The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-08, Page 12440 PAGE 12—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1987 2• 524®2424 OR, CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-265-5693 A LITTLE SUMMER ROMANCE sS fr� t'rig SILK LINGERIE THE FROM ENGLAND GREEN RCCM. 44 Ontario St., STRATFORD 271-3240 .44 Clinton and District Christian School held its grade 8 graduation recently. Graduates include: front row, left to right, Sandra Vander Wal, Janey Kerssies, Patsy Slotegraaf, Anita Bruinsma, Charlene Vandendool, Karen Bylsma and Judy Lambers; mid- dle row, Dawn Ten Pas, David Watt, James Maaskant, Beatrice 5 RULES TO LIVE BY DOI..10011111111111— -1. NEVER check your gas tank by lighting a match. JtMS SHOP F0RSALE 11\ 2. NEVER pet a strange dog. 3. NEVER try to beat a train to a crossing. 4.NEVER Iit tntl.' , market place. you need to tell your customers that you want their business. Newspaper rtrl\•ertiuing is the most efficient medium'for getting your messagt• out to your'jrimnry d• 1f, market Your htmre town 1nnrket. Studies prof ' it' And revolts prove it again and ngnin'tth S41 what iv IIle"6th !WIC 'lb live lig''' NEVE12,pass on letiN culling the (;nde'ch Signal -Star when you want youraet Int,i14r•4.. to '40H1 ..luv1 ask 'Jive What's his•name' or cull (1 tict).1 � 261r:iA1N check a wire for live voltage with your bare hand. a 5NEVER try to save money by not advertising your business. de Vries, David Van Reenen, Jeff Zondag and Susan Hessels; back row, Paul Samplonius, Derek Kootstra, Kevin Namink, Dan Verhoef, ' Anthony Nyman, Jason Zondervan and Bart Postma. Shoreline . management meeting On • Thursday July 23, the Maitland , Valley Conservation Authority will' be hosting a Shoreline Management Seminar for the general public, starting at 7 p.m.' at the Livery Theatre, South Street in Goderich. This seminar will be of interest to landowners along the Lake Huron shoreline; especially those who are thinking of building shore protection •works.. The purpose of the meeting is to explain the natural processes that occur , on the shoreline and how these processes limit the effectiveness of shore protec- tion works. For cottage owners and permanent residents living along Lake Huron the problems caused by high water levels In 1986 are fresh in their memories. Many landowners are now undertaking shone F/lTFflhIFIN 482-7103 PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" protection works to prevent future problems. Unfortunately, many of these works Will. be improperly designed and con- structed and will be likely ineffective as long-term protection. ,Speakers at the seminar will outline the most cost-effective alternatives for shore protection in light of the natural processes on lakeshores. Great Lakes water levels will also be discussed. Speakers at the meeting will include Gary Boyd, a Geographer for the Depart- ment of Fisheries and Oceans and Craig Bishop, a coastal engineer for the Na- tional Water Research Institute. For more information, contact the Maitland Valley C.A. at 335-3557. IT'S TIME! Time to deworm your whole herd at tur- nout with Banmtnth II" Dalry