The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-29, Page 18Tiger Dunlop ays...Page 3 Iltstory boasts only one man like the "Tiger DR. WILLIAM "TIGER" DUNLOP 1792 -1848, Byron perhaps best summed up Tiger. "Nature formed but one such man, And broke the die." During his lifetime, Tiger Dunlop was the Assistant Surgeon for the 89th Regiment, Lower Canada, Niagara ` Frontier, 1813-14; India, 1815-20, Lecturer In Medical Jurisprudence, University of Edinburgh, Warden of the Forests Canada Company, Lieutenant Colonel 1st Huron Regiment 1837, Commissioner of the Peace, London District 1838, M.P.P. for Huron? Parliament of Canada, 1841-45, Litterateur, Colonizer and Patriot. - He founded Goderich in 1827. Tiger Dunlop's party pad - 9 9 dling from the south met John Galt, the Superintendent of the Canada Company and his crew, who had sailed around Cabot Head and down Lake Huron in a gunboat. The visitors were piloted into the harbour which is now Goderich. A fine dinner was held at Tiger's cottage and a bottle of champagne produced, the mate to a bottle consumed previously in York (Toronto) after a successful trip to Quebec in order to press the claims of those who suffered Losses in the War of -1812 and to register the Canada Com- pany's Charter. Tiger was a gentleman of strong convictions. When challenged by a friend about the possibilty of his will (a copy appears in this issue) being invalidated because of the manner in which it was written, Tiger decided to send it to another friend, Colonel Prince and, if the colonel felt the will could be invalidated in its present form, then changes would be made. Colonel Prince responded that the will was eccentric but not illegal or informal. With a unique nickname such as "Tiger" one naturally wonders how this was bestowed upon the individual. The name Tiger did not refer to the gentleman's resemblance . to or temperament of the associated animal. The "Tiger" actually cleared the island of Saugar,Uin the Ganges, of several man-eating tigers. Apparently, at least twice the ferocious beasts were stopped at close range by the "Tiger", emptying his snuff-box into the face of the intruder. *Historical background material for this article from the book William Dunlop by Colonel F.S.L. Ford, C.M.G., M.D.. The Councifi and t'tesidefts the Town of Goderich 4