The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-08, Page 22PAGE 4A—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY. JULY 8, 1987 Entertainment COMMUNITY CALENDAR SATURDAY, JULY 11 - There will be a Bake Sale sponsored by the Catholic Women's League of St. Peter's Parish on Ju- ly 11 at the Suncoast Mall in Goderich from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. MONDAY, JULY 20 - CREATIVE COOKERY presents a special demonstra- tlun for conventional and microwave ovens at The Livery on July 20 at 7:30 p.m. Refreshments, lucky draws and recipe books available. Admission $5. Tickets a ailable from mernbers of Maitland Tennis ('lub by calling 524-7475 or at the door. SUMMER READING PROGRAM- The Sununer Reading Program is underway, t the Goderich Branch Library. This year s theme is GOBBLE IT UP. Children ages :;-12 are encouraged to join by July 9. Special craft and film days for participants are being planned for July and August.. Cer- tificates will be given at the end of. the summer • WEDNESDAY, JULY 8- Bill McEachern, a chartered accountant from Grand Bend, will be speaking on recent changes in farm taxation at the Huron County Federation of Agriculture monthly member meeting at the Clinton Public School on July 8. at 8:30 p.m. Interested farmers plan to• attend to hear about the new tax changes which will affect you. THURSDAY, JULY 23 - Lakeshore Lan- downers: Plan to attend a public meeting on the topic of Shoreline Management in- cluding: Great Lakes water levels, shore protection works, and natural shoreline pro- cesses. The meeting will be held on July 23. at 7 p.rn. at the Livery Theatre, South Street, in Goderich: Call the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority for more in - 1 urination at1335-3557. MURRAY MCLAUGHLIN-One of Canada's great songwriters and performers will be featured at The Livery on Sunday, Oct. 18 at 8 p.m. Sponsored by the Goderich Recrea- tion Department and the Goderich Perform- ing Arts Committee. Outlets to be announc- ed. Volunteers are needed for Performing Arts Committee and for this performance. Call the Recreation Department at 524-2125. SUMMER PROGRAMS -Now being organiz- ed by the Goderich Recreation Department. Join the Bert and Ernie Club for children ages 3 to 6: A new program,, Day Camp 87 will beheld at Point Farms Provincial Park for children ages 7-12 or take part in any of the summer special events for children 6 to 12 years of age. For information or to register call the' Recreation Department at 524-2125. THURSDAY, JULY 16 to SATURDAY, JULY 1§ - The 15th annual Flower Festival will be held at the Huron County Court House on the second floor. This is the an- nual showing of flowers arranged to repre- sent a theme. This year's theme is "Yours to Discover". Each arrangement will honor an annual celebration somewhere in On- tario, for example Clinton's Klompenfeest or Zurich's Bean Festival. Silver collection will, be used to help "Keep it Beautiful." Door prizes. SATURDAY, JULY 18 - A Pork -Beef Barbecue will be held at the Dungannon Senior Citizens Centre on July 18 from 6-8 p.m. Tickets available at the door. Adults ' $6, 12 arid under $3 and pre-schoolers free. WEDNESDAYS - Euchre at the Dungan- non Senior Centre at 8 p.m. Ladies please bring lunch. Admission is $1. B.W. Pawley,, a performer pearance at Goderich Memorial day night and was presented three years, he opened for on the Canadian scene Community Centre by the ECW Union Local Ronnie Hawkins' abes in Arms opened Huron Country layhouse summer season June 30 The Huron Country Playhouse is pleased to announce the opening .of their 16th An- niversary Season with the renowned musical BABES IN ARMS; music by Richard Rodgers, lyrics by Lorenz Hart and book by George Oppenheimer, from June 30 to July 18, on Main Stage, 8:30 p.m., huitinees'Wednesday, Thursday, 2:30 p.m. Based on the original .by Messrs. Rodgers and Hart, the storyline,is as follows: It is the Late 1950's and a resolute, talented group of sump hr stock apprentices are trying to stage an original revue. Their efforts' are frustrated by the positively hateful `Playhouse Producer, a former child movie star and her overbearing stage Mother. THEATRE REVIEW After a 'colorful collage of tempermental conflicts, professional reverses and love at first and second sights,"the villains are van- quished, the apprentices carry the day and. the show goes on, in trouper tradition. This is the fourth Playhouse production that Artistic Director, Steven Schipper has directed, with the added talents of Glen Kotyk to mount the choreography. Featured in BABES IN ARMS, Huron Country Playhouse is pleased