The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-29, Page 64 - PAGE 6 —GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY° JULY 29, 1987 Communit Nowa • star. r:1 1' « a •a IA M 1 -. a 10 4 a4 ed 4, s 8 $ e Kees-jan Groen of the Netherlands, in Canada for Bruce Murray Lions International Youth Camp, stands between the family he is staying with -Mel and Dorothy Bogie of Goderich. Groen is one of 40 youths from countries all over the world, ranging in age from 16-21, who are on a four week tour of Canada. The youths stopped in at Art's Landscaping for a dip in the pool and a fish fry last week.(photo by Ted Spooner) Fun Day planned by Sunday school AUBURN Mildred Lawlor, 526-7589 LOCAL Mrs. Donald Oldrieve of Toronto (former- ly Betty Asquith of Auburn) called on Ellen o n Saturday. Philips Johnston and Laura . There will be no Church at Knox United Church for the month of . August but will resume again on September 6 at 10 a.m. Sorry to report that Rev. Carne, minister 'of the Missionary Chapel, is in a' London hospital. He is wished a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Jardin of, Port•Alber- ni, B.C., have returned home after spending holidays with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jardin. During their visit, a family picnic was held. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jardin and family, Mrs. Bonnie Armour and Julia and Miss Anne Marie Hanson, all of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. HarcIld Jardin of Belgrave.. Knox United .Church Sunday School will commence at 10 a.m. during.. -church hour starting September 6. A one -day Sunday School Fun Day will be held on Wednesday, August 12 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. for ages 4-12. Songs, crafts and stories will be the activities. For more information or if in attending interested e 'please phone Margo Middelkamp at 529-7785. BOYS MITE BALL TEAM The Auburn Boys Mite Team defeated the Goderich No.2 team July 22 with a score of 20-5. The Auburn team were strong at bat with home runs by Jonathan Collins, Ryan Chamney and Mrac Bricker. There was a strong team effort by Wilfred Datema, Joshua Foster, Shane Webster, Jason Rutledge, David Campbell, Fred Daterf4a, Benji Ilakkers, Shawn Hakkers, Michael Schneider and Michael Johnston. The boys remain undefeated this seasin. Their next game is against Colborne Township on July 29 at Benmiller. Auburn then plays Wednes- ' day, August 5 at home to Londesboro at 7 p.m. Bazaar and tea successful in Port Albert artiMAWILWANWSWEACt PORT ALBERT NEWS Christ Church annual Tea and Bazaar was once again a huge success with its various hand-crafted articles and most popular bak- ed foods. Thanks to all the ladies who make it possible each year. Deepest sympathies to the family of the late Elmer Draper. Elmer was a lifre long resident of Port Albert and will be sadly missed. Congratulations to Gary and Anita Taylor. The newlyweds will take up residence on' North Street in Post Albert • after a honeymoon in the Pocono Mountains. As the hottest summer in 22 years con- tinues, many area residents and vaca- tioners have been enjoying our lovely beach. A note to all parents, constant supervision is required to ensure a safe and happy summer. Many thanks to Louis Hartman for his voluntary time spent emptying the garbage cans at the beach. Everyone's help with this would be greatly appreciated. - - Gwen Fisher is nor reporting the Port Albert News and would appreciate being In- formed of the l atest ha enin s in our area. formedg pP She can be reached by calling 529-7821. F,igy youths from all over the world, in Canada for the Bruce Flurry Lions International Youth Camp, stopped at Art's Land- scaping for a dip in the pool and a fish fry last week. The youths range in age from 16-21 and are on a four week tour of Canada. Kees-jan Groen of the Netherlands is staying with a Goderich family-- Mel and Dorothy Bogie.