Exeter Times, 1916-5-4, Page 4AFTER SIX YEARS OF $QFFERINO Than Made Well by Lydia P nkbal nes Vegetable Compound. cbiiimbns,Ohio —''I had almost given slap.. Thad been sick for six years with female troubles and nervousness. 1 had pain in nay right side and could not. eat anything with- out hurting my stomach. I could notdrink cold water at all nor eat any kind of raw fruit, norfresh meat nor chicken. From NS pounds I went to 118 and weeed get so weak at times that I felt over. I began to take Lydia E. 1Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, and ten days later 1 could eat and it did not hurt my stomach. 1 have taken the medicine ever since and I feel like a new woman. 1 now weigh 127 pounds so yore can see what it Inas done for me already. My husband says he knows your medicine has saved my life."— I4Ira,; T •,.5, BARLOW„ 1624 South 4th .St., Columbus, ohto_ Wiz E. Pinkhar s Vegetable Com- panncl coc,l.:"ns Bust the e, irteaes vii• roots and herbs neded to' restore health and strength; to the weakened organs of the Yeedy_ That is wby Mrs. Ldrlow, a change invalid, recovered so comp!-tely. Ic pa, = for women sufferire from any fem.,ie ailments to inalat re a having 1 ee E. Pini ear 's Vegetat . Cere- @MN Ea Th EXCIP 1t S SINGLE., FARE a;3oor; gairag April Met and returning sante day. Fair and One- TR, .?d loot rc ng April ;dl, 21, rr 23,. Return Limit Apri.l:rrth, 1 etcarca tickets• will he iesued be 1ween all stations in Canada east of Port Arthur and to D-triot an .,rt Huron, Mich., Buff:1.1o, Bla.ek Rock, Niagara Falls and Suepensien Bridge, New Yrcek. Tickets and further par3ienlars :. +rani T'rnnk ticket officee. N. J. Dore, . . CENTRAL, RtAL, CE : '2r errareriOltie ae iT. ae :You can secure a • R> Position • If you, take a coarse wit' us. The demans upon us Lolr trained kelp • is matey times tbe number gr u,ating. Stunts are enterien a each. week. You may enter ac 7r,' 4 tie. Write at once for • e•• • � catalogue of Commercial, :•. ••t- o • • ID A1, McLachlan, Priin • . t®0049&®0$1$+sAO•0iEMM000,4 are • MAC armee Made in Cu Fertilizer $ n r'a x ' j 'Mi' i Now the buy :r s '•';'t fore:' s pricf. Let eo , �cb A ft 1., and NEWS TOPICS OF WEEK Ot"il Crt anfi Events Which li . av e Occurred During the Week. The Busy eVerld's Happenings Care- fully Compiled and Put Into Handy and Attractive Shape for the Readers of Our Paper — A Solid tour's Enjoyment. (forge MoberIy, ex -Mayor of Goh lingwood, and prominent as a lawyer, and also in shipping and other inter- ests, died at the age of 8 ae Captain Heudrie, son of the Lieu- tenant -Governor, who returned from the front a few days ago, has been appointed to command a battery. Mrs. Ida S. Rogers, charged with having killed her two children with poisc'n,. was acquitted in New York_ The verdict was reached after two hours' deliberation. The Ameriean Academy of Design yesterday admitted to its membership a certain inmate of an insane asylum —Ralph Albert B1akeIock, the great- est and the most unfortunate of Am- erican landscape painters. Ex -Mayor J. F. Wills, K.C., a lead- ing Belleville lawyer, has been ap- pointed Junior County Judge for Hastings, enceession to Judge E. uB_ Fralick, retired on pension after thirty-five years on the Bench. 1~ R1DAY'.. The territory around Qnatia in Eastern Egypt is now almost clear of the enemy. A Norse steamer was sunk by gun- fire from a German submarine off the west e.;:; et of trel:ind. . card Ferrer, one of the best- ke wit journalists of Canada, died at ^ttawa in his 6 fith year. Spelling ref eau was urged at the Ont:•rio Educational Association con - Yee ion in Toronto yesterday. te. Ivan Boike, 93rd Battalion, a Russian, aged 21, was drowned in the River Otonabee, at Peterbore Wednesday evening, Senator Choquette, in the Senate, protested that he had not criticized Canadian soldiers, and that his speech had 'een misrepresented - Mr. Lewis McCall. Governor of Keeera ?^iI, died yesterday after a lineeeint. Inesc of several months. He was a brother of Senator McCall. The Ontario Legislature was pro- rogued, the Lieutenant -Governor vof.'ing Ontario's determination to carry the war to a victorious concIu- sion. An alleged plot to keep Americans from immigrating to Canada was broaght to the notice of the Com- mons by Mr. 1~i_ I.I. Stevens of Van - destruction of a German sub- mar':te by a British trawler off the nor'.?i coast of Scotland is described t_ Louteh newspapers received in Lor-:;'.,. errer Horn, who' attempted to destr .y the international bridge at ti ar.r,•boro, Me., on February 2, 19155, :nu-. strnd trial on a charge of flie- : t_ aL . . nation of dynamite. SaTi:P,'D.LY_ A C:.: elan submarine was sunk by the British and her crew captured - A i'.: '.iss aviator made a new 'alti- tu:l:> re:nerd, flying 2.4,405 feet high. retalue. prisoners were reported to be; be.dly treated by the Bulgar- iana_ ei • Chas. Oppertsbauser of Han- ..•. over was drowned in the Saugeen Weer •elle fishing. Th. ,. w Brunswick prohibition If you really relieve in Safety First get a box of 'Takake pill's for your rheumatism, neuralgia, or sleepless- ne'.s, for they are absolutely „harm - Rae Fifty cents a box at your drug- gists or by mail from the Georgian Mfg. Co., 'Collingwood, Oat. H `1WB ROLL FOR 161st Battalion J Ie( '. b W. 3. H'eansan. I. -it. Edger Torrance Sidney Smith, Hay p.a. ederI T -r wish, Elimville. Hector Heywood, Exeter. ' Fred Hopkins, Whalen Sylvenus Cann, Exeter Wilbur Pfaff, Biilton Pfnff Herold Bissett Fred Wells Lloy3 Ttivi•rs Antonin a Rice r et Co'1•newnorr A r.. ,., 5 Flodton ` 'moil G etew rr u ' i m . ••r#ubar de • TIF, r Ty • 1V . 'ion. Tan mt,. t >T cheeen •Eli mvitt.. THE EXETER ` TIMES bilk bete bean: t'eiiarted for third read- ing by a vote of 34 to 2. The British battleship Russell was sunk by a mine in the Mediterranean, but 70a of her crow were rescued. Judge T. C. Knowles of St, John, N.B., died of pneumonia after a brief illness, having been judge only a few months. Four British naval officers bave arrived in Ottawa to secure : eeruits for the British coast motorboat pat- rol service. The last day for Federal disallow• ince of regulation 17, Ontario's fam- ous bilingual rule, passed, with EC action taken. John Langdon, a superanunated school teacher and an inmate of the, Huse of Refuge at Whitby for two weeks, committed suicide. The bars and liquor stores of WIn- nipeg district, within thirty miles 0! the city, are out of bounds to the troops till the opening of Cann Hughes about June i. lion. G, Howard Ferguson, Min- ister of Lands, Forests, and Mines, anuounces that he bopes to have the New Ontario development scheme in operation early this summer. Mrs. James E. Gillard of Montreal is said to have beard her husband, Private Gillard, call her distinctly three times the night on which be died of gunshot wounds in France. A e25,60 0,000 mining corporation, which will embrace the Hollinger, Aeme, and Millerton gold mines, and a partially developed claim of the Canadian Mining & Finance Co., at Timmins; has been formed. Heinle- ger eilinger stockholders will receive four shares in the new company for each share now held.. MONDAY. WalkervilTe• in two days raised $'52,000 for the Patriotic Fund_ Austrian troops were defeated with heavy losses by the Italians. The unarmed British steamer Teal was sunk by a German submarine. A German aviatik was winged by French aviators and its officers cap- tured. Prof_ J. C_ McLennan was. elected President of the Royal Canadian In- stitute. The Dominion Government will aid Canadian aviators to the extent of $100 each. The Duke of Connaught reviewed four thousand troops at Hamilton on Saturday morning_ . Petro/ea goes dry to -day, four bar licenses and one shop license being cut off by local option_ British cavalry hoarded a train in Macedonia and took off a German Consul charged with 'espionage. Lieut. 