The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-29, Page 37PAGE 4A -GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1987 Entertainment MMUNITY CALENDAR SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 - The Knights of Columbus, will be holding a GIANT LOBSTER AND STEAK FEST at Lions Harbour Park. West Street, Goderich from 4 to 7 p.m. Ccsts are: two lobsters $17, steak and lobster dinner $15, or steak dinner $10. Tickets available from Shanahan's Foodland, Don's Shoe Place or the ticket booth at Suncoast Mall. SUNDAY, AUGUST 9 - Dungannon Agricultural Society's Family Fun Day starting at 1 pm includes Antique Farm Equipment Display, Antique Toys and Model Trains, Horse and Antique Tractor Pulls, Junior Farmer Olympics, Pork Barbeque, outdoor Variety Concert and Crowning --of 1987 Miss Dungannon Fair. For information call 529-7432 or 529-7934. SUNDAY, AUGUST 9 - Pork Barbeque with all the trimmings at, Dungannon Agriculture Park, 4:30 - 6:30 pm. Adults: $6, Children (12 and under) $3, pre- schoolers, free. For tickets call 529-7432 or 529-7934. FRIDAY NIGHT AND SATURDAY, AUGUST 14-15 • - The 128th Dungannon Fair. Friday night features: kids pet parade, chainsawing, log sawing, balethrowing, armwrestling, big midway and Bessie bingo. On Saturday, enjoy the parade a' noon, heavy horses, English and Western horse show, music by Tiffin's Orchestra, horseshoe pitching, baby show, bike races, open half mile run, watermelon seed spitting, homecraft and school ex- hibits, big midway and lots more. For in- formation call 529-7432 or 529-7934. SALTFORD VALLEY HALL FOR RENT CALL 524-9458. The Goderich Laketown Band celebrated its 20th anniversary Sun- day with a special concert at Harbour Park in Goderich. The band , swelled to 45 members, from its usual 25, due to the return of former members who participated in the evening concert. The band was also led by former. conductors Charles Kalbfleisch, Irla Stewart, Blake Smith and Hugh McGregor throughout the perfor- mance. Above, the trumpet section of the Goderich Laketown, Band. At left, a duet of The Lord's Prayer was performed by Blake Smith (saxophone) and Irla Stewart (piano synthesizer). At right, Hugh McGregor conducts the band. (photos by Lou -Ann Hope) Ladies hear of speaker's trip to Israel Ori Thursday evening, July 2nd, 16 members and one visitor were welcomed at the home of Winnifred Girwin py President Elmira Finnigan who opened the meeting by reading a poem. The members sang the Opening Ode and repeated The Mary Stewart Collect and the Singing of O'Canada. The roll call was "Should Canada open her doors to all Nationalities for Immigration." The varied opinions given made the roll call very interesting. The minutes of the last meeting, cor- respondence and treasures were given. Win- nifred Gerwin then introduced the guest speaker Lenore Bradley of Goderich who gave a very detailed account of her trip to Athens, Cairo, • Israel. She travelled by bus to Jerusalem which took 45 minutes. Lenore passed around different pictures and a booklet which helped us to see what the country and their customs are like, Lenore was "Thanked by Winnifred and presented with a gift. There Goes The Bride at Playhouse There Goes The Bride, a funny and clever farce by Ray Cooney and John Zehapman, runs at the Huron Country Playhouse/Main Stage from July 21 through August 1. It is the story of a father One crazy on his daughter's wedding day and the chaos that follows. All he has to do is bump into a door and he starts hallucinating, his principal vi- sion being a seductive flapper -style lady in pink chiffon and almost wrecks his mar- riage and nearly destroys his daughter's wedding. Appearing in There Goes The Bride is a delightful cast of characters including Em- ma Richter as Judy, Barrie Baldaro as Charles, Patricia Delves as Daphne, Robert Latimer as Bill, Gerald Lenton as Timothy, Louisa.Martin as Ursula, Virginia ltoncetti as Polly and Kenneth Wickes as Gerald. There Goes The Bride is just plain