The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-29, Page 43H&R BLOCK PAGE.10A—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1987 Family News BIRTHDAY CLUB Hi! My name is Amy Gutoskie. I will be four years old on August 1. I live at RR 2 Goderich, with my Mommy, Daddy and my little sister Shannon. 1 would also like t� wish my Grandpa - Gutosicie-and-my-cousin-Justin a wanov Bir- thday. They are celebrating birthdays this month also. Bye for now. Amy Hi! My name is Colleen Caesar and I was one year old yesterday, July 28th. I live in Dungannon with my Dad and Mom (David and Virginia), and we all agree that this past year has been quite an exciting (and exhausting) year! Thanks for letting me join the birthday club. See you next year. Lave, -.— Colleen Hello everyone, My name is Catherine Brindley and to- day, July 29, is my seventh birthday. I live in Dungannon with my mom and dad, Ron. and Michele Brindley, my little sister Heather and my dog Licorice. My mom and dad are giving two birthday parties for me, one with my school friends and one with my relatives. I want to wish my Aunt Joanne and Uncle Matt Happy Birthday, and Happy Anniversary to Grandpa John and Aunt Dime. Bye for now. Love and Sunshine Catherine. Hi! My name is Michael Sullens and I live on Park St. with Mom, Dad and Brother Cory. I will be two on July 30th. I would like to say Hi to all my friends and family and wish Nan a Happy Birthday. Bye for now Michael Members of Kingsbridge Youth Club enjoy day at Wonderland The Parish community is sorry to .see one of its life bag parishioners, Cletus Dalton and his wife Mary Louise and , children Jennifer, Kathy, Ray and John, leave the area to take up residence in Lon- don. Jennifer, for several years, did a most commendable job of reporting the news from Kingsbridge and Kintail..A special word of thanks' for her dedication and ef- forts. We wish the Dalton family God's, blessings' and good luck .in their new home and endeavours. The community was most saddened tro receive the news recently of the death of former parishioner Dennis O'Neill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim O'Neill of Goderich. Dennis was laid to rest down east where he had been living. A memorial mass was held for him at St. Joseph's on Saturday. It should be reported that along with many parishioners from Kingsbridge who travelled by bus for the pilgrimage to the shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary in St. Mary's on Monday, July 13, were parishioners from St. Peter's in Goderich, St. Augustine and St. Anthony's of Kincar- dine along with Father Ed and Brother Carl of Kinsbridge and Father Frank Den- tinger of St. Augustine. The bus was filled to capacity. Several members of the Kingsbridge Youth Club along with youth club leader Denise Dalton recently enjoyed a day at Canada's Wonderland. The summer playground sponsored by the Kingsbridge Community School Association and held at St. Joseph's com- munity school began another season Mon- day, July 6th. The playground is supervis- ed and conducted by 3 leaders with a frill slate of activities and crafts. It is open to children 2 and up and attendance is entire- ly voluntary on a day to -day basis. Father Ed and Brother Carl were on retreat from Monday, July 10th until Fri- day, July 18th at t the Waterloo Resurrec- tion College. Father Ed Garvey, a native son of Kingsbridge, is spending the month of July at the Garvey homestead. He has the care of the Teeswater Parrish and its mission at Riversdale for the Saturday evening and Sunday Liturgies for July. As well, Father Garvey continued to offer daily Mass at St. Joseph's during Father Ed's absence. On Monday, July 13th several members of the parish travelled by bus on a pilgramage to St. Mary's Shrine in St. Mary's, Ontario. This was a Pilgrimage of special significance as this is a Marian Ho- ly Year recently inaugurated by His Holiness Pope John Paul II when special and extra devotions to our Blessed Mother are encouraged and recommended. A KINGSBRIDGE PARISH/SCHOOL Louise Martin The Cau►.vuc vv omen s League ueiu weir regular monthly meeting in the Parish Hall on Monday evening, July 6 with Presi- dent Denise Dalton presiding. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Dane Lalonde and adopted as read. Elsie Dykstra gave the treasurer's report. Cor- respondence was read by Diane Lalond. Clarice Dalton gave a brief report on the recent activities of the Pro -Life Group. A report on Joe Borowski's fight in.the courts for the rights of the un -born and his re- quest and need for financial assistance in this fight was given by Rita Howard. By a unanimous decision the members of the league voted to donate $500 to his cause. An update was also given on the upcoming telethon for Pro -Life to be held in October. Betty Lou Dalton reported on the barbecue she catered. to in Port Albert on July 4 on behalf of the C.W.L. Betty Lou also read an invitation to a com- memorative celebration to be held on Aug 9th in Kingsbridge in tribute to the memory of surveyor William O'Neill who staked the original claims in Ashfield Township from Kintail to the 4th Conces- sion. A mass of'Thanksgiving celebrated by Father R. O'Loughlin at 10:30 a.m. Will be followed by a memorial service in the cemetery. Lunch will follow in the Parish Hall at 2:30 p.m. followed by a program. Dolorse Van Osch reported on a 4-H workshop on fruits and vegetables to be held in the fall. She also reported that 4-H leaders are needed. It was reported that a new vinyl flooring is being laid in the Parish Hall excluding the kitchen and stair entrance.. Members agreed on a donation to' the Youth Club for their help at the Knights of Columbus Communion Brea(fast. A final catering policy was outlined and. agreed upon by the, members. It was also suggested that an attachment be made to the Sunday bulletin giving an outline of what the league is and does. President Dalton asked members for ideas and suggestions on a special project for the League in honour of the current Marian Year. The next meeting of the C.W.L. will be Monday, August 31st. The meeting was opened with the league Prayer and closed with the Prayer to Our Lady of GT od Counsel. MORRIS DRAPERIES Your One Stop Interior Decorating Service Centre Ce.9a9owu nr®purlosl Kirsch Track and Installation Available Draco Window Shades Wallpaper & C.I.L. Paints 36 West St„ Goderich 524-2551 Advertise It Here! Promote your business & products and watch your profits grow. FRED LAWRENCE Electric Ltd. Contractor HOME, FARM AND COMMERCIAL WIRING Phone Don, Auburn 526-7505 . Phone Paul, Wingham 357-153,7 GARDINER'S MOVERS Locally Owned And Operated . CLEAN MODERN EQUIPMENT EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL PROMPT & COURTEOUS PACKING CARTONS SERVICE • CAREFUL HANDLING FREE ESTIMATES REASONABLE RATES EXPERT ADVICE Vor C covInny G1o9vtr5lon LAMM oa SMAC. 5)24-242'i MAC CAMPBELL PHOTOGRAPHY •PHOTOGRAPHY FOR EVERY NEED .EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES PHONE 524-7532 NEWS ADVERTISING CLASSIFIEDS 524-2614 Life, RRSP Annuities Investment Funds Group Benefits GARY W. SHOLDICE Mutual Life of Canada 178 Widder St., Goderich, Ontario N7A 3V4 524-2277 TREE CUTTING Fast Reliable Work Reasonable Estimates Cal I' JIM . Goderich 524-6653 Keep your name before the buyer. List your business today. OILGARD "It's a Must Against Rust" . 3 DIRTy JOBS LUBE BAY We Change To Make y Ronald L McDonald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 47 CHURCH ST., 324-6253 Goderich, Ontario RAN. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 524-7661 ur Oil Fast r Car Last 1 CLEAN PRICE Oil, Lube, Filter .,.....,.,.00.....ao 195 50 Picton St. E., Goderich 524-'9094 LAKESHORE, EROSION CONTROL SYSTEMS Installing Gabian Baskets • Gruin� •Rf'mining tiV,tll�. • So)I1(' Rip -Rat Division of Lake Huron Farm Drainage John Maize , 519-529-7510 Fvenln$ c al'Iti PIf?,til` Rdnib, „S19 -529 -70th lan MacVicar,•Ovvner 60 East St., Goderich (519) 524-8658 If no ans%%er. call 519-2622-2622 or 332-8122 THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE Year Round Accounting Financial Statements . Cash Forecast Farm Busine.s Budgets ) Income Tax ass INTERNATIONAL PHONES Bus. 524-7379 Res. 524-6210 Direct Parts 524-7389 BLUEWATER TRUCK CENTRE LTD. GODERICH, ONTARIO WE SPECIALIZE IN TRUCKS CARLYLE BANNISTER AIRPORT ROAD BLUEWATER FLOORING Specialists in Pine Wood or Hard Wood Floor Finishing. 'Also Pine or Hardwood floor Installation and Repairs Calf Wilf 482-5397 HURONIA Welding & Industrial Supplies Ltd. Hwy. 21 N. by airport Goderich 524-2020 PRODUCTS " Propane - Hellium Balloons MOBILE WASH UNITS for your hard to get at CLEANING REQUIREMENTS GARDINER'S MOBILE WASH -IT Goderich 524-6031 "TREES" Baker's Nursery Quality Merchandise Friendly Service R.R.2 Bayfield 482-9995 Fuller BRUSH PRODUCTS SALES REPRESENTATIVE ELEANOR CRAWFORD Goderich 524-8782 D. B. Palmer Doctor of Chiropractic Drugless Therapist Acutherapist Office Hours: Mon. 9 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Wed. & Fri. 9 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. 73 Montreal St., Goderich 524-4555 :::a,a.:;.4.r..r:. •4.,,.::.;;>,s; ;oma'; TELECARE 1=2 24 Hr. Confidential Listening Teiecare in Goderich 1800-265-4598 McKItLOP MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 91 Mairt St. South, Seaforth Pannell Kerr MacGillivray CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 40 The Square Goderich 524-2677 Ronald E. Takalo, C.A. Luc Gagnon C.A. AGENTS E.F. "Bill" Durst Bob McNaughton Graeme Craig Banter & MacEwan Insurance Brokers Ltd. John Wise Insurance • Brokers Ltd. 527-1455 527-1571 887-9381 524-8376 482-3401 Fine Rattan & Wicker Furniture CRAFTS & SUPPLIES 2 Showrooms Bill & Florie Craig, Prop. Tel. Bus. 524-4234 Home 524-7409 73 Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ontario N7A 2M7.