The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-15, Page 10PAGE ler- GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JIFY 15, 1987 Track and field winners at Victoria Public School were awarded medallions on the last day of the school year. The winners include: Ryan Pollock, intermediate boys; David Holl- ingworth, midget boys and. Michael Vessey, junior boys. Pictured in the back row are: Lisa Adamson, intermediate girls; Kerry Kennedy, midget girls and Teri Duckworth, junior girls winner. (photo by Dave Sykes) District News Colborne residents visit in North Bay Mr. and Mrs. R. Buchanan visited with their Mr. and Mrs. Ron Walsh, their daughter and her family in North Bay last week and while there Mrs. Buchanan at- tended the 90th anniversary of the FWIO held at North Bay. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. R. Buchanan over the weekend were members of their family Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan from Acton; Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan from Puslinch, Guelph district; Mr, and Mrs. R. Buchanan of St. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Barry Buchanan of Clinton. Mrs. Jean (Walter) Clements and son Jack and Rev. Peter Walter all formerly of Colborne visited relatives and friends in the district over the weekend and attended Knox Presbyterian Church service in the morning and later attended a family gather- ing at Benmiller Inn. It is a joy to meet former friends and we welcome them to Goderich. Mrs. Beatrice Geiger of Zurich visited with her sister Mrs. G. Kaitting iroderich last week. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Elliot had the pleasure of a visit from their daughter and 4111111111.1111111111.111 GOLBORNE CORN F Gertrude Keitting, 524-2076 husband, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Schwarz of Wantagh, N.Y. Tiger Dunlop WI. Present and former members of Tiger Dunlop Women's Institutes observed heritage Day arranged by I stitute co- ordinator Mrs. Dorothy Feag• , at their June 25 meeting. .Ladies met,,in the reception r om at the Benmiller Inn at 2 p.m. and all joyed a friendly visit. The president, Mr . Stella Reaburn, opened the meeting welcomin 11 who then joined in repeating the ry Stewart Collect. The secretary, Mrs. M ie Buchanan, read an interesting article rega ding the happenings leading up to the establishing of the Benmiller Inn, and members answered the roll call in various ways such as telling of an interesting hap- pening years ago in the district; showing a keep sake, such as a piece of jewellery; copy of Tiger Dunlop's will; information on articles of furniture once owned by Tiger Dunlop and now on display in the Goderich Musetun; a woolen blanket made years ago at enmiller Woolen Mill, all of which were ex llent pieces of conversation. The ladies then posed for a picture on the patio which was shown in the ignal Star Ju- ly 4 edition. While relaxing'. to enjoyable music and a tasty lunch, Mrs. Margaret Taylor, president of the Huron West District Women's Institute, brought greetings and readian article on the founding of the first in- stitute meeting -in Stoney Creek in 1897. A tour to view the fascinating im- provements to the once Pfrimmer's chopp- ing mill ended an enjoyable celebration and the next meeting of Tiger Dunlop Women's Institute will be held if possible at the Maitland Valley Conservation Area in the `form of a picnic on Thursday, July 23 at 2 0 To your nearest Hensall Co-op Elevator and get guaranteed fast, efficient service backed by over 50 years experience ALSO HANDLING- • White Beans Soybeans • Corn Hcnsall District C�-operativc Men�all Seeiforth Varna 262-3002 Office 527-0770 482-5650 Elevator 527-2624