(photo by Ted Spooner) Youths from across the world. meet in Goderich for swim and fish fry 61 Youths from all over the world, 40 of from Canada, Italy, France, Belgium, Goderich. them, were in Goderich last week at Art's Israel, Japan, Finland, U.S., Austria, Den- This marks the 26th year for the interna - Landscaping for a swim and a fish fry. mark, England, Rowanda (Africa, "anal camp and over 40,000 youth have They are in Canada for four weeks as Netherlands, Germany, and Switzerland. . participated. - part of the Bruce Murray Lions Interna- The camp is paid for by the International They have already been to Canada's tional Youth Camp. The youths take trips Lions Club and the youths stay with Lions Wonderland and Niagara Falls since they and are shown the culture of Canada. For members and other families in Canada. arrived and their tour continues. Youths many this is their first visit to Canada. Kees-jan Groen of the Netherlands is stay- • from Finland and -Japan will spend an ex - They range in age from 16-21 and come ing with Mel and Dorothy Bogie of tra two weeks in Canada. f.::.^•.;�}.^:< ' i'si<.};"a}:::: x::><i.<.2:::ii r•.>ix:E.i{:i; }>::e.r>::i>.g:;;: e•.:.r:x.:. .:Jv .:: 2i:;:;ai�;;iao:;''; .h,.;,:x;•'::: ,}.},:.:..... ... ...: ,: ,..:'^.'}....,:...:::::.: }:::..:: .% ...:'%x>.:..:<"�i.:"i:ii)`i �i•.::33iii>:'<'' }' , LUCKNOW Business Association Presents Craft Festival "FREE" Fries July 31, Aug. 1 t:i:'f.•i::?^;.;:;u:^.. :..y,.:::'••:E:> :itNi... :::Fg:f .f.. r }`tt:i^.;:'.';?..Jl:>. ' All Summer Fabric with every Burger, Purchased 11:00 AM -6:00 PM Friday & Saturday Buffy's Burger Friday, July 31 6:00 PM -Midnight All % LUCKNOW 528-3309 %. LUl:t11` LJW .,.4.. .f•J..%.: :.rrr fist?. •.:{ /« ¢ . �...s" ;.. , ...r .:. �.,;:.� :: >•:. �}rr:;;f,;rrrr><>-:::a�:: ,:,>.>'>; :::.>.r� r.%.r<:< r. r` u, ,• . « SPECIALS July 29, 30, 31, August 1 528-2000 LUCKNOW ,,r.. •xr c..r•�... r N ow Is The Time..... Children's Wear 20% o„ As Marked Royal Doulton Figurines Exquisite Crystal Royal Doulton Vases LUCKNOW Bulova & Caravelle Watches Wall Clocks Ladies° & Men's Stone Rings Jewellery, Gifts And Children's Wear OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEN -EVENING APPOINTMENTS 528.3940 528-3532 rr:'fr`534-.4.: All Summer Footwear Men's, Women's, Children's Sandals, Mocassins, White Shoes, Bone & Light Coloured Shoes LUCKNOW Les Petter Shoes 528-2011 9°x:-0:- �, > `y Sunpack Frozen Canada Grade "A" Large .Lemonade Eggs 4 .99.88 DOZ. Lucknow Village Market Priced Many More "IN STORE Specials" Catch a Falling Star during Midnight Madness 7:00 PM -12 Midnight SAVE 10%-50% of Regular Priced Merchandise LUCKNOW 528-3732 :?:uf✓!/rzf :u rf/5:•,+iif' f I�ff::,.f .,: : r ,, : f f i rl: 'r r iirr !/: ;r.G// i' } ;>,�.rr..f ,...%:r1/''/:f �.;lG/..,:r''.../.. i;. ,iif arra /r, r' ./' :i /i, / /%' 174,Y ;./ ...y. :J/� , !., :/ r r i, ,. /,. f <:�/;rr' /i' if i %r. ,r//;, r. // Y r• .r /. .:JJ:.� i,r.: «:nr%1. :..?:•f.Linr: / ..//' .>� : :/ /.1' .r�.. .1ri'�. /'� /. f%�.flr/� r /SG rli G / . ri .✓�/-�----�a-f' .:... /.�..,.,.y;,, .1z..1 .f.� f///r, i./r,i.�1i✓i�/%.1....� :.�..fG :f..%/ /i%/>/ % 528-3016 Sidewalk Days KORET-g Francisca One Price Balance LUCKNOW Midnight Madness Fall Separate Editions County Colours Corduroy 25% off 20 % off $4(,98 New ArrivalsO 0/A e Fall Sweaters off Lore&s Ladies Wear 528-3533 528.203.° `704:600