The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-15, Page 5inion re o target Star reports were p Bruce Shaw Exeter Mayorsays that receive so much publicity. The needs of the towns and villages are not the same as the needs of the townships. What is re- quired, therefore, is an appropriate blen- ding of expertise from urban and rural sources. We can't afford the stupidity of an urban -rural split on decisions of in attitudes within the county. Does Exeter want to secede? Of course not! But without a public exploration of all the options open to us, how can we stress to the County that at least one municipality is not satisfied with the system. We bear no ill - will to any of the partners in the `system' but the partnership must recognize that all is not well. Many thanks for the stimulation offered through your articles and letters to the editor: Dear editor, At our last council meeting I commended your paper and CKNX-TV for their handling of the challengesihe towns face with regard policing. Today I compliment you and your paper on the insight you offered in this week's paper concerning government in Htlron County. You were on target when you talked of the frustration felt by those of us who really do care about our County and our municipalities. Besides the obvious enthusiasm we have for sports, Goderich and Exeter have much in common. One of those areas lies in the dedication of our county reps and mayors to perform well in the best interests of those they represent. We all see the need for change about us, and we are prepared to ex- press our views openly to effect that change. Our county reps vote from the perspective of what is the right thing to do on issues brought before them; they never vote to LETTERS please others or to avoid offense. Every intelligent person who looks at the operation of County Council can see the need for reform. In Exeter, we saw the need to be progressive, and we now invite suggestions to improve our effectiveness. On the other hand, whether true or not, the impression left with many of us is that County Council resents and attempts to block reform; any change that comes about seems .to be the result of a battle. Exeter Council and the mayors have sub- mitted briefs to the Task Force on county reform, and the theme of both is to bring an element of reason to bear on the problems Yours truly, B.F. Shaw Mayor Town of Exeter Council should not have passed motion Dear editor, With reference to the letter, Hadon ap- plauds motion, concerning no nukes in Goderich, I would like to comment on Elsa's applause. 1. To establish, describe and support an abstraction e.g. a symbolic gesture, is a task without end because you cannot tell the point at which it has been described nor can one be sure of the amount of support that will be needed to make it fly. Therefore, the great length of the opus, under question, is Signal should take reality pill Dear Editor, I would like to know if the Goderich Signal -Star is that hard up for front page news headlines, "music festival sparks eight noise complaints." Come now, headline makers, let's take a reality pill or something. I've heard more noise com- plaints sparked' from local house parties. I'd like to state that I am riot an Optimist member,., however I've thoroughly enjoyed past festivals. I'm sure I speak for most peo- ple when I say, we applaud the Optimist members for the dedication and long hours. Such an event takes a great deal of organization. Perhaps, if our complainants attended SMak.SII.11WratiVitie„s, they would find the majority of the music enjoyable. It's only for one weekend a year. And, let's not forget where the profits go. Keep up the good work, Optimists. Sincerely David MacAdam understandable. 2. The juxtapositioning of very interesting and laudatory tid bits of biographical details with support for the no nuke motion is a very subtle way to add irrelevant appeal to the subject. A rhetorical question: What dif- ference can it make whether support for an idea comes from a World War II Estonian partisan or from a World War II Canadian Spitfire pilot? The cognitive reader will in- sist on the idea standing on its own support without need for syntactical association. 3. To show antagonism for a message by shooting the messenger is a very primitive and desparate reaction. To this end, my sur- name appeared eleven times in the text. Ad hominum remarks and innuendo are never used except in support of a losing or lost cause. 4. The council should not have passed that motion. Tom Melady Ontario Hydro proposing to increase 1988 hydro rates , Ontario Hydro is proposing to increase its electricity rates in 1988 by an average of 4.9 per cent, Chairman Tom Campbell an- nounced today. The rate proposal will be reviewed by the Ontario Energy Board. The proposed rate increase would affect over 300 municipal electrical utilities in the province who distribute electricity to their own residential, commercial and industrial customers. The increase would also affect more than 100 direct industrial customers, as well as. Ontario Hydro's 800,000 retail customers. Ontario Hydro proposes to increase elec- tricity rates by an average of five per cent for municipal utilities, 5.4 per cent for large industrial customers served directly by the corporation, and 4.1 per cent for its retail customers. The proposed increases average 4.9 per cent and would take effect January 1, 1988. The impact on individual municipal utilities, direct industrial customers and retail customers will vary depending on con- sumption patterns, supply conditions and rate classifications. DESIGNER JEWELS 4 7ted Rode/ea THE GREW ROOM 44 Ontario St., STRATFORD 271-3240 .