3. Dcheney of Toronto and Co'bourg died yesterday in To- ronto of wounds received at the front - Hon. Duncan Marshall, Minister of Agriculture, says the acreage in crop in AIberta this year will not be. much Less than Iast year_ Nearly five hundred Berlin (Ont.) women marched in parade with the 118th BattaTfon, inaugurating a whiriwind recruiting campaign- . Mr. Allan 'McLennan, Police Magis- trate for some years at Kenora,''has been appointed Judge for the District of Rainy River and Local Judge for the High Court Division of the Su- preme Court of Ontario. Firs= ,destroyed .the mills and ele-' odor of the:Rice Malting Company of Canada, at St. Baniface, Man., with 3 00.,001e bushels of grain, total Ioss $300,000; and the sawmill at ColIingwood belonging to the J. 'T. Charlton estate, valued, with ma cbinery, at several thousand dollars.. TUESDAY. It was announced that the British Government's wheat monopoly in In- dia was at an end. The British eollier '#dandle arrived at the Tyne yesterday damaged in a fight with a submarine. The House of .Commons passed without opposition a vote of $250,- 0e0,00 0 250,0.00,000 for the year's war budget. The Meredith -Duff commission heard. evidence regarding failure in delivery of fuses and cartridge cases. 'Tire Tinted States Supreme Court decided that Ignatius Lincoln, the self-confessed German spy, shall be extradited to- Great Britain. Sir Robert Borden tabled in the Commons the return with regard to sale of small arms ammunition, ask- ed for by Mr.. E. M. Macdonald. Geo_ Wilson Ramsay, shell inspec- tor at St. Catharines, was given pre- liminary trial on a charge of sedition. The case was adjourned to to -day. The British public is urged to re- frain from. the use of meat every Thursday and to abstain from alcohol every :Monday` ire the interest . of economy. The London Times says the Cun- ard Company has completed arrange- ments for the acquisition of the Ca- nadian Northern's shipping business. The negotiations were pending for same time. Fifty liquor Iicenses were cut off yesterday in .Montreal in conformity with the Quebec license law, which has gradually reduced the number of licenses in that city to 350. Each holder of a license cut off receives $3,E100 eompensation. TROOPSHIPS SAFE. 'L do Steamers Carrying . Canadians Arrive in England. OTTAW4, May 2.—It is officially ;earned through the chief prose • •r's atFice that the troopship: 1 ^ avian , which sailed free, on. April 17, and the Missan `'•h sailer on April 1.8, hay.. felt' in England. ' •d tit r'andinavian thei 's -Canadian 13,.. • t ed 1,023 of othe •1 Corps draft, 1 f other rank' and 6 of of icer and 13 esanabie I:1J' ra ;Battalion, et other ranks, 8i ` 3r • ion Sub -park, . .E other ranks; de - Ln .ttbermen's Bat - vs.. and 378 of other 'inial".n Dental Corps, 'er's af;'other `wanks; .,. e1e and 1 of other CAPT. Ta L. BL&TCHP0i110 KILLED IN ''ACTION q ' •Word was received where oin Satan day that Capt. T. L. Blatchford of the 30th dteeerv'e Battalion, eldest son of Rev, and Moe. T. W. B3atehford of Brownsville, formerly of (Centralia, Ind been . (killed , in action on April 27th. iCaptain Blatchford vee cleated "B" ,Company of the 36th Battalion a4 Dundas, and with his battalion .landed at Plymouth on June 28th. Until March 22nd he was on the instructional staff of ofiec rs. Ile then crossed to France, and was in the front' line trenches about a month when the fatality occiired. He held the ,rank, of 'Captain before the commencement of the war, and was subsequently promoted to the rank or inounted captain, and first in command of a company. Prior to enlisting he was engaged in a real estate and brokerage busi- ness, with offices in the Confederation Life Building, Toronto, and was also,; for six years with the Merchants' Bank, ,being stationed at the head of- fice, ,Toronto, and ,the Napanee and Thamesville branches. Besides 'Rev. T. W. 