Cattle Dewormer pellets! Get the.most out of your herd with Ilanminth II": (1) No MIIk Withdrawal! (2) Economical! (3) Convenient! "Trademark /Authorized user LOUISE MARTIN Meet Your.ee Kingsbridge Parish/School Correspondent 529-3107 OF ARTS AND CRAFTS COURTHOUSE PARK, (;OI)ERICII THURSDAY, [RI[)AY & SATURDAY, jUI' 16, 17,11 PLAN TO ATTEND Tho, 1 r.tt\,iI 1,t \rt-,,nd ( ran. • .141 \nntl,tl `{tn\\ .Lit r•r1 Its (h(' Kr( rr•nh(4l, 1 )1114 4 III (.ntlrn(h It . h,I(I n Iht• u',luN4il ( ,, ii'. 1',,rl, no 1h. tirlu.1n ,n On. 1r n ( 1 ntn• •\rtn,,n. ( r,ttt.tN•nF)l4 ,.41(1 I),unh•r. from .111 n\, -r 041!.41,, ( 1,1)44 to (,nrlt•nr h 4., (11,0.x\ Inrl .ill th,ir 4 n ,Itlnn• \ •1144 r,4( o1,1r 114, 'r tihrn\ i, hi irl in 4 Irmo( Iron \\,lh tht• FV\ 01 .t•.1 I'Ix,lnt,r,rl,h\ r nntr.l nla'n (1) 41'4 4404.411 44r, Ti,'.•4r I i•:ir 1 r\ .t'r\t•(I oft h\ thr li!ur 1,\,,t,•r ",hrinr ( lull .41 1 r(tl.l\ `.it;l,l 11 \ r,1, ,•, ,n E'hrlr,rnr . \1,U ,Irt• Ix,, ,d,' 1 wth .4 r4 ,rr\ r(I .Ilolle lh4 trot. .h,ult r1 lr.,rk on \r,i,r r,(1.1):.i\ It NIM 1 hilver hr Iu•t ,, hrh\t,.rt \ nn %%111 h,4\ r ,ut ntlt lr,rtunrt\ 1) •44 .41,44 4,t 1111 h .t hint! nt,u14' 4 re.ition. ( r,41I. 44n11 11.l40hng• Ih,,t , .In hr ,h.rnthlr,I • .ti ,:f_ tilnt 1' 'herr t. nn .Viii tl"Vllit \'1,U \\ Mil {11' Ino' tri 1'tlln\ Ihr h/',11 rt\ 1,l 114 ,1 •tl'n{; ,141.1 t14,1h1• 414•1 i,ll turn h.1.r. in our 144.111(1041-d ,414,411 1.1\\ n .rtl,rg I tsr llr•.ti\.44414 \its .441(1 ( •,tits bruin♦ Thur•41,1\ 1,t 1411N) ,t r1114,IF)4) run, to ti,tturr1.111 4, 141) \l,r.t hnnth. \k ill be mien until 1) 11(1 It m ..11))11-,(1,1‘ And f nd,t\ i' \ w (!1 j hp it t,,.>y". � eliPfti �71� • ,;t� �4 t I c ---,l �.�� ��— l i `-- , tt��r�^ �� _ \ 00,41 46. v....,--. ;•-• lt, 7..„-----7— •Hyl .4111°- \ J. ROCK SILK LINGERIE THE FROM ENGLAND GREEN RCCM. 44 Ontario St., STRATFORD 271-3240 .44 Clinton and District Christian School held its grade 8 graduation recently. Graduates include: front row, left to right, Sandra Vander Wal, Janey Kerssies, Patsy Slotegraaf, Anita Bruinsma, Charlene Vandendool, Karen Bylsma and Judy Lambers; mid- dle row, Dawn Ten Pas, David Watt, James Maaskant, Beatrice 5 RULES TO LIVE BY DOI..10011111111111— -1. NEVER check your gas tank by lighting a match. JtMS SHOP F0RSALE 11\ 2. NEVER pet a strange dog. 3. NEVER try to beat a train to a crossing. 4.NEVER Iit tntl.' , market place. you need to tell your customers that you want their business. Newspaper rtrl\•ertiuing is the most efficient medium'for getting your messagt• out to your'jrimnry d• 1f, market Your htmre town 1nnrket. Studies prof ' it' And revolts prove it again and ngnin'tth S41 what iv IIle"6th !WIC 'lb live lig''' NEVE12,pass on letiN culling the (;nde'ch Signal -Star when you want youraet Int,i14r•4.. to '40H1 ..luv1 ask 'Jive What's his•name' or cull (1 tict).1 � 261r:iA1N check a wire for live voltage with your bare hand. a 5NEVER try to save money by not advertising your business. de Vries, David Van Reenen, Jeff Zondag and Susan Hessels; back row, Paul Samplonius, Derek Kootstra, Kevin Namink, Dan Verhoef, ' Anthony Nyman, Jason Zondervan and Bart Postma. Shoreline . management meeting On • Thursday July 23, the Maitland , Valley Conservation Authority will' be hosting a Shoreline Management Seminar for the general public, starting at 7 p.m.' at the Livery Theatre, South Street in Goderich. This seminar will be of interest to landowners along the Lake Huron shoreline; especially those who are thinking of building shore protection •works.. The purpose of the meeting is to explain the natural processes that occur , on the shoreline and how these processes limit the effectiveness of shore protec- tion works. For cottage owners and permanent residents living along Lake Huron the problems caused by high water levels In 1986 are fresh in their memories. Many landowners are now undertaking shone F/lTFflhIFIN 482-7103 PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" protection works to prevent future problems. Unfortunately, many of these works Will. be improperly designed and con- structed and will be likely ineffective as long-term protection. ,Speakers at the seminar will outline the most cost-effective alternatives for shore protection in light of the natural processes on lakeshores. Great Lakes water levels will also be discussed. Speakers at the meeting will include Gary Boyd, a Geographer for the Depart- ment of Fisheries and Oceans and Craig Bishop, a coastal engineer for the Na- tional Water Research Institute. For more information, contact the Maitland Valley C.A. at 335-3557. IT'S TIME! Time to deworm your whole herd at tur- nout with Banmtnth II" Dalry Cattle Dewormer pellets! Get the.most out of your herd with Ilanminth II": (1) No MIIk Withdrawal! (2) Economical! (3) Convenient! "Trademark /Authorized user LOUISE MARTIN Meet Your.ee Kingsbridge Parish/School Correspondent 529-3107 OF ARTS AND CRAFTS COURTHOUSE PARK, (;OI)ERICII THURSDAY, [RI[)AY & SATURDAY, jUI' 16, 17,11 PLAN TO ATTEND Tho, 1 r.tt\,iI 1,t \rt-,,nd ( ran. • .141 \nntl,tl `{tn\\ .Lit r•r1 Its (h(' Kr( rr•nh(4l, 1 )1114 4 III (.ntlrn(h It . h,I(I n Iht• u',luN4il ( ,, ii'. 1',,rl, no 1h. tirlu.1n ,n On. 1r n ( 1 ntn• •\rtn,,n. ( r,ttt.tN•nF)l4 ,.41(1 I),unh•r. from .111 n\, -r 041!.41,, ( 1,1)44 to (,nrlt•nr h 4., (11,0.x\ Inrl .ill th,ir 4 n ,Itlnn• \ •1144 r,4( o1,1r 114, 'r tihrn\ i, hi irl in 4 Irmo( Iron \\,lh tht• FV\ 01 .t•.1 I'Ix,lnt,r,rl,h\ r nntr.l nla'n (1) 41'4 4404.411 44r, Ti,'.•4r I i•:ir 1 r\ .t'r\t•(I oft h\ thr li!ur 1,\,,t,•r ",hrinr ( lull .41 1 r(tl.l\ `.it;l,l 11 \ r,1, ,•, ,n E'hrlr,rnr . \1,U ,Irt• Ix,, ,d,' 1 wth .4 r4 ,rr\ r(I .Ilolle lh4 trot. .h,ult r1 lr.,rk on \r,i,r r,(1.1):.i\ It NIM 1 hilver hr Iu•t ,, hrh\t,.rt \ nn %%111 h,4\ r ,ut ntlt lr,rtunrt\ 1) •44 .41,44 4,t 1111 h .t hint! nt,u14' 4 re.ition. ( r,41I. 44n11 11.l40hng• Ih,,t , .In hr ,h.rnthlr,I • .ti ,:f_ tilnt 1' 'herr t. nn .Viii tl"Vllit \'1,U \\ Mil {11' Ino' tri 1'tlln\ Ihr h/',11 rt\ 1,l 114 ,1 •tl'n{; ,141.1 t14,1h1• 414•1 i,ll turn h.1.r. in our 144.111(1041-d ,414,411 1.1\\ n .rtl,rg I tsr llr•.ti\.44414 \its .441(1 ( •,tits bruin♦ Thur•41,1\ 1,t 1411N) ,t r1114,IF)4) run, to ti,tturr1.111 4, 141) \l,r.t hnnth. \k ill be mien until 1) 11(1 It m ..11))11-,(1,1‘ And f nd,t\ i'