The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-29, Page 38B A LILLETlN bOAND AO DE ®lal{E 5 P.M. NIIIIDAY" ROAST BEEF buffet every Sunday 4:30-7 p.m. Blyth Inn. 523-9381.—30,31ar YOU ARE INVITED to the Jack Riddell Barbecue at the Riddell farm on Hwy. 83 between Exeter and Dashwood on Wednes- day, August 5th. Rain location is the Dashwood Community Centre. Dinner from 5-8 p.m., family entertainment. Tickets available from Liberal Municipal Chairper- sons or Executive or phone 357-1802, 482-3407, 887-9225, 235-2853, 236-4280. Tickets $10.00, elementary school children $4.00, pre-schoolers free. Sponsored by the Huron Provincial Liberal Association. —30ar BLYTH FESTIVAL - Girls in the Gang: Ju- ly 29, 30 I matinee), August 6, 8 (matinee). Bordertown Cafe: July 30, 31. Bush Fire:. August 1( matinee ), 5, 6 (matinee), 8. Miss Balmoral of the Bayfiew: all performances of this play are SOLD OUT; however, a limited number of rush tickets go on sale 2 hours before curtain time. All performances are at 8:30 p.m. except matinees which are at 2 p.rn. For tickets call Box Office at 523-9300/9225. —30ar Maitland Manor Go!!' Tourna- ment was held July 25 at 4 p.m. Thank lou to all who helped make this dav a success. 1•'un sva.ti had 1>y• all a ho participated. The Mer- chants who .supported u.s deserve a great bid, 740A 'elri4/ Bid! \ Star t'itiw Video Mac's 15 point) Suncoast Restaurant Little ,Joe's Squire (sifts \lofl'att & 1►on+eli Candlelight "'al ern \Iurpin's Landing McDonald'~ Residents ('ouncil \laithind 1lanor Staff Fund Weston., Spuds (Linda \\'eibe) Carman Cameras - Dcuonunr's Flonner Shop Camerons Gandy • l'anadian Tire cashn+a, • Esso F\LA French 1)rscleaner, Dixie's Flowers (;ranger's T.V. Pinchers ti ke Shop Rieck Pharmacy 'Rnett's T.V. & Stereo The Entertainer I',trk House ('hishohn '1'V Lee's John White Danid \Ichor (' unstruct io n •Bedford Hotel (8riutu's) Foodland A & P LOrs • .son ies IJ.tir Connection Anstelt Jewellers Don, 8 Dorothy Greene DUNGANNON FAIR BOOKS - now available at Dawson's Store, Dungannon and the Lucknow Sentinel Office, or call 529-7432. —30 THE FAMILY of John and Kathleen Siert- sema invite their friends and relatives to at- tend an Open House in honour of their parents 25th Wedding Anniversary at Brueefield Huron Centennial School, Sun- day, August 2, 2-4:30 p.m. Best Wishes Only. —30x HURON COUNTY CATTLEMEN'S ASSOCIATION Beef Barbecue and Dance, Friday, July 31, BMG Community Centre, Brussels. Barbecue 6-8 p.m. Dancing 9-1. Music by Beechwood. Tickets $10 per per, son, available from local directors. —29,3( BINGO - Vanastra Rec Centre, Tuesday 8 p.m. First reg card $1, fifteen reg $20.00 games. Three share the wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go. Lucky ball $200.00. If not won Lucky Ball increases $20.00 per week. Admission restricted to 16 years and over. "—otfx Inc. AUGUST FAMILY- SPECIAL. Day Trips CANADA'S WONDERLAND Saturday, August 22 $29.00 each. Toronto MARINELAND ' Saturday, August 15 -$29.00 each. Niagara Falls includes transportation and admission For more information and reservations Ions please call. ` OVERNIGHT AGAWA CANYON September 24 27 OTTAWA ALGONQUIN Sept. 28 Oct. .1 WESTWIND RESORT October 6 - 8 Robin Hood Tours Inc.. IkkAgent No. 255177a ► . 524-4540' Goderich, Ontario: QUEEN'S SEAFORTH Girl's Nite Out THIS THURS NITE Party With Us i,nd EQUUS1 Prizes -- Surprises Pun — Specials FRIDAY & SATURDAY Body to Body' BUSH FIRE by Laurie Fyffe A�tale of mystery, love & hate, set in Canada's pioneer past. July 21 - August 21 Call the Blyth Festival box office for tickets and 'information: 523-9300/9225 THANK YOU would like to thank Jody Hoy, Cathy Murdock, Sherry Warren, John Hoy, and •Miles,Murdock for all' of their help in running the Goderich Ladies Slow -Pitch tourna- ment. LIBBY SCHULTZ President GODERICH LADIES SLOW -PITCH LEAGUE Free Beach Bali \MthAnyRcnic Pack. \fou'll have a ball this summer when you stop for Kentucky Fried Chicken. Pick up a Picnic Pack of great -tasting Kentucky Fried Chicken, • • and we'll throw in a ,( 1ao�;a14cY free beach ball. ` ' or•.