The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-08, Page 25GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1987 -PAGE 7A Cornish throws no hitter for HHardware BY BI,EWSTER A -no hitter" is • n occasion to celebrate for any pitcher ,..but possibly n.iore so in the GMSI.! Last year our league witnessed a 0-0 draw and I've seen Ed Laithwaite retire a side on two pitches, but the nu hit- ter , that Bob Cornish pitched, as Home Hardwai e blanked Shanahans 18-0. is the story of the week. Backed by a solid defen- sive effort from his team-mates and an ex- plosi . e offence that scored 18 runs in 4 inn • iii s >.: lash faced 15 batters and sent them ail back muttering nasty little words! 'Though his teammates will joke around and claire credit for saving his no hitter ori 15 occasions, the fact remains - Bob Cornish pitched and got the headline! We congratulate you on a superb perfor- mance ... so what if your team chose .Bob Graham as NIV I.' .. that's only because he is taller' The other story of the week goes to the slumping Elevator team. Winning only • five of 15 starts, they are playing far below their potential ... though I remember one sad and sorry affair at Benmiller that they were up for! One, does not have to look far to find the answer. Our league has been without a tourna- ment chairman for a few years now. Iii the past, the executive rallied at the last minute to save the tournament! This pr'ov- • ed to be too much to take on as an "extra" job. This year the executive said "NO" and there would not have been the annual GMSL tournament had it .not teen for the Elevator team. Earl Pennington, backed by his entire team, volunteered to do this for our league ... not themselves! They • have not only saved it, but restored it to the fashion of the old days when our touItna- ment was the pride of the league. Interests is always been high in our tournart en . Rather than turn teams away. Earl has expanded our tournament to 48 teams while still retaining the popular three game guarantee, four divi- sion format. Plus, they have reduced it to a three day event, using the Monday, only as an emergency rainout day. '1'he Elevators have. shown tremendous dedication and commitment to our league by offering to organize this huge event...: 48 teams ... about 1000 people! They will soon ask for our league's help in the way of work assignments. Now it is our turn to • support their efforts! So, if they appear to be slumping. Jt ..is. only because their • baseball energies -are. being exhausted in other way s.. . On the scoreboard this week, Chrysler edged Buy es Transport 17-15 on the SLOW -PITCH NOM strength of two home runs by Dave Sykes. Sifto picked up a game forfeiture from the Bulldogs, Little Bowl struck out The Parkhouse Raiders, 15-4 and the Elevators lost to Ideal Supply and. Coyotes by iden- tical 10-9 scores. Ideal blanked the BBs 6-0, Lakeland shut out Sunys 4-0 but lost a 7-6 game to Cana- dian Tire. Lakeview Ranchers blasted Chisholm TV 12-5 and tied the Chiefs 14-14 Murphys Law defeated the Gators 12-2, Thi uway Muffler blanked Shanahans 13-0 and the Local salted Sift° 17-3: Boyes Transport dow vied the Bulldogs 12-8, Chrysler defeated Little Bowl, 15-9 and Suncoast Restaurant and 'Tavern edg- ed Dearborn Steelers 9-6. Thruway edged Home Hardware 7-6, Sunys downed Mur- phy's 19-12, BB's upset the Coyotes 11-9 and Parkhouse beat Chisholms, 11-3, • Cosmos got the hat trick this week losing 103 to Chishom TV, 27-5 to the Chiefs and 7-1 to Shanahans. They also failed to sub- mit any of the sheets aid picked up a 3 for 3 tie with the finedepartment' The July general meeting will be Mori - day night ,.. I'll have a report on that next week. Catch you then! "GMSIL'' Standings to: July 3 Team GWLTF A Pt 1. Ideal 16 14 2 0 234 90 28 2. Chrysler 16 13 1 2 2273 94 28 3. Boy es 16 13 3 0 228 4. Sunys '17 12 4 1 204 5. Cdn. Tire 17 12 '5 0 199 6 Bulldogs 16 11 4 1 209 7. 'Thruway 16 11 4 1 189 8. Chiefs 15 10 .4 1 195 9 Coyotes 16 , 10 6 0 199 10. Home Hdw. 16 9 7 0 174 11, Suncoast , 15 8 6 1 142 12. Lakeland 16 8 8 0 183 13 Sifto • 16 7' 7 2 116 . 