The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-15, Page 25a Comrnuni *Entertainment *Feature *Religion 4 Family *More SECTION GODERICH, ON1 AR1O;WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1987 ft Blowout at the beach 3 Sun and sand was the order of the day as St. Christophers' Beach was again the site of the Goderich Beach Blow Out. The full day of activities included a limbo contest, expertly demonstrated here by Doug- Ryan (top). No beach party would be complete without a Wildest Shorts Contest and you must admit, the shorts (right) were certainly wild. People flocked to the beach on Saturday to escape the heat and have a little fun. Some sat while others worked up a thirst with a day long volleyball tourney (lower right). Some , of the youngsters, when they weren't swimm- ing, tried their hands at golf. Here, Liana Atfield shows unusual form as she makes the putt (lower left). Free windsurfing lessons were offered all day as part of the Beach Blow Out as various instructors took their turn at passing along tips. Lloyd Crawford (left) listened intently to instructor Paul Castle and by the end of the day was challenging the breezes of the har- bour. (Photos by Rob Bundy) r ILI i M . THOMAS Strange but true column ideas on way The second most -asked question I get in this business is "Where do you get your artiele ideas?" The most asked question I get is "Have you found a real job yet?" The most -asked question is asked by my mother at 8:15 every Monday morn- ing when she calls to give me a pep talk that generally outlines the average in- come of her chiropractor and how when it rains in Foothill they just move the town inside his house. The second most -asked question was asked of me a wee4k ago Wednesday by a man who read an article I wrote last year "entitled -How to Survey Your Own Land which contained a number of typos. This man now lives in his pickup truck in the General Motors einployee parking lot off Ontario Street in St. Catharines. P Well, nobody's perfect and besides the man's bitterness was noticeably abated when upon hearings of his misfortune I did a follow-up article entitled: Squatters Have Rights Tool • Newspapers are' always trying to at. tract new readers and "How To" type ar- ticles, known as "keepers" in the "biz" are big this year. Here then' are a few "How To" features I'm Working on atthe moment. Build Your O*n Profane Gas Con- verter for $39:95: This is a,joint venture Mat Murray the Cop and 1 have been working ori for a i couple of years now. Essentially it imVolves cutting a hole under the driver's seat and attaching 4" flex hose to a 40-gPlllon holding tank in the trunk of your .ear. Converting . from gasoline,xo this method is relatively sim- ple, and many say' the car runs smoother and with less exhaust fumes. People us- ing .this system are encouraged to con- sume massive ailnounts of .warm beer and salty peanuts before undertaking a long journey. WWVe!.think that if this new energy source is as successful as early experiments indieate, Gulf and Texaco will be pumping draft beer out of the sta- tions by the end df the decade. Euell, Euell, You Danged Old Fool is a nutritional advicle piece complete with recipes that details all the junk food that naturalist Euell Gibbons ate the day before he died. Build Your Ostn Adobe Home out of . Leftover Coffee Grounds and Crazy Glue. Self-explanatory. Breeding Halrlequin Danes with Chihuahuas for Cash and Lots of Laughs ,is the personal success story of a Wainfleet chicken farmer who never watched TV and was thus forced to create his, own form of entertainment. Complete ith actual photographs, this article may offend some Schnauzers. Create Your Own Greenhouse from Scratch is a short and punchy piece for people who hate gardening and just want to have a greenhouse, I provide color swatches and direct you to the best deal on paint brushes. Emergency "how to" pieces are the jiiggest attention getters and Zi ear Mending on Public Transit is the - kin of article every adult should staple to the in- side of his or her overcoat. This in-depth two part series asks the probing ques- tion, "Why pay the high -peace of embar- rassment when a pair of needle -nose pliers and a can of DW40 can cost as little as $6.00?" Some upcoming short and snappy "One pagers" as we call them are: Protective Outerwear for Slam Danc- ing with Short Stout people Thorold on $5 and $10 a Day Earn Extra Cash in Your Sparc Time Simonizing Alaskan King Crabs Raising Baby Chicks in the Headboard of Your Bed How to Fix a Flat without Stopping Tapping Old Furniture for Maple Sugar Assemble Your Own Automobile from Odds and Ends Now in Your Garage Macrameing Live Farm Animals from DNA - Curing Insomniacs with Travel Slides and Personal Anecdotes Making Christmas Wreaths out of Nuclear Waste and Holly Using Parapsychology to Rid Your Pet of Ticks and Fleas Carp — The Fish of the Future Make a Homemade Fire Escape from Navel Fluff Decorating Easter Eggs on the Inside Making Tasty After -Dinner Mints from Those Little Balls of Toothpaste That C1- ing to Your Sink IMPORTANT: All the aforementioned ideas are original and many have patents pending. Fully copyrighted, any reproduction of this material in whole or it t part without express written consent of the publisher is illegal and offenders will be forced to lunch with a Progressive Conservative. NCI