Exeter Times, 1916-4-13, Page 8Phone H . :EXETER TIME A. T *ART Phone hone 16 ca rou 9i M. r R1 n � d,!1 i e Men �t The M tteiiais are all as carefully chosen for their colors as their wearing •galilies. If you want your Clothes to look well on you—you will surely like the New Stvles we are showing this Spring. Meng' Suits at $10,00, *12 00, 115.00 to $20.00. LADIES' SUITS We have some splendid Values in 14ltsses' and LecVes' Suits. The elaterials ate exue•1- lent, quality and are trade up in the very Newest Styles. VASSAII SHOES FOR WO1iEN You will want new Shoes for Easter, Let us show you earl for what is new #o y Spring wear, Popular Prices $4 and $4.50 GLOVES FOR EASTER Perrins and Kayser Gloves always give satisfaction. You will be surprised to know the prices have not advanced, Per- rins Kid Gloves, Colors and Black per pair $1.25 SIS T SILKS For Waists and Dresses in a fine range of colors have just, been placed in stock. This is a popular Silk this season. Price per yard $1,50, NEW CAPS & HATS Buy your Spring Hat now and have it ready for E ester, New Caps at 50, 75e and $1. 00 New Shapes in Fedoras in color of Grey,�cBlue and Brown a $2. 25. NEW SHIRTS Including a f•Eir t Inge New Patterns for 1916. The tee - ors are old dyes and are fast. Popular Prices. $1. 00 $L25 MILLINERY Order your Easter Hats early so as to give our trimmers time to get it ready for you. New Hate are being made up every day. HOLEPROOF IIOzIERY Try Holeproof this seas- on. Six pair Hose are guaranteed toear six x months without holes or new ones are furnished Free of Charge. NEW CJLLA.RS FOR DRESSES & COATS A fine assortmeet ofFancy Collars for Dresses and Coats have just arrived for Easter buyers, 25c, 35c, 50e and 75e. CURTAINS A fine assortment of Lace Curtains and curtain nets in very pretty and dainty patterns, Good values in Bedroom Cur - talus. RUGS & LIN'OLEUIMS There will be a lot of Rugs and Linoleums sold during the next few weeks. We ale able to cffer you old prices onthese lines Come in and see the new Pat- terns and get our prices. KOLORFAST MATTING Thep o ular floor covering for bedrooms andhalls. In colors of blue, brown and green which are guaranteed fast to sou and rain, per yard 50e. RT Phone 16 The Big Store with the little prices Five Pa9sellger curing Car Model 83B F.O.S. Toronto 35 horsepower motor High-tension magneto ignition Tires. 33 by 4 inches, ton -skid rear Demountable rims (one extra rim) Two -unit electric starting and light- ing with headlight dimmers Left-hand drive, center control Full steamline l.ody The long, low steamline body its unmarred by angles or projections. From the rounded edge of the radiator to the full curved back, th ere .s not a break in the Lines. The hood slopes gently upward and blends .nta the beautifully curved cowl. The doors are flush, with' hinges conceal- d and handles inside. The fenders are long and sweeping in thein cur - res. wi h gracefully rounded surraccs. The running boards are clean and ;'ree from obstruotione, the storage battery concealed, the tire carriers blared at the rear. The windshield is built-in, and conforms to the curve ie the cowl—a part of the car itsel`, not an apparent afterthought. The car is is uperbiy finished ie a rich, deep Brewster green, delicately striped with pure ivory white, and set off in pleasing contrast be black enameled radiator, fenders and running board shield. Mode/ 83 13 touring oar is a beautiful car. It asks no odds of any car tt ane price—it is at home in any company, Famous Knight Motor $1575; Big Six $1500; Light Six $1400. Model 75—$850.00 A number of used Ford Care for sale also one used Chevrolett. EXETER MOTOR SALES CO W. ,SHELL, Sales Agent BORN ;IIOFFMAN-rn. Hay Tp., on March 29 tat I1r. and 'airs. Simon Hoffman, a son. 1 E „t i l .1 STAtt —A.`t ''enrich on march 30th to ,Mr, and Mrs, Rudolph 1e. Stade, a Bon, 1 t T U 'i -Aft 'Zurich, on April lst to Mr, and Mrs. Herbert t,i ttley, a daughter. STONE ---in Saskatoon, Sask., on Apr, 8th to M1•., and Mrs. J. W. Stone,: a de:' b ;er, MARRIED it WI N.-.1)1 tTI,'i+ - Tn :Exeter, on We d - 2t I1 'RevD. V v , mashie-. April 1 h . y Collins. Miss :!rare, Basis, daughter of Me. end Mee, Dan, Davis, to Mr, !}reels Irwin.of Jngcx'solt. :I..TMACOMI)E :3ALKWILL t-- Ati Market Report=The following the report of the Renter atart:ei rorreeted up• to April 12th, Wbett 80 to 950,, Oats 40c t `" Barley 50 to 550 Buekwheat 60 to 65e Peas st1.00 r 1 Family Flour $3,10 Lori• Grade Flour $1.75. Bran e20.00 per ton, Snorts, $27.00 per ton �,�, , .r i , :� � 6 to 7..0 1• Butter 28 to 30e Creamery Butter 35 and 30e Hogs $10.50 Potatoes $2,25, Hamilton, on April llth, Miss Tillie Balkwiil, daughter of Mr,. Balkwill, Sr., of Exeter, to 111:r. Frank I3rimacombe. STEP:.T N15ON—TROTT — Ast Simcoc On Wednesday, April; 5th, Mies Dora daughter o4 M. and 'Mrs. W. Il. Trott, formerly of Exeter, 'to Mr. David Stephenson, of i3eamesvilie. DrED W ALTERS --In I:;,:.eter, on Thursday, April Oth, Mrs. James Walters in her 70th year, zr'v ItTII, ' -- Trl,.Exeter. 4,. Mon- day, April 10th, Mary ' Arl'sorthy, relict i the late Richard 11wor- thy aged 77 years and 11 mon hs. VAsltrr3N'SON--in TTsborne, on `°'Fri- day, April 7th, Wesley Parkin on, aged 37 ewes. , Fresh Groceries all the time Orders delivard at once Produce taken in • exchange Choice lettuce and celery all the.. time Order Parmell's Bread Try Wilson's Ice Cream PROMPT DELIVERY a ikon's Phone Grocery ;6 .......II IA.. -.:d *0 .******e ***®m^cao®o..*** LOCAL „ • 4 4®4.*** oe•**O4 Mr, Al. Hastings was in Parkhill on Tuesday. Mr. G. J. Dow shipped 28 horses to Montreal last week. Mrs. Jos. Hawkins is quite ill at her home on Heron street. Miss., Marguerite rgu rer't e Pickarca is confin- ed to her home through h rllneas. Friday, April 21st, is Good Friday and the following Sunday is Easter. The roads throughout: this district are drying up tine and the autos are rant. Mr'. Jas. Lutton, of London, visit- ed Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Horton on Tuesday: Mr. and Airs. W. Bradt Ieft 'last week for Thedford where they' wilt reside in future. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Blatebford is recovering from an at- tack of pneumonia. Mrs. and 'Hiss McMurray, of Me- dina, attended the funeral of the late A. S. '.Deavitt last week. Mr. Harry Jennings, of London, has returned to town and has re-engaged with the 'Ross -Taylor Co. Mr. Al. Ifastingd has purchased the lot on Andrew street north or Mr. Thos. S.estle fromi Dr. 'Roulston. It was reported that he Ccrnrner- lal hotel had been said: but we un- slerstand that the d:al has not gone through. Th: many friends o': Bess: Thos. lfarten. w•h•i hes been seriously ill, wall l e glad to knoty that she is im- p 1a ing. Miss Vera Muxrorthy left last week for Palmerston, where she has been engaged to teach tclrool tilt the end of, the term. The funeral of Mary Ann Smith of Clandeboye. was held Saturday from the home of her daughter, Mrs. J.. Aitkins, of Lunen, to Morris Hill cemetery. Mrs. (Col.) Wilson, of Seaforth, vis- ited Mr, and Mrs. J. A. Stewart on Sunday. She is at presant risiti}ig with Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher of the 'T • mes Road. Th'e Mission !Circle of iMain Street 'hiethodisf church will bold a sale of home-made cooking and candy at Beverley's old stand on Saturday af- ternoon, April 15th. Ploughing has started in the neigh- ''oorhood.Some of the early r ones have tried it out and it $will be gen- eral in a few days. The fall wheat is said to have wintered well. Airs, A. S. Deavitt held an auction sale of her household effects on Saturday last. The house was offer- ed for sale but wag not sold and will be offered for sale private.Iy. Mrs. Deavitt will make bar home with her nephew, Mr. ;Chas. Harvey. &not! er dog affected with Meanie wait reported at the beginning of the weak to be running through the township • of Downie, Perth Co., and was: the cause of much uneasiness to the farming community. 'Reeve. M. Irvine, of the township of Blanshard. has issued a proclamation ordering all dogs to be tied up for a period of 30 ,days or otherwise to be securely muzzled. VETE'? I. Unit It is not generally known that' hot neaps, tea and cocoa are cserved to the men intho trenclteA at the firing line night and day. In aid of this work Mrs, E. ,1: li'o1l1 1z tvi11 enter- tain the ladien of town to a Buffet Lunch on Friday afternoon from 3 • to 5 pan —10e; .gentlemen also wel- come. l'RESENT 'rn WIT TAPE MEMl31! PSI Ir The regular ,monthly meeting and quarterly tea oe the W. M. S. of Ca, von Presbyteries) church .was held on rI 7ts, s n ,itftcrnonn, Mee. Amoss Tuesday ' read