The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-15, Page 19Cts • • oderich watt%ttillatr.X.M=514,..:J.", st.e,etn4,6 • se, , Supplement to. the Goderieh Signal4tur, the Clinton Ne • the &dorm Huron Expositor and thelLuelmow Sentinel, Weduesday, July 15, 1987, e. A14, . 4‘. STARTS WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1987 -• 441 .:. 0 Beat the Heat ... Shop Suncoast Mall! Open 9 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday until 6 p.m. A&P OPEN MONDAY - SATURDAY 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. 1 SUNCOAST RESTAURANT OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY 8 a.m. to 9 p.rn. SUNDAYS 10 a.m., - 8 p.m. mermumisammumuminimonmeemesmaNWrom. aillmaionowelmonml= MIMIMMINNIMmmINNIMIrniNIMMEINIMININIONIN nons MMININIMENI ONEMI=Ilim MNomionsimminionammilamoiNNW/ONNINlimon .111111MIM WEIIINIMMimmoonniliM1/111111/111111.NONIONiemMINIMMINOmminnin MEI nEMMInsnamimmeN.MINIMMMI.O• .. ; IMMON2=1M4.00111=111MMIINMEN=1111•INIONIMMININNMmommwmim 011.111/MNENEUO•olmionimman•Nin mmImImMMINNninommOdiMnaiNimenaeanswInOrnolimminn MiNOKM•tni..11M.M..Mmimmne•MINIamMeNim•me■MOIMs”mimmumenOOMMIIIMNIM•nmaltammilmoNlioninimminmN ww/MMI•IWNPN•MIMMININIMMISMM WOO SIMIIIMMININNIKAIIIMMOIROMOMMIONNII.Mmannomemmanim•MINOMMMIONEMINININI NINIINian•miNlienaliMMONNONMAMMIIIININIIUMINIminannuMtonomM...MINIIS "Come in and browse anmnd. You'll find lots of indoor specials also.'' OFF Special "Red Tag" Items SUNCOAST GREETINGS SUNCOAST Goderich 524-4938 or of , 0 A f1 ,. 7 E.' V Z 0 4 IPP/Z•94, , , , , , , ,„. , , , .;,,., „ , , A , , , A , 0 , , , , , , . , _,,,.. ,„, , Vvr,71,,,,A0,0,,,,,, J.,„,,,,,,,,,.... ,;,,,,,,,,,,„,.,„94,0.,,,,,,,,,,,,„,„ 4..51-----,,,,c40',.4:4? ...4DP.'i CZZe\ ''',04.4''' ,...•..* k 6, 49 t tj,....tp.....Z.,....111.1110,42..‘744. 0.4 ,..,::. ' 4 ... ..3>..tt t .41 7.7d r kr"M I C '411,4„,4174.....*7 ‘ '.0),...ri .4"61 e PI T;t: .. '4.4.... . 4, %.0.74....7:11t147 , .ligOZ .911; ,Ct..."?.....4....,-40:04/•Sib,..4144%. ..,. ........z.,"41,4t0 °, c4,04......%,44,,,..i.„1.4.1447%.14t,Nutritt,.."..„,,,V.Zyit:Vat, '‘ 4 4 11,4k1 t Ttgl' $Tr , -rip#) ovAr,or4v,eQ V% t.\;,.....ztv,..„-,,,,,I,...._‘• A k 4.0,,,,o,0 -1A..."06'.4.," ..a.,......0,,,,,,,,.....0,10.--= CVVV`itl'ilqkOws"-....?ffiemifor.,,a*Vt.,,,2•So Q:t.. ;;"?*' L'''‘‘?.0tOtfll'ile."17.."'''...$;:11'-‘t's,1,1* c..4 0a;,larrAt 001,011.101'4‘• 776 ,4 7:6 ,•"' et f:arfr-'414,. ti h P:lki t4 6'C 1 6 i 5' Crafty - Sidewalk Specials L. All Cotton Yarns ............ Discontinued Yarns laceocatt00000,30008•ea•effe• I 50,0 OFF 400,0. OFF We carry a full line of Craft Supplies & Lottery Tickets Suncoast Mall, God rich .4o UNISEX HAIRSTYLING NA Yes ... now after servicing the community for years. Centennial has opened a beautiful new showroom in the Suncoast Mall. frz, cstal Visit us now and see our display of Replacement / Windows, Siding, Florida Rooms, and More! • 40;ai40P,O.4.1* CENTENNIAL Home Renovations Ltd. REPLACEMENT WINOQW AND SIDING SPECIALISTS 524-5411 ("IN AT THE SUNCOAST