=a e Vis^ (r Whether you're getting together with the family or the gang, you'll find a Picnic Pack size to suit your needs. Look for details at �snv Kentucky Fried Chicken store. This offer is good while supplies last. '` 11110(111N 111,1\ \.tr\- fru,tt shn\n71 94 ELGIN AVE., EAST. GODERICH PHONE 524-7359 GODERICH SIGNAL.STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1987—PAGE 5A JIM & JUNE HAYTER In honour of their 40th Anniversary a reception will be held at Goderich Township. Saturday, August 8 at 9 p.m. Don't miss the fun! Appearing this Friday & Saturday July 31 and August 1 M & J D.J. Always a treat...Our All You Can Eat NOON BUFFET...THURS. & FRI. o�z� THE CANDLELIGHT 4.+ RESTAURANT & TAVERN BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH 524-7711 North to Algonqin from page ly to reappear somewhere else and do his dance encore. Sid was obviously an escape from an experimental program at a prescription drug factory. So we did what we had to do. We both drew our hunting knives from their sheafs and put them out of reach where we couldn't hurt ourselves. Then we laughed so hard we fell, off a log and spilled our brandy. Then we went to sleep. After all we're Tilleymen and Tilleymen don't han- dle hard liquor or fresh air very well. The combination can be deadly. Next week - "What the hell would Rich Little be doing out there - I'm telling you Red - that's a bear!" Teddy Bear picnic to be held August 9 "If you go down to 'The Falls' today, you're in for a big surprise".,,All kinds of teddy bears are having a picnic and you, your family and your teddy bears are in- vited too! - The Teddy Bear's Picnic will be held on August 9 at the Falls Reserve Conservation Area. There is free day use admission to 'The Falls' for this event. Registration is from 12:30 to 1 p.m. and the fun begins at 1 p.m. with judging for the best dressed teddy, the oldest teddy and the most original teddy bear's name. Prizes donated by Goderich and area merchants, will be "awarded. Activities such as potato sack races, obstacle races and guessing games will pro- vide fun for the family all afternoon. Bring along a picnic supper to end an ex- citing and "bearable" day. PARTY WITH DOUG & THE SLUGS BUSTINDLOOSE Friday, July 31st ... 8 p.m. - 1 a.m. at Seaforth & District Community Centre Tickets: $8.00 Advance and '10.00 At Door Tickets Available At Seaforth Arena Age of Majority Absolutely No Minors * Proceeds to Junior Curling THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL CHICKEN • FINGER DINNER 6 oz. of Chicken Fingers, French Fries, Cole Slaw, I)in►►er Roll & Choice o(Sauee Special in effect Thurs., Fri., Sat. eg. 4.35 3 3 9 Phone 514-4852 • URGER AR 37 Kingston St., Goderich ARO it i••I STARTS FRI. DE • AT THE Pe K T EOTRE 52O4-781RICH1 • � NG • # 1 Box OFFICE HIT!• EDDIE MURPHY A3IENIE I 1 I 43 • • • • • • Coarse Language, May Offend Some • NO PASSES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT • • • FRI. & SAT. 7:00 & 9:00 SUN. - THURS. 7:30 TUES.. $2.506 • ••••••••••A••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• erNAOUtt Actoreo1111,111wt • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • !••••.•.•..•.•.,.•1•.••...... •.•..•........•-•...... -. • ... SATTARTSTHE FRI. M U STA N G DRIVE GODERICH 524-9961 • • • • . 0 'BOX • OFFICE • OPENS • • 8:30P.M.• Tues. • '2.30 • ADDED • FEATURE • • The Mighty Thorn' ©1907 Marvel Entertainment Group. Inc. • 0 0 • 0 • 0 0 • 0 rite GoOS tei camp 173IutusIPC C, RDA VISTA PICTURES OISTPIADir • . 107 TOUCHSTONE PICTURES • 040404000004040(Ilt4000 SUN. ONLY COARSE LANGUAGE TOUGH BURT LANCASTER KIRK DOUGLAS Ill SOIrLrlr►rt Lind SWEARING • • GUYS • • • • • • • • • •et••clli•••••••••••••••••:•