The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-29, Page 35PAGF. 2A —GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR. WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1987 s VIA_ iv COL r l'RNE TOWNSHIP MEMORIAL CHURCH SERVICE The Annual Colborne Township Memorial Church Service will be held outdoors at the Col- borne Township Cemetery Chapel at 2:30 p.m. on Sunday, August 2nd, 1987. Reverend Robert Bissett will be guest minister. In the event of in- clement weather the service will be held in the Benmiller United Church. Please bring your lawn chair. J. Russel Kernighan, Reeve. Township of Colborne. THE SALE CONTINUES THE GREET ROOM. 44 Ontario St., STRATFORD 271-3240 ` Feature Former resident writes book on gangsters A former Goderich resident has parlayed his interest in North American gansters of the 1920s and '30s into a' book on the subject which will be available soon. Tom Fortner, who was a member of the Goderich Police Force from 1962 until his resignation in 1975, now bills himself as "North America's foremost expert on the American Gangster". Previously, Fortner also served on Police forces in Toronto and Uxbridge. He now lives in Toronto and writes a syn- dicated column on historic criminals for The Subway Link in Toronto and over 50 papers in the United States. Fortner said he has also appeared on numerous radio talk shows and has done lectures on his specialty at speaking engagements across the United States. Fortner, who also ran a local private in- vestigations firm after leaving police work, decided to pursue his long-time in- terest in famous criminals full -timet "They say crime doesn't pay - Only if you write about it," he contends.. The forthcoming book, "The History of the American Gangster," is based on the research for Fortner's columns, titled "Colonel Tom Fortner's World of Crime," which provides information on such criminals as Alvin Karpis, Red Ryan, Al Capone and other public enemies. Fortner said his information was com- piled from such sources as FBI files, inter- views with convicted criminals such as Karpis, and "in back alleyways". His information -gathering expeditions, he said, even led him to such notorius places as New York's "Hell's Kitchen" district. "This work has meant going to places where risk was a high factor. They were a nightmare to be in and I couldn't wait to get out," said Fortner. Fortner said he believes his work still plays a part in "fighting crime". The message in his lectures and stories, he said, "is that with all the millions these men (gansters) made, they all ended up in the same place (either dead or in jail)". Fortner also recently announced his plans to honor police departments in Toronto and Sarnia through awards "dedicated to all those who lost their lives in police service". He plans to present an award to the Toronto police for bringing down the "Boyd Gang," and the Sarnia force for their shoot-out with Red Ryan in 1936. Dunlop Days will be incredible Are we going to be entertained this weekend! Tiger Dunlop Days have arrived. The co-ordinators of this event have been busy for months planning this special civic holiday weekend for us to participate in and enjoy. I read at great length the itinerary with such interest, planning our family's social calendar to attend assnany_activities_ as possible. I clipped the large, one page advertisement in last week's flyer, sat down and began the process of priority planning: It was fun picking and choosing but difficult to eliminate. I am impressed. The events begin on Friday, July 31 and reach completion on Monday, August 3. During those four days, numerous volunteer organizations participate to make Goderich's 160th anniversary incredible. To entertain the teenage group on Friday night, the Goderich Figure Skating Club have arranged a video dance featuring Dr. Music. On Saturday, the Goderich Horseshoe Pitching Club have an open tour- nament, Bluewater Radio Club have a display, the Royal 'Canadian Naval Associa- tion have you participating in a Glub-a-dub- dub competition and we conclude the even- ing with a Lobsterfest and Steak Fry prepared by the Knights of Columbus and VOLUNTARILY SPEAKING I would hate to guess how many people have volunteered their expertise and time to plan such a weekend. Those organizations and individuals should be commended for all their efforts. We can show our apprecia- tion by coming out and attending the Tiger By Shelley Hartman _._.D.unlop-Days=-If-yott-want-xrrore information dance the evening away at the Goderich