'Blatchford, (and Mrs. Blatchford, he is sutrvived by a sister, Mrs. P. G. Buchanan of Hanna, Alta,, and three brothers, C. V. Blatchford, Editor of the Listowel Banner; 1). II. 131atchl'ord of Toronto University, end E. A. Blatchford, lerho at Easter resigned his position on the teaching staff of the Mount Elgin Institute, Muncey, to enlist with the „182nd.r73attalion at W,hitby. EENSALL SOLDIER' DIES OF PLEURO -PNEUMONIA Sincere regret is felt here over the death of. Pte. George Washington, ;which took place on' Wednesday after- noon of last week. Jae was in London the Friday,,, previous and came home feeling unwell. He was taken ill dur- ing the night with a severe attack of pleuro -pneumonia which so affect - red this heart that little could 'be done to help him. Ho was among the first to enlist. in the Hensall contingent, and took an enthusiastio interest ie military work. His' death is sincerely regreted by his comrades. The funeral eves a military one, and was hold on Friday afternoon from :Carmel 'Chur- Ich. Pte. Washington estate from Eng' - (hand some year,* ago, and resided in Toronto, joining the staff of the Molsons Bank. About three years ago he 'was .transferred to the Hensall branch. His obliging manner made hum many friends. About the first of the near he en- listed, and was eager to reach the land oft• his birth and the battlefront in France. • ' ' ZURICH Miss' I1leanor Hartleib of Toronto visited 'at her home over Sunday. Me Miss., ivina Koehler spent the lbolidays1 . .th, relatives at Tavistock.. Mr., nee Nieman. of East, Aurora, N, Y.. eras .a business visitor: here last •.weel e. , Mies Ella Desjardino of Sarepta is visiting her sister. Mrs, A. W, Motley. at present. Mr. R. Geiger, of Burwash Hall, Toronto, is spending the holidays at bis ,home here. Miss E. Johnson, of Kinkardine, w' as the guest of her sister, Mrs. J. Thiel over' Sunday. Mr. fl'. •Whetton, of the Stratford Business College, visited old friends here over Sunday. ' Pte. E. Fisher. of Berlin, visited at the home of his parents Dir. and 'Mrs. O. Fisher, last week, Pte. Earl Gross; ''of Berlin, was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E Bossenbury,. over Sunday. Messrs. 1I. Appel, of Merlin, and Roy Appel of Seaforth, visited their parents, here over, Sunday. Dan Ben Pte. net a member of the military band of the 101st Battalion startioned',at-Clinton, visited his home Isere over Sunday. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Luther parsonage Dashweed on Wednesday :epeniag by_Rev. P. Greup- ner. when Miss Flossie Howald was united in marriage to Mr. Denial Stau bus, bath of near Zurich. A social time was spent by the young •couple and their friends at the home of :Mr. H. H. Neeib the .same evening. The new pipe organ, built by E. Lyle and Sons, Toronto. was installed in'tbe Evangelical (Church last week. The dedicatory • services was held on. Sunday, . April 30th. On Monday evening an organ recital was given by the choir, • assisted by . Miss 'M. Oestriecher, Dashwood, graduate of the Conservatory' or Music, of N. W. 'College, Naperville Ills. , l •eget e_. CIXa' ' Store:. '' •.••\NA1DA•5'•FAVd? u . ,,l if. '-,Telt,r.�'., r, !t 216 =.. t very Age conefination can best h., vcrcome by the gentlebutsurelaxative Ph the pleasant taste Watt uswisfanam *. - - lad'Wa24412.21111110.1111.1 _ Soh! in !Sc and 25c box.