14. Parkhouse 17 7 9 1 173 15. BBs 15 7 8 0 128 16, Dearborn 15 6 8. 1 134 17. Lakeview 17$ 6 10 1 131 .18: Local 1863 15 6 9 0 144 19. Little Bowl 16 6 10 0 164 20. Elevators 15 5 10 0 121 21. Chisholm 16 „ 5 11 0 167 22. Murphys 16 5 23 Shanahans ' 16 2 24. (,, smos 17 1 '25 Gators 16 0.. 11 0 94 14 0 56 16 0 53 16' 0 63 115 145 130 102 126 139 132 139 96 136 • 99 148 173_ 135 171 161 167 26 25 24 23 23 21 20 18 17 16 16 15 14 13 13 12 12 110 10 184, 10 249 10 265 4 256 2 337 .0 The Dominion Day Open Singles Tennis Tournament was held Saturday at Maitland Coun- try Club. Here, Tom Ewer from Goderich, watches as his return goes over the net. The champion of .the tournament was Bob Dick who defeated Jim Dennis 64-46-75. Consolation was taken by Doug Smith who defeated John Crawford 6-2-6-0.(photo by, Yvette Zandbereenl Free blankets spark ast mi1es' at Raceway The second night of Goderich Raceway roved to be far more successful than pening night, thanks to the generosity of ocal merchants and patrons. A .variety of erchants/patrons donatedblankets to he winning horse of each race. The oppor- unity of winning a, balnket sparked some airly quick miles around the Goderich val. r Lindas Can Am opened the night with a nick win in 206. Owner/trainer Ray Cook f Goderich walked off with a blanket onated by Harry's Restaurant of ayfield. In the second race Viola's Woe wiled by William Bennett of Seaforth, out - aced challengers Play it Sam and heyenne Springer, to win the race in 2062. Linlor Wilfee, a" three year old gelding; wned by Holmesville Valley Farms and riven by trainer/driver Brad Vanstone, osted its first lifetime win in 2082. Gordon Kerr's five year old gelding, Gherkin out - aced six .other $2000 claimers, to collect is second win in two starts at Goderich aceway. Imageddon, a locally owned mare, set .a 1987. mark of 2044 for river/trainer Al Shelton. Owner Jack Shaw had a big night, as he collected two blankets. His horse Warren agle won the sixth race by an easy 111/2 engths, posting a new lifetime mark of 206'. Jack Shaw also .owns 'and trains Newton's Apple Ted Spooner Columnist puts the hex on sports teams Linlor Lee, the winner of the .tenth race. The seventh and eighth races were cap- tured by .locally owned horses. Don Camp- bell's Fit to be Tide won his first race in eleven starts in 206', a new lifetime mark. Grant' and Carl Fisher's Willoway Wendy won her first lifetime start in 207'. The feature race was won by Sharp Scamp, who edged out Omniscient ana Gypsy Rip. On the whole the evening was very successful, but most of the success must be attributed to those who donated Blankets: Harry's Restaurant, R.L.E. Stables, Saltfofd Valley. Hall, Jim Hayter Chev-Olds. Ltd., Randy McLean Stables,. Berkley Restaurant & Tavern Exeter, Rieck I.D.A. Pharmacy', G.W.R. Harness Repairs - and Sales Ltd., Goderich Print Shop, and Dianne Family Restaurant Ingersoll. Thursday, July 9 promises to be another exciting evening at Goderich Raceway, Gherkin moves up in class to face a tougher bunch of horses, it will be in- ' teresting to see if he can post his third win in a row. Another horse to watch is Fisher's Willoway Wendy. Veteran horseman 'Ray McLean will be on hand to drive Thursday Evening, watching Ray's driving is always impressive! Post time is at 7:30 p.m., come on out and join the action. Thursday's raceway entries Recreation .facilities receive some financial' assist�.nce l'ORONTO, June 30, 1987 - The challenge of the changing face of recrea- tion in Ontario continues to be met by the Ontario Ministry of Tourism and Recrea tion through its $15 million lottery grants program for new recreation facilities Minister John Eakins announced. "Approximately 135 projects across the province will receive financial assistance under the Capital Grants for New Recrea- tion Facilities program," Eakins said. -This program helps people throughout Ontario by providing support for the development of new and innovative sports. fitness and recreational facilities." Municipalities or groups that meet the program's financing and public ac- cessibility requirements are allocated funds for