the Exeter green on
Wednesday ad Thursdey, Auguet 9th
and 10th.
Mise Vera Mita -worthy dis in Mr;
tnerstbn thia week taking part in no
entettainneent put on by the Drams
tale Society.
Mr. and 'Mrs. A. E. Kuhn are boll
flaying lor a few weeks and are on
a motor trip to Dunnvile, Niagara
Falls and :Buffalo. . . ;
A. draft from the Army Medical
Corps stationed at London left last
week for overseas. Among the num-
was Corp. E. H. elowny. son of
Mr, ani Mrs. Wen. Howe. 00 town
Rev. J. W. Baird left on Monday
for St. Thomas to attend the Samm•er
School at Alma 'College. Mr. .Baird
takes great interest in the Summer
School and is the past president.
About „forty from town motored
out to Grand !Bend on Thursday last
and held a very 'enjoyable picnic; in
honor of Capt. :Beatty Martin and
BIM, (Dr.) Gnms, wbo were visiting
in town.
Tho Ladies of the 'Cavan Prestise
terian church' intend bolding a Baz-
aar, 'and raspberry festival on the
church grounds, Friday July 21st, at
5 p. in.fReireshinsetns 15e, Ice-cream
etc., 'extra.
Capt. Beatty Martin and sister.
Mrs. (Dr.) Gunn have returned to
London after visiting with friends in
town. Mrs. Gunn sang a min in Cate
en Preshyterian church last Sabbath
at both morning and evening sten-
Main St. Methodist church perces is
bolding a raspberry social en the
church lawn on the evening of Fri-
day july 281.1a. Tea served from s'x
Ito eight. Admission 25?:'Retreshrn .nts
will b.e served on the gropnds, Or.h-
estta, int attendance,
'We have that eiwal flew' Manitoba's
Best or Model for breads and Wel-
;come for, pastry. Do net take a flour
said to lba just aa good, ingst on hav-
ing some home made geode. Th ;ro are
none b_ater. -1.1ar.ey Bros.
The Electric Lin+tnd T' vor Co
ft . .
disposed of their emgine 'to
M. .Sweiteer .of the Crediton flour
Milts 'ceased (*prating their electric
light plant last Friday everting and
arrangements arc' hong ronde to nto
the engine to Crediton,. , !
aaasistairt ""-
OL, where ! oh. where : are those
cool, rainy days that lingered with
us so long that they overstayed their
welcome. They seem to have taken
offense at our rude remarks at the
time atm 'are delaying, a return vi it.
We apologize for any offence and'
11; ilr receive them again with Out-
stretched arms. The mercury for
several days has been flirting, witb
the high spots on the thermometer
Tuesday and Wednesday being real
scorchers, being 96 in the shade.
The weatheit.has been good for hay
makingCbur but sympathy goes out
to th•d man who has to fork back the
in the mow especially when it
getting near the top.
TlitatSDA.Y, JTJLY 13t]i 1916
Give us a call and do not
buy an Electiic Iron un-
less marked
Hot -Point!'
We would be pleased
to deliver any make of
iron to you for trial with-
out any obligation on
your part to purchase.
W. J. Beer
If you have dandruff, baldness is
'limier way. Try 'Remit "93" •Hair
,Tonlo, which' all''Restall Drug Stores
fatly guarantee -50o and $L00 bottles
'W. S. :Cole, Exeter.
Will a merchant; who is wise, ever
cease to advertise? Yes. When the
trees grow up -nide -down, when the
beggar wears a crown. when ise forms
on tee sun; when sparrows weigh
a ton; when gold dollars get too
cheap, when secrets women keep,
when a fish forgets to .SWM, and Sat-
an sings a hymn, when giris go back
ou gum, wnen the small hate a drum,
when no politician eschemes, when
mince vies make feesuat dreamis,
when its fun to break a tooth, when
all lawyers telt the truth, when cold
water makes you. drunk:, when yoa
love to smell a Iskenk, when the druns
iner' has ne brasse-When these thirgs
come to pass, then man that)s wise
will neglect to advertise.
A reetionary storm period is cen-
tral on the 14th. 15th, and ltith. The
full Moon.. or Moons opposition with
the Sur: and Earth, falls on the 14th.
