The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-08, Page 30H&R BLOCK PAGE 12A—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1987 Farnil� N�urr� Dear Captain Cgmet My name is Kelly Watterworth and my birthday is today, July 8th. For my 3rd birth- day we are having a campfire, it will be so neat. Sure hope my little brother Patrick can stay awake for it. Love Kelly I RT H D/Y CLUB Hi My name is Melissa Moore and 1 would like to join your birthday club. On July 9 I will be 7 years old but my party will be on July 8 because we are going roller skating. 1 will be celebrating my birthday with my brother Matthew, mom, dad and my friends. Bye for now, Love Melissa Huron -Perth Epilepsy chapter holds fund-raiser golf tourney SEAFORTH - A first time venture for the Huron -Perth Chapter of Epilepsy was a driving success. The fund-raising golf tour- nament was held June 28 at the Seaforth Golf and Country Club. Attending from Lon- don was Judge John McGarry, Chairman of the Epilepsy Ontario Midwest Board, board member John Copp, Cathy Pratt, who is a counsellor at University Hospital, and Bill Heslop. Clinton Councillors. Gord Yohn and Don Eastman joined in the tournament with their wives Joyce and Claudia. Dinner guests included Bill and Marg Fleming, Raymond and Mary Garon, Bob and Audry McKinleay, Betty Doherty, Father Dan Vere and Alice Brochu, who was kind enough to help with the registration. Fund-raising chairman Jerry, Hiltz, was the master of ceremonies for the evening and presented the prizes . which were generously donated by area businesses. First place in regular golf went to Seamus Doherty: First place in two ball foursome went to Suanne Smith and Dennis Vere. Win-. k ner of the closest to the pin was Gus Boussey. Winner of longest drive was Paul Dawson, Goderich and Winner of shortest driveAvas Betty Dalzell. Other winners. in Two Ball foursome 'Were: Karen De • Jong and • Terry Vere; 'Janet and Gatean Blanchette; Peggy Jones and Trudy Hill; Marj Vere and Ruth Buffinga; Jennifer Buffinga and Barb GuseM and Claudia Eastman and Betty Dolzell. Other' winners in regular golf were: Don Eastman; Clinton; Marj Baker, Hen- sall; Rob Baker, Hensall; Jim Fleming, . Clinton; Rene Brochu, Clinton; Bert Dietrich, Kitchener; Bill Baker, Hensall; Dr. David Parratt,. Stratford; Dr. Keith Hay, Clinton; Charles Kelliher, Belleville; Michelle Dietrich, Stratford; Mickey Vere, Clinton; Gail Hiltz,. Clinton; John Cameron, Clinton; Jerry Hiltz, Clinton; Frank Pyke; Joan Baker, Hensall; .Mike Moriarity; Ran- dy Vere, Clinton and Paul Vere, Clinton. A special thanks to our sponsors and, donors: 4-H regional conference different Regional Conference is not your typical ty to relate and communicate with others conference. There are . no brief cases, and their world 'awareness. business suits or sensible pumps. The The session topics include stress and delegates to -this conference will be clad in time management, goal setting; dating, ef- shorts, T-shirts, and running shoes. In- fective meetings, public speaking, inter - stead 9f an attache case of briefs, they will view skills, Canada's defense and " multiculturalism. "It's certainly a unique experience for 15 year olds and one of the many oppor- tunities offered by the 4-H program", says conference chairperson, Marg Murray. "•Besides enhancing personal develop- ment, the kids make friendships that last a lifetime". As one 4 -Her who attended Regional Conference summarized, "I wouldn't have Missed it for the world". • Crop tour planned for July 22 1 h Huron Soil and Crop Improvement tour include hard red wheat variety com- Association invites producers to attend parison, solid seeded Ex Rico white beans, their twilight tour on Wednesday, July 22. barley variety • trials and other soil and The tour will begin at 7 p.m. at the farm of crop'projects. Everyone is welcome. Bev Hill, located