The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-15, Page 11Feature Local students become business owners BY YVETTE ZANDBERGEN Opening an ice-cream shop and marketing pigs are two different business ventures but in the case of two area students, it means the same thing, an ex- citing summer in • owning their own business. Through the Ontario Ministry of Skills Development's Student Venture,Capital pro- gram, Mary Anne Franken and Chris Starkey got the chance to run their own businesses. Through the program, a student can get an interest-free loan of -$3,000 to help start a summer business. It all starts with a good business idea, then it is reviewed with the local Chamber of Commerce who gives pro- fessional advice. This is sent to the ministry and after their approval, the wheels are set into motion. THe loan must be paid back by October 1. Chris Starkey, 21, got a $2,000 loan and took over an abandoned ice cream kipsk. The loan allowed. Chris to.make the needed rengvations to the kiosk,sgch,?s new plumb- ing, repainting and rewiring the electrical circuits. The loan was used to buy the ice ,ream (15-17 flavours), which he buys from local wholesalers and for cashflow for the -, payroll. Chris' initial average sales were $500 a week. He has created jobs for one full-time and one part-time student who he hired through the local Canada Employment Centre. ., Chris began wondering why the shop didn't open last year and got the idea to open it himself. He was told the building would be " demolished unless something was done with it so Chris applied for the loan and got .his wish. Business has been especially good lately because of the public schools children out for the summer. He currently attends Wilfred Laurier University and will be entering into his third, year of Honours History. His future plans in- clude one year of Teacher's College with the possibility of entering into Journalism. As for Tin Roof Ice Cream, he plans on expan- cling next year by making it into an ice cream parlor citing Dairy Queen on a smaller scale as an example. Tin Robf Ice -Cream is located at Suncoast Mall, near highway 21 in Goderich. Mary Anne Franken's venture was buying 24 Weaner pigs to market in the fall. She got a $3,000 loan and bought the pigs at $60 each and plans on selling them once they were 70 pounds. She estimated receiving $1 per pig. Mary Anne said she's interestecI„in farm- ing, because she likes the country and the animals are easy to work with. She got the idea to become part of the pro- gram through a friend. Her future plans in„ elude possibly attending Grade 13 and she may continue her venture next year if the results prove worthwhile. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1987—PAGE II MUSTANG ORI V E -IN OPP STATION. c ft®M 0 i Z# GRAND OPENING \4i of Lassaline Farm Market & Orchards WEDNESDAY, JULY 15tIi, 1987 INSTORE - OUR OWN FRESH SWEET CORN AND EARLY PEACHES Also Available: Field tomatoes, new potatoes, cauliflower, broccoli, spanish onions, baby carrots, plums, nectarines, green & yellow beans, Pine River cheese, apple butter &'cider, maple syrup. There are still Sour Cherries to Pick! GODERICH hh'y NOR®H 6-) LASSALINE o FARM MARKET and . ORCHARDS BAYFIELD OPEN: Mon. - Sat. 8 am - 6 pm Sundays 1 pm - 6 pm Mary Anne Franken with the,,h elp of the Student Venture Capital program, purchased 24 Weaner pigs for marketing in the fall. Mary Anne received a $3,000 loan which went to pur- chasing the pigs and feed. Here is Mary Anne feeding some of her pigs.(photo by Yvette Zandhergen) LASSALINE FARM MARKET ANd ORCHARDS 5.6 mile south of Goderich (past the Drive-ln), Conc. 3 & 4 of Goderich Twp. Follow the Signs. 524-7772 "Dedicated to Your Total Satisfaction" Meet the Sales Experts! Dennis Demerling Tony Johnstone What makes them experts you ask? One thing, Experience! Before becoming.President of Suncoast Ford. Dennis spent 17 years in the automotive industry. Starting as a Salesman, Dennis progressed to used car manager (for 8 years) and then General Sales Manager both at Steven's Mercury Ltd. in Kitchener. What bet- Aer qualifications. • Tony's sales experience although not gained in the automotive industry, does span a vast 18 years and was acquired, for the most part, in the local area. Drop in today and see why they're the experts. TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT Notice is Hereby Given that the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Hullett will be meeting on Tuesday,°Ju- ly 28, 1987 at 8:00 p.m. in open session at the Council Chambers to fill the office of Councillor. This is to fill a vacancy on council due to the resignation of a member of council: Any elector of the Muncipality who is in- terested in serving as a council member for the remainder of the current term, and who is qualified to do so, should notify the clerk in writing prior to 4:30 p.m. local time, on Monday, July 27th, 1987 in order to be considered by coun- cil at the above mentioned meeting. Harry Lear, Clerk -Treasurer PERM SPECIAL $38 includes ' perm.. cut. .tTlowdry \Kith TRUDY or MARIE from July 8 -July 29 "Please Request Perm Special" hair c�c�rfriection 524-4677 Go A The Square Goderich Chris Starkey, 21, took the initiative and opened up Tin Roof Ice Cream through the Student Venture Capital Program. Chris received a loan for $2,000 from the Ontario Ministry ,of Skills Development in co-operation with the Ontario Chamber of Commerce and the Royal Bank of Canada. Here Chris sells an ice-cream cone to customer Don Keeler from Scar- borough.(photo by Yvette Zandbergen) - THE ROYAL CANADIAN NAVAL ASSOCIATION proudly presents THE i• GODERICH 160th. ANNIVERSARY .' TIGER DUNLOP DAYS "CLUB -A -DUB -DUB COMPETITION (A CC oiflest for Ho e —orrstructe 1 Vessel !! Saturday, August lst at approximately 3:30 p.m. Town Beach, Goderich Contestants Please Note: Entries must be forwarded no later than Satur- day, July 25th to George Woodall, Secretary, RCNA Huron County, 30 Britannia Road E., Goderich, Ontario. For More Information phone 524-7568. THURSDAY NIGHT (July 16) 7:30 p.m. Goderich Raceway is host to the Ontario- Sires Stakes for two-year-old trotting fillies. Its o great way to spend a summer evening. Goderich Raceway is Iotated on McDonald St. in Goderich. EVERYONE WELCOME! Phone (519) 524-6641 for further information .ae 'LINCOLN J SUNCOAST FORD MERCURY SALES Huron Rd., God is 524-8347 Step Back in .Time with your entry in the... Goderich 160th Anniversary Tiger Dunlop Days HISTORIC PARADE Sunday, August 2nd 2:G0 p.m. ��h'., a✓r'i4'";tw.J ..:...-'.. ,, w .. ::.. .yti !`. Sri': ENTER TODAY! Suggested Entries: Horse a Horse Drawn Antique VelllCleS (Cars. Tractor~. Graders) Historic 6 Antique Display Floats Other Participants Welcome too! ENTRY FORM If you or your club, business or organization would like to enter this parade, please complete this form. NAME PHONE ADDRESS.. CLUB OR ORGANIZATION TYPE OF ENTRY Goderich Tourism Office 1Yiai11o: 57 West St., Goderich. N7A 2K5 Registration Deadline: Friday. July 24th For further information phone 524-6600 or 524-2513