The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-29, Page 41PAGE 8A—GODERICH SIGNAL -SPAR, WEDNESDAY. JULY 29. 187 Building or Renovating - "You Can Rely On Us" *Full Line of C nstruction Material *Hardware *'l Panel Woods 8.1_ 11 EIID> RE. Did your lawn pass the test? Due to the wet weather this past week, if your lawn is not greening up you likely have a problem. Call The Weed Man for: * FREE INSPECTION * FREE QUOTE * FREE ADVICE Get Great Grass From WE CARE FOR YOUR LAWN: Toll Free Long Distance Calls: Local Calls: 1-800-265-5593 524-2424 P!hJBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Municipal Corpora- tion, of the Town of Goderich proposes to enact a by-law to stop up and close that part of Mooney Street, being a street in the Town .of Goderich, set out and described as follows: That Part of Mooney Street located south of Mitchell Street in the Industrial Park, within Part No.'s 19 and 35, Registered Plan 22R-1172 deposited in the Registry Division of Huron and shown on the map below. The proposed by-law will repeal By-law No. 46 of 1987 and will come before the said Council for the Corporation at its. regular meeting at the Town Hall in the Town of Goderich on the 17th day of August, 1987 at the hour sof 7:30 o'clock p.m. and at that time, the Council will hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who claims that his/her land will be prejudicially, affected and who applies to be heard. C0 I on 1 nes .s Not o Pian of Survey N of z en (n z MITCHELL f - W w (r) Larry J. McCabe Clerk Treasurer STREET N99'27.10-8 5 482 FA/; % ilk - ;; 41 LOT CONCESSION >-- 3 0 N 99'55'40-e 20 447 TOWN OF GODERICH Pount of Conon*ncemenr N89'37'110 -E 204 874 l , ; 1 1— ' I _014140 LOS 4 I r. LOT- , -OT Lias Beo.een Lour 4 and 3 Concen,on 11 _1 W • , cJ/N("/_SS;(3/1/ u ,' (�(;/:l_l;;l./l i IY/-7 SKETCH on Part of Lot 4 , Concession II Formerly Township of Goderich Now in The Town of Goderich County of Huron 1987 Score 1 '100 Sports Tacks win mixed couple's invitational Sunset hosted its 12th annual Mixed Cou- ple's Invitational on July 25th. Low gross of the day` was Don and Jean . Black from Rockway in Kitchener' with a 159. This is Black's second victory in -the Couple's Tournament. Fern and Bob Hut- chinson from Whispering Hills in Hanover boasted low net of the day. Sunset winners included Rosemary Armstrong and Carl DeGrandis, Kathy MacDonald and John :McIntosh, Bill Stratton and Charlotte McQuorkindale, Mary Lynn Telford and Ken Straughan, and Bob and Joan McDougal. The course proved td be in tournament condition fallowing the heavy thunderstorms the previouus evening. Sixty-one e uples travelled from all over Ontario to compete in the one day event. Competitors arrived from Borden, Oakville, Kincardine, St. Thomas, Strat- ford, Kitchener, St. Catherines, Cam- hridge.and St. Mary's. Sue Culbert wins low gross Sunset Juniors travelled Monday to Bur- ford to participate in the Optimist simi- finals.The club also wishes its Juniors luck this Wednesday in the Junior Invitational Tournament. On Ladies' Nite Thursday, Sue Culbert's outsanding fourth flite performance, easi- ly secured low gross. Second low gross was Marg Stoddard followed by Joanne Collins. First flite low gross was awarded to Pat Jewell, and low net to Joyce Bolton. Joan McDougall and Mary Lynn Telford tied for second flite low gross honours. Steen Stapleton took third flite low gross and Judy,Lajeunesse claimed low net. Low gross of the day on Men's Nite was Greg Hansen and low net went to Geor(Je SUNSET GOLF Williams. First Elite low gross was cap- tured by Brian Reeve and Tony Bedard followed with low net. In second flite, Art Burt claimed low gross and George Bolton low net. Kirk Livingston won third flite