The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-08, Page 3P Camrr'unit- News Approval given for program Huron County Council has given its ap- proval to a planning and development com- mittee recommendation that a provincial government mediation program be applied in a bylaw dispute primarily between Hay Township and Exeter. Council's decision was reached at the regular July session during presentation of the planning and development committee report by its chairman, Usborne Township_ ReeveGerald Prout. In the report, council was told the appeal period for Hay Township's comprehensive bylaw has concluded and several objections have been registered. In addition to Ex- eter's objection concerning •the Hay Agri - Park — a sore point between the municipalities for nearly two years now — objections were also lodged by several cot- tage owners. in' the township who are re- questing permanent residential zoning for their properties. Council was advised that the next step in the zoning process is to submit the bylaw for an Ontario Municipal Board hearing and while awaiting that hearing, . attempt to resolve the objections. • Since the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs has an objection mediation pro- gram, the committee recommended in- volvement of that program in an attempt to resolve the objections. Gary Davidson, the county's director of planning and development, reported that no date has yet been set for an OMB hearing, but the bylaw and all objections have been forwarded to the board. In relation to the mediation program, Mr. Davidson said the ministry would contact all of the parties involved in the issue in an attempt to resolve the differences: "Sometimes , an outside' party can bring things together," he said. "A person from outside can often find some ground on which ,the sides can travel to reach an agreement. Although he did not elaborate on the ' reason for his line of questioning, Exeter Reeve Bill Mickle asked Mr. Davidson how the mediation committee is selected and was told it would likely consist of planners from the ministry of municipal affairs. "`Are you a planner for the ministry of municipal affairs?," Mr. Mickle asked. Told by Mr. Davidson that he was not, Mr. Mickle commented cryptically, "It is my understanding the mediators have already been selected." "If that is so", Mr. Davidson said, "I have no knowledge of -any appointments." • ACOTIf_itt`? t ) T i.. : t • i t i1. R i i •'•,1': f E D A 1_' (. C7 r' -r iiDCI music teacher, Al Mullin (left) receives a $500 cheque from Goderich Lions Club President,Bob Woodall. The money goes to Music Boosters who buy musical instruments for students at Robertson school and sheet music for GDCI. The money will also go towards platform risers at GDCI, a $6,000-8,000 project. ( photo by Ted Spooner) Hospital says "No" to HIRO • In spite of • the fact that 49 Ontario hospitals have joined together to create their own liability insurance plan, Alexan- dra Marine and General Hospital Voted no • to the plan earlier this year. Hospital administrator Ken Engelstad noted the hospital's Board of Governors elected to stay with the hospital's present liability insurance underwriters, Frank Cowan Company Limited, "because we are satisfied froma cost point of view." The new company, the Hospital In- surance Reciprocal of Ontario (HIRO) was granted it§ license last Tuesday, June 30 from the provincial superintendent of insurance and began operating, Wednes- day, July 1. The company was formed as an alternative for hospitals to their tradi- tional liability insurance coverage. George Speal, chairman of the plan, noted the move represents a loss of about $13 •million in insurance premiums for companies that previously insured the hospitals. RASPBERRIES Pick Your Own or Picked ... raspberry season has just begun and the bushes are loaded, with big, red raspberries! We also have a wide selection of ... F? SH FRUITS & VEGETABLES (including Sweet Peas) PINE RIVER CHEESE, LOCAL MAPLE SYRUP FARM FRESH EGGS Stolland Farm Market Hwy. 21, 5 Miles North Open Everyday of Goderich 524-6419 The move to self-insurance was made in response to high insurance premiums noticed within the last three years, Speal, a Kingston lawyer and long-time trustee of Kingston General Hospital, said. About two and one-half years ago, hospitals were shocked as the insurance industry raised premiums an average of 450 per cent while the next year premiums were doubled, Speal said. However, HIRO was also established in response to the depleting number of hospital insurers. Most of the larger provincial hospitals have signed up with the new plan. Hospitals joining HIRO represent 19,000 of Ontario's 27,000 hospital beds. Although the local hospital has decided to remain with their present insurers, this decision was made for one year only. "I would presume that over the years we will take a look at it (HIRO) but right now •we have opted to stay with our present in- surer," Engelstad said. GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1987—PAGE 3 ECORRECTIO SUt1SATK fl'1 . L SALE ELVER Page 1 - Dome. Tent # 76-5058 - 4. Tent shown illustrates a full -screen door. This Is incorrect. It should have shown a half -screened door. Page 7 - Glaze / Spot Putty t47 -5662X. Copy reads: 1.99 to 8.99. This is incor- rect. Copy should read 1.99 to 11.99. Sorry for any inconvenience tht may have caused you, our valued customers. CANADIAN TIRE When You Need The Fest! For the best in complete Hair Care call... 48 East St. 524-4781 t MID SIZE MICROWAVE with deluxe features This microwave oven comes with features usually reserved for top -of -line models. Cooks with easy perfection thanks to the automatic temperature pro- be. 600 watts with 5 power levels including defrost •0.41 cu. ft. capacity •the equalizer cooking system •manual & automatic temperature probe settings •time -of -day. clock with .100 -minute digital timer •electronic touch controls •12 hour delay start •3 coirking stages plus pause *blank memory feature •minute minder timer •deluxe cookbook. APPLIANCE DISTRIBUTORS SEAFORTH 527-1213 SEBRINGVII1LE 393-6181 TOLL FREE 1-800-265-8589 NEED Ontario 4 SUPPORT. NOW. Your children need your support. Your financial support. They need it forall the basic things chil- drenxequire: clothing, food, and shelter.. Importantly, they need your support on a reg- ular basis. They need to know that they can count on -you. As of ,July 2, 1987, the Support and Custody Enforcement Program will be in place to ensure that support and custody responsibilities among family members are met. The well-being of your children depends on it. For a free booklet on the Support and Custody Enforcerhent Program, contact: gommunications Branch, Ministry -of the Attorney General, 18 King Street East, 18th floor, Toronto iVISC,1C5 *NI Support and Custody Enforcement Program_ R Ministry of the, Attorney General Jan Scott, Attorney General' • David Peterson, Premier of Ontario