The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-15, Page 2PAGE 2 —GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 15, 1987 • ••• " ..„ „ - Complete Machine Shop Service - Automotive, Electrical and Industrial Supplier to the Community. MEMBER OF COPEL & BEST BUY 6 bk) "Where Service. Is A Habit" THANK YOU FOR LETTING US DO YOUR NEW PAD! May it soon be too small! KASE VAN DEN HEUVEL CONSTRUCTION LTD. 524-9176 FISHER GLASS & MIRROR LTD. 224 Suncoast E. [New Location] Goderich 524-7312 Best Wishes in your New Location Neighbour! . FRED LAWRENCE ELECTRIC LIMITED Home, Farm & Commercial Wiring Don Dunbar Paul Coo 526-7505 Congratulations on your new outlet! IL. A Air II Cofitracting Company Limited Clinton 482-3694 Asphalt Paving Excavating Sand and Gravel 1 1 1 / / 208 Suncoast Drive East, GODERICH 524-8389 2e giousqectu 17-)a.r2E7. 74 Hamilton St., Goderich 524-2448 gammas mower 6=2,6 411166'' R.R. No. 2 Lucknow OLLT012 andi.,Carling rimitEd 529-7247 Beau 524-2203 Heatingg to' ,cr,c1,41,13 Happy to Provide the necessary Painting Supplies for your New Outlet! • Happy • to Help Spruce Up Your New Pad Serving your Plumbing and Heating Needs THANK YOU FOR CHOSING US TO SELL YOUR FORMER LOCATION 76 Hamilton St., —Appraisals Goderich —Property Management -7-Investment4 „ . . • ,, _ . REAL esure EftKER • — Residential —Farms —Business Office 524-2671 52479097 Resort Properties