Exeter Times, 1916-5-18, Page 1t_.
No. 2242
Gigantic Sale of Men's Suits
Hundreds to Choose from Wonderful Values
In spite of the fact that materials are steadily advancing in price, a
particularly fortunate early buy permits us to place on sale this season, hundred s
of Men's Snits at remarkably low prices, These suits are well tailored in every
respect and of first class English and Scotch materials. Come at once and get
first choice.
Men's Smocks and Overalls at Old Prices,
We carry a large Stock of Men's Overalls, Work Pants and Smocks in black and
striped demins, and Cottonade, in Peabody's, Big B, and Snag Proof brands. Old prices
from $r,00 up.
Men's Heavy Work Shirts at soc and 75c.
Boys' Odd Knicker and Bloomer Pants
We have just received a shipment of boys' knicker and bloomer pants, good heavy
Cloths, well made, moderate prices.
Special Sale of Men's Fine
Straw Hats at $1,00 Each
We place on sale this week several
dozen Men's Straw Sailor and snap brim
hats, all new shapes, Well worth $r,5o, for
early summer selling at $r.00 each.
Children's Straw Hats, dozens to choose from at popular prices,
Linoleums and Oilcloths at
Last Season's Prices
We cffer oilcloths and heavy Scotch
Linoleums at last season's prices. Good
pattern and colorings.
New rugs, Curtain nets, Curtains, Mattings etc, just arrived,
A regular meeting of the council
was held on Friday May 1.2th 3.016.
Councillor Harton being absent,,. Tio
minutes of the meeting's held April
28th and May 5th were :mad and ape
Communications were read as fob -
From the Library Board, Il,
uestonScc t
Y, that the board
had decided to increase the librarian's
salary to $160,00 dating from 1st
January to Dec. 1916. The same was
approved of with the following added
to include the eXtra work of tabul-
ating the books.:Motion, per Roulston
sec. by Beavers. parried.
The British American Oil Co, 're
road oil. The heron County War Aux-
iliary ry expression of aprcciatioii of
grant. Filed: The Hydro Electric Pow-
er Commission re discontinuance or
street lighting and. ,uuperintenndant of
system, prices of• meters, etc., Idled.
The Glokte Indemnity'ICo., ,re workmen
liability, to be 'consklercd at •meet•
ing held on 19th of May. Canada
Law Book, 'Co., Toronto, re Municipal
Accounts read and passed;— Jona-
than Ky,dd 2.00; Arthur Granville
8.40; W. J. Hemmen. 50c; The Exeter
Electric Light and Power Co. 142.15;
Geo. Orange 1.47; Exeter Canning
and Preserving Co. 26.22; Jno; Norry
16.27; Thea. Wolper 16.12; Rebt. Gill-
ies 45.15; Wm. Creech 10.15; David
Russet! Sr. 8.22; Walter Wescott 6.0J;
Arthur Sanders 10,50; it. Bloomfield
4.14; Thos. Clark 8.92; `Thos. 'Brock
6.93; Jonathan liydd :5.25; Henry
Rumohr 7.77; William Gillespie 3.48;
Thos. Sanders 2.10; Samuel Stau;ake
3.68; Ed..Uuiderman 50c; W. J. Bise-
ett 43.75; John Ford 37.50; Jos.
Senior 37.54). Amounting in all to
The Court or Revision for the Ass-
essment 'Roil for 1916 to hear and
determine complaints was fixed for
Friday June 2nd at 8 p. in. Motion
by Beavers sec'd by !lend. Carried.
Mr. Jas. Scott handed in a pead-
ition signed asking for a cement
walk along William street between
W ellingtou and Nelson. The same
was referred back, not sL•owij,g any
per cent chargeab e agalest the pro-
!!Messrs Amy, Witwer and Bierlir,g
handed in a signed petition asking
that an electric. light be placed on
every pole on Main;; Street from Nel-
son to Lake and Thames !toad and
that another light b;: placed betweeu
the lights not fixed on Thames and
Lake Road. The council will look into
the matter.
The Auditor's report dor the month
of April was read and accepted or.
motion of Bird .sec. by Beavers,
By-law No. 3 Of 191L was ammende d
by striking out the wording "exped,-
ient to ' regulate the" and insert
"expedient to see that reasonablo
care be exercised in." Motion by
Beavers sec. by Roulston. Carried.