to welcome many well knowri actors including last year's 'Annie' - Theresa Stewart, Karen Skidmore, Stephen Beamish, Marcia Tratt, locals Allison Dunn and John Farwell, Past Artistic Director Aileen Taylor -Smith and many, many more. Musical Direction is by .Michael Mulrboney, Set and Costume Design by Brian Perchaluk and Lighting by Grant T. Smith. This Huron Country Playhouse production of BABES IN ARMS is perfectly swell fun, clean and constantly amusing. A Wonderful Opening for the 16th Anniversary Season. For boxoffice information, please call (519) 238-801. Two Goderich natives featured in two Blythproductions at Festival Theatre Stan Coles, Jerry Franken,hrley Hall, . seats throughout the performance! In the and Judith Orban as Miss Balmoral herself, cast are Karen Barker, Neil Foster, Martha the play is directed by Terry Tweed who is' Irving, David Marr, Wayne Nicklas, Laurel also the Associate Artistic Director at the Paetz, Peter Smith and Greg Spottiswood. Festival this year. Sets and costumes are by BUSH FIRE is directed by Jackie Mycell, ' Jules Tonus with lighting by Kevin Fraser. with period set and costumes by Julesk o us and Kerry Hackett respectively..It opens on Tuesday, July 21. Tickets are still available for all four pro- ductions playing in repertory through to the end of August. Please call the Box Office at 523-9300 or 9225 for tickets and information - and be patient if the lines are busy ... with the mail disruptions many more people are calling in. At the Blyth Festival GIRLS IN THE GANG • and BORDERTOWN CAFE have opened to rave reviews - 'stylish, impudent, appealing', 'a swell evening of entertain- ment', it's flat out great ... first-rate theatre'. Now rehearsals are underway on the two plays which will open at the Blyth Festival in July. MISS BALMORAL OF THE BAYVIEW, which opens on July 14, is the third Colleen Curran play to be premiered by the Festival - and anyone who saw CAKE -WALK or MOOSE , COUNTY will know what a hilarious evening, is in store for them! Featuring Kevin Bundy, Beth Anne Cole, Also in rehearsal is BUSH FIRE by Laurie Fyffe, a suspense play based on a true mystery that occured in Lanark Coun- ty, Ontario, in the early 1800s. Those who remember Peter Colley's I'LL BE BACK BEFORE MIDNIGHT will know that the Blyth Festival excels at this sort of `thriller' - one which keeps the audience glued to their HAPPY 20th ANNIVERSARY MOM & DAD BARRY & IRENE MILLIAN JULY 8th made an ap- Arena Wednes= 16. For almost "Honky Tarok Show" and the exposure paid off by giving him touring oppor- tunities with the likes of Johnny Paycheck, Joe Sun and 'Dolly Par- ion.l photo by Yvette Zandbergen 1 • The McQuaid sisters of the Seaforth area were warmly received at the Old Tyme Jamboree held by the Huron County Federation'of Agriculture to celebrate 50 years of the federation in Ontario, The entertainment and barbecue drew both the young and old, and included a number of members instrumental in establishing the agricultural organization in HurNn County. The Jamboree was held .June 28 at the Seaforth Community ('entre. NOW YOU CAN BUY! 20" REMOTE CONTROL COLOUR. TELEVISION $59900 OR RENT FOR $2595 PER MONTH HASID ON 11 MONTHS $3595 PM MONTH SAM ON 1 MONTH R'%fyYr .,'.ckr,•f,r4'� f,¢Ksr. %.;, .,. BUY, LEASE OR RENT YOUR COLOUR TV FROM GRANADA! Granada has them! The TVs you brag about. The one for the bigTame. The one that does justice to today's special effects and big budget movies. Yes, from the newest flat screen monitors with rich, stereo sound...to the 40" Super Screen model, the newest, most popular colour TVs with remote control are at Granada now. All, covered by our no -worry "Granadacover" service. And all, ready to buy, lease or rent. So call Granada today! HAVE IT ALL. HAVE IT NOW. HOME ENTERTAINMENT Your Granada Authorized Dealer is: GODERICH ENTERTAINER 5R The Square, Goderich 524-2321 Did you know the 'music was live for every perf rom ance at Blyth • BLYTH - Did you know that the music in Blyth Festival's Girls in The Gang is live every performance? Composed by John Roby, the music is in the style of the 1950s bebop era. It's played by band members John Roby ( Keyboards ), Alex Dean (sax- ophone), sax- ophone), Brian O'Kane r trumpet t, Steve Lucas t bass). and Mark Congram i drums i - and they manage to produce that wonderful sound from extremely cramped quarters! The band sits directly behind the back wall of the Girls set, in a corridor -like space approximately 6' x 16'. They work in the dark with small lights on their musk' stands to illuminate the score. Strangely enough, the band members have never actually seen the performance on stage - they only hear GODERICH FIGURE SKATING CLUB "TEEN VIDEO DANCE" featuring Dr. Music Friday, July 31, 1987 8:00 p.m. ADVANCED TICKETS AVAILABLE July 24, 1987 7 to 10 pm at the arena July 25, 1987 1 to 4 pm at Suncoagt Mall REFRESHMENTS/DOOR PRIZES ADVANCED TICKETS $5,00 what is happening through their Ireada t. In addition.