ctn intergsting paper on the work anion the Jewe in Canada. Mrs, G. Manson eves presented with a life membership certificate by the tsoeiety: ' T HOME” Mrs. A. E, Kuhn will be "At Horne" an Wednesday afternoon, April 19th and thereafter the third Wednesday• of each mouth. CHINA. SHO'W'ER On Wednesday evening of lest week a china shower was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Seidon for Miss Birdie :Boyle, Light refreshments, were served and a very sociable evening was spent. FORMER EXETER YOUNG; LADY MARRIES ..A 'quiet wedding took place at the theme of the 'bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. H. Trott, of. Simcoe, • and formerly of Exeter, when thein daughter, Miss Dora, was united in ivarriage to 111r, David Stephenson of Beamesville, HAS ACCEPTED CALL L A. Trunzper, of Dover Par- isi, s accepted the call extended hen by the Trivitt Memorial church and Lia new duties here will com- mence on Sunday, May 14th. Rev. I'r , •tit; e_ comes to Exeter highly re- commended and we welcome him to our midst. FELL. FBOAM WAGON Mr. and Miss. Eldon, of Kintore, at- tended the funeral of the late A. S. Deavitt -last week and spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Har - Vey. On Monday while Mr. Eldon was riding down town in a waggon i be horse gave a quick move and he Overbalanced fallixtg out; on his head and receiving a bad shaking up. C HI VA'RIIj Air. Victor Heywood and bride re- turned last Saturday evening from their wedding tri and have taken up thein residence on the 3rd concession bfi •Usho(rne. On Monday evening a number of young 'fellows chivaried them and ',rather late in the evening, 'came to town and disposed of tine aonation given there. at one of this restaurants. 11 CNA. WAY A team oe -Irses ,belonging to Mr. James Blair became' frightened at the road grade_ c.s Bain St. on Tuesday morning and bacanie' unmanageable. The drivel Jnt ed from the wagon and the team ran down town where they were, captured. „The lines and the tvhiLseneseu were broken but no iierious damage done. t1ICES' EORI;CAS1n A Reactionary Storm Period is central 031 the 13th, '14th, and 15th. During this period expect a very sud- den rise of temperature, passing as a it pid, warm wave from the west to east These conditions will •culminate on and touching Saturday, the 15th in a very low 'barometer, unseason- able warmth, and wicked storms of wind,.rain and thunder and hail. All approaching storm clouds and the general conditions of humidity and wind et'rrents, should be closely scanned, as dangerous tcrnadii, stomas sill be quite probable at this time; Great hail storms in 'many loralities will be reported within forty eight hours •of noon on the 15th. Watl;h Cor the !brassy, copperish ,glow in the clouds, with purple blackish brows end trimmings, and when these in- dications become manifest, you had 'better prepare, for a terri::in bout- ;) ever/sent or hail. ft •will be wise to anticipate tremendous, downpours of Venus rains at this and other April storm periods. The easter full Moon, is on the 171h, and this fact premiums prolonged disturbances, with change to blighting, cold gales, and severe squalls of late snow, following quickly on the western rim of high temp- erature, thunder, rain and hail. The past determined efforts of Boreas to prolong his dominion of winter will most likely, be put forth', during the two storm periods between the 12th and: 22nd. 'Remember this warning and protect your garden truek ac- eotrdenglY. New Spring Suits for Ladies PLAIN TAILORED LAND FITTED MODELS SHOWING NEW FEA- TURES IN SLEEVES WITH FINE RIPPLE SKIRTS Spring fashions are arriving and combine in Fabrie and Style a unique and interesting collection, meeting the requirements for street wear and travel. It is unusual, to present ao early ha the season so grea 1 a varie ty, bt: t ttylds were determined early and the Most favored shown. The present time is most edvantag- eons for 'baying as all indications poitn to higher prices in the future. ere LADIES' ANIS GENTS' TAILOR, Stand Upstairs. Oppose the Central Hotel, THAT ?I)A APIt1Tt i3th,1016. A NARROW ESIOAPTI On. Bromley aeveral or the soldier WWI' e, ltivt, tt ere . , ,.i nee, Q tri out joy rid;.ng in all .auto J mobile i n 1 and the • y tttt:tr lr'ell a rope to w :t bicycle and took another or thet1',1'i boysin tow. They were • epeeding Brett) well and. wn waiting some- i thing bear the bridge a Uth river the rider Was thrown off and render -1 ed ttneoxiseious. Ile wars brought dots n •town and medical aid summon ed and it was some time before Jie regained eonsciouenes,s, Ho we vex be was oft duty next day, It; was . a ,lucky$ escape. 