The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-09-16, Page 22ETI ARD BULLETIN 1;3O RD : ,D EIDLIIUE 5 P.M. MONDAY SINGLES DANCE Saturday, September 19th at the Victorian Inn, Stratford. Dancing 9-1 to Eureka. --37 CLINTON AND DISTRICT Badminton Club, 1987-88 season begins Wednesday, September 16 running•through till May 1988. Every Wednesday from 8 p.m. to 11 p.rn. at the CHSS gym, Clinton. Registration dates are October 7 and 14. Fees: adults single $20, married couple $25. New members always. welcome. Bring your racquet and running shoes. Lots of fun and fellowship. For information call Bob Riehl 482-7865. 37 SWIM AND FITNESS Classes at Vanastra Recreation Centre start September 21. For more information call 482-3544. —37,38 W.EDNESIAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1987 - The Maitland Valley Photographic Association invites new members to join them at Robertson School, Goderich dt 8'p.rn. Mr. Fred Abrna of Sarnia will present a slide show on creative photography. Please con- tact Mark Aitken 1524-2873 ) if interested. 37-38x WED. SEPT. 16, 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. NOON LUNCHEON in the Jubilee Room of Legion Branch 109 I elevator available). Soup and a Sandwich, $2.50 per person. All welcome. Also the Branch 109 Mini Museum ( off the Vimy Lounge) will be open for viewing dur- ing this Legion Week event, Free Kiddie Cartoon Show -Sat. Sept. 19 2 to 4 p.m. -in the Vimy Lounge of Legion Branch 109. Free popcorn and pop. All kiddies and their parents welcome. Sat. Sept: 19, Free Dance to -Cool Energy", from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. in the Vimy Lounge of Legion Branch 109. All welcome.---37ar BINGO - Vanastra Rec Centre, Tuesday 8 p.nr. First reg card $1, fifteen reg $20.00 games. Three share the wealth. Jackpot $200.00 'must go. Lucky ball $180.00. If not won, Lucky Ball increases $20.00 per week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. Otfx Heart and Stroke Foundation to intensify its public education The Heart and Stroke Foundation of On- research proposals. tario plans to intensify. its public education • ''We have made enormous gains in and communication efforts in the future. research", says Gallop. "Clearly there has "Because heart diesease and stroke. can been a significant return on -investment. Our kill nearly 50 per cent of our population, they goal will be to increase our fund raising ef- should be the number one health issue to- forts by 28 per cent over the next year to (lay," says Fou-ndaticir Executive Director sheet the increasing financial demands of Richard Gallop. . our research and edu.'ation programs." "We will be taking ti stronger, pro -active In the past the Heart and Stroke Founda- position in every community' in Ontario to lion of Ontario has conducted its main fund make this message known," say's Gallop. raising efforts during Heart Month Approximately 450 delegates to the (February ). Although Heart Month will still Seventh Annual CPR i Cardiopulmonary be.on the program agenda, the Foundation Resuscitation) Educational Symposium, will focus on a year-round fund raising Toronto, September 18-20, will explore these effort. developments, trends, and strategies of the "Our organization must increase its value Foundation. in the community," .explains Gallop. "Our "In addition, we are making significant strategy will include a comprehensive com- headway in reducing this appalling statistic inunication program that will give people of "one in two" dying from heart disease more information on prevention, and just as - and-sti-oke:'Th-ice -ha-s-been ae rrev-ed-t-lr errgh--irHpertt-a t; 'fie-ted-how-th i-r—money- is -- major advances in medical research and being spent." .making our citiiens more aware of how to Currently, there are 800,000 certified CPR help themselves." "We are only able to achieve our goals by increasing the Foundation's role in the com- munity and the public's role in the Founda- tion," Gallop says. As the major funder of cardiac research in the province, the Heart. and Stroke Foun- dation of Ontario' can only fund approx- imately '46 per cent of all the worthwhile rescuers in the province. More than 100,000 concerned citizens attend training and retraining programs each year. "People associate CPR with the Founda- tion," says Gallop. "We will need a Large group of dedicated individuals throughout Ontario to attain our goals. Ultimately, en- suring that there is a CPR rescuer in your home can save your life." Heart disease can be prevented Heart disease and stroke are the leading killers of men and women aged 45 to 64 years of age in Canada...Ironically, most heart disease can be prevented. Many of these deaths are premature and could have been saved by following the Healthy Heart Living recommendations of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario. Healthy Heart Living • Smoking is a major risk factor and should be avoided, including second-hand smoke • whereler possible; • Regular . check-ups for high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and diabetes are needed to detect problems early; . .e: ■ Mc onaid's II Bayfield Rd. Goderich FALL AND WINTER HOURS: DINING ROOM Daily 7 am - 11 pm Fri. & Sat. 7am=12am DRIVE® THR U Daily 7 m-11•pm Fri 4r Sat. till l am • Weight should be as close to ideal as possi- ble' for the individual's age, body size, and sex; maintain through proper diet and regular exercise; , • Stress - negative stress - should be avoided when practicable, or at least acknowledged and minimized to the greatest degree through positive coping techniques (e.g. relaxation therapy); • Awareness•of the warning signs of heart disease and cardiac arrest can save lives especially • if coupled with actions for sur- vival (such as calling the emergency telephone number for help and performing CPR until assistance arrives). SINGLES DANCE Sponsored by The Goderich Singles Socialite Club Safe, Sept. 19 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. 