* at Reza?, Drug Stores only. O11 , irRE rO 11, ill '11 •�l ,11 1 (:1 fl Soldier Boys Presented with Wrist Watches Privates Garnet Rau, Earl Redden and •Gordon Appleton, or the Exeter detachment of the 161st Battalion, were remembered by their friends of Crediton East! on 'Thursday afternoon of last week when a number of la- dies and gentlemen from that place assembled in the Town Hall, Exeter and •presented them with an address and wrist watches. The whole dei taehnieut were present, together with members of the war auxiliary and a number or friends, The boys ;Were called to the front by Major Beaman, who • acted as chairman. Mr. L. H. Dickson read the address and Messrs,. Frank Taylor, Eli Lawson and I.. W. Anderson made the. presentations. At the eonclusion of this part, Ptes. Fred Hopkins, of 'Whalen; and '.Gari Riede den, of 'Crediton •East, who offered their servicers when a call was inad•e for Volunteers to ge with the Pioneer Battalion, which expects to leave Lon- don shortly( for England, were made the recipients of 'a wrist watch and signet rings from the Exeter memo leers o:f the 161st. The address was read. by; .Corp. (Rice and '(he presenta- tion made by Pte. Rivers. Short ad- dresses were( delivered by Messnty, J. A. Stewart, President of the War Auxiliary, L. H. iDiokson, and Geo. H. Heiman, of Eginondville. AIF. Hol- man has two sons with. the colors, one in the trenches and the other in England. The addresses of all were quite •complimentara to the boys and gave them some good advice. The boys accompanied Ptes. Hopkins and 13edden to the depot the same evening and gave them a royal send-off. Fallowing was the first address:. Exeter, Ont. April, 27th '16 To Privates Garnet eau Earl Hedden( and 'Gordon Appleton. 1 i It is the great privilege and bounds en duty of all the young, unmarried and physically fit men of Canada to rally to the old flag at this time when the British Empire and her allies are struggling for the liberty of home and democratic government, and for the freedom of the small nations of the world. The British Em pire is the greatest Empire- that has been. She has stood throughout the ages fon all that is good and noble in mankind, and her testing time has come. Canada is a free and independl- ant part of the great Empire, and the people of ,this great country should consider it a privilege to fight in such a noble cause. You boys have heard the •call from the motherland and have nobly res- ponded to that call, enlistiog the good old Huron Battalion to "do your bit" for the upholding of the blessings which are the undoubted rights of aill peoples, and to preserve the Empire for all ages. We honor you for the- stand you have take and wish in a small way to show our appreciation of the sac- rifice you are wi:llitng to make by presenting you with these wrist- watches which we' trust will remind you of.your friends whose. best wishes go with you across''tie sea and who hturn. ope, for you a speedy and sefe re - Signed on, behalf of your :friends by Frank Taylor, Eli Lawson and I. W. Anderson. Huron Battalion=161st Surely the phrase should stir within the breast of every man a feeling of pride and patriotism in the ,know' - ledge that in the day of an Empire's stress oug County has had the glor- ious privilege of forming her own .Battalion. A Battalion composed of the sone and grandsons of 'those stur- dy old pioneers, who in years gone by. settled within the borders of the County and by the sweat of their brows carved out the broad acres and laid the foundation of the unen- emp'led prosperity, of Huron. To the sons of these men— to the sons and grandsons who have not list- ened to the command of the King and Country— I make this appeal. The Huron Battalion has been or- dered to mobilize about May 15th and the needed 250 men to compleee the establishment of the Battalion must be enlisted by the time of Mob- ilization. This is a direct command of you King and a command which must Ibo hearkened to' by every man in the ICoun'ty. le of military age and physical fitness your duty is plainly to enlist, If over 45 'years of age your duty can he done by 'urging and in- sisting that the younger men do their "bit". If under 45 years of age and physically unfit you ,car., at least Wear the buttoneribbon which *i!'