half a mile west of Varna For information contact the OMAF of- on County Road 3. Points.of interest on the fice, Clinton. bring lots bf enthusiasm.. This conference is designed especially for the 15 year old 4-11 member. Approx- imately 100 4 -Hers from Bruce, Grey and Huron Counties will be attending the Regional Conference at Centralia College July 22-24. The 1987 conference theme is "You are the One — Make it Count"! Delegates to theconference will be able to enhance their confidence level, their abili- Health report is released A report on health in Ontario, prepared • by a health review panel headed by .Dr. John Evans, has recently been presented to Premr David Peterson. The panel brought together different groups in The health care field to a consensus on ways to ensure the preservaton and improvement of health in Ontario, and identified seven values as benchmarks for assessing health care. These are: equity, quality, com- prehensiveness, informed choice, accoun- tability, cost:effective.ness, and commit- ment to the future. . The report found Ontarians enjoy a high standard of health and a health care system which is relatively cost-effective, and that although there is room for im- provement, no major redesign or restruc- turing is considered necessary. Three general issues were identified to provide ' an overall direction for health in Ontario: Strengthening the role of the individual: appropriate use of the system through in- centives to patients and providers, to balance health care rights with resposibilities. Improvement of links among various levels of health services and related social services: selecting funding approaches and organizational arrangements to em- phasize health promotion and disease prevention, and providing choice in health care delivery to individuals and health care providers alike. Useof outpatient and community-based health care programs to free up hospital beds for their intended purpose. Creation of an "over-all health care str3t gy with a brae rmandate anij- oinT participation of government, health care officials and residents. This could include establishment of a Premier's Council on Health Strategy, supported by a com- prehensive, accessible information system to provide relevant data for both the pro- vincial and local levels. SWINE HEALTH GRANTS The number of high health status swine herds in Ontario is expected to increase with two new grants under the Ontario Pork Industry Improvement Plan. The grant will assist pork producers who restock or establish .a minimal disease swine herd during the five years of the plan. A second grant will help build up to six caesarean section and'embryo transfer facilities at strategic locations across the province. Requirements for the grant will apply from July 1 but herds established or restocked since April 1, 1986 may be con- sidered for grants based on a recommen- dation by an OMAF veterinarian. MONEY FOR CLINTON POOL My colleague Minister of Energy Vince Kerrio has recently announced a grant in the amount of $700 under the Retrofit pro- gram for the Clinton Community Pool. v. L; to MORRIS DRAPERIES Your One Stop Interior Decorating Service Centre Custom Draperies Kirsch Track and Installation Available Draco Window Shades Wallpaper 8. C.I.L. Paints 36 West St., Goderich 524-2551 Advertise It Here! Promote your business'& products and watch your profits grow. FRED LAWRENCE Electric Ltd. Contractor HOME, FARM AND COMMERCIAL WIRING Phone Don, Auburn 526-7505 , Phone Paul, Wingham 357-1537 People do read small ads. You are reading this. Reach Potential Customers. Let newcomers get acquainted with you. Life. RRSP Annuities Investment Funds Group Benefit GARY W. SHOLDICE Mutual Life of Canada 178 Widder St., Goderich, Ontario N7A 3V4 524-2277 Quarterly club championship held Eleanor Erkine directed The Quarterly Club Championship on June 16 with