The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-29, Page 40S orts Aqu•:tic Committee to ask for architectural assistance The Aquatics Centre Committee plans to go before Goderich Town Council Aug. 17 with a request to hire an architect as a con- sultant on future designs of a scaled down or phased aquatic facility. Teresa Feagan, in charge of publicity for the committee, stressed they are not asking for new money. Money ( around $20,000) has been set aside for implemen- tation of the Master Plan, she. said. "It (the money) is not for building but for planning. We are not asking for any new money," said Feagan. Moffat Kinoshita Associates did the original concept drawing and Feagan said they would be eager to help the committee. Whoever they choose, she said they wanted -to go with a specialist in the field. Someone who has experience building aquatic facilities. Feagan felt if the committee was•not given permission than they would have to dissolve, but she said that was unlikely The aquatic' committee was 'formed, after town council rejected the original propsal cost of nearly $3.5 million, to look at ways of down sizing or phasing to reduce or defer costs. Since the committee was formed they have been trying to gater public opinion concering the centre. They had a booth at the Festival of Arts and Crafts where they distributed questiopnaires, asking what people think of the proposal, what the' think of phasing, if there was anything inissing.frorn centre and for any fundrais- • ing ideas. Feagan said they have not hada chance to tabulate the survey because they want more feedback and questionnaires are available at Marlin Harbour Light Travel on The Square. Jane Netzke, recreation department director, said the committee must have a firm proposal by the end of February, because any government funding will become available in March or early April. The government will want cost accoun- ting, plans and operating cost.estimates. "They (the government) 'will want the whole story," said Netzke. Feagan, however, is not sure how much money would be available. "Two years ago money was pouring out their ears," she said. According to Netzke, between 75-100 peo- ple responded to the survey and there was a positive response for an aquatic centre. • Most felt phasing was not a good idea and many said it is easier to get donations from people all at once, instead of in stages. Some felt the pool should he.larger and in- clude a gymnasium. These conunen ss were made/from residents of larger areas, said Netzke. Feagan was adament that people realize the original drawings were just a concept and the final plan may not look like the drawings. The drawings were commis- sioned to give Goderich residents a visual idea of what was planned. r Feagan said the committee does not know what money is available in the com- munity and won't until they have a chance to look at alternate plans. The proposed site of the centre is on the GDCI field directly west of the school. Negotia'ions wit,► t,be Board o€ Education will begin in September, said Netzke. `Our goal is to make the aquatic centre affordable and accessible to the general public," said Netzke. A copy of the questionaire is included below, simply answer and return to Har- bour Light Travel or drop it off at the recreation office. AQUATICS CENTRE COVItiIITTEE COMMENTS: NAME: ADDRESS. What Do You Think of Proposal? Pool? What Do You °Think of Phasing? Anything Missing? Any Fundraising Ideas? Simply, till out the survey, clip it out and return it to Marlin Harbour Light Travel or the recreational department office at the grandstand. knocksBogie out f. am.e Denomme's 'were only three more hits, two by the Orioles, after the fifth inning. The game ended;a 6-6, nine inning tie. Bowman had three RBIs. Paul Jewell and Greg Gordon combined to strike out 11. In the second game, Kirkey's won a 12-9. slugfest over French. They led all the • -way, but French made it close in the sixth with five runs to make it 10-9. Kirkey's got some insurance with two runs in the seventh. Bob Orr homered for Kirkey's and Don Bogie homered for French. Kirkey's had 15 hits with Paul Kelly going four for five, with two RBIs and scoring three times. Jim Martin went three for four in a losing cause. On Wed. John Bogie rebounded, holding Kirkey's to three hits enroute to a 7-0 mer- cy game. Glen Falkner had two doubles, two RBIs and scored two runs to support Bogie. Brian Johnston was two for three and two RBIs. In the nightcap, the Juniors suprised Denomme's 5-0. Juniors played excep- tionally well while Denomme's had an off night. Gary Muxlow allowed just six hits and one earned run. Junior's pitcher, Dar- , ryl Black pitched well in the five hit shut On Mon. in Goderich industrial fastball action, Denomme's knocked Goderich Tire pitcher, John Bogie out of the .game, the first'time that has happened in a year and a half. 1 .. Greg Beacom singled in Jim Bell fo open the game. Wil Denomme then stroked a : tWo RBI single to give Denomme's a.3-0 lead. The big blow came from Brian Moody, a two run homer, giving him the league with three and knocking Bogie out of the game. Bell went three for four and Gary M'uxlow allowed five hits,.going the distance. On Tues., the Orioles took a 5-0 lead over the Juniors after two innings, but had to come back to tie the game after the juniors went up 6-5. Steve Frayne led off with a homer: Orioles went on to score three more times. They added another in the se- cond. Juniors scored three runs in the third, two from a Bryan Bowman homer and two more in the fifth to tie the game. they went ahead when Pete Nivens stole hird and came home on the errant throw to third. However, Orioles came alive and ;Steve Haggett scored after walking. The pitchers finally settled down and there 4 - WE ARE NOW READY TO HANDLE YOUR 1987 •Wheat •Barley •Mixed Grain •Corn •Soybeans •Canola fully licenced grain dealers THE SNOBELEN GROUP Dungannon 529-7040 Anderson Flax Snobelen Farms 528®3203 395-5167 out. , On Sun. Hayter's almost had to forfeit the' game, however their ninth player showed and Goderich Tire generously allowed the game to be • pla!yed,. Their generousity continued as they gave Hayter's a point with a 2-2 Hayter's runs came.,ott solo homers by John O'Keefe and Phil Petrie. Goderich Tire scored their runs when Jeff Cox singl- ed and eventually scored on a wild pitch. They tied the game in the seventh when Dan Durst scored. Bogie allowed five hits and struck out eight through • nine and Petrie held Goderich Tire to four hits, while striking out seven. The second game was also close as French edged Juniors 1-0. , In what was probably the quickest game of the year, Jim Martin , of French and Bowman of Juniors allowed just three hits each. Steve Johnston singled home Dan Willis, who- had hohad reached on an error, for the only run of the game. Willis, Bob Johnston and Jewell had the only hits for French. Bowman had two hits and . Nivins had one Mr the Juniors. _... 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We are the "People Helping People" with payments to suit your budget and your best 'simple Interest' open loan rate ... 12.25%. Check and Compare! -• 19 ST. DAVID STREET, GODERICH PHONE 524-8366 "Membar Ontario Sham and Deposit insurance Corporation" TM People Helping People Saturday 9:30 am - 12 noon dill I OFFICE HOURS: Mon. to Thurs. 9:30 a.m. to 5:1S p.m. Fridays 9:30 a.m. to 8.-00 p.m. GODERICH COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION