The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-29, Page 5. inion Reader disturbed by comments Dear Editor, After reading several times the article written by Joan Van den Broeck entitled "'Handicapped students to attend GDCI. A few of her comments regarding the educa- tional rights of our children I find rather disturbing espeeially with respect to the position she holds in our educational system. Her continent '`that they will be with students more their own age" should have read "with students their own age." Students who have been labelled developmentally handicapped have in the past attended Victoria School until the age of twenty-one. Therefore, GDCI would and will be age appropriate for peer group interaction. LETTER Further comments such as "GDCI priding itself in being an academic school and that mental transition from being "subject" minded to "student" minded will be an emotional cost for secondary teachers whose experience and expertise has been honed on students who were able to steer an academic course I find dis*essing. Am I led to believe that our teachers at GDCI are not `; student" minded? As a parent of a student presently attending our local high school I would hope some of the professionals would take extreme offence to that comment. I don't think "Congratulations" are in order for the staff accepting "this challenge". Each student is an individual and shaping of their future is a challenge whether they be labelled "Advanced, General, Basic, Young Offender or Developmentally Handicapped." If this is a "transition" period GDCI is going to be experiencing according to Ms. Van den Broeck then maybe it will be an advantage to all students who are in need of the educational support in order to be productive and contributing members of our society. Carol Wilson Canadian hospitaW abused reader says Dear Editor: Concerning the current Sikh "refugee" crisis in Nova Scotia, it should be noted that had the Mulroney govenment *had the resolve to promptly deport the first boatload, of Tamil "refugees" back to the Federal Republic of Germany, there would have been no reoccurance. This most recent shipload of so-called "refugees" proves that Canada has a two- tier immigration policy: one for those who follow the rules and wait in line, the other for those who ignore the rules and jump to the head of the line. Why did the latest boatload land in Nova Scotia and not in Maine next door? Because, unlike Canada, the United States has an ef- fective policy to defend its bord"r' •inr♦ tional sovereignty involving weeding out and deporting. Will the most recent shipload of so-called "refugees" be screened for Sikh terrorists? Will they receive a chest X-ray for tuber- culosis and .a blood test for AIDS? One doubts if Mulroney has the resolve to imple- ment even these Most. basic measures. Toronto is the ultimate destination for most of the "refugee" flotsam and jetsam washing up on Canada's Atlantic shores. However, Toronto, with its near -zero apart- ment vacancy rate, overcrowded road and public transit systems, depleted food banks, and jammed hostels and public housing, should be declared a refugee -free zone. Canadian hospitality has been grossly Royalty far from boring ear Editor: Is royalty boring? A recent editorial in the Signal -Star maintains they are. When .one considers the historical background of royalty, this is the highest compliment that one could attribute to them. Consider Henry VIII for one, George III and Edward VIII. To say these in- dividuals were boring would be the ex- aggeration'of the year. The fact that Europe is the home of so many deposed members of royalty, proves ,. in my mind that English royalty has something the others don't have. This particular characteristic was the fact that . they submitted themselves to democratic principles a long time ago. If the royalty of France had done the same thing, they very well might still have been in office. To say that the overall picture of royalty is boring, is ludicrous. If it wasn't for a Scotch lady, Elizabeth Bowes Lyon, our present royalty would not be here. The Rowes Lyons can trace their family back to King Robert Bruce of Scotland: When one considers the turmoil . and upheavel that existed in the past concern- ing royalty, to refer to them now• as being boring would be one of the highest com- pliments that one could pay them. Their standard of morality in regards to marriage being monogamous is to be ad- mired and respected. To follow their ex- ampje would be to avoid social disease. . Sincerely, N.J. Minaker HARBOR REPORT Book planned The Algorail arrived at the Goderich Harbohr from Windsor, light for salt, on July 15 and cleared for Parry Sound the next