seven tables competing. Winners were: North/South first - Louise Hetherington and Jean Papernick 1021/2; second - Anna Godley and Verna Worthy 88 pts; third - Mary Don- nelly and Eleanor Erskine 83112 pts; East/West first - John Wood and Marg Ball 1001/2 pts; second - Cathy McDonald and Pat Stringer 100 pts; third - Aelian Weerasooryia and P.J. Venkistawaran 95' pts. On June 23rd competition was held for the President's C.nn. Winners were: fiat - Evalene McDonagh and Frank Donnelly 70 pts; second - Dawna Sproule and Marg Don- nelly 67 pts; third, John Wood and Mar Hall 61 pts; fourth - Bill Duncan and Rali Kingswell 60 pts; fifth - Eleanor Erskine and Bill Uocnrane 57 pts. A six table Howell game was played on June 30th with a 54 average. The winners were: first - Anna Godley and Verna Worthy 63 pts; second - Marg Donnelly and Eleanor Erskine 601/2 pts; third/fourth tied - Peg Miller and Tom Eadie with Nuala Conlon and Bob Dick 59' pts; fifth - Marg Hall and Theresa Donatis 59 pts. ARDINER'S MOVERS Locally Owned And Operated U CLEAN MODERN EQUIPMENT L.J EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL ❑ PROMPT & COURTEOUS 1 PACKING CARTONS SERVICE CAREFUL HANDLING 0 FREE ESTIMATES L . REASONABLE RATES EXPERT ADVICE For Moving Anything LARGE OR SMALL 524-2421 Ritnald L. MCE n®Id CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 47 CHURCH ST.. 524-6253 Goderich, Ontario wcoetNGs AHDRefs ANI4 ERSA ceetalr, Pte' MAC CAMPBELL PHOTOGRAPHY. .PHOTOGRAPHY FOR EVERY NEED •EQUIPMENT & SUPPLIES PHONE 524-7532 FRAMES AND MATTING 1 OILOCARD ws�� a-)siuo LUBE BAY "It's a Must Against Rust" We Change Your Oil Fast To Make Your Car Last 3 DIRTY JOBS 1 CLEAN PRICE OII, Lube, Filter .............s..--.. 950 50 Picton St. E., Goderich 524-9094 LAKESHORE EROSION CONTROL SYSTEMS Installing Gabian Baskets .Seawalls •(;rains *Retaining Walls •Stone Rili-Rat Division John Maizt • • 519-529-751() of Lake Huron Farm Drainage Evening (alk Please Randy Maize 519-529-7036 Ian MacVicar, Owner 60 East St., Goderich • (519) 524-8658 11 no answer call 519,262-2621 I31• 332-5122 THE INCOME TAX PEOPLE .1 .Year Round Accounting .Financial Staicnients i :Cash Forecast Tarn, Business Budgets Income 'tar R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square 524-7661 This Space can be yours just pick up the phone and call. It's that easy.° MOBILE WASH UNITS for your hard to get at CLEANING - REQUIREMENTS GARDINER'S MOBILE WASH -IT Goderich 524-6031 "SUCCESS9, It's Simple It's Profitable It's advertising Fuller BRUSH PRODUCTS SALES REPRESENTATIVE ELEANOR CRAWFORD Goderich 524-8782 ""C INTERNATIONAL PHONES Bus. 524-7379 Res. 524-6210 Direct Ports 524-7389 BLUEWATER TRUCK CENTRE LTD. GODERICH, ONTARIO WE SPECIALIZE IN TRUCKS CARLYLE BANNISTER AIRPORT ROAD Keep your name before the buyer. List -your business today. BLUEWATER FLOORING Specialists in Pine Wood or Hard Wood Floor Finishing. `Also Pine or Hardwood floor Installation and Repairs Call: Will 482=5397 D. B. Palmer, Doctor of Chiropractic Drugless Therapist Acutherapist Office Hours: Mon. 9 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Wed. & Fri. 9 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. 73 Montreal St., Goderich 524-4555 TELECARE 24 Hr. Confidential Listening Telecare in Goderich 1-800®2654598 McKILLOP MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY 91 Main St. South, Seaforth FARM, HOME, COMMERCIAL, AUTO COVERAGES AGENTS E.F. "Bill" Durst Bob McNaughton Graeme Craig Banter & MacEwan Insurance Brokers Ltd. John Wide Insurance • Brokers Ltd. 527-1455 527-1571 887-9381 524-8376 482-3401 1 Pannell Kerr -MacGillivray CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 40 The Square Goderich 524-2677 Ronald E. Takalo, C.A.Luc Gagnon C.A. 1ADVNE—E1rRING CLASSIFIEDS 1524.2614 WHEN HOT NEWS BREAKS DON'T KEEP IT A SECRET! Phone The Signal -Star and Let Everyone Know