This opposition is at an eclipse node
bringing an eclipse of the Moon on
the ].4th. This implies, of course that
the Sun, ,Earth and Moon will be on
a direct line with each other ,at that
times, thus aggrvating and inteneifse-
. ing the waves, or lines, of physioal
force plying between the Sun and the
planetary body, greatly inzreasing
the probabilities of magnetir, electr.c
and a tmospeerie con one; s.21sna.e,
volcanic- and earthquake unrest is
perceptably increased at such tirae:
Another fact which tends greatly to
intensify disturbances at this period
is that the Moon is at it perigee at
the times of this conjunction and .ec-
I/vs.-almost at the tame hour of
the eclipse, on the 14th. Thera will
be a decided return of storms, and
geeeral storm conditions, •Pentral oxt
the 14th, 15th, and 16th. A. thre.atten-
ing fall of the barometer will precede
ominous, black clouds, the tempera-
ture wilt rise to nhenominat degrees
of warmth, storms of lightning, thun-
der and rain, attended. by gales,
amounting to local tornadoes, will
very probably result in widely separ-
ated sections. It is not iraprobablo
that the Venus disturbance will begin
to affect storm and weather condi-
to affect storm and weather condit-
ions at this time, in which event,
look for vicious electrical storme, at-
tended by hail storms of deetructive
force. These storms will, end with a
rapidly rising barometer, change to
westerly winds and decidedly cooler
It I
L" The .4.0,x..3..2.C. ..Ftores
Ori,1177,4721.1t. STry r
At EveryAge
constipation can best
be overcome by the
gentle butsurelaxative.
with the pleasant taste
.SO- Id in 15e ono 125c bozo, ot
Ronal Drug Stones only.
WV ARP' HERE r0 rloF
SALT FOR SALE. -An excellent
quality of Sarnia made salt far sale
at the old Temperance House at the
G. T R. station. Sold in any quant-
ity. Your patronage is solicited and
satisfaction is guaranteed. - ED,
MAGUIRE. Exeter,
We have a specially select-
ed Stock of No. 1, Good
Standard Red Clover Alsike,
Timothy, Alfalfa, Sweet
Clover, Orchard and Blue-
grass, Seed Corn, etc.
Just received a shipment of
No. 1, Imported Alsike at
$:2.50 per bushel.
Special prices on
Club Orders of $10 ancrilesp-
We haye a quantity of
for Sale.
.A.00.11 Solicited
North Perth on Monday elected P4
Wellington Hay, or Listowel, Libera
Candidate, by a majority eof �ve
000. During the past 11 years Cont.(
servatives held the rictag, the mar
ority at the last election two
years ago being 1127. Thet
Conservative Candidate was Mr./
John A. Makins, a farmer of North'
Easthope. The bye -election was seeeen
sed by Mr. James Torrance rettrting
to accept a government position.
of the
!ear "eel ,-"
iJI Copy for. the next Telephone Directory
closes on the above date!
Order yodr telephone now, so that
your name will be in the new issue!
q Report changes required to our Local
Manager to -day.
The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada.
Indiete Dressee g July Sale)
Se it te
Summer Goods
W ide and Nal row
alto Cot set
Giver Etiete ab
17e per yald.
To make room for our New Fall Goods, vatic
are arriving, we wish to clear out some lines of'um-
mer Goods, bought at old prices. Our beautiful Mus-
lins we are offering 8 yards $1; 7 yards $1; 6 yards
75c and some at 10c a yard.
Store open every evening till 7.30 o'clock p.
and Wednesday evening 9 o'clock,
G ingharns
Call and inspect our
White Waists
Si k Waists
Under Waists
September 8tin to t6th, 1916
A Real Live Program of Attractions Tss ice Daily
Two Speed Events Daily
New Proems Build.ng Every Building Fult of Euhibits
'SINGLE FARE over all Railways West of Toronto
J. W. Rein, president
1110101~1~11111110$111~1116, RINFIARRIMMINIMINIMIPM11.0..
Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all information,
from tine SecretaryJ.
A. M. MINT, See:Notary