The request and communications
as received froom the Exeter Canning
and Preserving Co. re Brock Street
were referred, to the Special (Come
mittee to report. Adj. nay Roulston.
Jose. Senior, clerk.
Anna Gardiner, daughter of Mrs,
and the late Robert Gardiner, of
Farquhar among the number
The Toronto Globe says as follows:
"Friends within the nursing profes.
Sion and without have been leteing
the six nurses whom the War 'Come
mittee of the .Canadian National Asso-
ciation or Trained Nurses have re-
cently sent to England and France.
Among the tributes has been a tea
given by Mrs. George Valentine, Lake-
view avenue, for tuuse who go to rho
French, Flag Nursing Corps, and the
nurses of the Western Hospital have
also been giving the departing six
some pleaaanti things to think fa.bout,
The unit which will be in charge
of Miss Cannon, a graduate of St.
Luke's hospital, New York, is com-
posed on` six nurses 'bound for France
to work in the French military hos-
pitals, the cost of their transporta-
tion, $1,801Y being b orne 'bp' Mrs. H. D.
Warren. They go in response to an
appeal issued some months since, and
have been spending the time since
their enlistment in learning to tspeak
!French with a fair amount of fluency.
In ted party are Miss Florence Ir-
win, .graduate, o1 the Rochester Gen-
eral hospital; Miss Sadie Jackson,
Miss Ruth Craig, Miss Anna Gardiner
and Miss Fern Crysler, all graduates
of the Western hospital, Toronto."
Miss Permillia (Pearl) Scott, daugh-
der or Richard and Mary Scott, or the
10th concession of Usborne, died on
Sunday last following about two
weeks illness, pneumonia being the
cause of her death. About two weeks
ago she contracted a cold, pneumonia
setting in. The best of medical -care
and assistance was given 14 r, bat all
to no avail. The deceased was born
in Hibbert being 26 years, 9 months
and 26 days old. She was a member
of the Sunshine Methodist church acid
possessed a cheerful and loving die'
position tthich won for her many
warm friends. Her demise in the
prime of lire is sincerely regret4.d.
She is survived by her parents one
brother and one 'sister, Albert Wm.
Scott and Mrs. L. E. .Fannon, both
of •t.sborne,. and in this their sad hour
of bereavement the spmpathy of the
entire •community is extended. The
funeral was held Tuesday afternoon to
the Exeter cemetery •conducted by
Rev. G. A. Barnard. Friends were
present froxri Stratbroy, Highgate and
Hamilton to pay their last respeons
to the departed.
With the Boys in
Enlisted this! week
Elmer Dlcl'allsa
John., C. Strang, 1 sborrne
John G, Hunter, 'Osborne
Rufus W. Kestle. 'Osborne
Geo. Bailey, Elituville
Pte. Norman IIock,y, a eats home from
Elora over Sunday.
The 101st Battalion will mobilize at
Clinton next week for a few 'days.
Yte. L. Day was presented with a
wrist watch! by his friends on Tues-
day evening.
Messrs. W. Fuhe, of town, and jos.
Bailey, of EUmville, signed up this
week but were unable to pass the
medical examination.
Mr. R. Bruce Walker,son of Mr.
and Mrs. Wm. Walker of Exeter
North, who has been attending col-
legiate in Clinton, last weak joined
the 101st, in that plane.
. A ladies recruiting league is to be
formed in town and all ladies and
young ladies are requested to meet
in the Library Thursday evening as
The Exeter members of the 101st
Battalion will attend worship in, Main
street Methodist church next Sate -
bath morning. At this service the
-Honor Roll" of tine chereh will be
A vigorous recruiting campaign has
been carried on, during the past week.
The Exeter deCachment have bead doe
ing .very little drill work, but have
been out after the men conside.t(ed
physically fit) and available.
Capt. Dancey was in last
Friday evening where he addressed
those present at the dance. It' ref
ports are correct he handed out
some warm treatment to the boys
not in kharki,,
There hag 'been a general shuffle of
the officers of the 101st this week.
Major Neaman went to Goderich for
a few days; Lieut. Torrance to Blyth;
Capt. Hodgins, of Seaforth; Lieut. D.
E. Holmes, of Wingham; and Lieut.
II. IC. McLean, ;Wingham, are in town.
The Opera House was packed last
Thursday evening to hear Capt. Dan
cey speak in aid of recruiting. Capt.
Dancey's method is to wade right in
and tell his hearers what he thinks
of them in unmodified terms.. Mrd
A. AtcCutcheon, soloist of Lora.^n,
added to the program. Mr. L. H.
