The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-08, Page 2PAGE 2—GODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, WEDNESDAY, JULY 8, 1987 C fl1P:1 rat lations Uncle Robert & Aunt Phyllis (Ballantyne) Proud New Owners of SHELTER VALLEY CAMPGROUND Hwy. No. 8. Goderich Welcome to the neighbourhood! TOM, DEB & JEREMY GRABBY e 4 Meet your changing financial obli- gations with a Financial Security Planning Program from. The Co-operators. Call today .for complete information. . dim Bell 00 the 0 COdoperato1S INSURANCE SERVICES GODER1CH 62 West Street, 524-2138 LIFI'. • HOME . AUTO • COMMERCIAL FARM • TRAVEL District News Men's & Ladies' IRTS UP TO %r ! AND SHORTS UP TO... OFF TENNIS WEAR by PENNY SPARLING CHILDREN'S OFF SHIRTS_& SHORTS Boy's & Girl's Fashions BASEBALL e fl GLOVES UP TO... OFF CHOOSE FROM COOPER, MIZUNO, SPALDING, SSK, RAWLINGS, D & R, AND WILSON. fiY ALL GOLF CLUBS UP TO... OFF ALL PUTTERS & UMBRELLAS 20 °'° OFF ALL GOLF BAGS 20©h OFF VONEX JR. ASTRA TENNIS RACQUET 9 1 Reg. 39.99 SLAZENGER PANTHER POWER TENNIS RACQUET 99 Reg. 54.99 BAUER VINYL CHIPPER GOLF SHOE Men's & Ladies' 2999 Reg.- 39.99 PRECISION LEATHER GOLF SHOE Men's & Ladies' 99 Reg. 64.99 KENNEX SR. PRO TENNIS RACQUET 9 Reg. 69.99 ✓ .fy WILSON AVENGER TENNIS FRAME 1 99 Reg. 139.99 2O5Ob OF SELECTED FOOTWEAR COME IN AND CHOOSE FROM BROOKS, BAUER, NIKE, OSAGA, POWER, TURNTEC, TRETORN, PUMA AND MORE. POWER SYDNEY CANVAS DECK SHOE OPEN DAILY: 9 am - 6 pm Friday till 9 pm We honour Visa & Mastercard 9 99 Reg. 24.99 WOLVERINE LEATHER DECK SHOE Ladies' Grey or 4499 Navy. Reg. 59.99 Men's Grey Reg. 64.99 4999 �ilrriY1.. Comrrittee sked to x°consider pi �.. -. to sell Courthouse Any investigation into the possibility of. - Ontario Government Services Ministry and/or Attorney -General's office interest in purchasing the Huron Cognty Court House will have to wait at least until September. That is the result of action taken by Huron County Council at its regular July session, the last meeting prior to its sum- mer adjournment until September. Council turned down an agriculture and property committee recommendation that both ministries be approached to, see if they are interested in purchasing the court house, or in building a new facility for the courts. The issue was ultimately referred back to the committee for further con- sideration, but only after • discussion at some length by the members of council • present. The recommendation was included dur- ing the presentation of the agriculture and property committee report by its chair- man, Tuckersmith Township Reeve Bob Bell. The committee's recommendation results from a letter - signed by the Crown Attorney at Goderich and a number of other court officials - expressing concern about the existing court. room and office conditions within the county -owned court house. In the letter, a number of problem areas are listed, including: — On many days,' two and sometimes three courts are running at the same time. — .At present; there is only one court room suitable for such use. — Witnesses and accused persons are forced to stand and sit in the hallways and stairways. — , A shortage of interview rooms exists and office space is at a minimum. — Security for judges and court room staff is virtually non-existent. There is also a possibility, the letter states, that satellite courts in Exeter and Wingham will be moved to Goderich. The solution to the problems, the letter suggests, is that the provincial govern- •ment either lease or acquire the court house, although such a transition would not take place immediately: It was this suggestion, Mr. Bell said, which prompted the committee to make its recommendation. "We decided to write them (the ministries) and ask them if they are serious,” he said. "Do they want to buy it, or what." . When asked by Exeter Reeve Bill Mickle „ i the:ccltnmittee was seriously considering such a sale, Mr. Bell explained the com- mittee only wanted to determine how . definite was the interest of the ministries. However, he added; "I guess if they come back and tell us they'll give us $20 million, then I guess it's for sale." Mr. Mickle also expressed concern over the letter's suggestion that the Wingham and Exeter courts might be moved and urged council to make a statement declar- ing its support of maintaining these courts at their present locations. Bayfield Reeve Dave Johnston felt