The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-08, Page 141 s PAGE 14-GODERICH SllJivn . ttti, svGui r,Jutt I, JULY 8, 19137 17. Apartments for Rent FOR RENT - 1 or 2 bedroom apartment 177 Albert tStreet Clinton, Stove and fridge included. Coll 262-2536. • 27 NEWLY renovated one bedroom apartment available September 1st. Fridge, stove included. Close to hospital and Champion. S315.00 per month plus utilities. Apply to Drower No. 27 c o Goderich Signol-Star P.O. Box 220, Goderich, Ontario N7A 4B6. -27 18. Houses for Rent BAYFIEID • three bedroom bungalow available immediately Phone 1.236.4230., 24tfar 'ONE STOREY house, 9th concession, Ashfield Township. Phone 529.7783. 26.27 •TWO BEDROOM home for rent immediately, Phone 524.9437 27,28x TWO BEDROOM house in Goderich. Available immediately. References required. Phone Denise at 524-6043 between 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. 27,28 , 20. Room & Board FURJ6ISHED BEDSITTING room close to The Square. Available July 1st. Phone 524.7409 or 524.4234. 24tf 23. Commercial Property for 1 Rent , I OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT • 900 sq. ft. on West St. Call 524-2664. 12tfor BAYFIELD Retail office space available immediately. Phone 482-3070. 14tf STORE FOR RENT on main street. Phone 529-7888. •1attar APPROXIMATELY 1000 sq. 'ft. main floor office space available. Close to the Square. Available September 1. Phone 524-5316. •18tfar FOR RETAIL or office space, prime location on Victoria St., Goderich. Phone 524-4244. 24tf SMALL STORE for rent at 38A Newgote'Street. Total fresh renovations. Reasonable rent, available immediately! Contact Ken McGee at 524-8391. 27tfar 247 Wanted to Rent:. FARM HOUSE in ,Clinton or Goderich area September to December. Call Peter Bachmann or Mike Pedde (collect) 416.832.7152. -22.30 WANTED TO RENT: form house on south 'side of Goderich: Phone 524-9121. 26.28 • WANTED TO RENT - 3 or 4 bedroom house in• •Goderich locality. Phone 524-9481. 27x IMMEDIATELY: 3 or. 4bedroorn house in vicinity, of C,oderich. Coll 524-8697, • 27x 25. Wanted to Buy GRADE 13 texts. Phone 524.7021.' after 5 p.m. 26,27nx • WANTED TO BUY: exercise bike in good condi- tion. Phone 524.2310 before 2 p.m. or after 6 - p.m. 27,28nx CASH PAID for Antiques, complete or partial • estates, dining, bedroom, living room suites, old jewellery, clocks, furniture etc. Call Seaforth 527-1847 or 527-1633 126. Help Wanted HIGHSCHOOL student wanted for summer mon- ths on farm. Phone 529.7258. 25,26,27 • AVON - Earn extra money and have fun doing it - start your own business for $1D. Immediate openings. Call Sharon Stephenson 1.887.6305, 27,28'• FINANCIAL SERVICES • Lorge consumer oriented organization looking for full and part-time peo- ple to market readily accepted products after a short training period. Great pay for good produc- tivity. Please send resume to Drawer No. 16 c"o Signal•Star Box 220 Goderich, N7A 4B6. 26-28 26. Help Wanted BABYSITTER REQUIRED A kind and loving person to core for toddler 8:30 to 5.30 Monday to Friday to Bayfield or Goderich area. To start July 1st, in my home or yours. Pleose call Janet Moffatt at 565-2960. 26,27 SALES CLERKS REQUIRED 1 Permanent, Part Time 2 Part Time (Summer Only) Must be able to work days and evenings. Apply to Manager 397 Bayfield Rd., Goderich Suncoast Mall SALES PERSON Full time sales person re- quired for retail store, even- ings as well as Saturdays. Neat appearance, pleasant personality, enjoys dealing with public, energetic and able ` to work with little supervision. Apply in person at: s 0 i%ntucky meted Chicken ASSISTANT. MANAGER POSITION AVAILABLE Applicants must be mature, thinking individual, willing to learn operations of a Kentucky Fried Chicken outlet. Please apply in person to the store manager of Kentucky Fried Chicken, 94 Elgin Ave. East, Goderich. • . • Maitland Valley • Conservation Authority invites applications for the position of IN- STRUCTOR in CONSERVATION EDUCA= TION, working at 'the Wawanosh Nature Centre. Qualifications: Community College or University training in Resource Management or Natural Sciences with teaching experience in Outdoor Educa- tion, or nature interpretation. A detailed position description is available from, 'the Maitland Valley Conservation Authority at 335-3557. Applications including resume and references must be forwarded by July 30, • 1987, to: R.L. Te.rvit, General Mapager - Maitland Valley Conservation Authority Box 127 Wroxeter, Ontario NOG 2X0 18 Years of Age or Over? Experienced or Inexperienced, Retired. NEED EXTRA MONEY? Then BURNS SECURITY WANTS YOU! To Become A ,Part of Our Team! If you are interested in working full or parttime as a security guard, in the Goderich and surrounding areas, send us a -hand- written letter of your employment and,education history, Include your phone number and full addrss to ensure a prompt response. BLIHN$ Barns International IIIIII Security Services 241 Colborne Street London, Ontario N6B 2S4 1-800-265-1859 Attention: Administration4Manager Work With The Largest International , Security Firm In The World! 126. Help Wanted MAID REQUIRED for cleaning rooms. Working hours: preferably days. Contact: Francis Chisholm at Benmiller Inn R.R. 4 Goderich N7A 3Y1 524-2191 Ext. 257 GODERICH MINORS HOCKEY INC. Anyorie• vanishing to coach, manage or help minor hockey for the 1987-88 season should pick up a form at Goderich Rec. Dept, and complete before July 10, 1987 and return to Box 25 Goderich, N7A 4C6. In case of mail strike leave at Rec. office. ' _DONALD JOHNSTON 524-7758 CAREER IN TRUCKING Transport drivers needed. Now is the time to train for your class "A" license. For'pre.scroening Interview and lob placement information contact: Mery Orr's Group, 1.800.265.3559. 4 etui aooR*414; HURON COUNTY MUNICIPAL POLICE COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS Serving 5 Police Forces requires a DISPATCHER Knowledge of Radio dis btching an asset. Applicants roust submit to, security screening by RCMP. Apply in writing to: Chief of Police Patrick D. King Goderich Police Force 65 West Street - GODERICH, Ontario N7A 2K5 Closing date: Friday, July 24,-1987. 27. Wanted General WANTED: French packages for a VIC 2Q. Call 529.7028 after 6 p.m. 02tfnx 28. Business Opportunity LOCAL PERSON interested in buying into business as working partner or will consider pur chasing complete business. Replies confidential to Drawer No. 2, c o Clinton News•Record, Box 39, Clinton. 26,27,28 29. Tenders TENDER Sealed Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 5 p.m. Monday, July 20th, 1987 for the construction of a Mun- cipal Office Building. Blue prints to be picked up at the township office on Huron County Road 20, Ashfield Township with a S25. deposit. Tender to Include a tentative date of completion. Lowest tender not necessarily accepted. Linda B. Andrew Clerk Treasurer Township of Ashfield RR 7, Lucknow, Ont. NOG 2H0 529-7383 Huron County Board of Education BOILER REPLACEMENT ZURICH PUBLIC SCHOOL S,vtlod Ir'ndrrs `f�tp ,nvrtrd from Ouolifiod Mor hum, nl (0,4116r tor'. for Boiler Replacement Zurich Public School Huron County. Ontario DItiwrnq' trod spari rrtt,ans w 11 nvn,lohlo July 8 1087 Irnm Vanderwesten & Rutherford Limited Consulting,Engineers 36 Talbot Road 'South Lambeth, Ontario. NOL 150 0 Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario. NOM 11.0 rend (10•1r,.0'00 (I 10 oho Bnt,:vn Off ,c^ prir, to 1.1 00 ,t of 4,<nl tont• not bvr•rino'day Joky 72 1987 1 owr•'1 nr oily tonrior trot no«••,tinr,ly tic ror•Ir'rl root 11tr• Q'. 