The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-08, Page 26ti PAGE 8A -GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1987 N\IVEL!S SALE Summer savings are yours when you shop at Sunset Save 20% and More on all new equipment and clothing 1 Each $100. purchase will entitle you to a FREE greens fee good anytime during 1987 Choose from a good selection of: •Golf Shoes •Shirts •Sweaters •Jackets •Golf Balls *Gloves •New & Used Clubs •Carts •Bags *Accessories and much more GODER1CH SUNSET GOLF CLUB AND DRIVING RANGE Hwy. 21- 3 miles north of Goderich 524-8047 Sports runo's defeats Hot Shots7-5 By Kathleen Carter In ladies slow pitch action, Bruno's beat Hot Shots 7-5, Oldtimers squeaked by Night Owls 1-0, Nile won their games against Hot Shots 2-1, Bruno's won over Meneset 6-5, Sifto mercied Nile 14-2 and Go-4-ettes mercied Night Owls 22-5. Bruno's vs Hot Shots Sheli Berlet -Barlow scored three times while Diane Little, Trish Doherty, Betty Schoemaker and Lori Kennedy scored singles for Bruno's to take the win 7-5 over Hot Shots. Vicki Abbott, Jody Hoy, Marion Meriam, Lori Kerr and Tory McDonald brought the runs in for Hot Shots. Oldtimers vs Night Owls Both teams played well defensively, and the saying "three up three down" certain- ly applied. It wasn't until the fifth inning when Norma Walter scored for Oldtimers to win the game 1-0. Nile vs Hot Shots Nile took an early lead in the third, br- inging home Evelyn Hakkers for a 1-0 score. 'In the sixth, Elaine O'Donnell scored a second run for. Nile and held the Lead until the seventh when Cheryl Smith scored to make it a 2-1 game for Nile. Bruno's vs Meneset Bonita Pollock and Laura Refflinghaus scored in the second for Bruno's, taking a 2-0 lead over Meneset. Bruno's bats kept booming in the third, bringing in Donna Caldwell, Betty Schoemaker, Sheli Berlet - Barlow and Donna Allen to increase their lead to 6-0. Meneset continued to score, br- inging in five runs, by Sandy Mabon, Sherri Warren, Mary Rivett, Linda Splan and Karen MacKinnon. Nile vs Sift° Mercy rule applied for Sifto as they went five innings against Nile to take the game 14-2. In the first, Nile scored two runs by Bon- nie Dungale and Elaine O'Donnell but couldn't hold down a rally by the Sifto team. Barb Lassaline scored three times, while Jackie Harrison, Gayle Jones and Kathleen Carter scored twice each. Carolyn Carter, Darlene Ellison, Joyce Baer, Dorrie Chisholm and Alice Stinnison scored the singles for Sifto. Night Owls vs Go-4-ettes Mercy rule applied for Go-4-ettes as they beat Night Owls 22-5 in five inni1 gs. Barb O'Brien, Deb Clarence and Cheryl Doak scored three each, Kim Austin, Lois Chap- man, Barb Ottewell, and Patt Allen scored twice each and Colleen McGregor, Wendy Crittenden, Wendy Denomme and Dianne Leddy each scored once to help Go-4-ettes take the win. Marilyn MacCuspey, Dorie Kolkman, Lynn Rumig, Patsy Keller and Cathy Oke scored the five runs for Night Owls. GLSP standings as of July 5, 1987 GP W L T Pts 10 10 0 0 20 10 8 2 0 16 10 8 2 0 16 11 7 4 0 14 10 5 5 0 10 9 5 4 0 10 11 3 8 0 6 10 2 8 0 4 10 1 9 0 2 Sifto Oldtimers Go-4-ettes Night Owls Bruno's Samuelson's Nile Meneset Double Blue P's last week: Lois Chapman, Lori Wis, Barb Lassaline, Ann Johnston, Bonita Pollock, Karen MacKinnon, Mary Pennington, Dorie Kolkman, Kim Good, Jody Hoy and Donna Caldwell. J' team captures by Rosslyn Elliott Long tall- Texans or rather the Sunset ladies beat the heat Thursday night with their version of a Texas scramble. Suc- cessful scramblers