The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-08, Page 9istrict News y 1990, 15 per cent of Huron County po ulation will be over 65 years of age In. Huron County by 1990, 14.75 per cent of the total population will be over 65, county council learned at its regular July session at the court house in Goderich. The projection was included in an age analysis of the county's population - based on the 1985 enumeration - presented to coun- cil in a. report from its committee of management for Huronview. Stanley Township Reeve Clarence Rau, committee chairman, called council's atten- tion to the analysis. "I think it's interesting to see where they people over 651 come from," he, said. At present, the total population of the county 66 years of age or over is 8,060, coun- cil was told, or 14.5 per cent. In a breakdown by municipality, Bayfield has the highest percentage of its population over 65 - 24.8 per cent or 173 people. The municipality with the lowest percentage is Usborne Township with 6.8 per cent or 108 people. Goderich has the highest total of in- dividuals 65 or over, 1,229, representing 16.9 per cent of its total populations... Of the county's five towns, Seaforth has the highest percentage of those over 65, 21.3 per cent or 485, according to the analysis. For the other towns, Clinton has 17.6' per cent or 549, Exeter is slightly higher at 17.9 per cent or 663 and Wingham is higher still with 18.5 per cent or 543,. The statistics for,the villages are: Bayfield, 173 or 24.8-pecent; Blyth, 164 or 18.4 per cent; Brussels, 210 or 21.3 per cent; HeTlsall, 189 or 17.6 per cent; and Zurich, 138 Health Unit looking for The Huron County Health Unit is current- ly looking for a nutritionist to replace Cathy 'Thomson who has resigned effective August 26. • During presentation of the Huron County •Board of Health report at the July session of county council, it was learned the board has decided to adjust th.e nutritionist's salary schedule to the same as that of the health educator. This results in the minimum in-, creased for 1987 from $999 bi-weekly 1$25,974 annually) to $1,040 bi-weekly 1127,040) and the maximum increased from $1,208 $31,403) to $1,248 bi-weekly ($32,448 ). Reason for the upgrading, council was told is that each of the two positions requires similar qualifications and should fall within the same salary grid. • In addition, neighboring counties are also advertising for nutritionists at a minimum salary of $29,500 and $29,600° Bayfield Reeve Dave Johnston expressed or 17.2 per cent. In the rural municipalities, the analysis reports: Ashfield Township, 154 or 8.9 per cent; Colborne Township, 241 or 13.3 per cent; Goderich Township, 215 or 9.7 per cent; Grey Township, 167 or 8.8 per cent; Hay Township, 292 or 15.3 per cent; Howick Township, 369 or 12 per cent; Hullt) Township, 183 or 9.9 per cent; McKillop Township, 106 or 7.7 per cent. Morris Township, 180 or 10.8 per cent; Stanley Township, 175. or 10.9 per cent; Stephen Township, 644 or 15.4 per cent; Tuckersmith Township, 503 or 16.9 percent; Turnberry Township,- 192 or 12.6 per cent; Usborne Township, 108 or 6.8 per cent; East Wawanosh Township, 80 or 7.2 per cent; West Wawanosh Township, 135 or 9.7 nutritionist ,ullle coincern at the uuu.,A, decision to upgrade the salary schedule nqgwinstead of during the, coiuntry's regu`Iar salary negotiations. Goderich Township Reeve Grant Stirling, the board chairman, agreed with Mr. Johnston's comments, but also pointed out that with other counties seeking nutri- tionists, Huron would, likely be unable to recruit anyone if the salary offered were not competitive. GDCI produces first video yearbook At Goderich District Collegiate,Institute this'year, a new concept in a yearbook for- mat has been produced. Throughout the year, events at the school were videotaped and then put together at the end of the year into 'an 80 minute tape covering special events, . danc.es, sports, classroom ' activities, assemblies. etc. The,video will also be a DENOMME FLOWER SHOPPE INC. Phone 524-8132 DAY, OR NIGHT BOOK & GIFT SHOP Just off the Square on East Street, Beside the Post Office. Your y-aQ.Q,vw.anPZ, Community Card Shop •Greeting Cards •Party Ware •Office Supplies •Books &'Gifts •Wedding Stationery PROFESSIONAL DOG CLIPS & GROOMING * Weekdays *Evenings * Saturdays BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Karen Bruinsma 524-6033 ( THE SIGN OFA GOOD BUSINESS NEIGHBOUR THE SIGN OF A MERCHANT WHO -CARES ABOUT PEOPLE This emblem itlentiiie. the t it it -minded hti.11le..me11 ahu %pt)n.11r clone, in 777 the sok(I 111111111111b For information calf: 5244516 or 5244863 •J (( Rsh%I'�`/i�. �[ V- FASHION SHOW cJ,\ to be held SPONSORED BY BAYFIELD LIONESS with Tracey Luciani of CKNX as Commentator WEDNESDAY, JULY 22 BAYFIELD ARENA DOWNSTAIRS 7:30 p.m. TICKETS •1) $59°adults $40®seniors Door Prizes and Dessert record of clothing fashions for the year and popular music of the•time. "A lot of time was spent in visiting the school and then editing the tape," said Ralph Smith of Country Pictures. He prepared the video yearbook from start to finish. "It was an experiment and the help of the student council members' was appreciated:'' The important thing ti remember is that it contains pictures of students at all grade levels, from 9 to 13, and as such will be an interesting recod of events for all levels. The videotape sells for $25 including tax. Several copies have been sold and more. are available for students of all levels who attended school in 1986-87. GODER'ICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1987 -PAGE 9 All Deposits INSURED Within Limits r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 A Division of Wheeler Electronics Ltd. CANADA'S,LARGEST AND BEST KNOWN RECORD STORE A Division of Wheeler Electronics Ltd. 1 This is It! The Final Week of.,.1 1 1 70 The Square, Goderich 524-.7171 I.ME MN, IIE CREAT LP SALE Once again, this is how it works Buy 1 AlbUm"at Regular Price and get ... Second Album for Multi -Album sets excluded $500 Quantities Limited • .extends a warm invitation for everyone to come and. enjoy... SATURDAY, JULYlI, 19 87 ANTIQUE AUTOMOBILE DISPLAY 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Court House Park A number of antique vehicles will be on display for your enjoyment from the Historical Automobile Society of Canada (organized by the Radar Circle Region) and The Toronto & Brampton Model A Ford Owners Sum- mer Tour. FOR MARE INFORMATION CALL 524660O or 524.2513 •