_ be supplied you by the Medical Ex- aminer or the local Detachment, after be has examined you and given you a certificate of military unfitnes This is the last tall for the men to come forward, of their own free will, and to save the Country from the ;itigma of reproach in that ".she did not do 'her duty". 'Kitchener says "the last man and the last shell will win the victory". 11ayhap your individual enlistment st ill be the means of the Allies in- evitable triumeh. Put aside all petty jealousies and considering only an Empire's need and Country's welfare come forward and take the place +re= served for you amongst the men who in the days to come will prove worthy of a County's pride and of a Count. ty's honor. The twelfth hour is striking. The time for your decision has arrived. The answer must be Alye or Nay. Will it be "Ready, Aye Beady." in the 161st. .1d. B. Coombe, Lieut -Col. Ci'lINKIN( LAPS" In Ontario the redaction in 1:quor sales over the bar during 1915, as compared With 1914, is nearly $1,60; 000. • The Winnipeg Military Authorities Lave issued orders placing ail bars erid 'liquor stores in Wber:peg and vithin thirty mules -of the city; out of bounds for soldiers. Or an.indefiin- ite ;period. • ' ` ' It is reported, frotn 'traneouver that TIIU'RSl)A.X, MAY 4t14 10IS • INCORPORATED , 1855 E MKLS1ONS- BANK CAPITAL' AND RESERVE $8,8OO,O0Of 96 Branches in Canada A General Bankinr Business Transacted c. iyZIRCULAR LETTERS OF CREDIT BANK MONEY ORDERS SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT Interest aaowedlat highest current rate W. D. CLARiCE, Manager, Exeter Branch --•---•----•-.04.1b4A- T E CANADIAN BMW OF COMMERCE SIR EDMUND WALKER, C.Y.O., LL.D.'D.C.L., President JOHN AIRD. General Manager. H. V. F. JONES, Ase't General Men, x' CAPITAL, $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, $1-3;50O30Oe 1 SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNTS Interest at the current rate is allowed on all deposits of $1 antes upwards. Careful attention is given to every account. Small accounter. are welcomed. Accounts may be opened and operated by mail. 1 Accounts may be opened in the names of two or more personsiitlft•'' jirawals to be made by any one of them or by the survivor.• j Exeter Branch— A. E. Kuhn, ;Manage. VREDI ON BRANCH — A. E. RUHN, Manager. the Provincial Government' of British Columbia will very soon introduce a measure :for closing; the hotel bars at 7 p. m., pending the prohibition votre. The leading women of France have entered upon an anti-alcohal crusade. They declare thee a large percentage of the ravages of death are due to alcohol, which constitutes the great- est blight et the Republic. By a vote of 35 to 23 the Hamilton District Trades and Labor Council 'at a:special meeting rejected the Bartende'rs', Local Union's..resolutiion opposing prohibition, and went on record as neutral. The British 'Beer Output ,is to be reduced by 28 per •cent, an compared with 1913 and 1914 and the import- ation of brewiing material isto be curtailed by 33 and one-third pe cent; according to 'in anaouncemen made to the- House of Commons 'b';• 'W. IRunciman, President of the Boar of Trade. Saskatchewan will vote on Prc bibition in December. By an arneed spent to the sales of liquor act, th referendum as tot whether the dispen nary system shall continue or whether there shall be total prohibition wel be voted on this December instea of December 1919 as before ariahget and the women will be .allowed f. vote on it. Premier Bowser of Victoria, ll3 tC las • announced that a bill , will b� introduced shortly to give votes tl women, to tomo into effect. on J•aa uary 1st next, contingent ,upon the result of a referendum to. be vote. upon et the °•time of the genera election. The referendum will be oa ,the same basic as that regarding pro hbsltoc— a 50 per tont vote. Lieutenant—Governor Hendrie gae a dinner a few, weeks ago to member of the Ontario tabi.inet and a fee invited guests at the Governmen House.' The dinner is said to be th- ifiirst "dry" one given by a lieui tenant -governor oft Ontario. No intox icating beverages were' served in con sequence of the Government's pro hibition measure. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of Samuel !Cudmore, of the Township of Usborne, County of .fluron, .far- mer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to Statutes in that bebalf that all cred- itors and others baying claims a- gainst the estate of the said Samuel Cedmore, who died on or about the 3rd of April, 1916, are required on or before the 10th . of -May, 1916, to send by post prepaid or dee liver to Messrs. Gladman & StanburJ, of tine Village of Exeter, Solicitors for the Executors of the said decease ed. their christain and surnames ad- dresses and descriptions the full par• ticulars of their Maims the state- ment of their accounts and the na- ture of the securities if any. held by theme And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled tbereto having regard on13 •to ...the claims of which' the3 shiall then have cotic, and that the .Executors will Lot be liable for said assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not have been received b3 them at the time of each distribution. GLADMAN & STANI3, URY Solicitors for Executors. Dated at Exeter this 19th day April, 1916. JAS. BEVERLEY FURNITURE DEALER Embalmer and Funeral Directetts Phone 74a. Night Can 74b EXETER, -:- i ONTARI CJ. W. I<ACN, 1 , f.t P& 425 RICHMOND ST., leeLONo. ONTARIO. SPECIALIST IN SURGERY AND RN1T0-II/MAR7i DISEASES OF AVD WOMEN: Dix G. F. ROULST:ON, L;D.S,, D H D DENTIST F d ;1 site. Office over Dickson ,& V ling's Law office. CIosed WednJ I day.,afternoons. Phone Office Sag Residenoe •5b. •u anereen - LR, A, R. KINSMAN lah ih D D,IIV Honor Graduate of Toronto lam ereity• 1 _ , —Lai r 1 ' DENTIST , a I eth extracted ,`without pain. I any bad effects, `Office over Gltlie z jean et Stanibury'e Office Maim aha Exeter. r „ . , it a. - W. BROWNING M. D., l4. Si ) 1 e P. b,' Graduate Victoria Mea, ' city Offioe and residence 1)omislog iLabratory., Exeter, ,. I Associate Coroner of Baran ,t - D ICKSON & DARLING y 1 Barriatera, 'Solicitors Notaries Gala = veyaneene Commissioners, t olio 3 for the Moiso.ns Bank eta, •tie r nal • Money to Loan, at lowest rates :at be ' tercet. 'a.J ' OFFICE—MAIN STREET EX1&iT'il1.1 • I. R, Carling B. A; I. Be Dinka** . ere • MONEY, TO LOAN, ; , • We have a large amount sl Ails ate funds to loan on farm and viii• lags properties at lowest rate of IIP teralltt .s.41 °L'AMIAN & STANB,U,RX 1e( Barristers, Solicitors, Again gii Exeter 1 Tile Usborne and fitbilart Farmer's Mutual Wire lump ante Gompanp Head Office, 'Farquhar, Cho President ROBT. NOBBi Vice -President . THOS. RYAS. DIRECTORS r. - i 4 W M. B ROCK,. , , . wet BO �! d, L. RUSSELL , g, T. AL .1.20/ AGENTS 1,11 JOHN ESSER Ir Exeter. mann. Utta borne and Riddelph. li OLIVER RABBIS Munro absent SO Hibbert Fullerton and Dogan. ,. a , , ,. t W. A. TURNOUT& Secy.Treas. Farquher GLADMAN & SUNBURY al Solicitors.. Exeter. Fell Thi Harnniess but Erni- 0 remedy for Head*Gh 5 ® •,. , �' . N.Uraltgia,Anaemia,Ske 'i Y le$staass, Nervous Exp rade Mqk q,sietsr.Kil •, , •r ittitstienr $;C, 0 ' l •ae AT ALL D UaaIATe, m sr map MaME. GEOliGIAN MFG. CO,, - COLt.1NGWOOD, ONT. ._