low gross and Bruce Barrie low net. Friday is Mixed Two -Ball and golf will commence promptly at 6pm. Ken Straughan hits a few balls on the pracr tice green prior to teeing off at Saturday's Couples Golf Tournament at Sunset Golf. ( photo by Lou -Ann Hope ) Night mercy .GoH4ettes. By Kathleen Carter Block, Jane Kerr, Barb Ottewell, Connie Mercy rule applied for Sifto as they out McAuley, Kim Austin and Wendy Crit - batted Bruno's 14-1 on July 15. Alice tenden got the singles for Go-4-Ettes. Stinison and Gavle Jones 'scored three Batting wasn't a problem for Bruno's at each as Dorrie Chisholm and Bonnie Dui --`-h- eH '4�+amond-as-they beltebelted-a.1.4.0. nin scored twice to give Sifto the win in ladies slowpitch action. Nile and Meneset played a close game on 23, but Nile stole the win 9-6. Deb Courtney, Bev Beyersbergen and Faye win over Hot Shots. Donna Caldwell made it home three times, Bonita Pollock and Trish Doherty twice each while Jannette Middle, Shelli Berlet -Barlow, -Laura Ruffl- inghaus, Betty Schoemaker and Joanne Ribey made it home twice while Arlene - , Turner got the singles for Bruno's. Curran, Mickey Giesbrecht and Elaine Sifto took a 4-0 lead in the first and held O'Donnell scored the singles for Nile. the lead for four innings, until Oldtimers ' Samuelson's and Sifto battled out a got the bats going and went onto win 5-4 on strong hitting game at St. Mary's dia- a three run homer by Kim Good. Pat mond, as Samuelson's took a 9-7 lead in the Petrie, Jean Cruickshank, Norma Walter sixth, but Sifto came back to win in the scored one each while Sally Thirston seventh 14-10. Gayle Jones, Bonnie Durnin scored the other two runs for Oldtimers and Helen Graf crossed the plate twice Alice •Stinison, Gayle Jones, .Brenda Di - each while Angela Canter., Darlene neen and Dorrie Chisholm scored the runs Ellison, Brenda Dineen, Jackie Harrison for Sifto. . and Alice Stinison scored the singles for Mercy rule applied for , Night Owls as Sifto. they, beat Go-4-Ettes 15-3.. Diana Glousher, Val Mallough, Glenda Cornish and Dale Robertson, Marilyn McCuspey, Lori Shirley Schmidt scored twice each as Williams and Debbie Bryans crossed the Oldtimers won over Bruno's 10-2. plate twice while Ruth Oke, Judy Oldtimers went on to score four more runs Williams, Marilyn Madnerson, Lynn as they brought in Joanne Ducharme, Lib- Rumig, and Dorie Kolkman got the singles by Schutz, Norma Walter and. Pat Petrie to for Night Owl's to take the win. Barb Ot- take the win. Donna Caldwell and Joanne tewell, Jane Kerr and Wendy Denomme Turner scored the single runs for Bruno's scored the runs for Go-4-Ettes. played. Kathy Dougherty, and Allison Graham crossed the plated three times while Sue Go-4-Ettes'.played a, hard. hitting game Wagler and Nancy Chapman scored twice against Double Blue as they took a 16-3, and Cindy Berry and Michelle Park got mercy in . five innings. Wendy Denomme, home once for Samuelsons to take a 13-7 Deb Clarence, Colleen McGregor and$arb win oyer Hot Shots. O'Brien crossed the plate twice while Only five innings were played when Dianne Leddy, Lois Chapman, Janet - Night Owls Meneset met, because the game was called because of raid. Ruth _ Oke, Marilyn McCuspey and Debbie . Bryaris scored for Night Owls to take the win 3-2. Heather Johnston and Heather • Martin scored the runs for_Meneset. Double Blue were hitting as they played` Nile and took the game 12-6. Sue McAdam scored twice while Stephie Kelly, Gail Ryan; Joyce Kingsley, Karen Kolkman, Sylvia Haskett, Pat Deveau, Kathy McMillan, Carol Vanderheyden, Judy Sherratt and Deb Tiperet scored the single runs for Double Blue. Debbie Courtney reached home twice and Mickey Giesbrecht, .Noreen Kerr, Kim Vanstone and Evelyn Hakers scored the