'MICR CITING ALGETING The Exeter Wall Auxiliary have ar- ranged for two recruiting meetings to 'be Held in the Exeter Opera House on Monday or next week afternoon and evening, at 2.30 and 8 p.m. whea Capt. Dancy will speak. Capt. Dan- cey has returned from, the ,front and his services are in great demand as his talks on the war are well' worth bearing. The Hensall detachment will be in town for the day and the band of the 16ist Battalion .will be present ;to enliven the prooeediz s anounced take -ache) is the sure... ucd safest cure for rheu- matism, sciatica, lumbago, sleepless- ness land all forms of nervous exhaus- tion. Takake pills are fifty eenta a box from your' druggist or by mail from the Georgian Mfg. CO., Coiling - wood, Ont. Margaret Watson, widow of the late Thomas Ward,died at the homee of ber son in Varna on Monday, April 3rd. in bey 74th year. Deceased had lived for many years near Varna •taut about 12 years ago had moved to 'hgmondville with her family.. Liggett's 'Chocolates are resole - :mended for their purity as well as for, their flavor. Sold and recommend- ed by all 'Rexall Drug .Stores. 'W.• S. Cole. Agent, Exeter. (SHOE SALE -30 days'- Slaughter Sale at Manson's Shoe Store—Great' sBarga5nrt, AUCTION SALE At Central Hotel, Stables, Exeter, on Saturday April 15th at 2 o'clock a number of, choice Shorthorn !Calves. Teams Cash. Chas. 'Robinson, Aeon, Geo. Sanders, prop.. HOUSE FOR SALE House and Lot for sale on Eliza- beth St., near. James street church. One quarter or an acre of land with l'tnze. It is one storey and a half house ood r p e air three bedrooms c -stairs one downstairs; C , parlor and dining room,. pantry, ,kitchen and wood -shed; hard and soft water, both 'i;ndoore; teller all the size of ,the house 22x30. Garden id planted with all kinds of best fruit. For ,further particulars apply to owner—F. Gill, on Huron street. PRIVATE SALE Of 'Household Effects at the resi- dence of Mr. John McDonald, op- posite the Main street church.. on Friday and Saturday, April 14th and 15th. consisting of the following : 2 `jedroom suites, 2 separate •beds, 3 • feed springs, 3 mattresses, • 4 good rocking chairs. sideboard, dining room • table, drop-leaf table, arm chair and dining room chairs, good sewing me - thine, linoleum and carpet, book case tltands, canned fruit, picture frames and pictures, . kitchen chairs, two •troves, one heater with oven, Happy ;Chonght range, kitchen lamps and other articles too numerous to inen- tion.—Bltstress Jet A, Ortwein. T1I1;i DR L GLESS ROAD TO HEALTH ' ,No matter wham your ailment is, do nut think your ease is hopeless unlit you have tried Chiropracele 'Spinal. 1 adjustments. What it has !done for othera it will do for you. In- formation costs you nothing. Free examination for a limited, tiune which nal prove to you we can remove the Cause of your disease. Chiropractor' do not ask There is your ;pains, etc., they make a good guess. Without one word (rote you we will,locata the Cause by the examination of your :9 pine. investigation invited.. Dr;. S. M. Jones, Osteopath and ' Chiro- practor. Exeter Monday, Wednesday and Fridays. Office at residence of Two more reseuits have been adds( to the Iluter detachment or the 101st, viz.. hart Johns, 8lllrnviile• Jackson Woods, Elimville Commencing about April 15th some of the local soldiers "are likely ,to go farming for a mantle Another 'big .a•oorruting effort is, likely to be put forth shortly to get the 161st Hurons up to full' strength before they mobilize; at London. Mr. Will Triebner,' son of Mr. and 11tis. Frank Triebner, has joined the colors at Calgary and is now lat Quo - nee prior to going overseas. 'Dr. 'Campbell., who for . ,some (time assisted Dr, Roulston in hie dente.' nraetise in town, has. enlisted , in, Toronto and has attained ,the'G•ank or Captitin. Mr, :Norman,. Hockey, 01 Elora, vis- ited his mother in town for eeveral days during the past week. Norm. has joined the colors at Elora and re- ports for duty, on Thursday. Gorses. 