Exeter Times, 1916-6-1, Page 1; ORTY-SECOND YEAR-- No: 2242
ome June Specials
For the first week of
June we offer sotne real Special Values
in Summer . Weir
Attractive Blouses
Fine Voile Waists, neatly trim -
d with dainty Collars. A splendid
range $1 up to $3 each.
Outing Dresses
Some real beauties in BIue,
Plain -beach, Flowered Voile or White.
All prices.
Silk Bose
White, Black or Tan
A big range of Girls' and Mis-
ses' Middies, Tan, Palm -beach or
White with suitable trimming Mc to
House Dresses
All Kinds, All Sizes, All Colors,
for $1 and $1.25.
Silk Gloves
White or Black Kayser
50c - 750 • $1.00
A charming range of Summer Hats, Smart and Exclusive Styles a
popular prices.
Sport Hats in Colors and Stripes.
Boys' Wash Suits at 75c & $1
Oliver Twist style in all com-
bination ation colors, Middy and Blouse
Girls' Wash Dresses at 50c
A. new range of colors to show
you in several very 'pretty styles.
Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Oilcloth, Lace Curtains, Curtain Nets
Tapestry Curtains and Blinds. A big range at old prices.
Jones AND May
''either Wants
New Perfection Oil
Cook Stoves
Gnrney Oxford Oil
Cook Stoves
Oil Stoves $8 to $15
Oil Stove Ovens $2.65 -
to $2.90
Screen Door $1 to 1.90
Sercen Windows
Make Grass Cutting Easy
$2.00 to $2.50
82,(0 to $5.00
Lawn Mowers
Grass Cati:hers
-Macke your furniture look like new by using Chinaauiel and
eirepbell's Varnish Stain, Paint your.hc•use with Lo`s'e Bros. el. S.
mint. gismo
4.00 to 3. '5
1.25 to 1.75
HEAMAN'S lldwe
a' f413MillaarigaN
Dashwood on May 21st,
to Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Shore a
Son. ,
•.69111.D—In 13ay on Monday, '15iay 20
to 17
IOI and Mrs. Wm. Gould, a eon,
t.imville, on Friday,
:s May
to Dl and Mrs. 'Wilson
311ay 2Gth, Mr,
Hew >wWS, a son. ,.. en
.- t "o'r<' Line, 1fay.
RI eo
'OIN ' to ;illi. and ace. May 101,1,
Gir,geriele a daughter.
tri.h ronin Illy', 't'tz
( :ay 23rd, to Mr, and ,lo rd. Ilsaiairl>
t P+ 1t,VVP":s �1Y ginlIEOAPAVe .t,.., ... i..
ford' at the Anglican church, ar.
May 24th, Milos A. •Challner, of
Goderlch to ilIr. E. Ltay Excret:t,
son of Mr. and Mrs, (Glias. EacreLt,
of Sarnia.
GO'CILD—In London, on rriday, May
26th,Jennie Rowe, beloved wife of
James Gould, aged 00 Years, 1
:month and 13 Lay-,
a 11(.9ren Cry
w�r12 FLET CI ER'S
With the Boys in
Pte. John Groffirs, of Nairn, has
been reported; in the. casualty list as
wounded. . .
The Exeter members of the 161st
were all home from Clinton over Sun-
day returning again on Monday morn-
The Exeter boys were a siek infect
for severei roars .last week when
they received theix first innoculation.
They were over it hawever by Sun-
day. • i i
An advance guard from the 161st
went to London last week to make
preparation for the mobilization of
the a3attalion which went to that'
city Tuesday' bg train.
Mr. Ed. Treble received a cable
LanceCorp. Leon,stat-
son p
bis departure from. Englnd to
the Front on May 24th. Leon has
only nine months training, having
joined the.
• 33rd after the B
att. was
full strength,
The 1G1st Battalion went through
town Tuesday morning on two special
trains bound for Carling Heights,
Londons where they will go under
canvas. The boys are in excellent`
Fepfrits and made good use of their
•lung power while passing through
The Exeter boys sha
have been credited
e neatest
beim th e
with thea honor ofg
attired soldiers in the 161st Battalion.