coun- cil should not just investigate the possibili- ty of selling the building, but should also include the option of leasing it to the courts well. "If we're going, to give them op- s ions, let's give them something that we ean still negotiate at a later date," Mr. ohnston said. Since either selling or leasing the uilding to the courts would mean Huron ounty would have to build or relocate Isewhere, Usborne Township Reeve erald Prout said consideration should be liven at the outset to acquiring "a more centralized location in the county other than Goderich." At this point, Blyth Reeve Albert Wasson, a member of the agriculture and property committee, suggested council as taking the recommendation out of pro- portion. He echoed Mr. Bell's comments that the committee was merely 'seeking more information in order to determine he seriousness of the letter's suggestion. Clerk -Administrator Bill Hanly also ointed'out that seeking, information was he committee's only. intention. "We are ust interested' in finding out if . the pro - ince is interested," Mr. Hanly said. "If hey are not, then we have nothing further o investigate." Hay Township Reeve Lionel alder plac- d strong emphasis on his opini that the founty should not be getting itself involved' n such an issue at this time. "It's the ounty's building and not the courts,'' Mr. •1!alder said. "And, if they are not happy the accommodatiofns, then let them find or build<their own. ' With 'the county now' faced with its Museum and Huronview projects, he add- ed, "as far as. I'm concerned this is the wrong time to be thinking about building a new Huron. County Court House." Mr. Wilder's sytggestion • to refer the issue back to the gi.oxiimittee. for further' consideration was adopted quickly by Council. . .. ,. _ Police make drug arrests Beginning early on the morning of July 6, 34 police officers from the Ontario Pro- vincial Police, drug enforcement section London, Mount Forest Detachment, Kin- cardine Detachment. Wingham Detach- ment, Mount Forest Police Department, Palmerston Police Department, Fergus Police Department, and Kitchener - Waterloo Police in Wellington, Grey, Bruce and Perth Counties, and the regional municipality of- Kitchener - Waterloo. A four month joint undercover investiga- tion conducted by the Ontario Provincial Police, No. 6 district crime unit, Mount Forest; and the drug enforcement section, London, centred around the municipalities of Lucknow, Mount Forest Fergus, Ar- thur, Palmerston, Holstein, Wingham and Heidelberg. Drugs seized during this four month period included cannabis marijuana, can- nabis resin, hashish and hash oil, lysergic acide diethylamide (LSD) and cocaine. Approximate street value of drugs seiz- ed is $6,000.00. At this time 13 persons have been ar- rested. Arrest warrants are outstanding for 7 persons. The Committee of Adjustment will meet on July 8 at 7 p.m. in the town council chambers. There will be a Parks and Waterfront meeting on July 8 at noon in the town coun- cil chambers. On July 14 at 7:30 p.m., there. will be a Tiger Dunlop Day Committee meeting in the town council chambers. The Aquatic Centre Committee will meet in the Recreation Office at 7:30 p.m. on July 14. There will be a Canada bay Celebration Committee meeting on July 16 at noon in the town council chambers. Town Council will meet on July 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the town council chambers. Huron County Committee of Manage- ment will meet Wednesday, July 8, at 10 CIVIC CORNER a.m., in the Court House council chambers, Goderich. Huron County Social Services Commit- tee will meet at 9:30 a.m., Thursday, July 9, 1987 in the Court House council chambers, Goderich. Huronview Committee of Management will meet at 9 a.m. on Thursday, July 16, at Huronview. ,. Huron County Road Committee will meet at 9 a.m. on Friday, July 17 in the Ex- amination for Discovery Room, first floor, Court House, Goderich. THIS WEEKEND - FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JULY 10 & 11 "Gary Boyle and His 3 pc. Band" BREAKFAST '1.99 NEW YQRK SIRLOIN DINNER (2)16.95 "LUNCH AND DINNER SPECIAL" HARBOUR LIGHTS RESTAURANT & TAVERN HIGHWAY 21 - BAYFIELD 565-2554 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 7 4.M.1 A.M. SALES & SERVICE 4 THE SQUARE' GODERICH PHONE 524.2822 TIGER DUNLOP DAYS JULY 31 -AUGUST 3 For further information phone 524-6600