were the "J" team con- sisting of Joan McDougall, Joyce Bolton, Joan Thompson and Judy Lajeunesse. Tied with them was Shirley Baeohler, Chris Reeve, Joanne Collins and Lois Grey. The ladies finished their long haul with lunch afterwards in the clubhouse. Two ball results from Friday night had Al Beange and Ellen Connelly taking top honours. Tony Bedard and Phylis Taylor followed in second place with Marcel texas scramble SUNSET GOLF Richard and Laurie Snow winning third. The. next mixed two -ball is Friday, July 17th. Bring your favourite choice.of meat for a barbecue afterwards. Della and Tony Bedard travelled to Wingham's annual mixed couple tourna- ment and won second low gross. Sunset's own mixed couple's tourney is July 25th. Book in at the pro shop while browsing through our anniversary sale or call for details. Ladies should check at the clubhouse for the list of club matches. Also Optimist Junior Day was Monday - results will be in next week's column. Brian Reeve, won low gross of the day on men's night and Mark Culbert, low net of the day. First flight low gross was Greg Hansen with Al MacDonald taking low net. Low gross in second flight .went to Fred Jewell, and low net to Harold Refflinghaus. Bob Buller' captured third flight low gross arid Bruce Barrie captured low net. See' you at the Sunset. in '87! Goderich peewee soccer team beats St. Columban Around the Corneror AroundtheWor1d... We bring you the news you need to know to your door every week. So, whether it's time to renew your subscription or if you've just decided 'Home Delivery' is what you want .,. "We've Got The Best Deal in Town!" BUY NOW :AND SAVE ()N A ONE YEAR SUBSCRIPTION! YOU CAN EXTEND YOUR PRESENT, SUBSCRIPTION REGARDLESS OF ITS EXPIRY DATE AND SAVE 20% OFF! NEW or RENEWAL 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION *including 3 free word classifieds! Regular 22.00 FOR ONLY .., 1760 SENIOR CITIZENS 1 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION `includes 3 free word classifieds!! Regular 19.00 FOR ONLY ... 1520 *Get a -valuable bonus too ... with each subscription or renewal you receive 3 coupons, each good for one personal, 22 word; Signal -Star classified! OR .. YOU HAVE 131 DAYS LEFT TO SAVE BIG ON OUR 16 YEAR SUBSCRIPTION OFFER Forget about inflation for the next 16 years ... SAVE $192.00 on a 16 year subscription. Just fill out this valuable coupon and send it to the address Don't Miss The Signal's Yes, I would like to save $192.00 for the next 16 years on The Goderich Signal -Star. Now, only $160.011 with this coupon. NAME _ ADDRESS PHONE _— EXPIRES NOVEMBER 11/87 ART FESTIVAL SPECIALS! A7' OUR 1300TH IN THF. COURTHOUSE PARK 3 DAYS ONLY JULY 16, 17 & 18 r/(garage Sale Kits .... include~ attractive intienlury sheets, tags, free surd ad for oil) $6.1111 r/hlcttiFCS from the pa,,t cdifi in' of the Signal -Star unk 15( each or 2 tor 25(. ,,-'1 Iger I)unlop Will.... only 511( per copy Milia) available al 1 he II (iron ('Dunt), Pioneer \1u',trrn or the I Iuron Ilitiloric (;aol, V l" Nile you're (here, take a few rninrateti 10 waleh pre,,enlation of .. '1 Ahf.`o it) .\1 KL 1 )1'K `.11(,\.