The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-29, Page 7District News Getting lost, without mishap, is fun Over the years I have had the occasion to get lost often. Now, one does not plan on los- eing their way but that just happens to some people like me -who do not look far enough ahead on what they would do if they get lost. Getting lost, easily, • without mishap, is fun. You meet the nicest people that way. I have talked about these happenings and have listened to a lot of advice on the subject -but again when it happens I have completely forgotten all that good advice. Now, I can tell you about the best advice I have heard in a long time and you can share it too. If you are one of those helpless? peo- ple who are constantly getting lost, the season holds great hope for you. The stars are going to be unusually bright this sum- mer, so if know the st s, you can't be lost, unless of course you ca see the stars. Peo- ple usually get lost mo • easily in the sum- mer than they do in winter, because they find themselves in stranger places. Ih winter, anyone who • gets lost on his own street -or even five bloeks away, which is as far away as any sensible person gets lost in winter, will not benefit by looking at the stars. What he or she needs isa sympathetic cop. But in the summer, if you get stumbling on the beach perhaps looking for horseshoe crabs along about eleven o'clock in the even- ing you are quite likely to find youself tripp- ing over an old cigarette butt that you drop- ped half an hourbefore on your way home. Anyone's likely to do that, so don't get •downhearted -you're nobody's fool because if it is the last two weeks in July -providing you know what time of the month it is, look at the stars, the brightest one is upiter. Now, then you say, "What's Jupiter!" So far so good. Now, work backwkrd-NOT WALK ..;rte:.. tOta.Rib....4G' 11/4 A. '•1 .1s1[',.„6: ROUND 'N ABOUT With Martha Rathburn backward -and just say to yourself "Jupiter should be over our house a little to the left.” You will have to have figured this out before leaving home, but then, that is the fun of the thing. There will be so much figuring to do before you leave the house that you may not leave at all and then you won't get lost. Therefore, if Jupiter is right over your house and a little to the left, the thing for you to do now, is to walk carefully toward Jupiter and a little the right. This will land you nicely in the old North Creek! Or, if you happen to get lost during the middle of August, between the llth and the 21st, to be exact (don't count on it if it happens to be the 22nd) you must look for Venus. Venus is usually bright after sunset so lad your plans to get lost just after sunset. All you have to know is just what relation Venus bears to the spot you are headed for and Presto -there you are -LOST! of course, if you get lost indoors and can't find the bathroom, it will do you no good to stick your head out the window to look for a star. Nor can you count on the heavens if you find yourself lost in your own bed, with the foot- board where the headboard ought to be. In such emergencies as these, you will simply have to use your own wits. But in general there is no excuse for a good woodsman or a good mariner getting lost in the summer- time unless, of course, he wants to get lost. That can happen, too. Just think of all the fun you are missing, the people you are not ,meeting, the stories you are not hearing and the lies you won't have to make up for get- ting lost. Robert Ber)chley from away back about 1889 left me all this advice about getting lost and knowing when I was born I would be one that would take his advice