day. • The Agawa Canyon arrived from Sarnia, . light for salt, on July 16 and cleared for Duluth on July 17. The Algorail arrived from Sarnia, light for salt on July 21 and cleared for Burns Harbour the same day. The Manitoulin arrived, for the first time in Goderich, from Sault Ste. Marie on July 27. The Ontadoc arrived from Thunder Bay, with grain, on July 21, and cleared for Thunder Bay, light, the next day. The Ontadoc arrived from Thunder Bay with grain on July 26 and cleared for Coll- ingwood with a part load the same day. Dear Editor: The No.. 570 squadron of -the Royal Cana- dian Air Cadets in Edmonton is planning to publish a history book and hold a reunion as part of its 35th anniversary celebrations. The squadron is currently seeking , past cadet and civilian members in order to en- sure that both projects; include as many peo- ple' as possible. If you have ever been associated with the • 570 squadron, Todd Ross, the corp's public . relations man, would, like to speak with you. Call Todd in Edmonton at 473-6229. Your - participation is important. Share your memories of the squad by contributing to the history book and meet old friends at the reunion. Deadline for inclusion in the 35th anniver- sary history book is August 30. The reunion• will be held next summer.- , abused. Canada should withdraw the welcome mat. No more refugees. At all. Period. KING'S BOOK & GIFT SHOP Just off the Square on East Street, Beside the Post Office. Your,44012.44.1, Community Card Shop *Greeting Cards "Party Wore •Office Supplies •Books a Gifts •Wedding Stationery ugust 2, 1987 at"12:go p.m. Sign-ups, Saturday, August 1, 1987, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. at St. Christopher's Beach 6 members per team (9 maximum) 2 girls a must. Registry Fee: $2.00 per person "So bring a team, and CASH PRIZES AWARDED join in some fun" o0l3ROV'I�I±�E'5��iE� 4 4 4 4 4 4 a 4 4 169 BEECH ST., CLINTON 482-7030 OPEN AT 3:30 P.M. • FIRST SHOW AT DUSK THIS WEEKEND: FRI.-SAT.-SUN., JULY 31, AUGUST 1-2 113 , r• , 15, I. 1 ''f 13111it1n1.15, Guess who's playing looter? 4 4 4 4 PrA\SInorPHrtrRr\Pitrtihr,8\ACIrVrll\PpnTlntrrll\ r11A13\brPinithi4 1111 tnrononitne rrnlAtocrw4A Crr1AUUSNtArr\KNnrr (808 rtratiar.nt`rnnur (11,r\r •t..RN t.L AN 1 , ,nvC yr b`. ,Fi ,V,1rC tt 15` WARMING: Hlolanca, Horr rtl'Y.It,t9, mon as WARNING: Pru$a1 Vlalanca T.0.0. 111- 41t11PY DEAD BY DAWN 0 Sincerely, F. Paul Fromm Research Director for Citizens for Foreign Aid Reform Inc. 1 1 1 ,, I /1 1,4 1.11'11.1'A11.01•1•411•11•,1. 1 '1 •411••;hl,l ,• r• . 111 ,, µ ,•s 111` 111L-.1 I;. ., 11 1.1 ,1. . . YFi.• , •1„•. 1 .Inn i •nrn , , Y • 1111, 11 '•,'• i1•'IT' • 111♦ „''i ,• . ....•/./11‘.•;....•/./11‘.rtt Il114lfi.; Ir1`11•'• • . 1:•11„1, 1111 11 I •.,,1 �I I . t:, Dear Editor: . A TOAST FOR TYGER There is a tomb Sitting at the top of a -hill, Looking over a fine vista. One can only marvel - This quiet, seemingly desserted spot Hints strongly of our past. Concealed,.. it welcomes no one, But by dusk, all. A token, A• slab, Concrete and engraved stone,, Angled and surrounded, Protests and •proclaims A mocked existence. Don't remember me! Climb, a climb . Exertion to peer„ So what! It's just a stone. Hake a beer? E. J. Cardno, Seaforth - GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1987—PAGE 5 BEACH VOLLEY:ALL Come out and play volleyball the south end of Christopher'' Beach every Thursday evening 7:00 - 9:00 pin. For more information call 5244221 after 5 p.m. 1985 MAZDA 626 A Super Buy.... 4 Door Deluxe Model. well equipped w11n Automatic; Power Steering, Power Brake', AM/FM Stereo. Velour Interior, Remote Trunk Release Only 21.000 Kin One. Owner! Stock No 718 „$103950a Call Bruce today at MW MOTORS 184 East Street, Goderich 524-2113 VOLVO • MAZDA Take a good look at your pictures. At Carnpbell's we know how important your pictures are. The proof is in the print The best they can be! �" Care and Quality in film developing does mike - a difference. It just takes more time, not more money. Royal Bank Block THE SQUARE Goderich 524-7532 DESKTOP .PUBLISHING DEFINED Appointments are now being received for demonstrations on jJesktop, Publishing. These group sessions are designed for a limited number allowing for your personalized business needs. Glen Machan Computer Consulting & System Support (Logic Aboard) provides ongoing training and support in all aspects of Micro Computer applications. 524-6822 248 Britannia Road West Goderich, Ontario >yl JUST ARRIVED In time for the 140th Anniversary of the Goderich LlghthO'L!se . Limited En Collector*Plate Goderich -Li (thous Series three ONLY 3495 Available Exclusively at Bluewater Photography & Frame Shoppe • 41 West St., Goderich 52402801 28$1