%1" Goderich SIGNAL -STAR Last Thursday the Goderich Peewees soccer team visited St. Columban and gained a well deserved 4-2 victory. This was the .first loss suffered by the St. Coi- . umban.team'this year. Strikers Brian Cor- riveau, with -two goals, Marc Melick and Shane Davenport with one apiece, were\ the scorers. Coach Murray Hunter was en- thused over the play of centre -half John Moody, who picked up two assists, right - half Murray Hunter, left wing Geoff Knight, defenders Shane Pollock and Carl Beier, and goal -keeper Mike Hunter. On the same evening the Mosquitos hosted Grand Bend and scored an im- pressive 4-1 win. Strikers Donny Rivers, with two goals, Jeremy Penn ';and Drew Macaulay, with one each, , were the scorers. This tine performance by coach Mike Cicchini's team was a great improve- ment over their effort three days earlier 'when they - suffered a 4-2 defeat 'at the hands of St. Columban in Goderich. Strikers Jason Meriam and Jeff Klages scored the goals. In both games Cicchini was impressed by the strong defensive performances of centre -half Mark Hoy and right -back Trisha Rumig. Last Wednesday the Atoms visited Ex- eter"and went down by a 3-2 tally. Striker Ste 'en Linklater spored both goals. Coact Al fisher praised the fine efforts of left wi g Corby Matthews, left -half Terry Par- dys, inside -right Connie Nicholson, and inside -left J.C. Kirk. Fisher felt that his tealm's display was a .marked improve- ment over their previous game. Scores 109 despite beautiful golf. weather Forty-six men turned out on men's night, Monday, June 29th, ° in beautiful golfing weather, and by 'rights the scores should have been better, but I think everyone was just relaxing and enjoying themselves. However, Jack Hinton won the low net and• also came closest to the pin on No. 5. Nice golfing, Jack! Other winners were Brian Batrell, Bill Hanly, John Alexander, Dave Almasi, Ebb Ross and Leon Gaynor. On Ladies' Night June 30th, we noticed thatholiday time was beginning to cut into our attendance with only 23 participating. Again, the weather left nothing to be desired. First flight winner was Verna Kane with first low gross. Ardith Brissette came in with first low net and Maxine Martin," the lowest number of putts. In Second flight ®N THE BALL : at the Maitland Joan McDougall was first low gross; Grace Neville first low net, and Edna Looker se- cond low net. Lowest Number of putts. Jean Knight. In the fourth flight Kay. King led the way with first low gross and Lois McGill and '4 Pat Tyndall with first and second low net respectively. Irla Stewart needed the fewest number 'bf putts. The club house has been spruced up with the Board of Directors and friends wielding brushes and paint. Very nicely done -- it is appreciated. Burtons win bowling tournament. On' Canada Day, Wednesday, the Goderich Lawn Bowling Ciub held its first tournament of the year, with approximate- ly 90 bowlers and observers attending. Dresden, Lucknow, Kincardine, Stratford, Teeswater, Clinton. Blyth, Seafoth, St. Marys, Wingham, Brussels, Exeter and London were all represented; and, of course, Goderich. Order of finish is as follows: First prize, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burton of Kincardine; second prize. Alan Gledhill and Kay Shortt, of Goderich: third prize. Art and Mary Finlayson of Seaforth: fourth prize, Neil and Edna Bell of Seaforth; fifth prize. Ed Smythe and Peg Lumsden of Goderich; sixth prize, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald of Lucknpw: consola- tion prize. Mr. and Mrs. Jim (buttes of Brussels. PRESENTED BY the I'.). B(IX 2211, (,OI4,It1('11, O\ I %RIO \7A 4116 524-2614 Suncoast Mall Goderich An open race for all Runners and Joggers of all Ages Saturday, July 18, 1987 9:30 a.m. Start Over $600. IW PRIZES for more information contact TOWN OF GODERICH RECREATION DEPARTMENT 524-2125 in conjunction with THE FESTIVAL OF ARTS AND CRAFTS