their projects. "The traditional 9 to 5 work day and I. inti recognizing the benefits of increased recreation.. our senior citizens are living longer and the special needs of the physically challenged have come , into public focus. That's why my Ministry con- siders the funding of innovative new recreation facilities' a high priority,' Eakins added. Major projects that will receive $250,000 of more will be announced in theovar future. The village of Lucknow received $190,933 toroimprovement to the .Lucknow Arena Sports Complex. The money will pay for renovations to the area dressing rooms Lucknovr Recreation Director, Bill Hunter, said the money must be spent before April 1 and construction will start as soon as possible. Lucknow has also applied for a grant to rebuild the arena's roof. Thursday. July 09, 1987. Post Time 7:30 p.m. RACE •1PACE Claiming $2500 with allowance I LAS VAL WOODROW MR 1ONDON GHERKIN DEEP RUN SUPER i.INDAS CAN AM VEi LAS SIMOES 13IG JOE 13 ID KINTORE . ARTIE RACE -2 PA Maidens JAQUi TRIPPER' MOTOKING MILTON TRIPLE R V DEAN . ROSEY VALENTINE •'STRIKER JONES K M SPRING FEVER .i M ABBA "C, G MICHELE KAMIHERBERT RACE• 3 Pace" ( Maiming $2000 with allowances ( : G JUD LINI.OR LEE: I'OMMERCE GOLD AIRBORN ACE RYE: BYE TiDE SOUTHERN ROMEO RRADASH HAPPY RACE - 4 Pace ('laiming $1500 with allowances GEE HORTON "DEEP RUN MUDDY TERRIFIC GILL HAPPY BROTHER LUCKY ROSS WARREN EAGLE NIFTY COUNT GRAVFRIARSF'AYT DAVID STAR • RACE • 5 PACE Purse:650 Claiming handicap 93000-941100 with allowances It Mclean R Battin F Maguire R Mather F Sadler W McLean B Graham Purse:575 V Vanstone R Windsor R McLean W McLean W McLean R Battin B Graham R Battin W Preszcator Purse:500 W Mclean R Battin R Campbell R Henry C Schneider Jr F Sadler M Preszcator R Henry R Battin Purse:550 B Graham W Preszcator R Henry R Vanstone G Gaynor D Windsor P Taylor Purse:500 F3 Vanstone W Mclean .1 Lester R Henry R Battin 1) Windsor D Ruddick V Kennedy (' Schneider Jr JOEY DODGER GOVERNORS DHI•,AM PERFECT SCAMP JENNIE Wil .I.VAN JENNYS SCAMP SMARTIE FRANCES 511,ENT BACKER RACE -6 PACE N/W 2 Races or $750 life CHEYENNE DREAM TAG ALONG JOEY PERFECT NADIR 'URGE TOSPLURGE " GOLDEN FRED LiNLOR TRULEE WILLOWAY WENDY RACE - 7 Pace Claiming $1500 with allowances LADY SCARLET LAGAN SKIPPER • B ITTF,B.SW EE T WILCO EAGE RISS TERRIFIC HOLLY WILLHEMAKIT TERRIFIC ENUFF TERRIFIC FLING Wi1,LAS ROGER RACE -SPACE Maidens MiSS TAXi BETTY NORTH COLOR MY DREAMS CARMELLASEEiSTER HATTIE DUKE ROYAL RODDEI ZOLA ZIP FOXY FiGHTER' MR SCRAM RACE -9 PACE N/W 3 Races or 93000 lifetime AE ('laiming $3000-$6000 with allow AF N/W 8500 1. 6 starts. Winners over draw out with 6000 claimers FiT TO BE TIDE SHARP SCAMP SPREE DOL RIVER RACER GYPSY RIP OMNISCIENT RACE 10 PACE Claiming $1500 with allowances TiERRA DELFUEGO BIG CAT T DUSTY DAULTON PRIMA IMAGE BROWNIES COUNT GOTTA MiNUTE APOPKA BYRD SLICK FERRA HiGHLAND DREAMIRR Purse:550 1'('oates V Vanstone F' Macl.eannan ti Szabo R Henry 13 Vanstone R Graham Purse:500 13 Withers S Bossence 13 Graham W Dupee J Lester • R Battin F Sadler F Sadler H Woodburn Purse .500 13 Henr) H Campbellw l Mcean 13 Battin P Lester (' Windsor F Sadler F Sadler R Campbell Purse:675 W McLean R Battin N Szabo 9' Sadler R Mclean A Shelton Purse:500 I said Boris Be( ket could win Wimbledon and he lost a: the second round, the earliest exit a defending cham- plot: has e'er inade,frum the tournament. I said last week the ('F 1 was a great game and the league was stronger than you think. Frankly, I expected to pick up the paper and read the headline " CFL foius after fast week I took quite a ribbing from readers about my Becker prediction and -some asked me to pick the Yankees to win the American League East in Major League Baseball, thereby ensuring the Toronto Blue Jays the title. 