The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-15, Page 20ci Page 2 permaiougozgatrat.V.T.',.",?.4.,,, " -,-*vimerlyty Now is the time to enjoy a Gyros ... which is becoming one of America's popular "fast food items." Gyros is a blend of delicious, savoury meat seasoned with herbs and broiled to perfection, then served with grecian sauce, onions, tomatoes and Pita bread. Try it and you'll be back for more! SMORGASBORD - Thursday - Sunday "PATIO NOW OPEN" - SLJNCO sr &inmost, Mil!, Godorlott,..". 524-9226 '4 • Licenced Under 14.116. Restaurant & Tavern r'—'411,411111110g5"— "24c9,000,61" 1. 11 ummer Stock Bathing Suits, Shorts Dresses 9 Sltdrts, Nightwear (exciuding Lingerie) Walk into Hot Summer Savings at.. Suncoast Mall, Goderich 524-4422 %\ \W A\• \\•\\\ \ \ A\ V er 6iiiss PANTS CASUAL PANTS. SPORT JACKETS 1Y . . j T. SRTHIS ,,,.... PRICE SHORT. SLEEVE SPORT SHIRTS .4 't,\WINa 4 AT LEAST Reg. to $32500 •