The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-29, Page 24Tiger Dunlop Days...Page 10 ENJOY FRESH FISH and so much more at Captain Fats! Planning a Fish Fry? See Us! Special Orders on Request Captain Fats Ltd. South Dock, Goderich 524.9211 `4 ONE HOUR PHOTO FUJI FI LM .r ■r.■.■.•.■■ia■■■■menses Sales CARMAN CAMERAS Service Rentals ■... ■... . u.. ■. Ill .a■.■III a....... In r.: 112 The Square, Goderich 524-7924. Tiger won election in protest The first member of parliament for Huron was Captain Robert Graham Dunlop who lived with his more famous brother, Dr. William "Tiger" Dunlop at Gairbraid across the Maitland River from Goderich. Captain Dunlop represented Huron iri the Provincial Legislature from 1835 until his death in February 1841, about a week after the Act of Union came ,into force. Two candidates were proposed to succeed him. The Canada Company put-up James McGill Strachan, eldest son of the Bishop of Toronto and brother-in-law of Com- missioner Thomas Mercer Jones of Goderich. The Col- borne Clique nominated William Dunlop as . their candidate. It was a stormy election with both candidates and their supporters fighting hard for the yote. The population in Huron in 1841 was about 6,000, but only free -holders might vote — that is, those who had paid for their land in full. Fewer than 300 persons could qualify to vote. One historical account records it thus: "By the time the poll was opened Monday morning many had arrived at Rattenbury's Hotel, and more than one carried a sore head from a blow of an axe handle when he disagreed with some of the newcomers. "Axe handles were the weapons carried by not a few and when rival bands met, with banners flying and wear- ing the colours of their candidates — red for Captain Strachan and Blue for Dr. Dunlop — these weapons were likely to be used with considerable energy. "The genial doctor quietly disposed his Highlanders around the hotel and they allowed the voters to come in, one by one. "Votes were entered slowly, because one vote had to be entered each hour, for if one hour elapsed without a vote having been registered the election was over and both par- ties were anxious to give time for every last straggler to arrive. • "The result at th end of the week showed 149 for "The. Tiger" and 159 for Captain Strachan. "The returning officer, Henry Hyndman, advised a pro- test. Dr. Dunlop acquiesced and Daniel Lizars was the moving spirit of the inquiry. His -indefatigable industry in discovering evidence was wonderful. "The election trial was a costly and memorable one in which scores of electors were examined as to their legal right to vote and it ended in the seat being given to Dr. Dunlop, since he had secured a majority of those who were duly qualified to exercise the franchise." The Tiger won, probably because he was so popular with the people. As one historian wrote in 1948, "His warm-heartedness and his personal interest in the settlers made him by all odds the most popular man in Huron County in the eighteen -thirties. There was great jubilation in Goderich when news reached -here of Tiger's victory. A group of residents assembled at the Steamboat Hotel to celebrate, and "many a glass went around" according to legend. Numerous festive dinners were held.