Dickson acted as chaiifnan. The, or-
chestra from the 101st was present
and gave several selections. Rev. S.
F. Sharp moved a vote of thanks to
those taking part, seconded by Rev..
teat -see, fieesere--
()n Monday evening o1' this wee3e
in the Town Hall they eonncil present'
ed the men who had enlisted from
toavrt with wrist • watches and' rind;.
The Exeter members of 'the 101st
Bat ta! o li
n u weft! present together with
one or two others. The boys from;
town were called to the front and
Reeve Taylor/ and 'Councillor Beawere
addressed the+ boys and made( the prey
seenLations, Those who had \vetches
were presented. with ,rings. Pte. la,
Day handed his 'watch back to the
reeve saying' that .he couldt not accept
it when the town were 'giving '.heir)
best jobs to Germans. Pte. Day is
not in sytnpathy with i.he appoint
went or 11,W.'Voerr as electrical enM
ginecr for the town.
Written by a 5th Artillery Signaller,
Kings have their palaces regal,
Bold barons their halls in each Shiro
Grave Bishop's their .sees
While for those who've not 'the*
There aro mansions for sale and for
I envy no man such 'possessidn,
They merit. from me alder a ;glance,
For I'm gay and content
Since my presence 1've lent
To a dugout, a dugout in Francs,
A small enough place to abide in
lust room to move round Zn at best,
And some night imply
That its slightly awry
Like the "Little Grey Home in the
Yet it kept out the cold and the,
1'he rain drops re Gelled as they poured.
Built of Sand Bags— thats all
And though shabby and small
It stood: up to the winds when,. thee))
[ feel quite secure in .;any •dagout
My cottage ole sack cloth and e.artia
Shells fall vainly around
For a charmed piece of .ground
Hes embosomed my home from ,ito
I've a table, a fireplace, a mirror!
A bed (unadorned with valance
There is no room for more
But no Tommy I'm sure
Could do better just now in O11
Don't asks how I gape with discomfort
I know not the word in effect,
When nay duties are done t F
1 return on the run t 1
To this haven. of rest se select!
Though the captious might nmilo(
at the make up
No addition it's charm eaaid. .nhancc
For with ownership pride
We adorned the inside
Of nay snug little dugeut"sr/ .Franca
The 161st Huron Battalion has beep ordered to mobilize on J tie 1st
Will your County be humiliated by having the first Battalion she was authorized to for
go into Camp UNDER STRENGTH ?
Will the word "Huron" ever stand as a reproach throughout the Empire ? Or will the people
of this County Rally to their pride and to THEIR HONOUR ?
The Last Call for Volunteers
The business of the young man of the County tc-day is the completion of the `Battalion
she was asked to form.
Kitohener urges "men and more men." Canada has promised him 500,000. Will you be
Are you content to remain at home in ease and reap business advantages while other
.men take your place in the firing line.
Will your conscience remain clear and clean each day of the long years to come?
Does the sight of your chum in khaki leave you untroubled and undisturbed.
Make such sacrifices as may be necessary (the Empire is worthy of them) to enable you
to take your place in your County Battalion.
ENLIST and \ENLIST today, with the knowledge that, at last, you are playing the
(part of a MAN.
Your Reason is
Do you know what is happening to women in Europe to -day ?
Do you know what the women of Belgium, of Servia, of Flanders and even of your own
,'ace in the old land have suffered by the invading HUNS?
Do you know that thousands and tens of thousands, with their little ones, are driver
starving from their homes to die in misery; that they are bein(; violated and slaughtered ?
Do you realize that if this war is not fought out in Europe that you and S our children
may be forced to share the sufferings of those in Europe?
Do you realize that if Canada is to protect her people, her homes a,:oi•.%ler 1 ;)erty, her
men must be givers without stint to take part in the struggle?
Thousands of glorious mothers, wives and :,esters have given their dearest, to th , '.rause of
Humanity and of Empire. Can you meet this type of woman nod in social ^ntereourie' Are you
content to see other mothers, wives and sisters proudly sending off their mantic "d to l 1c,.e • rrou and '
your menfolk
Or will you meet the burden of this ger3+.rat',.
DIVINE virtues?
a Lame Excuse
X..a«. a.7.w'. • 43' ,.,
h C'.))LTR \GE, "t' : s'il hest of
5 ...Y
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