Exeter Times, 1916-5-4, Page 1uter
May is the month for buying your Spring and Summer Finery. We are particular-
ly well stocked with a beautiful display of Summer Goods.
Wash Voiles & Muslins Cotton Tub Goods
in every shade you can buy. Large Floral New Prints at 12 1-2c per yard, New Ging-
effects, Small Floral Patterns, Stripes and Plain hams, Chambrays, Crepe Cloth, Vestiugs, Linens,
shades, and Galateas, all good washers.
White Waists Candy Striped Waists
A Swell lot of New White Waists just Just the latest fad. A. White Waist with
arrived $1.50, $2.00, $2.50 each, Colored Candy Stripes $1,25 and $L50,
98c Parasol 98c Underskirts.
Your choice of a real gond $1.50 parasol,
assorted handles for 98c.
Colored Dresses for children, Girls or Ladies
.511c to $1.50. White Dresses all Prices.
Black Moire a beauty, or Colored Satin
for 98c.
Child's Middies, sizes 6, 8, 10, 12, f4 years 75c
Misses Middies 16 to 40 all kinds 7.5c to $1,25,
Ladies' Suits and Coats
We are going to clear out all our Suits and Coats in the nest two weeps. Some ..eat bargains
will be here for you. We want every Suit and Coat out by the 15th and you can have them at your
owpri.. ce.
Ladies' Suits
:Some real beauties to clear at $10, $12 & $15
Ail suits at reduced Prices.
Spring Coats
Only a few left but each one a bargain for
the lucky buyer.
Oar Millinery Department is going full blast. New hats arriving daily. Always
something New.
AND may
A regular' meeting of the Munlopal
Council held on Friday April 28th,
All menbers present.
The minutes of the last regular
meeting were read and approved.
Communications were read as follows;
A letter, addressed to the Reeve 'frorn
the Bell Telephone Company asking
the privilege to open up Hill Street
East for the purpose of extending
their lines.—Granted: A letter from
the Hydra Electric Power Commission
re resolution, of the council. — Filed.
The following accounts were read
and ordered paid: J. J. Turner and
Sons, Peterborough, Flag $5.14. C. T.
Brooks, Express Fire Dept. 50; C. T.
ilrooks, fire Ins, Premium. $15.00
J. Senior, fire jnstr. premium, con-
tents of Town 1-la.11,-11.80; Thos. Brock
labor, W. W. account, 2.00; It, & ,B,
$3,85, J. I:funkin, Teaming R and 13.
$6.00, !Rd, Davis, Teaming R. and 13.
$12.00, Geo. Orange, Labor, +11 and 13.
$3,50, Thos. Flynn,; Labour '11 and 13,
$1.31, Geo. Cudmorc, labor, rR and 13.
$5.00, Thos. •Creech, draying 11 and 13.
80 in all $66.90.
A Petion was received and read
from residents owning property on
Elizabeth St. between Huron and
Simcoe, asking for a cement walk
Referred back to petitioners, ,the
same not being properly drafted.
Messrs. S. M. and W. D. Sanders,
representing the Exeter Canning
and Preserving Company, waited
upon the council with a proposition
to purchase the street alluwancn
running to the .'easi*•;of their factory.
Assuring the council that • they will
assume all responsibility and allow
those using the road the use or the
same during the term of a given lease
The 'Reeve gave a promise that the
council would look into the mattes.
Magistrates W. I. Sanders and J.
Moir addressed the":. council regards
the village By-law., o£ bicyle riding
on the side walk.— Messrs T. G. Cree-
ch, ltd. Davis and ;r. lfunkin, team-
sters,ask • for an incir •ase in pay for
team hire, asking 45c per hour. Per
Hind sec'd by litoulston that the rate
be made 43c per hour tor man and
team and laborers 21c per hour
for thd, season, dating from May 1st
to Nov. let, 1916.
A •deputations on behalf of the Boy
Scout movement asked the use of a
room in the Town Hall. The reeve •'re-
plied stating that the rooms were
all in use at the present time but
if any became vacant they would.
be notified. Mr. Tames Murray on
behalf of the Exeter M'P.g Co. asks
for a reduction on the water rate.
To be investigated, Mr. T. H. Newell
made a request to be allowed to
erect a gasoline pump on the street
in front of his garage, permission
was granted, work to be done under
supervision of the street commiSSe.
ioners and the same to be removed
subject to the ruling of the Mun-
icipal Council,— Carried. Mr. Newell
request for a supply of water for
his public garage be granted and
tl.at the 'charges be ten dollars
per annum for public garage purposes
motion per 1toulstou sec -d by Barton
Carried. Harvey Bros. request for a
supply of water referred (to the,
commission to report on the cost of
laying the water main. Per Beavers
sec'd byi Harkin, that Mr. Day be
supplied with water for use in the
Agricultural Societies grounds under
a contract) for three years for $5.00
per -ear. Carried.
y $ Ic u
thorized to write the hydro Electric
Commission re line -men to connect
up the homes and motors in the Mune
icipality. r .