'tor rr•,t••vt••, tho right to fol., t 'my nt n11 1o1r14r•, ho ts 128. Business Opportunity r3 ' 28. Business Opportunity i AP 01% I DEALERS success opportunity: If you are a person who relates well with people of all ages AND IF YOU ,ARE PREPARED TO WORK HARD FOR INDEPENDENCE AND A FINE IN- COME you already have the initial qualifications. , No experience necessary: just ambition, good health and character. You must successfully complete the special Mac's Training Course, and follow a success -proven system: Investment Required. The Mac's System provides the rest: a fully -equipped store, continuing operational support, advertising and promotion, computerized ad- ministration services, the power of volume purchasing, and the establish- ed prestige of Mac's highly regarded name on over 700 Mac's- Conve- nience Stores across Canada. r• CLIP THIS COUPON TODAY & SEND TO MAC'S CONVENIENCE STORES 575 Murphy Road, Sarnia, Ontario N7S 5B6 • AND WE WILL CONTACT YOU ... Name Address City- Phone Prov. Postal Code BUSINESS OPPQRTUNITY John Deere ... a growing coiiipany and a long-established manufacturer, is seeking a (lawn and garden • equipment dealer for Bayfield. Minimum investment required. Direct in- quiries in confidence to Mr. Earl Long c/o Huron Tractor Ltd. Box 1300 Exeter, Ont. NOM 1S0 235-1115 John, Deere .. a growing company Bayfield ... a grOwing community Master Dealer � I 11R1AMTq.11C C� 30.• Employment Wanted WILL BABYSIT in my home anytime. Phone • 524.2954. -23.30 - MOTHER WISHES to babysit in own home any hours starting August 1. Phone 524-9837.-- 27 ATTENTION EMPLOYERS 19 year old college student looking for Jvork. Ready. Willing -Able. CALL 482-7546 ask for MARK 131. Sere pce Directory FOR YOUR carpet and linoleum installation calf Norm 524-6482, Free estimates.' 02tfar CUSTOM BACKHOEING • drain, repair, erosion ,control, cellar drains, loser. Call Frank Postill 482-9101. 15tfar .ASPHALT.PAVING, driveways and parking lots,' Free Estimates. Phone Robert Symesl Construc- tion, Lucknow, 528-3047, 1Btf ;CUSTOM PEA PODDING • Bring your pegs and we'll pod them mechanically. Call 236.4766. 26.27 SHELTER ENTERPRISE SALES - at St. Helen's is still open for small engine repairs 27,28 WOOD FLOOR finishing, hard or soft wood floors, old or new. Finishing or refinishing. For an experience -d professional. Phone 52.9-3107.. 27.30 ' DRAPERIES UNLIMITED ('uddm Dr.yn•rie, Balloon Shades Valances Venetians • Verticals Roller°Shades Free Estimates - No Obligation f to Chop at Home Srnit e tan 524-2352 Da) or Ferning /// \Mariine Murray Proprietor APPLIANCE REPAIRS Authorized Appliance Sgrvice Centre for all •WHIRLPOOL • INOLIS •SPEED OWEN •ADMIRAL •SIMPLICITY •HOTPOINT Appllanc•s HOFFMEYER 1 PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. 51 K In9stIn St. Goderich STOTHERS SANDBLASTING Nile * Itackhon •* Septic Md& *Tile Drains *Foundations *Sandblasting Days .529=7355 livening, 529-7403 PIANO TUNING and PIANO LESSONS DAVE McKEE CALL 524-1774 OCiES YOUR -BRICK HOME NEED A FRESH LOOK? Improve the appearance by seno3blastmg FOR A FREE ESTIMATE W. ADAMSON 8 SON LUCKNOW CONTRACTING LTO. - .52a-2113 1 -`Service Directory JERRY RIVETT Bookkeeping Services 345 Huron Rd. 524-6931 All bookkeeping functions including Payroll Financial -Statements Leder Controls Tax Preparation All or In -Part •Sod •Seed •Trees •Driveway Sealing •Paving •Asphalting Call the professionals at... RATIA 5 .,1►_. LANDSCAPING NURSERY & GARDEN CENTRE ASPHALTING 166 Bennett St., Goderich 524-2645 .RENOVATIONS Reasonable Rates TWA ree Estimates ,e•eig00 CtYS EXTERIOR •Roofing •Siding • New Additions • Eavestroughing • Fencing *Siding • Dscks • Soffits • Fascia INTERIORS • Painting • Drywall • Woodworking Specializing in Kitchens Si Vanities by Oakdaki D & I ENTERPRISE Goderich 524-6257 RESIDENTIAL & :r COMMERCIAL tLEAOiNC!,.::uifvBnded and sured ••SatiNtactinn Guaranteed" -weekly maid service -spring cleaning -window washing •hour, sitting OPEN TILL 8:00 P.M. ft Doing & Laurie Falconer pan MacKinnon 524.5170 - a