1 began to thunk maybe 1 ani a jinx. 1 thought so hard, iri fact, the rest of the editorial:staff complained about the smell of burning rubber and the sound of grin- ding gears. Could I, simply by picking them to win; guarantee 'that a sports team would lose so early and horribly that they „ would no longer be a factor. Could I use two fingers and type" Yankees win AL east rur those words in a r'lunin below that silly title with the result being Don Mattingly will only hit .150 and the Yankees will go' on a forty -game losing streak. " - 'The possibilities are inind boggling. Could I, indeed, control the outcome of ma- jor sporting events by typing at my com- puter terminal and chain smoking. Words are power. Yankee's, Tigers tie for AL east title Both the Detroit Tigers and the Yankees are a treat to the Blue Jays and what bet- ter.way'to eliminate both teams in one fell swoop than to predict a tie. I also feel the Yankees will win the, tiebreaker. They are now doubly jinxed. Russia wins 1987 Canada Cup Wayne Gretzky will skip .the tournament and his absence will 'cause the' Canadian squad to give up hope. Canada will also fail to make the playoffs and will be eliminated by Finland. • Kansas City Royals win AL west I have never liked the Royals and they have heen a constant thorn in the side of the Bltie Jays. Whenever -the Jays either need a win (recently after the Yankee sweep or they stand on the verge of greatnless (one win away from a World Series i berth 1 the Royals come along and mess things up: I also predict the 'ankess will beat the Royals in the playoff and go on to ,win the .World Series: There, that should finish the Bronx Bombers: I would like to do something for the "Toronto Maple Leafs, but I cannot predict a ea o oron o ' H ITaer (*Schneider .ir R Ratlm W Mclean F Sadler R Mclean R Henry G Gaynor R Henry the enj:ire NHL to finish h d l' T t - 1 wonoer if my jinx workslin reverse? Can I say a team will play badly and does not ,have a chance to win and will that mean they Will play like titans and run away with . the title. It is worth a try , some of my favourite teams need all the help they can get. Injuries end Leaf season early Clark, Vaive, Thomas, • Salming and Ballard all suffer season -ending injuries Ballard gets lockjaw) and the Leafs finish dead last, 20 points behind Vancouver. I can do no more for the Leafs. Cubs finish last in NL east • Chicago Cubs reach the depth of futility by dropping their last 20 home games, en- ding the season with a 30-132 record. Cub fans have seen those words before in newspapers, but in The Signal -Star they may do some good. I have been a 'Cub fan for a long time and now everyone knows how crazy I am. Becker out in first round of U.S. Open Boris Becker will lose to a blind, one leg- ged, midget from Antarctica in the first round of the U.S. Open tennis champion- ships and vows to never touch a racquet again. I have now paid my debt to Boris. If any of this silliness works and I am a jinx, I will help out your team for a small fee. I feel like Jeanne Dixon. I wonder if the National Enquirer needs a new psychic. Spoonerisms:The Goderich Jr. C Sailors will be presenting the Polka Dot Door childrens show for two shows at 1 and 3 p.m. Sept. 26 and tickets are $3.99. In addi- tion, John Hoy, president of the Sailors, said the team will make.a decision on their new coach and assistant coach this week. Hockey team needs players WINNIPEG - June 17 - The manager of 't earl Western, an adult hockey team bas- ed in Winnipeg, is looking for players to participate in a recreational tour of Europe this season. Dave Springett organizes tours for players, regardless of ability, each year and hopes to "find some interested area players to sign up for this year's journey Springett adds, "All the players have a lot of fun andget to visit dif- ferent countries and compete against Europeans, which very few players get the char -lee to do." Each player is responsible for their own travel expenses while the club provides uniforms, jackets, duffle bags, and makes all the arrangerhents. Players from B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, On- tario and"Quebec have participated in the past. The entire team is filled on a first come first serve basis and will play 5 no -contact exhibition games during the 11 day trip. All area players are welcome and can get mote information on registration by call- ing Dave Springett at 1204) 632-1521. 'tr 1