The boys; have, nearly all dress boots,
puttees and trousers for evening wear
and tam great pride in keeping up
a ,smart{ appearance and we (have ne
,doubt thea the tribute paid them is
a just one.
Patriotic League Notes
The regular monthly meeting will
be held in the Library on Monday
evening June 5th' at half past seven.
We are sending a box to the iCarad,•
ion Field ,Comforts • 'Commission at
Shorncliffe, Eng„ ar.d would like all
`those who have semen, hooks, or hand-
kerchiefs ready to baring them 1:o
Lhe afternoontea-room on Satarday aflae ,m
also any one who "would like to send
magi -mines off been:a we would be glad
to haVe them.
Exeter Council
Friday, May 2,6th, 1916
n .
regular .ar
tl meet of t
,un he C
the Village of Exeter held, the
Council Chambers, The minutes of
the :last regular arieeting and a specie.)
meeting held Friday, the 19th, were
read ,ancl approved.
The following Occounts ''Were read
and approved,—S, R. Steer 51..50; Jas
Lawson S105.00; S. Fatttott $120.00;
Benson Wilcox Electric Co., London,
34.00; Chas Wilson 3.00; A. Glanville
6.00; R. Gilllies 20.85; •T.. Houlden
2,25; John Norry 12.60; T. Walper
4.30; Exeter Canning Co. ,19.13; Hy.
Rumohr 2.10; Walter Westcott 1.50,
D. Russell: Sr., 2.70; Thos. Clark
2.10, W. Gillespie, 1.33; amounting in
all to 1340.46. .
Per Hind and Beavers, -That the
Clerk notify the property eiwners
along Alexander `Street and others in
the neighborhood to meet the Council
at the sad street on Monday 'evening
June 5th, 1916, tut 7;30 p.an,. regardjng
open. diitch along saiid streSt.—Car'ct.
Mr. W. A. Baiktv111` reported as to
the con.dieiin of affairs at the Town
13,211, also the condition, of ?the Hall
roof. After discussion. "Mr. Balkh111
was authorized to repair the roof and
set up the bell, on motion of Beavers
and 1lincl.-Carried.
The report of the Special Commit-
tee re ,proposition of the Exeter Can-
ning and Preserving Co. to purchase
a. portion of Brock Street north of
Wellington Street was read. The fol-
lowing resolution was presented by
Roulston, seconded by Beavers,—That
the following options be given, -
1st. That the request be granted on
the condition that the Company pay
the municipality the sum of SI5tl.0ii
for the said (portion of the street.
2nd. That the Company be ' per-
mitted to encroach on the roa l,n ay a
distance to 'be agreed ippon le.tee for.
a term, of 15 years at an annual rent-
al of one dollar; and that niter this
term any buildings placed thereon to
be subject to removal at the discre-
tion of the Council. Carried.
The Treasurer was instructed to
open up a Hydro -Electric Light
account with the Maisons Bank where
all funds will 'be received for lighting
and supplies.
Per Rouls'ton. and Hind—That the
Clerk advertise for tenders for wat-
ering the streets as ;per petition re-
ceived and where 'the streets avid not
be oiled. Tenders to be paid by the
hours of service. Tenders received
up to 7.00 p,m.. Fri;day, June, 7,,4-Car'd
The clerk was instructed to secure
twenty-five 12 -in. cement 'tile from
the. E. North Co.,, Landon, for use on
the streets in connection with the
Jos. Senior, Clerk.
The first draft of the Stationing
Committee oC the London Conference
is out and over 50 changes are being
blade. The changes on the • .Exeter
District aro as follows :Exeter, James
street, J. W. Baird; Parkhill, J. C.
Reid; .Crediton,'t. J. Snowden; Grand
Lend, H. Williams; Ailsa Craig, W. R.
Vance; ntroodham, McKihbon;
I<irlclon, F. S. Okell. Rev. W. (Q-. H.
McAlister is down for Mitchell; glev.
Selby Jefferson for Talbotvilie;' Rev.