Legion. Sundayproves just as hectic but just as much fun. At noon we can all enjoy the Per- rier Waiters Race for Handicapped Children followed by the family favourite - 160th Anniversary -Tiger Dunlop Days Historic Parade. Later in the afternoon, you can't miss the Heritage -Horticultural Community Bus Tour sponsored by the Goderich Ar- chitectural Conservation Advisory Commit- tee and the local Horticultural Society. The Lions Fish Fry is followed by an outdoor Laketown Band Concert in the evening. On Monday, the pace slows down and we can all go to St. Christopher's Beach and get involved in the Bluewater Boardsailing Club Races and Windsurfing Tug -of -War.. You also can wander north of Goderich to the air- port and see the Sky Harbour Modellers' aerial display. ANOTHER PR9GRAM FROM ASSURED HOUSING FOR QO. MAKINGYOURHOME.. OR REtTALAPAizrMENTMoRE LIvABLE FORDISABT4EDPERSONS. HERE ARE 3 WAYS YOU CAN QUALIFY FOR FINANCIA[. ASSISTANCE: 1, Homeowners: Are you disabled or do you have a disabled relative living with you? . F'org'ivable loans of up to $15,000 are available tQ� help you make modificat46n;s.to your home for yourself or a disabled family member. For example: build- ing wheelchair ramps, modifying kitchens and bathrooms. Loans received through our Ontario Hom'Reneu'al Program will, equal the cost of the work undertaken.. } C�. 2. Convert part of your home or non-residential building into a rental apartment. Interest free -loans of up to $5,000 are available to make new rental units for disabled occu- pants in single-family homes and non-residential buildings. This special financial assistance is in addition to a $7,000 per unit loan which you could qualify for through our Convert -to -Rant Program. 88r886 E080800 88088 CONVERT TO'RENT Ministry of Housing Ontario Hon. Alvin Curling, Minister For more.information, contact your nearest Regional Office of the Ministry of Housing. 3, Landlords of older low-rise buildingscan also get assistance. Are you the landlord of a low- rise apartment, building built before 1960? You could qualify for a,forgivable loan of up to $5,000 to make your rental units more livable for disabled persons. This amount is in addition to a forgivable loan of up to two-thirds of the cost of rehabilitating units in older low-rise apartments (loan maximum is $5,000 per unit). These funds are available through our Lou' -Rise Rehabilitation Program. LOW- RISE REHABILITATION Southern Office '5:, Iles SI 5 Hamilton Ontario (416) 521-7500 or dial loll fr,',' 1 moo 2ri:1 salt; Eastern Office 1170 \I„r'ri.r,n 11r and Fir Ilrt;ma.Ontario 1:211'S'I (613) 820-8305 dial toll free 1 'um '2I 4i 111`1 Regional Offices of the Ministry of Housing Northwestern Office .4111 \lest .\rthnr St Thunder Ba>.Ontario PTE (807) 475.1465 It dial toll free 1800 4ti5 Southwestern Office :180 \tellint,n St . Suite IIIo'i London. Ontario \1i \ (519)679-7110 or dial till free 1 Kon ?r,:, 17:1:1 Northern Office 11'11I.amini \„ Sodhurt Ihu.nv, (705) 560-6350 or toll fro, tion 11.1 11011 Central Office l,l:,n lni tr• Sl Arlt Fir 11\ 1.1.1 T',"1111', nntarn, 11 \rhl (416) 225.1211 or 111,11 1l” and atik I t Zenith 'ni_;n ' about any of the events, call the Goderich Tourism Office at 524-6600 or 524-2513. They cap ' provide you with any details you. require. See you there! Parade winners Recent winners at the Goderich Canada Day Parade included: Service club or organization:. Bay City Fireworks Festival (1st), Goderich and District Pro -Life (2nd); Commercial: Sid Bruinsma (1st ), Na; tional Trust (2nd) ; . . Church, school, family: Miller and Cleave (1st), Alf Hawkins (2nd); Antique vehicles: Emerson Anderson (1st), Ralph Morris (2nd); Horses: Byron Black (1st), Huron Haft= ingers (2nd). • New John Deere AMT 600. It's almost a truck,., e• . There's nothing else tike it! Our new ti ' • - - AD Materials Transport gives you true hauling ability. Not just travel. Takes loads up to 600 pounds on flat land. up to 400 in hills. Dumps them. too. Goes places a truck can't. Unique S -wheel stability and 4 -wheel differential lock traction. 341 cc engine and 62:1 torque ratio transmission for pulling power. With no gears to shift. Spring-loaded front fork cushioning. Low compaction. Anti-skid features. Come test drive our wuque A.MIT 600. $399500 "Run BLYTH 523-4244 -DARRYL J. BEATTIE 20-26 Bennett St. E., Goderich Phone 524-9588 Representing SOUTH EASTHOPE FARMERS' MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office 7hvistock, Ontario (519) 655-2011 Providing Insurance For RESIDENTIAL FARM AUTOMOBILE 5