11. Bissett and 1,. 'Rivers who were taking a course at the mili- tary school all Clinton have received. two stripes each, and are now •corpor ala; They are taking a course of musketry at London. Mr. Joseph Doyle, formerly of Mc- Gillivray, has enlisted in the 151st Pattalion, stationed at :Fort Saskat- chewan. Mr. Doyle is a brother of efrs. George O'Leary.—Parkhill Gaz- ette. Mr. Doyle was a former .resi- dent resi-dent or Exeter, On Thursday of last week the Exe- ter' detachment of the lelst• Battalion took the train to !Clinton where the Battalion mobilized for the day,, the occasion being Clinton Spring Paha Various military manoeuvre:3 were gone through, •There wail a large crowd in Clinton for the day. The ,soldiers were entertained to luncheon in the different churches of the town by the ladies. SALT FOR SALE.—An excellent quality of Sarnia made salt foe sale at the old Temperance 'Souse at t'he G. T R. station. Sold in any quant- ity. Your patronage is solicited and satisfaction is guaranteed. — ED. MAGUIRE.. Exeter. - Day old Chicks for Sale White Wyeedotte, (Martin .laying strain) and Barred CRock (Model Farm laying strai$j day-old chicks for male through the season. Order ear- fy,• 11 wanted.Also custom. hatching done. Leave order with C. B. SNELL 7axe ter. Ont. Auction Sale OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS On berth Street, Exeter, :en Sat'y April 22nd, at one p:m. Household ef- fects competing of parlor, dining - room and kitchen utensils, stoves. crockery, glassware, china, carpenter toolse shoemakers tools and dozens of other articles. See bills. Termis—Cash. For particulars ap- ply on premises or B. S. Phillips. Thos, Canny Prop. 13.S.Phil'lips, Auct: SOUR, ACID STOMACHS GASSES OR LNDIOEE•TION Each "Pape's Diapepsin" digests 3000 grains food, ending all stomach misery in five" miet tee. Time it! In five minutes all stom- ach distress will go. No indigestion. heartburn, sourness or belching of gas, acid, or eructations of undigested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach+irem edy in the whole world and.besides it is harmless. Put an end to stomach trouble forever by •getting a large fifty -cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in five minutes how needless it is to suf- fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor M the world. If there's root, for hair Ore on head:, your4 we reeomIxiend Rexall "93" Hair tonic. Drives away dandruff, makes j the hair glossy without areas. l iness, stops the falling out and , prcmote's a healthy growth. sold exclusively at Re7aE lirue Stores. 50c. and $1.00 bottles rj (t� Alen v.e, W. S. Cole Exeter Ont. l'ARMIBRS1 ATTENT1ON We have a specially select- ed Stock of No. 1, Good Standard Red Clover Alsike, Timothy, Alfalfa, S w set Clover, Orchard and Blue- grass, Seed Corn, etc. Just received a shipment of No. 1, Imported Aisike at $12.50 per bushel. Special prices given on Club Orders of $10 and up- wards. We have a quantiotyynGo(ff FIRST CLASS poJBJOf S for Sale. A Call Solicited C. ZWICKER CREDITON - - ONT FURNITURE We can assist you' in selecting your furniture if you are going to furnish your home, or if you only want scene odd pieces. Our Undertaking De- partment is up to -date in every respect and we guar- antee the best e f satinfact ion • The Funeral Director and - l-asateite,re L estiea- PIeONE 2i)a ice; },a''?'1M PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Auo' .' tioneer. Sales conducted in any Ie cality. Terms moderate Orders left et Times office will be promptly: at- tended to. '1'lione 116, Kirkton. Aelt-'• dress 'J irkton P.O. NE'W BUTCHER—Mr. Begg desires to announce that he wilt call for sad deliver orders to any part of . the town, SOU,, I atkon'agq is 1pohe1tei Phone .103. 400 Tons of Fine, Land. and Cattle Salt for sale. All grades $5.50 per. ton; 50o. per bag.—Exeter Salt ,Works Co., Ltd., J. Sutton, Manager. Model D.45 We are ready to demonstrate the new 1016 Mc Laughlin six cylinder cars. These cars are absolutely the last word in high class automobiles and any prospect -ive put chaser will.make no mistake tax examining these ears., We have two demonstratingcars for a, D 60 and- boil sale, , a D 4 od are I)1aXo(k1s. Pr c ars of these ca•c'q on application. Phone or cal,11 for demonstration. { J. Art Ste'' ad t,' Agentsseen in Exeter