C. W. Maker for Warwick and Rev.
IR. C. Burton for Arkona
A • company compo'ed of Messre.
1+.. B. Medd of (Clinton. W. G. Medd
and Geo. Jau.ues of O incbelsea have
;pure/aced , the Exeter Creamery
from J. LT. Scott of town. possession
to be given Jcly ist. 'Phe. Exeter'
,business will be entirely separate
from Mr. Mecld's busineee at Win-
chelsea but will be carried on after
the same manner as the Wi.ncheisea
'business, 'Wen have not Ieara.ed what
Mr. Scott intends doing, but we hope
'that Exeter will not lose such a
worthy citizen.
Major H, Tarr Ranee of the 33rd
Battalion wag- given a reception on
his arrival at Clinton May 25th..
The 'brass b and o: the ails' accomh
panicd b' the entire staff of oi;ficiers.
and the night picket and as many of
the local citizens who could be secured
on such short noti^e. marched to the
station, and when, the Toronto train
pulled hs a bear`' rectoion was given.
the major and his wife, the latterha•v-
'ing gong to 'Toron'o to meet him.
On their, arrival ;at the major's hou•-e
he made a neat spee:h, thanking the
officers of the Inlet and his friends in
,Clinton .for their kind rception and
pati .ion.. of
• 3�1s 3 a
statedt the Heat L
tti hien he was 6 GOn�.i in C ahem n• a �l, hid
been almost taken from England to
France in drafty to fill up other
The major paid higb tr'bute to the
Brittsh soldier who, he s a..d, wao the
best in the world.. and that the Canal
diens 'were equal to any.
While assisting in the er,'etion of a
shanty on Mr, Casper Welp: r'.s 101
acre etyparto 1 in'J at the Town line
Stariley,.Mr. Ja •ob 1) i .h r,. had the
mistmeetn: 't ;' c•U:1.t:tixi a compound
dislocation 02 the woke,, Mr. 1)'iaher:t
wan •workin • art a s ,t:fold when it
i t
gave svay•anci h:: fail aria, six a
scope. feet to thie.groctnd below. Tr
landed or
foot ,
iL1 L
enough to ,completely ly dielo Lte dee
ankle .ands tear the ,flesh eonstcl:erabl.'.
Ile was talon to London hospital
where he will remain until the leg
heroines healed
South Huron Sunday
School Convention
T annual. convention. of theSouth
The u,1 ozry z
Huron Sunday ,School Assoeiation was
held at Farquhar on Fri.day' or Iast
week and those present were enthtis-`
ed. with the excellent addresses given.
and the interest nxanifest in the work
of the Sunday school. In the after-
noon the attendance was not `large
es the farmers were able to work on
the land but at the evening session.
there was a good attendance.
Rev. E. W. Halpenny'. or Toronto,
General Secretary of the Ontario Sun-
day School Association gave two
splendid addressee. Tn the afternoon
be outlined the new County Standards
and spoke on Adult Leadership and
in the evening his subject was "The
Challenge o the Hour.
In the unavoidable absence or h.tr.
Taylor Stattona of Toronto, Mr. A. R.
Cook, of Toronto, was present and
gave two fine addresses speaking on
the all-round education or the. Boy
Among the other speakers were: Mr.
H. E. Huston, of Exeter; Mr. J. B.
McLean, of Kippen; Rev. A. W.
Brown, of Toronto. The devotional
exercises were conducted by Rev. Dr.
Fletcher and Rev. S. W. Iltuxworthy,
Mr. J. N. Ratcliffe, president, occu
pied the chair. Mr. W. G. Medd, the
Secretary treasurer, gave a report of
the finances showing them to be in
good condition. Several departments
of the work were heard 'from show-
ing that. the work is growing and the
interest Increasing,
The ladies of Thames `Road and
Bethany entertained, the delegates to
a most sumptuous luncheon.
The officers elected for the ensuing
year were s President. J. N. Ratcliffe,
Thames Road; VicePresident, R. 93.
