The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-29, Page 3District News Church spreads word. on Constituti Anyone taking a walk on The Square, Monday, could have had the chance to test their knowledge of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, courtesy of a Toronto-based religious organization. Toronto taxi driver Don Moore, a volunteer director of the Church of Scien- tology's community campaign was con- ducting a curbside quiz on the Constitution at the corner of Hamilton Street and the Square. People correctly answering the four questions on the quiz were eligible for a draw for a book on the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Moore said the church began it's awarness campaign about three years ago, after conducting a survey which in- dicated "an appalling lack of interest," in the charter among Canadians. Scientologists are "concerned about human rights and human rights violations, particularly .the rights of mental pa- tients," said Moore. Moore said his church believes the pre- sent charter is "a very good charter. Not perfect – but very good, and people should be made aware of it". Moore -feels it is the "responsibility of each Canadian to at least get a copy of the charter, read it, become familiar with it 'and be on the look out for violations". Moore said he, and other volunteers have been across Ontario, visiting both small and large centres, with their quiz. Next fall, he said, they hope to take their„. awareness program across the country. So far, he said, they have given out over 50,000 copies of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to Canadians. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR. WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 1987—PAGE 3 WE STOP LAWN OISEAE. Available only from the Lawn Experts: PLUG CORAERATION TM A MUST FOR YOUR LAWN! Plug Coraeration TM is the removal of Thatch and Soil to allow proper water, air and fertilizer penetration and to promote disease resistance! CALL THE LAWN EXPERTS SMITH'S FARM & GARDEN CENTRE David Moore, a Toronto taxi driver- and member of the Church of Scientology was in Goderich, Monday, handing out a curbside quiz on the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to passerbys. Moore said his church is attemptingto make Canadians more aware of their rights under the consitution. 1 photo by Patrick Raftis I Sweeney announces increased funding for aged John Sweeney, Minister of Community .and Social Services, recently announced a $14 -million annual funding increase, for municipal and charitable homes for the ag- ed in the province. d "This additional funding is intended to help administrators and their staffs to meet, in a more equitable way, the. growing finan- cial demands of their services. to seniors," said Mr. Sweeney in making the announce- ment. "'The funding is intended as an in- terim -measure until the Government of On- tario completes the province -wide study of extended care now being undertaken. Throughout the years, inequities and disparities in funding have become ap- parent, and we are working towards correc- ting these." In Ontario, there are 88 municipal homes for the .aged with 18,653 beds, and 93 charitable homes with 10,166 beds. All will benefit from a 5.5 per cent rise, retroactive to January 1, 1987, in the basic daily amount paid for extended and residential care. This annual increase means an added $7,$83,200 CIVIC CORNER • Goderich Town Council will hold a special meeting on Wnesday, July 29, at 11:45 a,m. in the wn Hall council chambers. Administration and Personnel and Parks and Waterfront committees will hold a joint meeting at 12 noon on Wednes day', July 29 in the council chambers. Committee of Adjustment will meet .at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, July 29 in the council chambers. Tiger Dunlop Days Committee will meet on Thursday, July 30 at 12 noon in the coun- cil chambers. for municipal homes, and an added $3,200`,200 for charitable homes. The announcement also provides funding for extended care, beds to municipal and charitable homes that become accredited. This accreditation funding is expected to cost the province approximately $860,000 within the next few 'years. "I am convinced that accreditation brings with it a justifiable sense of pride in achieve- ment. It also creates a feeling of confidence on the part of those who seek an assurance of high-quality care," Mr. Sweeney said. For charitable homes only,. the increased funding includes a raise in subsidy under the Charitable Institutions Act to provide an im- proved level of care for the residents, effec- tive October 1, 1987. This- means extended care services in a charitable home will be increased by an annual total of $1,621.400. Also in charitable homes only, certain ex- isting programs will now receive enhanced funding, effective April 1, 1987. Included are programs that assist residents to maintain and improve their physical and psycho- social well-being as well as staff develop- ment programs. The additional annual fun- ding amounts to $569,700. The interim measures announced by Mr. Sweeney were endorsed by Ron Van Horne, Minister for Senior Citizens' Affairs. "I am really pleased that this funding is now in place," Mr. Van Horne said. "It will begin to address some of the concerns which, I personally know, are shared by many Ontarians." The Ontario government is in the process of examining closely the' Homes for the Ag- ed and Rest Homes act, the Charitable In- stitutions, Act and the Nursing Homes Act, which govern the provision of extended care services. An Advisory Committee, chaired A INVESTMENTS BEST RATES FINANCIAL CENTRE Goderich 519-524-2773 1-800-265-5503 i3/8 % 1 Year G.I.C./ 5 Year G.I.C. All Deposits INSURED Within Limits Ar GO G ETTL�,R o�Oubf in— FINE FURNIILRE B•E•D•D• I°N•0 SIM MONS ON THE MAIN STREET OF DUBLIN 343-2,250 e• (")PEI"' N1c,ndav to Saturday kl: y.0:00 Thursdl:w and Friday night l'ntil 0:0' by Robert Welch, former Deputy Premiet of Ontario, has invited submissions from ser- vice providers and community groups. Committee members are now reviewing the many documents that have already been received. Complete Accessories for the FINEST BATHROOMS TOWELS BY FIELDCREST * MARTEX * WABASSO (white sale prices for a limited time) 90 Wellington St. Stratford 273-2203 �. • • • • ••• Thanks to all our customers, your patronage has be ap- preciated over the past year. Thank -you ---TanImY Ellison to our qualified staff. For this hot weather Tal specializes in 11 types of dif- ferent braids. 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