The Clerk reported that the
Assessor had returned the Asn
essment Itoll, for 191(1. Adj. by Beavers
.Jos. Senior, Clerk.
After a continuous) service of twene
ty-four years as superintendent of
Main ;street? Sunday School lir. 11. E.
Huston resigned .his position last Sun-
day. Mr. Huston lias been a most
faithful servant -4 of the school and al-
though old in experience in S. S. work
ever young in ideas and interest for
the school. His successor its Mr. B.
W. F, Beavers who has been associate
ed with him in the work for some
A quiet. wedding ,took place at the
Methodist personage, Crediton, on
April 19th; when Rev. Selby Jefferson
united in marriage Miss Ethel May
Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. fly.
Smith, of Crediton East, and Mr.
Owen S. Atkinson, of town. ,The bride
was dressed in her travelling suit of
navy blue. Mr, and Mrs. Atkinson
left for a wedding trip to Hespeler,
Galt and Berlin and have since res
turned to town where they have tak-
en up th;'ir residence. Their many
friends gill join with The Times in
extending congratulations,
A meeting of the members of the
James street congregation was held,,
in the basement a£ the church last
Thursday evening. 'Refreshments
were served after which a program
was given and reports received 'Crow
the different branches of church
work. The different societies were all
reported in flourishing condition. The
pastor, (Rev. W. G. if. McAlister, oc-
cupied the chair. Mr. Peter Frayne
gave the report of the Quarterly Of-
ficial Board Mrs. Well. Johns the W.
M.S.; Miss Beta Rowe, the Mission
Cirole; Mr Thos. Harvey the mission-
ary •committee; Mr. J. G. Jones spoke
on clean work; Miss May Jones the
Junior League; Mrs. E. Treble the
Ladies' Aide J. S, Harvey the Sunday{
School; S, Martin the Trustee Board.
The matter of improvments to the
Sunday school came 'u'p and it was
decided to get the reeling of the whole
church in this regard.
A very pretty but quiet wed-
ding took place at @.limville, on April
6th, when Cora Myrtle, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Batten, was wed -
ed to Freemen Perkins, ,son of 111.
and Mrs. John Perkins of Exeter.
The brides' wedding gown was of
white voile with trimmings of .lace
and rosebuds. The groom's gift to the
bride was an amethyst necklace.
After the ceremony the young couple
left on a short loneymoon trip to Lone
don and Thamesford. They have re-
turned and will be at home to their
friends after May 15th. The Times
joins in congratulations.
The 'Windsor Evening ;Record of
April 26th contains an account of a
reception to (Rev. D. W. and Mrs. Col-
lins by parishioners of the Church
of tl,e Ascension. The report says in
part : "A hearty welcome, the sincere
ity and warmth of which could not be
doubted, was extended. There was a
goodly attendance, and the spirit oC
friendliness and unanimity which is
characteristic of this congregation
pr•eeailed. A program of music and
addresses preceded the .reception pro-
per. The chairman stroke at the, bar -
many which existed in the •church,
of the united support which the ;con-
coregregation had always given to its
former. rector, Mr. Snelgrove, and
asked that this co-operation and erne,
port be transferred to his succirsur.
The financial condition of •all 'the so-
cieties of the church were in exceit
lent shape, the affairs of the church
were well organized, the vestrymen
were united, and he declared. that Mr,
'Collins came under the happiest aux
vices. He then introduced the new
,rector, who expressed his gratificat•
tion at coming here under such aus-
picious circumstances, and also ', ex-
pressed the hope that the loyalty and
support which had always been given
to his predecessor be given to him,
that they might work together har-
moniously to continue the work begun
by his predecessor so that, the parish
might fulfil. its greatest possibilities
He thanked the audience for their
friendly and sincere greu:ting extend=
ed to himself and Mrs. Collins. --Mr.
and Mrs. 'Collins shook hand with ev-
eryone present. Mr. .Coklins has a
winning personality and hits hearti-
ness and, ready sympathy have already
won for him a place in the hearts vet
his parishioners. Like his predecessor
he is an. '-`a.11.-round man," as one was
heard to remark. He is past grand
master of the Masonic lodge of Ontar-
io, and takes a clean interest in mi,li1-
tary affairs and clean sport. Lawn
bowling and curling are his favorite
recreations. All who met Mrs Cor-
tins were charmed with her.,"
I.O„UoF. listen to Ex.
