The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-29, Page 29Tiger =lop Days...Page 15 Janet Graham Dunlop because she is an old maid, and pious, and therefore will necessarily take to horning, and also my Granna's snuff mull, as it looks decent to see old women taking snuff. I do hereby constitute and appoint John Dunlop, Es- quire, of Gairbraid, Alexander Dunlop, Esq., advocate, Edinburgh, Alan C. Dunlop, Esquire, and William Chalk, of Tuckersmith, William Steward and William Gooding, Esquires, Goderich, to be the executors of, this my last will and testament. . In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal the thirty-first day of Augustin the year of our Lord one thou- sand eight hundred and forty-two. (signed) "W. Dunlop" (L.S.) The above instrument of one sheet was at the date thereof declared to us by the testator William Dunlop, Es- quire, to be his last will and testament and he then acknowledged to each of us that he had' subscribed the same and we at his request signed our names hereunto as attesting witnesses. Witnesses — "James Clouting" "Patrick McNaughton" "Elizabeth Steward." I have perused the above will. It is eaccentric, but it is not, _on that -score, illegal or informal. To a mind who knows the mind of the testator, it will remain a relic of his perfect indifference (an indifference to be admired, in my opinion) to what is called "Fashion" even in testamentary matters. I conceive it to be a just and a proper will, and no person can question its legality in point of form or substance. (Sgd.) John Prince, Q.C., Montreal, 5th July, 1847. Baby contest a popular feature Congratulations Goderich 160 Years Young We'll Be Tlhere... When the first w:• rm rips across the finish line... We'II be there! When the first Glub-A-Dub-. ub goes blub-blub-•,lalb.. We'll be there! When the Lions' fry theft last fish... We'II be there! ...because we're your cmunity newspaper! "The only newspaper in the word that REALLY CARES about you!" Goiierich SIGNAL -STAR Serving the community since 1848 P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ontario 524-2614