The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-29, Page 42• ,• '' •S. .AIB ,r.:5' RATED • FROZEN. CONCENTRATED. REGULAR Old South Orange Juice 12.5 FL OZ TIN ■ } WITH COUPON If brevity is the soul of wit, the men's report this week is a howl! Thirty-nine men participated in Men's night on July 20th in blistering heat. John Empson emerged with first low net and Bill Hanly was closest to the pin on Nurnber 5. Other winners were Mac Bell, Bill Ross and Bill Cochrane. The Couples' outing on Friday July 17th had 22 golfer's entered. The firsf four win ners were Edna Looker and Joh Stringer, Irla Stewart and Ed Brissette, Ardith Brissette and Bill Hanly, and Kay King and Fred Looker. The Lookers and Brissettes certainly made their presence felt. All you golfing couples ought to join this group. Ladies' night on Tues., July 21st took the GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1987—PAGE 9A fprm of two -ball foursomes. Twenty-eight ladies played and then gratefully accepted Chris Hoffmeyer's invitation to go to her place for a swim and weiner roast. A cool plunge never felt better. First six winners in the 2 -ball were: Marilyn Cornish & Verna Kane, Joyce Shack & Edna Looker, Marie Huff and Joan McDougall, Auleen Curry. and Jean Hanly, Joyce Garrick and Pauly McKellar, and Jean Knight and Kay King. All the•ciub tournament's are pretty well on schedule. Keep your eyes on the Bulletin Board and arrange your games to come within the deadline. The Sports Com- mittee would appreciate it! OPEN DAILY 8:00 AM till 9:00 PM Mon. thru. soy. A PAIR (2) OF TICKETS TCS DAVID BOWIE ett( !nit., Sal.•'rldy August 1st 1987 We reserve the right to limit quantities to normal r,pn' n.•ry,,nvni,'r'! S i .r qs shrwn 111this atl basad on Metropolitan Toronto A&P rcq„!dr retails CANADA NO 1 PRCJUUCT OF ONTARIO NEW CROP GREAT ON A GRILL Sweet ern- O n® e- . EACH PARTLY SKIMMED Fresh 2% Milk 4 litre bag 2.49 'Ale 60% WhoWheat Bread OVER ' :, OFF 675 g Ioa JANE PARKER Strawberry -Rhubarb Pie A&P, ASSORTED FLAVOURS Deluxe Ice Cream KRAFT. PROCESS CHEESE FOOD Cheese Slices !25g size • 2 litre ctne 500 pkg of 16 SAVE 100 1.19 SAVE 80 2.99 SAVE 120 2.99 CUT FROM CANADAS FINEST GRADE A BEEF CEL NT FO BRAISING Blade Steak 4.39,, 99 is It) SEMI BONELESS Blade Roast 59,5/229, BONELESS Cross Rib Roast 61,5/271 THE GLASS SPIDER TOUR EACH WEEK UNTIE AUGUST 21st AT ALL A&P STORES. SEE STORES FOR DETAILS. CANADA FIRST GRADE Wildmere Butter 1 LB PKG WITH COUPON ASSORTED FLAVOURS A&P Popsicles PKG OF 24 1.99 SAVE 1.00 A SUPERB BLEND. RICH IN BBfAZILIAN COFFEES CUSTOM GROUND Eight ..O'clock Bean Coffee IWITH THIS COUPON ICHOCOLATE CHIP FUDGE OF BEST ASSORTED 1CoIonial Cookies 1 lb pkg SAVE .50 I tin tie bag 600g 1.99 v 4 1 LIMIT One item per coupon Offer valid July 2791- 281h. 1987 (Feature price without coupon 249) 7‘,e Veee CUDDY, COOKED Turkey Breast Roast 1.54, b SILANI PART SKIM Mozzarella Cheese .88 ,00,/399, BURNS Polish Sausage .551oc g /249 NN.onsa • .11440 REGULAR OR DIET Pepsi-Cola or 7UP ;ate 75C mL 9T'_ CASE OF 24 280 mL TINS 2/.99 6.99 Unit cost 6.6c per 100 mL Unit Cost 10.4c per 100mL PLUS 40 BOTTLE DEPOSIT OVER ',OFF LIGHT & LIVELY. ASSORTED FLAVOURS Sealtest.. Yogurt 2 INSTANT (DECAFFEINATED OR SANKA 170 u JAR) Maxwell House Coffee BATHROOM, WHITE. YELLOW OR BEIGE Delsey Tissue CAMOMILE, GINGER ROOT. MARIGOLD WALNUT 1 PAVES CONDITIONER OR 2.79 175 q tub 227 g lar pkg of 8 roils 4.99 2.99 Halsa Shampoo 450 mL btl 44•4 FARA, PRODUCT OF NEW ZEALAND USE IN SALADS OR DESERTS Large kiwi Fruft 2/.99 CANADA NO 1 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO DELICIOUS IN SALADS Seedless Cucumbers Pace .99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO SERVE HOT OR COLD Fresh Broccoli O .99 1 WITH THIS ICOUPON jREGULAR OR LIGHT Miracle Whip SAVE .80 LIMIT One dem per coupon Offer valid until August 1st 1987 (Feature pricew�thhout coupon 279),.............,_ S C 0622 1 WITH THIS COUPON FROZEN CONCENTRATED REGULAR IOId Sout 1 1Oranga Juice • LIMIT One ,tem per coupon Offer valid anti' August 1st (Feature pnce,wtthout coupon 99) _momm.w • SAVE .30 1 WITH THIS COUPON ORANGE PEKOE I Tetley 125 oz 111 -y 'Tea Bags lin SAVE .50 I WITH THIS COUPON IcWildFIRST me -re Butter 1Bu ib pkg 196; ' LIMIT One :tem per coupdn Otter valid unto August 1st 1987 1 MIT Onn nNn• anti! August 1st 19X37 Feature price without coupon 2 tiltmememommuommom S C 4'623 Without C0110on pay AAP S 'nqu!Ar or., r• S C 4'621 VC4' e 1 1 1 logo1