cellent Sermon
On Sabbath morning last Hxetes
lodge No, 67, 1. 0. O. 1i'. nele:brated
the anniversary of the ,order 'by tat,
tending Divine worshipt
in Cave
.Presbyterian church. There was 'ti
splendid turnout the ventre of the!'
church being nearly filled with. the
menibers of the order. The pastor,.
ltev. S. F, Sharp, .delivered ;one of the
best sermon the Order have had the
pleasure of listening to. The music
was exceptionally good, a solo being
sung by Miss E. bioncur and a •gi,iara
tctt,e by Messrs. Kinsman,Senior,
Christie and Gillies. The text was
taken, from Lake 10: 27, "Thou -,abaft
love the Lord thy God with, all thy'
heart, and with all thy soul, .and aortia
alt thy strength, and with all thy
mind; and thy net;; h.bar as 'thyself:."
The speakee said that 'the tceachersi
and dialectics did not look favorably(
on Jesus and his teachings. A .certain
lawyer tempted him and asked the!'
question. Master what shall I do to in-
'crit eternal life, Thi lawyer was,
skilled in the law 'and the slue'taoni
was a natural one. But Jesns made
the lawyer answer it himself, `Thej
lawyer asked but who is my neigh-
bor and Jesus relate the 'bisutit al,
parable of the journey from Jerusal-
lem tea Jerico where a wounded mann
by the wayside was left to perish
by a priest and a levite .and £ix.ally
cared fon by a Samaritan.
The text is :sometimes called the
golden nal:. The. golden rule is fulr
filled in two ways—oy loping God ur.d
by loving cur neighbor as ourselves.
Notice how the lawyer answers, thou
shalt love the Lord with ail thy
heart, soul, strength and mind, the
moral, physical and intellectual na-.
ture. It means the dedication of
our whole personality to God.. Vi hen.
slaves dedicated their lives to the •ser-•
vice o3 their masters their ears were'
punctured with an awl We have
many 'beautiful instances of the dedi-
cation of Slaves to 'their masters, In
the Congos there is one of the great-'
est mission stations of the world be-
cause a colored man as well eduratedt
and learned as his master dedicated
his life and when his master passed
away he was able to 'carry on the
work, 'Reference was made to the
poem of Francis E. Willard. "Take my;
Life and let it be.
In they second place We are taught
to love our neighbor as ourself., teach-
ing us' the same basis of love to God•
and love to man. The Master Muse
trates itl by the parable of the good
Samaritan. The highway from Jene
usalem to/ Jerico, a distance of about
20 miles was .a very dangerous way>
There •were rocky steeps with high
precipes and was infested with roles
�Continned on page dive)
The 161st Huron
attalion has been orderer t
bilize about May 15th
Will your County be humiliated by having the first Battalion she was authorized to form,
go into Camp UNDER STRENGTH ?
Will the word "Huron" ever stand as a reproach throughout the Empire? Or will the people
of this County Rally to their pride and to THEIR HONOUR ?
The Last Call for .Voiunteers
The business of the young man c f the County to -day is the completion of the Battalion
she was asked to form.
Kitchener urges "men and more men." Canada has promis d him 500,000. Will you be
Are you content to remain at home in ease and reap business advantages while other
men take your place in the firing line.
Will your conscience remain clear and clean each day of the long years to come?
Does ,tee sight of.your chum in khaki leave you untroubled and undisturbed.
Make such sacrifices as may be necessary (the Empire is worthy of them) to enable you
to take your place in your County Battalion.
ENLIST,and ENLIST today, with the knowledge that, at last, you are playing the
part of a MAN.
Your Reason is
Do you know what is happening to women in Europe to -day ?
Do you know what the women of Belgium, of Servia, of FI:.nders
race in the old land have suffered by the invading HUNS?
1)o g eel know that thousands and tens ofthousarads, with their ii
starving from their 1.1c'1nes to die in misery; that they are being violat'^d and sisu
Do you realize that if this war is not fought out in Europe that
rnay be forced to share the sufferings of those in Europe?
yot, realize that if Canada is to protect her people, ',ter hole
men must be given w ithout stint to take part in the struggle?
Thotw nos of glorious mothers, wives and sisters N.ve , Nick:
Humanity and of En i .e. Can you meet this type.'of' u,on,:T.hc u 7
content to see other tno+hcr: wives and sister •.protr }ys; :a y
your menfolk to ie1' ,:. ,.. ,••
Or 'a 1` ' u meet the burden of this ger'etwis: • 1
DIVINE virt:ar's?
Only a Lai m.
li Wit; , liElTliil.
• tih
and even of your Lawn:
the one,, are driven
ghtered ?
)u and g our c'r :: =en
,and her libe;t r
arest to thi: •.:.: •- of
t COUrsr ? : ,ez
t r Lrote tB
E, "t h . ti
10418,, Vans r, utvAtsiatisinszow.