� �� �/,•.w a .1.11”1.11b1111 A A AAA r1�.,/. New Cro p HONEY •1 lei IM 4 Now in Z �0 Cariola and 5 iii Spring Flower el ' lb. 10 4 (in your own container) fil• also Creamed Honey, Pollen0. Beeswax Candles tk!.',:# FERGUSON -APIARIES Y *� Hwy. 84, between Hensall and Zurich Mon.- Sat. Closed Sunda V •'1.30 Sunday 236-4979 (...7 •;t0, 0111000010010110111110004111/01101140004111101111e Campbell said the proposed increase is needed to cover increased costs associated with operating and maintaining existing facilities and with new facilities being brought into service to meet customers' growing electricity needs. "The proposal will keep 1988 rates to customers as low as possible, while helping to strengthen Hydro's financial position," Campbell said. The 1988 rate proposal has been submitted to Energy Minister Vince Kerrio who in turn will ask the Ontario Energy Board to hold a public hearing into the proposed rate in- crease for municipal utilities and direct in- dustrial customers. The OEB will report to the Minister by the end of August. The rate increase will be finalized by the Hydro Board of Directors in the fall and will take effect January 1. 1988. The increase would raise the average On- tario municipal householder's monthly bill by less than $3.00 in 1988, based on consump- •tion of 1,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity per month. The average householder's monthly bill is presently about $55.00 GODERIC}I SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15. 1987—PAGE 5 1984 MAZDA RX 7 GSL Genuine sports car! Well equipped with automatic, sun roof, alloy wheels, AM/FM stereo cassette, power windows. Only 33,000 km. (19,000 miles). In superb $ ." condition! Stock No 135 ONLY 31 500/ Call Bruce today at... M.W MOTORS 184 East Street, Goderich 524-2113 VOLVO • MAZDA New John Deere AMT 600. It's almost a truck. There's notating else Ste a! Our new - • • All Materials Bansport gives you true haubng ability. Not iust travel. 'Cakes Toads up to 600 pounds on twat land. up to 400 in lulls. Dumps them. too. Goes places a truck can't. ntque 5 -wheal stability and 4 -wheel differential kxk traction, 341 cc engine and 62:1 torque rano transmission for pulling power. With no gears to shdt. Spnng-loaded front fork cushioning. Low compaction. Ante -skid features. Come test dine our uotpue A.\1T 600. inHURON RT BLYTH 523-4244 Welcome Cindy... Cindy Smith - one of the top hair -styling talents in Goderich joins our team of expert, experienced stylists... Men's &Ladies' DPVID eidejqr7 76 Courthouse Square Goderich (Next to Woolworths) The Haircutting Place.... 524-4212 Appointments Not Always Necessary 11. V v 0 ANEW APPROACH TO ADOPTION DISCLOSURE IN ONTARIO 0 NOT ALL ADOPTED CHILDREN GROW UP WANTING TO KNOW ABOUT THEIR BIRTH PARENTS. BUT FOR THOSE WHO DO, THE PROCESS HAS OFTEN BEEN FRUS- TRATING AND INCONCLUSIVE. THE SAME IS TRUE FOR PARENTS, GRANDPARENTS, BROTHERS 0H'SISTERS SEAR' HING FOR A CHILD PLACE�-1-:OWADOPTTON YEARS AGO. ON JULY 6, 1987, AMENDMENTS TO ADOPTION LEGISLATION CHANGED THE CONDITIONS AND PROCEDURES FOR OBTAINING ADOPTION INFORMATION IN ONTARIO. NON-IDENTIFYING.INFORMATION, IF AVAILABLE, SUCH AS THE BIRTH FAMILY'S BACKGROUND AND MEDICAL HISTORY, WILL BE RE- LEASED ON REQUEST TO ADULT ADOPTED PERSONS (THOSE 18 OR OLDER); AND INFORMATION ABOUT THE ADOPTIVE FAMILY'S BACK- GROUND WILL BE GIVEN TO ADULT BIRTH RELATIVES, UPON REQUEST. INFORMATION THAT REVEALS THE IDENTITY OF AN ADULT ADOP- TEE OR A BIRTH RELATIVE WILL BE SHARED ONLY IF BOTH PARTIES HAVE VOLUNTARILY ENTERED THEIR NAMES WITH THE ADOPTION DISCLOSURE REGISTER AND CONSENTED TO DISCLOSURE. THE CONSENT OF ADOPTIVE PARENTS IS'NO LONGER REQUIRED. IF BIRTH RELATIVES HAVE NOT REGISTERED, AN ADULT ADOPTEE CAN REQUEST A SEARCH. HOWEVER, CONFIDENTIALITY IS PRO- TECTED THROUGHOUT. IF, LOCATED, BIRTH RELATIVES CAN SIMPLY DEGIDE NOT TO HAVE THEIR IDENTITIES MADE -KNOWN. THE ISSUES SND EMOTIONS SURROUNDING ADOPTION INFOR- MATION ARE COMPLEX, SO PROFESSIONAL ADVICE IS PROVIDED AT EVERY STAGE. THE PROCESS WILL ALSO TAKE TIME, SINCE A LARGE NUMBER OF REQUESTS ALREADY EXIST. ALL THE NEW PROCEDURES AND SERVICES ARE OUTLINED IN A FREE PAMPHLET, AVAILABLE IN ENGLISH AND IN FRENCH. (CONTACT YOUR LOCAL CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY OR WRITE THE ADOPTION INFORMATION UNIT. 700 BAY STREET, 2ND FLOOR, TORONTO M7A 1E9. IN TORONTO, CALL 963-0709. ELSEWHERE IN ONTARIO CAI.L TOLL-FREE 1-800-387-5477. 1CP Ministry of Community and Social Services Ontario. John Sweeney, Minister David Peterson, Premier