54.00 per person Candlelight Restaurant Keg Room Ent. by "Siddon Bros. Band" For more information call 524-6462 to 524-5242 Entertainrnent GODERIC'H SIGNAL. STAR, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. 1987 PAGE 5A A1NMENt WOW tER� 4 Is 0010,1004 Don't miss the fun! Appearing Live ° This Friday & Saturday SEPTEMBER 18 & 19 SIDDON BROTHERS Appearing Live Next Friday & Saturday LITE 'N EASY Always a treat...Our All You Can Eat NOON BUFFET...THURS. & FRI. 4 THE �-� CANDLELIGHT RESTAURANT & TAVERN BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH• 524-7711 GOTCHA! (AND YOU THOUGHT WE FORGOT) HAPPY BELATED 21st BIRTHDAY! (RANDY GAYNOR) FROM GUESS WHO? The Amiable Singers visited North Street United Church Sunday morning. This is a choir of about 60 girls ages 10-18 who live in Lon- don and nearby communities. In 1986, the choir won the Youth Choir category in the CBC National Choral Competition. They have recently entered the International Choir Festival in Netherlands in the youth choir category, with 13 choirs, and came in second. 'Their repertoire ranges from Renaissance through Classical, avante- garde through Broadway ,and popular.(photo by Yvette Zandbergen) New programs will make social services more responsive to multicultural groups The Ministry of Community and Social Services will introduce programs to make Ontario social services more responsive to multicultural groups, Premier David Peter- son announced recently. "The Ministry of Community and Social Services .has a rich history of providing ethnically and culturally responsive social services," Mr. Peterson said. "However, barriers to access remain." The initiatives announced reflect the .. Government's Race Relations Policy an- nounced in 1986, and the7•Multiculturalism Strategy released earlier this year. A highlight of the announcement is a $3 -million program to provide bridging ser- vices, designed to link individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds to mainstream social services. SALTFORD VALLEY HALL FOR RENT CALL 524-9458 CRAWFORD - ROGERS Donna & Bill Crawford, Betty & Mike Rogers wish to announce the engagement of their children, Carrie Lynn to lames Michael. Wed- ding to take place Saturday, October 10th, 2:30 p.m. at Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich. . so 6 Inc. OKTOBERFEST Kitchener $32.00 Tues., October 13 RAGTIME REVUE St. Thomas $35.00 • Tues., October 20 DETROIT LIONS Vs. DALLAS COWBOYS Detroit $47.00 Sun., November 8 1 • Robin Hood Tours Inc: Agent No, 2551773 5244540 • Goderich, Ontario • • • For example, under the program a Chinese -born senior, living in a home for ag- ed and needing some 'friendly visiting or counselling, would have the service provid- ed by staff from a Chinese community agen- cy who comes into the home for the aged. The bridging services program will be developed in close • co-operation with key. representatives of ethnocultural groups and agencies.. Other Ministry initiatives an- nounced include: *special training for Ministry 'staff to help them deal more sensitively with all individuals; *the implementation ,of a . Multicultural Resource Kit and Training program for child care workers designed to train them to be sensitive to the 'cultural values and customs of children in their care; *consultation wuu we United Ways .of (>n- tario on possible joint activities to prcoinote multiculturalism; *the hiring of a full -tithe specialist on multicultural and race relations within the Ministry to be responsible for policy and program development: 'a requirement that all Ministry reports and submissions in the program and policy area identify how proposed initiatives support the Government's Race Relations Policy. "More than money is required to snake the government reflect the diversity Of On- tario society," Mr. Peterson said. "We mist foster new attitudes'in goverrinrent so that services can truly serve all residents of the province, no platter what their background." STAG & DDE fcor• � Carrie Crawford • X111(1 Jamie Rogers 83.00 Lunch Provided God For more info. call ,24-4(349 even.illt.;s. THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL CHICKEN BURGER 3 oz. Filet ,f Chicken on a SeMame Seed Roll with Lettuce and Mayonnaise Special in effect Thurs., Fri., Sat. Phone 524-4852 89 lie•g. 2.70 URGER AR 37 Kingston St., Goderich AP ......Vti.l frri r.w• Y.Y Y..... Y .YYF ., .IY Yi...: •...• .. _.. •• STARTS FRI. • AT THE • STEVE MARTIN e • • • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • FFI. & SA.. 7 & 9 A KT EE1TRE • GODERICHe• 524-7811 • • DARYI, HANNAHNE• e "COMIC GENIUS.: It's easily Steve Martin's best picture : and firmly establishes him as e an authentic comic genius" • -George Kirgo,('RS'TV.THEMnRNINR; PRO( ;RAM * 1 "Stunningly beautiful ... • it's.a sun -dappled romantic comedy.: ••. PARENTAL GUIDANCNTAE SUN. - THURS. 7:30 TUES. 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