and get lost often - especially in the summertime since I was to • darned smart to wander off iriihe winter. Now then, I just had to get all that off my chest, and I'm happy to tell you I had a wonderful weekend in Windsor with my relatives (I'm the oldest relative). In suim,•, mer more than half my relatives have bir- thdays in the summer (which is natural in most families) so this was a great big Birth- day Party at Doug and Madelines and we all love them for it. I wish I could have taken all of you. , Love Martha Boating deaths down Last year, boating related deaths fell 45 percent compared to 1985 when 100 people died on waterways patrolled by the On- tario Provincial Police. During the first six months of this year, 21 people have died in 14 separate boating accidents. In the first six months of this year 14 per- sons have been charged with impaired boating. Nevertheless, despite all the war- nings and vigorous enforcement, some boaters refuse to obey the safety rules and put themselves in mortal peril. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1987—PAGE 7 Lorraine Chamney and Dan Nicholson of The Park Housework -out in• preparation for the upcoming Perrier Waiters Race to be held at noon Sunday, Aug. 2. The first annual race is being sponsored by Perrier and The Park House and money raised from entry fees and pledges goes to the Lions Club to help handicapped children. Each waiter or waitress car- ries an open bottle of Perrier on a bar tray on a course that runs from The Park House, one lap of The Square and back. Winners (male and female) receive $100 and the entry fee is $5. Pledge forms are available at The Park House. Contestants must have five or more pledges to compete and a waiter with 20 or more is eligible for a trip for two to The Sands Inn, Gravenhurst.(photo by Ted Spooner) ..... _ _ _ ...... _ ....::.:::......, ..:: •:...,.... -,:: ... . -:-,. �..,..n,:. �.,:.z.¢- ,r.,..:.y.F!yh {.^.'2%�$��x,Y,';>iwJ✓ �> �q�?'e .;;.w%:�ifc;. <Z•eyi?r';;' `nr,.;`< >tiV'::.",?�,.,;• '.:t'.'�%.^"^' <..%'r'^" r..Z..i��i �'Gs» r.•.n�`;•. :<gx .. ...... ....:.. :..sirs,:>.:::::,.•:: s.:. :.. •::.. }„ , o. .. ..,.... ,..;:fi'.::': >o::a:r:... +: :. , `j?' Y2 ..: .. LY ULY 31st GHT PLUS 4 AL BIG DAYS WEDNESDAY -SATURDAY OF JULY 29th -30th -31st, AUG. 1st IDNIGHT I=DNESS lay, July 31st ®°'URBO. 31'� WASH BRUSH RowanRorn umMu.errr Drensu.r for cellem r ening results R659•455,12 Om Hag.. 1999. '':'J{{f•#�•;•;'.'1.tki.![':•':iii.:$.;';•'a"•?yihi:;)'i::;'^.�'s5 �:^,. �:`. �.'c}:;g::�'`5ii:'::: ........ 2':: fi:S.':::: ;:R:b::f 9:: �:;::i''::::•::'n:'%[,>.2::i!5./,.>:.:::`<'?:�o:.a'.:.'::4:;i:r"i';':.::ii:::;fs .::;; Fri. & Sat., July 31 - Aug. 1st 9 99 1E HARDWARE 528-3008 SIDEWALK SALE SPECIAL Summer Clothing 1/3 to 50% Off MIDNIGHT MADNESS Friday 6:00 P.M. - 10:00 P.M. 1 5 , , Off All MERCHANDISE not sale tagged Plus ,other sidewalk specials LUCKNOW VARIETY 81 DRY GOODS LUCKNOW528-2238 r rk i. nr <G` ' as L.S. BLOUSES 1400 2:1$24°.° r ' »" Y v:9 Hot Dog Days Z Hot Dog $ oo��r and Fries Midnight Madness 6:00 P.M. - Midnight Large Popcorn Reg. .79 Medium Slush Puppy Reg. .75 .59 .65 SUPER SCOOP LUCKNOW 528-3017 'MANY IN STORE SPECIALS* SHORTS 2O% - 50„%f, LUCKNOW CIjARMAN S 528-2526 IP 104, Our Annual UMMER $ALE Our Entire Spring and Summer Stock Has Been Reduced See our Sidewalk Specials July 29, 30, 31, Aug. 1 Extra Special Savings CeWATCH FOR �`,�� I Friday, July 31st Ladies Wear 6:00 PM- MIDNIGHT LUCKNOW 528-3320 UMBACH'S FOR SIDEWALK SALES WAMPOLE'S CHEWABLE 120's Vitamin { f C f 1 20 Bonus / ABWAISIM Friday July 31st 6:00 p.m. to Midnight CARLTON CLUB MAXWELL HOUSE Cola or Ginger Ale Ground Coffee 2 Litre 369 