The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-29, Page 27Tiger Dunlop Days...Page 13 Buried on Gairbraid hillsid� Lou kept he,r watchful eye on ` Tiger " Dr. William "Tiger" Dunlop die in Toronto in the fall of 1884 when he was superinten ent of the Lachine Canal. For six weeks prior to his eath, his sister-in-law the former Louisa McColl, nursed him day and night. "He knew something was wron ," Lou was quoted as saying, "but ah, he didna know it as deith." Lou started back. to Goderich an Gairbraid aboard one of the slow -going lake vessels of the time, with Tiger's body in a lead coffin. A place had been reserved for a Tiger's body on the Gairbraid hillside. His brother, Captain R.G. Dunlop, had asked to be buried on the side next to the bank, and had suggested that the Tiger be burie farther in. Lou kept (her constant vigil ov r her brother -in-laws body, all the way home. She had re son to suspect that the people she left behind her and so a of the literary and scientific men on board, wanted" " cast of the big, clever head which had stopped forever i thinking, thinking for the good of mankind." "To accomplish this she imag' ed they would cut his head off. She would much rather ave lost her own than turn traitor to her great charge in ne napping moment," one historian wrote. The trip back was, broken at Hamilton where the re- mains were left in Sir Allan Ma Nab's grave plot until winter. In colder weather the rem were brought home and deposited in their last resting place. Incidentally, in some mysterio way, a very good cast was made of Tiger's head, and wasexhibited among relics do -uts more3 ALWAYS FRESH -32 Kinds of Donuts -8 Varieties of Muffins Drop in for LUNCH -Soup & Sandwiches Try our Delicious Holesomes and The Eedt Highway 8 Goderich 524-2335 in Town! and treasures at the Toronto Exhibition many years ago. In September of 1948, 100 years after his death, members of Masonic Lodges in Goderich and the Township of Colborne paid tribute to the famous Tiger Dunlop, the first senior Warden of The First Masonic Lodge of Goderich in 1845. They built a square -side tomb situated atop the hill near Saltford, which is still maintained as an historic site to this day. Tiger it unlop was first Goderich PR officer History shows that Dr. William "Tiger" Dunlop was a proficient writer as well as a lecturer in medicine at Edin- burgh University and a famed army surgeon. He was a. contributer to "Fraser's Magazine for Town and County", a British publication that carried only outstanding writing of the day. Dr. Dunlop wrote of what her knew from personal ex- perience. He had served in India while in the army and of that country he wrote "Authentic Narrative of Facts Which Occurred During a March in India" and "Sketches of Savage Life". After coming to Canada in 1826 he sent out statistical sketches giving advice to prospective immigrants and descriptions of the country. You're Important to •J1L! • Bnh, ,use Bakery • Deiicatessen • Fadi Bine Dairy & Produce STORE HOURS Monday - Tuesday 9 am . 6 pm Wednesday - Friday 9 am • 9 pm Saturday 8:30 am - 6 pm