The Goderich Signal-Star, 1987-07-01, Page 30It was a year to break traditions for Grade students at St. Joseph's School Kingsbridge • BY PATRICIA STAPLETON ST. JOSEPH'S SCHOOL KINGSBRIDGE Parents, teachers, Mr.. Murphy, Fattier Frank, Father Ed, Brother Carl and fellow graduates. 1 am honoured to be chosen as class valedictorian. As our senior year comes to an end we can thirik back on it with both pleasant and unpleasant thoughts. This year will always come forward in my mind. because it was very special. "It was the year to break traditions" and so we did. We seemed to break all the traditions especially in sports. Our basketball teams and volleyball teams and even two -pitch with two funny looking boys on the senior boys team were successful this year. Another of our long held traditions is one day field trips. We with the aid of the Grade 7's broke tradition this year. Who would think that our parents would let us out of their clutches for three days to Ot- atawa, Ontario. This year was only one of the nine finest years at St. Joseph's. Think how hard it was for the teachers. They took six spoiled little brats in kindergarten with some addi- tions and some subtractions throughout the years and molded us into the fine young adults you see today. I'm sure all their hard work will remain with us through the years of education and the following years of our lives. We all are blessed to have such an individual school- ing. With the population of St. Joseph's so small, there are many advantages. At our school we seem to have obtained an in- dividualized touch on our elementary education. We all knew each other here and I know it will be quite a change for my -fellow classmates and I to be in a larger school with more than four times as many people than our school population now. I am sure that everyone will miss that friendly feeling. We will all miss these things but there are also things we won't miss too. - Speaking for myself, I am getting sick of singing "0 Canada" in the morning and • the only other voice that can be heard is Congratulations WITH ALL GOOD WISHES SHEAFFER PEN TEXTRON Sheaffer EatanDivision of Textron Canada Ltd. 520_ HURON RD., GODERICH 524-7341 CONGRATULATIUNS WITH ALL BEST WISHES GraYhUrSt Business Supplies Ltd. 38 East Street Goderich 524-2648 CONGRATULATIONS You have a right to be especially proud in 1987. Here's to a successful future to all. A DIVISION OF DEARBORN BARRINCORP STEEL PRODUCTS INDUSTRIES INC. Mr. Antonio's. No offence Mr. Antonio but you haven't heard your voice at nine o'clock in the morning. Another small thing I won't miss is -bending over to get a drink of water from the fountain. The water fountains in our school are about two feet tall and you have to crouch over to get a drink and your usuallybump your head when. you stand up. Other than those few things the school is just right. I know that the graduates and I will miss our school but we must move, on to bigger and better things. I know I will_ neverforget this school, these teachers and my fellow classmates for the rest of my life. Page 11 I would like to thank them all for snaking the past nine years very special ones. The teachers who have taught us the essen- tials, thank -you for all your tune, work and patience. Also to Father Ed and Father Frank, Brother Carl who have given us their spiritual guidance, special thank- you goes out to you. Maf you pray for us, that we never lose our faith. I am sure we all have long lists of people to thank but each one would take half an hour to say each one. Just speaking for myself, I would like to thank my Grandma who has been there through the nine years but especially these past four months. She is very reliable to get jobs done and I ampro- ud to say she is my 'randma. Also, my mom and dad. My mom has worked really hard to ensure I am .properly trained. She is a strong person who will never stop working. My dad is also a worker. He is fighting his way back to health which to Most of you might be easy but he is work- ' ing with all his strength. As I end off my speech, I would just like to say to the graduates "please never forget who you are and what your rights are.. Never forget the people ,who care .about yot," -Thank-you again for this honour and as the saying goes "Little and great things come in small packages." Thank -you. HOTEL BEDFO 92 The Square...1c&Z...•.Goderich ph: 524-7337 I ilg __.,., -_ e voxy,ro mama ® MSW MOTORS, -�Cangratulations 1112.4.20T. ORS K g L 51 Qo TE18 ; y 184 E4ST ST., GODERICH 75 Kingston 51- Gotlerich � from - Goderich Franchised Crew.. SUNCOAST Vie,, FORD Auto Dealers Association MERCURY SALES --sem.'-"` 263 HURON RD.° ° ,, �� A - GODERICH OcK \ ' Gedee+eh 'n: G.p.DERICt-1 AUTO SALES 8 SERVICE.` McGEE PONTIAC BUICK CADILLAC GMC TRUCKS 37 HAMILTON 5T. GODERICH 526-6391 346 HURON RD. HWY. #8 e 268 Reyfleld Rd., Godertch The F tore is yours, you'vwg t what It takes t The Stuff of make It to the top. Good Lucid BOB Suncoaast Malt; Goderkh 524-4932 errs sb pp Main St., Exeter 235-0991