singles for Nile. ' I goofed! The standings were all wrong.': Here's the way they should be as of July 23: GP W' L T Pts. 16 13 2 1 27 16 13 3 0 26 = 16 11 5 0 22 14 10 4 0 20 16 10 6 0 20 = 15 7 8 0 14 17 5.12 0 10= 15 3 12 0 6 17 3 14 0 6 16 2 13 j' 5 Karen Kolkman, Mickey Sifto Oldtimers Night Owls Go-4-Ettes Samuelson's Bruno's Nile Double Blue Meneset Hot Shots MVP's - Giesbrecht, Heather Johnston, Liz Jenkin, Allison Graham, Tory McDonald, Barb Ot- _ tewell; Rhonda`- Bean, `,Jackie Harrison Kim Good, Trish Doherty, Brenda•= Buruma, Deb Clarence, Carolyn Vincent, Bonita Pollock, Kathy Dougherty, Brenda Dineen, Ann Johnston, Gayle Purser, and Diana Little. Willoway Wendy wins ninth race • • • On Thursday July 23, the weather was speedy 205'. In the third race Warren Round the Clock, London; The Mug House, . *arm, the rain held off, andthe track was Eagle showed what a tough pacer he is, as London; McDonald's of Goderich; Pepi's fast. In the ninth and feature race, driver Don Windsor guided him across the . Pizza, Goderich; The Burger Bar, Willoway Wendy made good use of these Goderich; The Goderich Restaurant; and favourable conditions to post- her fourth wire sixth lengths ahead of the rest of the Harry's Restaurant of Bayfield. win in a row. Willoway Wendy faced a field Thursday July 30 is Champion Night. Ad - of tough competitors - the toughest of which was Spree Dol, a four ,year old ' gelding coming off two wins in a row: Spree Dol with Greg Darnellin the bike cut the mile out, but Willoway Wendy proved. to be' too much, and nipped spree Dol at the wire by half a length. The winning duo of. Willoway Wendy and driver Barny Graham have proved that no • competition is too tough for them - and they continue to be the pair to watch at Goderich Raceway. Driver Greg Darnell had a successful evening at the track, in eight times in the bike he collected three wins, two seconds and two thirds. Darnell's first win of the evening was with Prince of Eternia. The three year old Striking Image colt, paced the mile in 2064 beating Governor's Dream, the fa' ourite by a length. In the seventh race Darnell guided Daylon Harmony to, her second win at Goderich raceway, for trainer Kevin Carter. In. the tenth race, Darnell ensured that he was going home with a `hat trick' of wins, as he was in the winners circle with Cool Contender. The win was the mare's sixth in twelve starts. Driver Robert Windsor also had a good night. He was slated to drive two maiden pacers, and he won with both of them. His first win was in the fifth race. He cut the mile with Mint Time on top and won by a length and a half. In the eighth race he guided his own three year old filly across the wire. Bandit Princess won handily in 2063, by five and one quarter lengths. Ben and Jean Feagan's three year old gelding, Window Wiper, raced a fast mile on Thursday. Al Shelton drove the three year old to his first lifetime win, posting a time of 2062. The consistent pacer KM Spr- ingfever was second by half a length. Other notable performances were 'l'arnedin by Smartie Frances, as owner/driver/trainer Randy McLean guided the mare acorss the wire in a field.' Slick Ferra's win in the sixth race was her first win in 1987 for owner/driver/trainer Gerry Gaynor. Thursday July 23 was "Diner's Night" at Goderich Raceway. Local Restaurant's generously donated "dinner's for two" to the winning driver, trainer or owner of each race. The donations by the following restaurants were much appreciated: mission to the races will be $1.00, and the winning horse of each race will be presented with a blanket. Willoway Wendy returns to try to increase her winning streak to five in a row. She faces a field of 'five competitor's - come on out and join the action - post time is at 7:30 p.m: and ad- mission is only $1.00. Thursday's raceway entrie • W11,I,AS ROGER AEI '('ARA I,OMANS AE2 G G DYNASTY RACE -6 • PACE: MAIDENS JAQUI TRIPPER TOUCH OF CASH HATTIE DUKE FLY FIN GRATTAN G G MICHELE DOCTORSJB ' VICTOR LEADER RACE -7 PACE CLAIMING $2000 WITH ALLOWANCES WARREN EAGI,E BYE BYE TIDE TAG ALONG .JOEY BRADASH HAPPY V ELI,AS SIMOES E PS CONNIE I,INDAS ('AN AM RACE - 8 MAIDENS TENDER MERCIES FOXY FIGHTER KAMIHERBERT IMA DIVE TARA T VALENTINE C01.OR"MY DREAMS DASHING DUKE RACE -9 PACE N/W 3 RACES OR $3000 LIFE. AE: . CLAIMING 56000 • SE N/W 5600 LAST 6 IMAGEDDON GYPSY RIP WILLOWAY WENDY 'PIANO TUNE PRINCE OF ETFRN I A FIT TO BE TIDE RACE - 10 PA('F CLAIMING $1500 WITH ALLOWANCES `RITTERSWF:ET WILCO BIG ('AT T LUCKY ROSS BETTY NORTH 'RI,ACKBRO MIKE; GGJUD I ,ADY SCARLET AEI EAGER ('RISS AE2 SAI,I,YS PAI, PACE; R Woodburn I) Windsor, A Sadler PURSE: $500 W McI,ean F Sadler .J ],ester A Abbott R Henry D Hodges 13 Graham PURSE: $550 I) Windsor W McLean V Vanstone R Rattin c German 1 Minler R Campbell PURSE: $500 G Gaynor F' Sadler G Darnell Fl ,Jerry R Henry W Mclean .11.ester PURSE: 5675 A Shelton R Batten 13 Graham R Battin (; Darnell W Mclean PURSE: $500 11 Windsor F Sadler R@Aattin R Campbell G Darnell B Graham R Mothers W I ,upee ( Schneider .1r C1 THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1987. BLANKET NIGHT POST TIME 7:30 P.M. RACE - 1 PACE PURSE: $575 CLAIMING $2500 WITH ALLOWANCES .AIRBORN A('F: SUZII: WII,1,(1OX WDODROW DALLAS CAN DF:E:P RUN SUPER F'AGUS GHERKIN DAYL.ON HARMONY RACE- 2 PACE: MAIDENS (TWO DIVISIONSI K M SPRING FEVER HILEA JOE TENACIOUS ANGEI. MR SCRAM (:GSMURE' BATTLE MAID NIAGARA COUNTY RACE -3 PACE CLAIMING $1500 WITH ALI:OWAN('ES STAR DREAMER TERRIFIC FLING WILLVAN JAGUAR , LINLOR LEE SLICK FERRA - 'TRIPLE R V DEAN TERRIFICGILI, AEI ETES SI5E('I AI AE2 GRAYFRIARSI-AYF RACE -4 PACE N/W-2 RACES OR 5750 LIFE: SUPER HONEST GOLDEN FRED CHEYENNE: DREAM MARY LOU HERBERT WLNDOW WIPER . GOVERNOR PAM 1.INLORTRULEE AEI .J DS DIXIE AE2 BYE BYE MOON RACE - 5 PACE CLAIMING $1500 WITH ALLOWANCES LADY'S PIPER APOPKABYRD I,IAS VAI, NIFTY COUNT DEEP RUN MUDDY L TTI E BUDDY CHIT'S R Vanstone R Henry R Daer .1 Minler W McLean S I3ossence (; Darnell F Sadler PURSE: $500 A Sadler- ' T Coates (; Gaynor 13 Campbell W Mclean J Yake R Battin PURSE: $500 • R Henry (;I)arnell .1 Minler D Windsor G Gaynor 1{ Campbell .1 Lester A Shelton V Kennedy PLRS`E: $556 R Daer R Battin T Coates V Vanstone A Shelton R Battin B Vanstone R Battin R Wihdsor PURSE: 5500 A Sadler (; Darnell V Vanstone D Ruddick W Mclean B Graham Disadvantaged youths to see a Blue Jays gee The Variety Club of Ontario, the Toronto many of them, this will be the first time About 45 youths from the Goderich area Blue Jays, and the Ontario Ministry of they've seen a major league baseball are expected to attend the game. The trip Community and Social Services are get- game," said Mr. Cordiano, who will be at- is open to family and children under the : ting together to bring youngsters from , tending the game with the youngsters. care.of the Huron County Family and every part of the province to Exhibition Those attending will include physically Chilrens' Services. Stadium on Saturday, August 1st. On that disabled children, emotionally disturbed The Blue Jays are donating seats for the day, the Blue Jays are hosting the and developmentally handicapped event. The Variety Club is arranging and • Cleveland Indians. youngsters, children under the care of paying for bus and air transportation from • "For the children, this will be an oppor- children's aid societies and those whose virtually every part of Ontario. tunity to get out and have a great time. For families are on social assistance.