• the actors use one end of Oil musicians' -corridor" as an access to th1 stage, making for much to-ing and fro-ina • • the dark confined space' One of .the musicians, Mark Congrama ha, a local connection - his parents are both originally from Wingham and •his paternal grandparents, Wilfrid and Elsie Congram. still reside there. Mark himself, spent many holidays at his grandparents' home when h, was younger so he's no stranger to Huron County. If you haven:t yet seen Girls In The Gang. there are still tickets available for most per- formances. Don't miss out on this terrific production - and some of the catchiest music in town. Telecare TELECARE Irl Goderich 24 Hr. Confidential Listening 1-800-265®4596 STfIG EI DOE For Sandra Hulley and Steven Popp Saturday, July 11 Goderich For Information Call 524-0182 : r 524-9910 1®523-9572 STAG AND DOE Leslie Rean Brad Cook Friday, July 10187 8 p.m. -1 a.m. Blyth D.J.: Sound -trek For more information 5244452 or 524.8185 made an ap- Arena Wednes= 16. For almost "Honky Tarok Show" and the exposure paid off by giving him touring oppor- tunities with the likes of Johnny Paycheck, Joe Sun and 'Dolly Par- ion.l photo by Yvette Zandbergen 1 • The McQuaid sisters of the Seaforth area were warmly received at the Old Tyme Jamboree held by the Huron County Federation'of Agriculture to celebrate 50 years of the federation in Ontario, The entertainment and barbecue drew both the young and old, and included a number of members instrumental in establishing the agricultural organization in HurNn County. The Jamboree was held .June 28 at the Seaforth Community ('entre. NOW YOU CAN BUY! 20" REMOTE CONTROL COLOUR. TELEVISION $59900 OR RENT FOR $2595 PER MONTH HASID ON 11 MONTHS $3595 PM MONTH SAM ON 1 MONTH R'%fyYr .,'.ckr,•f,r4'� f,¢Ksr. %.;, .,. BUY, LEASE OR RENT YOUR COLOUR TV FROM GRANADA! Granada has them! The TVs you brag about. The one for the bigTame. The one that does justice to today's special effects and big budget movies. Yes, from the newest flat screen monitors with rich, stereo sound...to the 40" Super Screen model, the newest, most popular colour TVs with remote control are at Granada now. All, covered by our no -worry "Granadacover" service. And all, ready to buy, lease or rent. So call Granada today! HAVE IT ALL. HAVE IT NOW. HOME ENTERTAINMENT Your Granada Authorized Dealer is: GODERICH ENTERTAINER 5R The Square, Goderich 524-2321 Did you know the 'music was live for every perf rom ance at Blyth • BLYTH - Did you know that the music in Blyth Festival's Girls in The Gang is live every performance? Composed by John Roby, the music is in the style of the 1950s bebop era. It's played by band members John Roby ( Keyboards ), Alex Dean (sax- ophone), sax- ophone), Brian O'Kane r trumpet t, Steve Lucas t bass). and Mark Congram i drums i - and they manage to produce that wonderful sound from extremely cramped quarters! The band sits directly behind the back wall of the Girls set, in a corridor -like space approximately 6' x 16'. They work in the dark with small lights on their musk' stands to illuminate the score. Strangely enough, the band members have never actually seen the performance on stage - they only hear GODERICH FIGURE SKATING CLUB "TEEN VIDEO DANCE" featuring Dr. Music Friday, July 31, 1987 8:00 p.m. ADVANCED TICKETS AVAILABLE July 24, 1987 7 to 10 pm at the arena July 25, 1987 1 to 4 pm at Suncoagt Mall REFRESHMENTS/DOOR PRIZES ADVANCED TICKETS $5,00 what is happening through their Ireada t. In addition.• the actors use one end of Oil musicians' -corridor" as an access to th1 stage, making for much to-ing and fro-ina • • the dark confined space' One of .the musicians, Mark Congrama ha, a local connection - his parents are both originally from Wingham and •his paternal grandparents, Wilfrid and Elsie Congram. still reside there. Mark himself, spent many holidays at his grandparents' home when h, was younger so he's no stranger to Huron County. If you haven:t yet seen Girls In The Gang. there are still tickets available for most per- formances. Don't miss out on this terrific production - and some of the catchiest music in town. Telecare TELECARE Irl Goderich 24 Hr. Confidential Listening 1-800-265®4596 STfIG EI DOE For Sandra Hulley and Steven Popp Saturday, July 11 Goderich For Information Call 524-0182 : r 524-9910 1®523-9572