G. 1.25 2.99 Bain's Groceteria LUCKNOW 528-3420 ' 6y'kr/. f r Y 2" Stress Caps 99 & Iron 120's 5. WEBBER 400 UNITS Vitamin i6E11 100's 21,.94r 299 Duracell Batteries A.A. 4's 1149 LUCKNOW FOSTER GRANT Sunglasses 113 off EVEREADY Flashlight Sugar 'Ivin, 50 Packet 3.3r4X 29.9 499 4, n: /tr/:r >f /r // ,/ //r/ri r .Heti/. ;/%r/ : ,11/ N. iO /g ,. r J ..4.,,W f6, 4 ...Now JAN'S PLACE 528-4P0.4v..; .o : f •r� ll :/r / l //ii/5jrr / :"11. F'liO' 528-3020 Bob and Marg Finlay Quality And Discount Prices At Alt Times FI N LAY D[ OPATOP4 LUCKNOW - yr ;r V HOME DECORATING CENTRE pia V11d11� Drapetiece 528-3434 Fatalities and • • • injuries up Fatal accidents and personal injuries on roadways patrolled by the Ontario Provin- cial Police are up substantially in the first six months of 1987 as compared to the same period last year. In the first six months of 1987, 332 people died in 281 fataltraffic accidents. In the first six months of 1986, 306 people died in 262 fatal accident. This represents an 8.4 percent increase in the number of persons' killed and a 7.2 percent increase inthe number' of fatal accidents. The, number of persons injured rose 11 percent during the same period to 15,878 from 14,305and. the number of personal in- jury accidents was up 9 percent to 10,220 from 9,390. Overall, the number of ac- cidents reported on roadways patrolled by from teen to up5 percent O.P .P. was33,746 theP 32,112. .In an effort to combat these distressing trends and in order to save lives and reduce injuries on provincial roadways, the O.P.P. will continue its traffic enforce- ment program "strict is fair" throughout this summer with special emphasis on the upcoming civic holiday weekend. Card party held DUNGANNON DOINGS Marie Park, 529-7719 Company last week with Claude and Sandy Daoust, Cherrianne and Amy was Major andMrs. Lewis Ashwell of Win- nipeg Manitoba and Tom Round of Sarnia. ,The lady is Sandy's sister and Mr. Round is Sandy's father. * * * There were' 8 tables of euchre at the Seniors Centre on Wednesday evening. Jiigh man was Bill Kraul, low man Cliff Menary, high lady, Louise Brindley, low lady Bertha Olson. Congratulations to Jim and Sandra Rivett who celebrated their 25th anniver- sary on Saturday with a get together at their son Duane and daughter-in-law Nancy's on Saturday evening. Congratulations to the following July birthdays, Paul Chisholm, Todd Park, Lavonne Curran, Doug Culbert, Heather Ohm, Jordan Henry, Colleen Caesar, Catherine Brindley. Dungannon and Donnybrook Churches will be closed for the month of August while Reverend Roberts is on vacation: Nile Church will worship at 9:45 and Trini- ty at 11:15 with Reverend Dan Armstrong in the pulpit.. Reverend Armstrong is at the manse in Lucknow during this period. * * * The Willing Workers will enjoy a pool party at Linda Currans on Wednesday , evening at 7 p.m. * * * Little Jordan Henry celebrated his first birthday with a party on Sunday. Grampa and Gramma Bill and 'Marie Park attend- ed as well as Uncles Brad, Todd and Tom, Tim and Wanda Hodges and Cory and Elmer, Gail. Cook and Kevin. Also present were Grampa and Gramma Henry of Goderich and Glen and Ann Boyd of the Ripley area. * * * Company on Sunday with Mel Jones was Betty Marsh and Winnie Bell both of Goderich. * * Martha Bassence and' Peter Stewart of Stratford spent the weekend with Irvine and Colleen Eedy. * * * Colleen and Irvine spent a week at White Birches Resort near Algonquin Park with their son Bob and family. * Sympathy is extended to Joan Arm- strong and husband Tom on the death of her father Larry Iliseler of Wingham in his 82nd year on Saturday. Interment was in Wingham Cemetery on Tuesday.