nuts, lunacy really. I laugh in different places every time we rehearse the play. I can't wait to see it along with the Playhouse au- dience," says Artistic Director, Steven Schipper. There Goes The Bride runs from July 21 to August 1/ Main Stage at 8:30 p.m.; Matinees Thursdays 2:30 p.m. at Huron Country Playhouse. For ticket information, call 238-8451: Dungannon Fair to have two parades What could be more fun than a parade? Why two parades of course! That is exact- ly what Dungannon's 128th Fair is offering. On Friday evening, Aug. 14, the Children's Pet Parade will take place at 7 p.m. at the Dungannon Agricultural Park. Pre-schoolers and Elementary school kids will have a chance to show their favourite pet or pets but each animal must be suitably caged or leashed. Formerly, pets, poultry and goats were judged and shown on the Saturday of the fair but this year, all are to- be entered in the Friday night Pet Parade. A total of 22 classes will be judged With a prize for first and second in each class but the best part • is„that every child who shows a pet will receive a gift. The classes in the Pet Parade are: 1. Largest dog 2. Smallest dog; 3. Best costumed dog; 4. Largest cat.; 5. Most ap- pealing kitten; 6. Best costumed cat/kit- ten; 7. Best solid coloured rabbit; 8. Best spotted rabbit; 9. Best goat; 10. Best lamb; 11. Best poultry; 12. Best pet bird; 13. Most unusual pet (other than those listed above) ; 14. Pet with longest ears; 15. Pet with longest whiskers; 16. Pet with smoothest covering; 17. Pet with biggest feet; 18. Pet with longest tail; 19. Pet with shortest tail; 20. Most colourful pet; 21. Best costumed pet (other than dog or cat) ; 22. Best trained pet (must perform a trick) . The second parade at the Dungannon Fair is the main one, leaving the United Church corner at 12 noon. Sat., Aug. 15. Participants are asked to be in place Ivell before 11:30 a.m. for judging. A parade entry is a great way to adver- tise a business or a coming event or to en- courage though n a particular issue. It can show that your organizatin or club is actively involved in your community or it can say thanks for any number of reasons. A family can proudly proclaim its heritage. A particularly prized possession can be displayed. A special talent can be used for entertainment. Whatever the reason, taking part in a parade is a lot of fun. Besides the children's classes, there are also: Most Humorous Float, Most Original Float, School Entry, Best Organization or Club entry, Best Vintage Vehicle and Best Pony and Cart -or Polly and Rider. Please register early at the Dungannon United Church corner so your entry can be included in the judging or call 529-7974 or 529-7972 for more information. Take your choice of parades - either the Children's Pet Parade or the Fair Parade or enter both! After all, two parades have to be twice as much fun as one! ,. Family Fun Day at Dungannon features horse and tractor pulls Family Fun Day at the Dungannon Agricultural Park will again feature a Horse Pull and an Antique Tractor Pull on Sunday, August 9. This year, both Pulls will comtnence at 1 p.m. with the hor8es using the corral while the tractors pull on the track. The Horse competition is divided into Light Horse teams, which must not ex- ceed 3,300 lb., without harness, and Heavy Horse teams which must weigh over 3,300 lb., without harness. Each draw is made with horses hitched to a skid over a distance of 20 feet with sidelines being 18 ft. apart. j.ules are very specific and strictly enfoied. Trophies and°ribbons are presented fois1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th place for each class. The antique tractors must be 1958 or older by production series. They must be on rubber wheels. Minimum drawbar length is 18" from centre of rear axel to point of hook. Maximum drawbar height is 18" from point of hook to ground and the drawbar must be stationery in all directions. Pulling classes for the tractors are: 3,500 lb., 4,500 lb., 5,50011,., 6,500 Ib., and 8,000 