The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-29, Page 28Tiger Dunlop Days..,Page 14 Lou got the household furniture In response to many requests, we publish here the will of Dr. William ("Tiger") Dunlop, outstanding figure of the early days of the Huron Tract. Probably no other testamentary document in Canada is so well known. It has been republished times without number, and although more than a century has passed since it was written there is apparently no diminution of interest in it. IN THE NAME OF GOD, AMEN I, William Dunlop of Gairbraid in the Township of Col- borne, County and District of Huron, Western Canada, Es- quire, being in sound health of body, and my mind just as usual (which my friends who flatter me say is nogreat shakes at the best of times), do make this my last will and testament as follows, revoking of course all former wills. I leave the property of Gairbraid and all other landed property I may die possessed of to my sisters Helen Boyle Story and Elizabeth Boyle Dunloe the former because she is married to a minister whom (God help him) she henpecks — the latter because she is married to nobody nor is she likely to be, for she is an old maid and not market rife, and also I leave to them, and their heirs, my share of the stock and implements on the farm, provided always that the enclosure round my brother's grave be reserved — and if either should die without issue then the other to inherit the whole. I leave to my sister-in-law Louisa Dunlop all my share of the household furniture and such traps with the excep- tions hereinafter mentioned. CELEBRATING OUR 25th ANNIVERSARY • 31 Washers • 15 Dryers • Pressing Service •Wash, Dry & Folding Service •Drycleaning Service OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 8 am 10 pm Attendant on duty 6 days a week (excluding Sunday) 54 West St., Goderich 524-4556 YI I 1111 IIIIIIIiIy I leave my silver tankard to the eldest son of old John as the representative of the family. I would have left it to old John himself, but he would melt it down to make temperance medals and that would be sacrilege. However, I leave my big horn snuffbox to him; he can only make temperance horn spoons of that. I leave my sister Jenny my Bible, the property formerly of my great -great-grandmother Bethia Hamilton of Wood Hall, and when she knows as much of the spirit of it as she does of the letter, she will be another guise Christian than she is. I also leave my late brother's watch to my brother San- dy, exhorting him at the same time to give up whiggery, radicalism and all other sins that do most easily beset him. I leave my brother Allen my big silver snuff-box, as I am informed he is rather a decent Christian with a swag belly and a jolly face. I leave Parson Chevasse (Maggy's husband) the snuff- box I got from the Sarnia Militia, as a small token of my gratitude for the service he has done the family in taking a sister that no man of taste would have taken. I leave John Caddle a silver teapot, to the end that he may drink tea therefrom to comfort him under the afflic- tion of a slatternly wife. I leave my books to my brother Andrew, because he has been so long a Jungley Wallah that he may learn to read with them. I give my silver cup with a sovereign in it to my sister Q A' The Park House -or 168 West St., Goderich 524-4431 Open 7 Days a Week Enjoy our friendly and relaxed atmosphere inside our new licensed patio outdoors. Next to Harbour Park overlooking beautiful Lake Huron. Come & join us. HOME OF GOOD FOOD & CHEER Licenced under L.L.B.O.