Higgins, Brucefield; 'Repre'sentative
on. Prov, Executive, J. H. Scott, Exe-
ter; Secy -Trews., W. G. Medd, Win-, t
Chelsea; Supt, Elementary Dept., Misst
A. lfcGregor, Eippen; Supt. Secone
dary dept., Dr. Roalston, Exeter;
Supt, Adult Dept., W. C. Pearce, H.n-
sall.; Supt. Home dept., Mrs. Wm.
Sproat. Kip; en; Supt. Teacher Train -
ing dept., Rev. A. W.Brown, Varna;
Supt. Missionary dept., W. H. John-
ston, Kippen; Supt. Temperance dept.,
Rev. 24 D. Becker, Crediton.
On Sunday afternoon list neighbors
and friends to the number of about
thirtyative assembled at the horn,
of Mr. John Willis ard concession of
Stephen to pay a tribute of respeet
to 1'rivatea-John and. Elmer Willis
and Victor Hogarth who were home
from Clinton for the week .tend be-
fore going into their summer q::arters
at ICarling's Heights, London. Mr. E.
J. Sbapton read an address .to the
boys and Mr. John Jacobs on behalf
of the! neighbors and friends present=
ed them with wrist watches. The
:boys replied expressing their ape
predation and thankfulness. Beeves
Elliott, of Stephen, was present, and
addressed a few appropriate remarks.
Following wait the address:
Privates John and Elmer Willis and
Victor Hogarth,
Dear Boys in Khaki,
'We your neighbors and friends re-
alize that the time is near at hand
when at duty's call you will be re-'
,moved from, our midst to nerve your
King and 'Country in upholding the
principles of freedom and righteous-'
Hess foe which the British nation bas
ever .stood and for which her sons
have ever been ready to make the
supreme sacrifice of service and it
necessary, life itself. We ail. you to
accept these watches as a token or
our good -will ani interest in you. We
shall watch your career and o•ill ever
'tray 'teat a kind and merciful Provi-
dence may Match over you and bring
,you flack again to the bosom of your
Signed on; behalf of the cornmunity,
John Jacobs
L. C. Walker
E. J. Shapton.,
On Monday evening neighbors
to the n�rnrb'r of about
and friend;
sixty gathered at the honer of Mr.
T'hineas Ifentt'r and pr'seated his
ton John with a wrist wateb and ring
prior to leaving for London with the
tGlst. A splendid programme of
.speeches, song, etc. were given after
which refreshinents were served.
'Following ryas -the address;
To Pte. John Molter,
lt: wag with great pa;de that year
i'.ritnds unit neighbors heard tb'it
dud t
t Gist Huron battalion o.
ot: the 1
ldanadian Expeditionary Force. Four
Industry and persevcranGc will,
are sure, stand you in good stead to
the naw lite you are eaaie.ring on,
and wie know., that you ,will aortlrzly
:althold the Minor of the regiment,
end the Dominion a well as the glory
luaus traditton:I of the, min who irons
the Atlanwia' to the Padre have rillal
lied to the call of their King ands
Country and have earned fur them
eetves on the field of •.battle laurels
which can never fade.
Vv'» feel that tae eannot , lett you
depart from our tnilst without come
eo•kun of our esteem and rogard.
We therefore •as: y.iu to accept: thi
writ watch dreg l.'iu!;, y\ c trust that
they wit'; give yon goad aervice and
h•t:iviud you in d�aye t0 onto of tho:e,
whom yair hive left: behind. » our �, oft.nt think ce! you and o
�� i.,shall
• Alui.
ti( l4
tarn si: prayer
that Ile will briar; You bask in
'safety covered with honor,.
,1"are you well , ..
On Fzxday' evening of last week A very' ,pretty wedding look planet
Mrs. James Gould passed away ; in at Meadow Lee Farm; Thames. ,Ronda
- the home or 1ik"r. 7
been i c m and rs. e>�
where. e s e had e.a J ra car'v � , ana
London vhrr she a
• rMonteith, on c, � d2 1
beg treatment tor.the past tlLve. W d es y, MAY 24the
months for nerve, trouble. The mal: when their; daughter Jesr,ie, was unit-'
den name+ of tine di,e.t. isted was Jennie. ed in', marriage to Mr„ Peter l3, tante•'
Rowe anti her age. was GO year8 . 1. diner, of ti'axqullaa. 'i'he eereinonv'
month: and/ 12 days. She. wail boat in was iitrfornzed by Rev. Dr
Stela -teen township being a daughter. Fletcher in the presence of about
of tbe late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 125 guests. The bride entered the
`Rowe. About ten months ago Mr.� room supported) by her father Ito the
Gould was stricken with nerve trou- strains of Lohengrin's Bridal Chorale
We and since that time she has .had Played by IY II�es Vera. Moodie, Shs
tbe best of 'care and" treatment. Prior, was most becomingly attired. In a
to hent illness she wai ] a bright,'cheer- beautiful wedding dress or ivory
ful wonean and was beloved by a. taffeta with eeverdress of silk rx,ephi de
holt of friends who held. her,in the chine trimmed with pearls and lace
highest esteem. Ifor home was all- and wearing a bridal veil.. They were.
ways open that young people might married ini front of a beautiful than
enjoy her kind hospitality. Besides of apple blossoms and were , unat-'
her sorrowing husband, who loses a tended, The dinir.g-roont was deco -
true help -trate. e.tu is survived by rated with apple blossoms while t7ht
two daughters Merle and Leila; also decoratins in the, dining hall ;were
five brothers and six sisbe:re, this patriotic. The bride was the Ireoi-'
being the first break in the family, pient or many' beautibzl .and <eostty
Their names ares, Williana,'R-owe, of gifts, her Bandag' Sohool class pre-,
Michigan; John of Bay; R. 11. of senting bier wtth s. 4iaxtdsomo table;
town; S. W. of Ingersoll, and H. T. of reflector. The groom's gift to the
town; Mrs. J.. Pedlar •and tMes 'r J, bride was a pearl necklace and to t"li
KesIle, of town; Mrs. IL Windsor„ of: pianist a cameo pendant. The brides.
Brown (City, Mich;; Mrs. A. Hoskins travelling suit was or 'blue ladies
of Brantford; Mrs. We: Snell, of cloth with Leghorn. hat trimmed with
Exeter and Mrs. S. O. Lamport, of sliver lace and flowers,. Guests( wire
Farquhar, The funeral, private, was ,present from- Toronto, London, Wing -
held Monday afternoon to the F-x,e- ham, k3lytia arrkd 5tiralton 'Their xbany','
ter cemneter"y. fri.nds roil] join with the Tines iu
extending cor.dratelationtis..
Messrs. t3. Martin, Moe. Harvey and
B. 'W. F. Beavers, of town and Mr. J.
W. Skinner, of Winchelsea, are at
Kingsville this week attending the
London conference..
Fre destroyed the frame ;dsvelliesg•
and contents of Dan McDonald, of
Bayfield. The fire started in the kit-
Chen but how it originated vs ii mans"
We have been fortunate in secur-
ing a gob lot of men's suits in sizes
34, 36, 37 at a price n.tsch below
their present value. We will be plea-
sed to •sho -v them to you, The prices
are from $7.50 up.
See our bade to measure sam-
ples get one of our new style spring
Boy's braces 10-&150 a pair. Caps
Oc 75c & $1.00 each, About 3 doz.
sample towels at less than present
wholesale price.
BOOTS az SHOES -- Some att-
ractive styles and i nes in Mies'
and ,children's shoes.
MEN v Bny a pair of our tan shoes
made on the military last.,
.O4T6,4444.0iIK'00,04e0.4,7o* **oe*' 000.0o0 '°e 000000000000.09<? To
• g t
r Inspecti
0.4l Cir+ l Qea°nQ�anet ee ti,G 0!6rd, �Jft Rfi
E 81
New Bats, Shirts, Ties,
Arrow Collars, and all
ether Furnishings for
64,100 bOr
L'ltie Latest les hi
l ,�st St y
Clothing °i for neva
.g ,
T r
u I] N