lb. There is also an Open class and a Special Antique Class for tractors. from 1935 or older. Four trophies will be presented for each class. Along with -the Horse and Antique Trac- tor Pulls, there will be antique farm equip- ment on display as well as antique toys and model trains. Other attractions include the Junior Farmer Olympics for the kids, a delicious Pork Barbecue, an Outdoor Variety Con- cert with Derek Botten from CI{NX as M.C. and the Crowning of the 1987 Dungan- non Fair Queen. Sun., Aug. 9 at the Dungannon Agricultural park will offer something for every interest - horses, antiques, toys, trains, games, dining, music, etc. ENGAGEMENT ADAMS / RINGUETTE, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Adams are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter. Lisa Dawn Adams to Ricky Glenn Ringuette. son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerard Ringuette of North York. The wedding will take place at North Street United Church. Saturday. August 22, 1987. July 31- Aug. 1- "Sketches off our Town, a video of Goderich will be show downstairs at the Goderich Branch Library, 52 Mon- treal Street, on Friday, July 31 at 11:30 a.m., 3:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. and on Satur- :lay, Aug. 1, at 11:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. 'Everyone welcome. Free. THURSDAY, AUGUST 6 - Disability Awareness Day 10 am until 2:30. Goderich Legion, Jubilee -Room (elevator available) ; - see displays of community services; watch local personalities simulate tasks in the community; gain awareness for more ac- cessibility to public buildings. SUNDAY, AUGUST 9 - Dungannon Agricultural Society Family Fun Day star- ting at 1 pm; includes antique farm equip- ment display, antique toys and model trains, horse and antique tractor pulls, 'junior farmer Olympics, pork barbeque, out- door variety concert and crowning of 1987 Miss Dungannon Fair. For information call 529-7432 or 529-7934. SUNDAY, AUGUST 9 - Pork B,prbeque will all the trimmings at Dungannon Ag icultural Park, 4:30 - 6:30 pm. Adults: $6, Children (12 and under) $3, pre-schoolers free. For tickets call, 529-7432 or 529-7934. AUGUST 10 -14 - Children ages 5-12 are in- vited to Vacation Bible School on August 10-14 at Trinity Christian Reformed Church from 9 to 11:45 a.m. • ST. VINCENT DE PAUL STARE - The St. Vincent De Paul Store, 15 Caledonia Ter- race, has good used clothing and furniture. Open Monday -Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m., Friday night from 7 to 9 p.m. and Saturday morning from 10 a.m. to 12 noon .4111. OPEN HOUSE For Nancy Porter McAstocker and Julian Troy at Will and Alice Porters,• Concession 4 Goderich Township, August 8. 2 PM -8 PM. AH Friends & Relatives Welcome HAPPY 25th ANNIVERSARY DAD&MOM (Gerry & Marie Dobie) Love, Jen, John, Keri„ Kim and Family Family & Friends ar" invited to celebrate, Friday, July 31st. Salttord at 9:00 p.m. Mr. & Mrs: Jim Rean, Goderich and Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Cook, Westfield, wish to announce the engagement of their children Leslie & Brad. c The wedding `will take place on August 15, 1987 at 3:00 p.m., North 5t. United Church. All friends and relatives welcome at the Reception, Blyth Community Centre at 9:00 p.m. .loan Elizabeth Eisenhach & Gerald ,\rnold Good a ill be married on Saturda). •\ugust 15, 1957 at 3:00 p.m. at St. Theresa oi',\%ila R.(., Church in F,Imira. ,loan i, the daughter of 31rs. Am, Iaren- bach of Elmira & the late Earl Eisenhach. Gerald is the son of \Ir. & \lrs. \larlin Good of (ioderich. On the occasion of his 80th year, the family of "Red" Garon wish to invite friends & relatives to an Open House at 166 Beech St., Clinton on Saturday, August 1 3:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. HAPPY 25th `BEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mom & Dad (Jane & Harry Kerr) Lova Danis, Shelley, Grogory. ;Chris, Al and Jacki. Dance in Dungannon August 1, 1907 from 9-1. �Friends,,anci Family Welcome..